Icky question about blood clots

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jul 30, 2014
Hi all, 6 weeks ago I was hospitalized with inflammation/infection in my Terminal Ileum. Was on IV Hydrocortisone, sent home on Prednisolone with instructions on weekly reduction dosage. I am currently down to 15mg but have had an increase in symptoms since 30mg. This morning (I'm sorry!) I had 3 slug sized black/maroony colored clots (I'm presuming) in my 3rd BM.
Could this mean I have bleeding in my Terminal Ileum or could it further up in the sml intestine? Seeing GI this arvo.

Freaking OUT, shooni :sign0085:
I'm so sorry this happened shooni69 and really glad you are due to see GI soon.

If you like I could move this to the General IBD section or Prednisolone which might give it more views and responses :)
Thanks StarGirrrl, I have found unless you have the holy grail of diagnosis people don't share much,that's why I posted it in the undiagnosed club as those that have a diagnosis and go there are really supportive and nice.

Going into hospital today for colonoscopy,GI is finally calling it Colitis and wants biopsies/visuals confirming if it ulceration or infection. He explained the risk if it were infection but I just want answers as I'm sick to death of it. So here's hoping I have some answers by the end of today.

cheers shooni

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