If you had a chance would you chose a no crohns life?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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If you had a chance would you take back getting sick?

  • yes

    Votes: 211 83.4%
  • no

    Votes: 17 6.7%
  • not sure

    Votes: 25 9.9%

  • Total voters
Mar 27, 2011
I was just wondering if you had a chance would you chose to not ever had crohns, or is it something that has changed your life in a postive way?
I've only been diagnosed for 3 years. So far it has, blutly, shattered so many of my life's dreams. There are still some dreams I can persue. But my MAJOR ones have been shutdown. Point. Blank.
While I'd love to say I wish I'd never got Crohn's, especially sitting here with a HUGE open wound on my abdomen due to a major SBR/fistula/abscess surgery, but I can't say I'm sure.

I was diagnosed when I was 8, but had symptoms from when I started walking. All I have know is life with Crohn's. The problem being is that I have a wild streak a mile wide and know I could have been in serious trouble in high school if I didn't have Crohn's to slow me down.

Into my 20's I started partying a bit much and the Crohn's flared to slow me down again. The only major flare up I've had that didn't pull me out of going in the wrong direction is the most recent.

The other thing is that I don't think I'd be with Stacy (my hubby), that we'd have the kids we do or the life we have if it wasn't from the way my life has gone to this point. So Crohn's is a whole catch 22 and a big question of what if?
Part of my wish's I'd never got it. And I know that my life would be so much different without It. Yet at the same time.. I would not be the person I am now had it not been for what having crohn's disease and certain other things have put me through, To some extent I'd like to think I'm a better person for It.
I was gonna say no, because I know that if I didnt have my crohns I KNOW I never would of met my wonderful and soulmate husband after a failed marriage. I would of picked another AH... I always do. I also think my daughter is far more compassionate and caring (in her own way) because of my illness..again I have seen monster teens, glad I don't have that. Even though I suffer alot my worst pain is over knock-on-wood. ;)
I am not so sure...some days I feel like a stronger person to fight such a nasty disease whereas everyone else walks around without trouble of when their colon will hate them next and some days I hate myself and wish I was a person tha never lived by their colon. It's hard to say...
There are a few not quite sures. I guess this means that Crohn's had positive and negative impacts on some people.

This disease has changed me a little by little. Not only physically but the way I view things in life has changed for the better. I'm not taking good opportunities given to me for granted anymore.
I think that if I could have had the experience and then have become completely well, that would have been the best.

However, because of the treatment path that I have chosen, I have learned an incredible amount about the culture of food in North America. As well, I have 'met' incredible people on the forum who deal with their horrendous difficulties with an amazing grace. I think that because of these experiences I have more compassion for others and myself, and I have more gratitude for the ordinary experiences of daily life. (And my sense of smell has heightened because of my limited diet-- did you know that intensely inhaling the scent of fresh corn on the cob is almost like eating it?!) :)
Anything Crohn's has taught me about life, I could have learned anyway. So yeah, I wish I'd never had it. I cannot see any benefit to having a lifelong incurable disease.
I am quite surprised at the number of "not sure" responses. For me, it's an emphatic "yes, take it back!". Anything at all positive that has come from this disease has been FAR FAR FAR outweighed by the negative.
I tend to think these questions shouldn't be given brain space. It is not worth considering - it it like looking back. It is best to put our energy into being postitive. I hope for acceptance that's all.

Kaz xxx
I seem to be the only one to say "no". I wouldn't take back my Crohn's. It's made me more caring towards other people and it's made me go for things that I have been putting off. Like, finishing school, and going for a career in the healthcare profession.
You know... Everyone gets sick. I hate waking up everyday with the problems I face because of this disease. I was devastated recently to realize I could never sign up for Navy JAG because the disease, no matter how well controlled, is an automatic disqualifier. I've been hurt by my family's inability to understand my illness or the fact that there's no cure. And I've lost relationships that were important to me because people couldn't handle my disease. And don't forget the humiliation and occasional loss of dignity. But am I alone? Really? Of course not. Illness happens. Today, I went to an AIDS awareness 5K. There is a community - a large community - of people who suffer from some disease that has no cure, whether it be diabetes, AIDS, Crohns, or what have you. Now.. Crohns disease would not have been my choice had I time to study it or the ability to choose. But in a weird way, I'm thankful for it. It's probably the most human experience I've ever had. I enjoy life more because of my disease. I've had to rebuild myself from nothing, and because I've been at the bottom, I really know how to enjoy being on top! My disease has made me fearless in a way. I want to experience everything life has to offer, and my determination has taught me to never settle and to fight harder than everyone else. I love more, I laugh more, and I feel more:). I'm happy that I learned to be compassionate and to care more about the people around me. I think I have a greater sense if life because of my illness. It has grounded me in a way that I didn't think possible. So.. I'm not happy that I have crohns, but I am happy that I became the person that I am because of Crohns. I think there is a silver lining here?
I lived without Crohns for 35 years. I am asthmatic so I had an idea of living with a chronic condition. But Crohns? NO I would take it back in a second. Yes I know the drill, there are people who live with Aids, diabetes, multiple sclerosis etc etc etc. Still I think those people would also take back their illnes in a second if they could. And that is also the case for me. I fight the disease but I dont like it. I was good and caring and happy and I appreciated the good things in life pre-crohns too. Crohns added on the bad days of my life and not the good ones. I made me more carefull only in the part of locating bathrooms. Beeing Greek I grew up in a culture that envolves food. Hearty, well cooked, comfort, gourmet food. I can cook and I can bake but I cannot eat any more. Even worse EVERYONE around me asks me "are you allowed to eat that?" everytime I get a bite of anything.

I cannot chaperone for my kids field trips anymore, I cannot go hiking with the boy scouts anymore, I cannot go camping anymore. My husband is afraid to have sex with me in case he hurts me. Everyday I wake up thinking if I am going to flare, or puke, or ruin my pants with diarrhea. I see pity in peoples eyes and I HATE pity.

I still have an active life, working, studying, taking care of my family. But the bad days are usually more than the good ones.
I had UC rather than Crohn's and now have an ileostomy. And life is great.

I feel like I am a better and stronger person for it, and my life would almost certainly have gone down a different route. But would I get rid of it if I could, yes I would. I wouldn't hesitate.
I really hate life with crohns!!!!!! there was so much i so naturally wanted to do, like join the army, and continue being captain of all the sports teams. this life with crohns takes all that away from me. and even if i do get out people are always asking me if i'm okay cos i look ill. yes, being out, or even in, is just one hard slog. i just want to get better!!!!!
since getting crohn's at the start of 2011 it has caused me to cancel a 'once in a lifetime' trip to China and on a bad day I find myself wishing to be ANYONE else, I hate it so much but if I never got it I probably would have never found out about gastroenterologists and that's what I want to be now, also I feel proud for not letting it get me down all the time. But definitely I would choose not to have it over having it.
I would definitely choose a no Crohns life. I have been underweight my over 40+ years. Although only recently diagnosed with Crohns, been dealing with symptoms for as long as I can remember. Caused me to cancel out of countless excursions, trips, events etc. and some that I went on were stressful from being worried of an unwanted event to occur. I would love to eat some of the foods I now avoid. Family had a big juicy/greasy pizza last night and I could just watch... :(. Enough self pity though. I now appreciate so many little things that maybe I wouldn't have if not for Crohns so there is a bit of a silver lining. However, given a choice....the choice is clear.
I have had plenty of hardships and life shaping experiences. I don't need this awful illness to make me who I am. There are some positives that have come from it, but not nearly enough to make it worthwhile.
This is a rhetorical question right???

Before I got sick, I was working, making a comfortable middle class living, I spent ten years snowboarding regularly (taught for 5 1/2 years) skateboarding, BMX, motorcycling, camping, hiking, Lots of sex, no stress, no pooping myself in public/bed/private.

Why would anyone want to have this HORRID illness? It has stolen so much from me, in only 5 years! I say to Hell with CD!
Hate it, hate it, hate it, I was diagnosed in 1987 and have never been 100 percent since, it try not to let it but it does rule parts of your life !!!
I would take a no chron's life very gladly with both hands and never look back thanks! Definitly an experience I could well do without.

I'm a nurse so any experience with the health system, dealing with doctors, having investigations, taking medication etc certaily does make you more empathetic towards what your patients are going thru, but to be honest I was just as good a nurse then as I am now. In fact I was probably better then because I was giving my patients my full attention instead of running for the loo and feeling so bloody tired and sore ALL THE TIME!:D
Definitely a no crohns life for me as well. Its seriously naused my life up, a career in the RN ruined etc.
I hate the bloody thing TBH.
I hate this stinkin disease but I do know I'm very lucky to be alive and can live w/ it. But I do wish I never got sick!!
to be honest who if s/he had the say would choose to have a disease.
on my part the disease was only a nuisance to me, nothin good came out of it. i stopped rugby last year because of my anemia ( which was a result of the inflammation causing low serum iron) and this year it caused a lot of frustration in my boxing and body building regiment.
so i'd say no disease would definitely be my answer.
I'm not sure either, I was severely overweight before I was diagnosed, and hadn't there been Crohn's to interfere, I doubt I would have learned nearly as much about myself and health in general than I know now. Sure, so far the downsides seem bad; but it isn't all grey. I haven't been diagnosed for nearly as long as some of you though, and I have no idea whats to come. Not to mention that in my case, I can go through a few years without even noticing I have such a disease.
That is very true, zilla. It's all relative, isn't it? This disease certainly affects us all in different ways with varying degrees of severity. I'm sure the answer to this question may simply depend on where you are in life.
...and I have no idea whats to come...

None of us do my friend.:thumbdown:

I hope you have begun taking things one day at a time when you get ill. For me, there is less chance of depressing thoughts coming from what I wanted to do last week, but can't do now. For you, I guess this would apply outside of the good times.

Let's all hope that the Stem Cell therapies will come about the general markets soon. I would love to see a Sub-forum dedicated to the success stories of being "cured" with SCT.
I have had Crohn's for 24 years. I didn't change schools when I wanted to in order to stay close to home where my mother could drive me to the hospital in the middle of the night when needed, I have stayed at jobs that sucked just because of the health insurance. I missed countless family occasions because I was either in the hospital or extremely sick. I have spent thousands of dollars on co-pays and lost even more on missed work. I am in pain more often than not, spend a lot of time in the bathroom and wasted even more in doctor's waiting rooms. If I didn't have Crohn's my husband & I would have tried for a second child (because I wouldn't have been so sick with the first). I would give this back in a heartbeat!
While I would certainly give this disease up in a heartbeat, it has formed who I am in the grand scheme of things. Now that I have a colostomy, I basically got my life back. But, knowing that it could recur at any time, anywhere, makes me conscious and more empathetic to others. Really, who wants a chronic illness?? I guess it's what we do with what we're dealt is the real question here.
Wow Linda!! You are one tough cookie!:rosette2:

I have had Crohn's for 24 years. I didn't change schools when I wanted to in order to stay close to home where my mother could drive me to the hospital in the middle of the night when needed, I have stayed at jobs that sucked just because of the health insurance. I missed countless family occasions because I was either in the hospital or extremely sick. I have spent thousands of dollars on co-pays and lost even more on missed work. I am in pain more often than not, spend a lot of time in the bathroom and wasted even more in doctor's waiting rooms. If I didn't have Crohn's my husband & I would have tried for a second child (because I wouldn't have been so sick with the first). I would give this back in a heartbeat!
Of course

I doubt anyone who has really been hit hard by the disease would ever say it has been a good thing.

I was a few inches from death at one point, I have missed so much of my chances, I have missed school, broke up relationships, wasted time, have less of a job opportunity, so many things..

I am now stronger, completely recovered, but that doesn't take away that I wish this would have never happened.

If you gave me the option I would push the NO Crohn's button a 1000 times over.
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It was over 20 years ago when I was diagnosed. Naturally it was upsetting but my mother told me you have just one day to "grieve" and then you have to get up and carry on with life.

Since that fall day I've become a parent to two beautiful girls, one who's marching in the #1 High School marching band in Michigan and ranked 9th in the country, watch for them in the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade in NYC! I've also traveled most of the States and spent over two weeks at a Korean Orphanage for the Deaf as a missionary in 2002. Although I fell out of remisson in 2005, divorced in 2006, I trained for and finished a half marathon in Miami in 2008 with the CCFA's Team Challenge, what was rush that was! Finally, I'm married again and to the most wonderful woman in the world:Karl:

It has been a bumpy road too but I try and let those bumps pass. Of course at this writing I'm juggling of all things crohns and a Thyroid Cancer diagnosis in which I'm still waiting on word if it's spread to my lungs... ugh! Not going to give up, I've still got a lot to accomplish in life.

Cheers! :cheerss:
Crohn is a kind of bad dream and I wish to wake up some day.
I have no doubts about it. I definitively choose not to have it.
Would I chose a no Chron's life?

In a New York minute.

I became symptomatic while I was pregnant with my son who is now almost 20. His entire life, he has known his mom as being sick. While I have many periods of remission, the concern is always with him. I can see it on his face. He has became overly protective of me and I know that he is constantly worrying. I just came back from visiting him at college for the weekend (he is 8 hours away) and the traveling has wiped me out. I could not go to work and am in the bed sick. He feels guilty because I came to see him.

So would I chose a no Chron's life...You bet I would!!!!
I've been pretty lucky so far, especially in my negligence of keeping this beast under control, but yes I would take it all back if I could. The only benefit has been dramatic weight loss and better(?) diet. (Diagnosed at 17, went from 280lbs. to 200lbs. in 3 weeks)
I am thankful for the things Crohn's has taught me - empathy probably being towards the top of that list. But I would still jump over the moon if I could have chosen a life without it. There are positives, yes, I'm pretty sure I would have learned empathy through other, less devastating life lessons.
it did force me to address my health in my early 30's. as of now, i would take it back in a heart beat but who knows? maybe if i didn't have i would not consider becoming a vegetarian and then get cancer at 50 so it's too early to tell. as of now, i'd take not having it. Ask me again in 20 years.
My honest opinion is that those who are unsure or who WOULD choose a crohns life are nuts! Why on earth would u want this life crushing,destroying,bast*rd of an illness????!!!!! Come on people,be honest-we ALL would choose a non crohns life!

Yes you may have met people,been there,done that,but come on guys...really??!

Rant over :ybatty:
Hell yes I would. It wouldn't be on the top of my list of wishes if some magical genie came out of a lamp I was rubbing. It wouldn't even be the first medical condition I wish I didn't have anymore, but nothing good has come from Crohn's in my life.
I can't imagine why anyone would argue otherwise, but I wish with every fiber of my being that I was never diagnosed with Crohn's disease. There are no positives to having this disease. None.
Absolutely hate the whole crohns thing! Yeah my life would be different, but at least I could do what I wanted, when I wanted...Wish I never got the stupid disease!!!
i wouldn't hesitate for a second if offered the chance to go back and do it all over without this disease. every aspect of my life has been affected. so yes. in a heartbeat.
I was diagnosed when I was a child so its really all I know. I have no idea if I would have been better off without the diagnosis. Its opened up possibilities in schooling but who knows if I could have done that on my own or not.
I wish everyday I didn't have crohns !!! It is not an easy thing to deal with , it not only affects me but my family (my poor mom) my bf of 11 years and my friends .. I hate it !! There is so much I want to do and can't :/ .. I was get marry this month !!he finally proposed in after 10 years hehe .. and we set a date .. But then i got so sick and had to go on remicade ... meds are to much .. and now im not sure when we can get marry !! and i also have HS, which they tell me now sometime goes a long with having crohns ... So you sum it up .. i would love not to have it !!
Would I prefer a non-crohn's life?

In an instant. I have had Crohn's since 1998 without any major symptoms until a few years ago. The last 4 years have been an absolute nightmare. I can honestly say that if I was to go through again what I have already been through then I would simply give up. I know myself and although I may be a stronger person now for having survived through it all, next time round I would not cope. This disease has brought me nothing but misery - personally, professionally and financially.

Phew....I need a cup of tea now!!!
It's nothing only a hateful horrible bastard of a disease not only do I wish I'd never had it, I wouldn't wish it on my enemy's.
I have only been diagnosed since March but so far it's made me miss out on som many family/friend events it's horrible. Not to mention the amount of money between frequent doc apt., meds, now counseling for anxiety and depression. I was healthy before Crohns and now my body doesn't do what I need it to do much days. I just want to be healthy and feel healthy and I havent felt that since, so no. But I do believe it could be so much worse.
Stronger and more compassionate!

While I hate the disease and everything it has done to negativly impact my life, I am stronger mentally and more compassionate to other people with illnesses. It put my life in perspective. In the big picture, it is a small piece.
I'm not sure. I know that my life would be a lot easier if I didn't have it, especially with college and being 19. I feel like it can hold me back some, but also make me more mature and aware of whats around me. Having it is a major pain, but once its under control hopefully it wont be as bad.
Although I hate having this disease, it has made me who I am. I was forced to grow up. I have more appreciation for the small things. In a complicated way, if I did not have my flare in 2009, I would of never met my boyfriend, the man I intend on marrying one day.
But on the other hand, having Crohn's has destroyed certain aspects of my life, but I think it was God's way of saying that my plans were not his.
Has anyone's doctor ever mentioned a self to self fecal matter transplant by removal of matter, removing the harmful bacteria from the matter, culturing the healthy bacteria in the matter, and finally re-instating the original matter. This should minimize the immune response to the new healthy bacteria.
I'm going to say I would choose a no Crohn's life. Why? Because as it hit me at such a young age, it has shaped who I am.

Suffering through the physical symptoms taught me resilience and empathy. The disease was a key part of me falling into a deep depression, but through the depression I learned so much about myself. An awakening/cementing of my religious beliefs broke me free from depression, and I emerged a stronger and better person.

Had I not gotten sick in college, I don't know if I would have met the people I did, or if they would have had the same influences on me, namely my hobbies and music preference.

Most importantly, I don't think I ever would have met my wife. She is such a perfect fit for me, I don't know what I would do without her.
That is very true, zilla. It's all relative, isn't it? This disease certainly affects us all in different ways with varying degrees of severity. I'm sure the answer to this question may simply depend on where you are in life.

In complete agreement with you,Loriebird. I guess much depends on your age when symptoms first arise and the duration of the illness. I had clocked up half a century before the curse struck.

After 18 years of toilet sprinting, I am not an avid fan of CD; but there are far more debilitating diseases out there. I try to live my life around the problem and not let it take control.

Not always easy, but there is no point in wallowing in self- pity and making yourself a 'Pain in the Butt' [pun intended] to innocent bystanders!

Looking on the bright side, I am approaching the biblical three score years and ten which, as an 'angry young man' I never thought would happen!

Yours in Crohn's,
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Interesting question. I'm not sure that I would, despite the pain and misery, because it has helped me in many ways. I've been able to understand chronic illness in a way that no one else could of course, which has helped me emotionally in dealing with my mom's chronic illness (gastroparesis). It's helped her as well, knowing that I truly understand how she feels. Also, I have more empathy, understanding, and patience for those who suffer in life. And I see the small joys in life that I didn't before. My priorities and what's important are more clear.
I hate this disease and EVERYTHING it's brought with it, I sometimes wonder if I'm in a nightmare and someone just needs to come along and wake me up. Yeah I know it could be a hell of a lot worse, but I guess it's all relative. So I can safely say I would definitely take back being sick and lead a 'normal' life, because being in the Crohn's club is just miserable.
To be brutally honest, yes, I would choose a no-Crohn's life.

I might not have learnt some of the things that I have learnt, but I am sure that I would have learnt other, equally important things. I could have worked longer and without the interruptions that the Crohn's caused; I liked being a teacher and, from all accounts, was a very good one, but my teaching career was cut short.

And I could have done without vommitting in gutters and on the side of the road, having "accidents'" (what a ridiculous word for losing the contents of your bowels in public places) in supermarkets, my car, hotel and motel beds and my own bed and having faeces dribbling down my legs as I tried to decide whether it would be better to walk slowly and carefully or to run as fast as I could.

And, of course, the hours of kneeling on the floor, throwing up into the toilet in between hastily sittiing on it when when the diarrhoea struck.

Sorry, but you did ask!
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I'd choose not to have it. However, it's in no way the worst thing about my life.

I have other medical condtions that have been far worse for me than Crohn's.

Dealing with doctors as a secondary result of Crohn's has affected my life more than Crohn's itself - in a bad way unfortunately.

I can understand why some people would be glad to have Crohn's because if they didn't they might have missed out on positive experiences that have coincidently come about because of their illness. I don't feel that things have turned out for me as they should at all, so I don't feel that kind of gladness.

There are quite a few things in my life that have made it much more unhappy than Crohn's could ever do. I in no way see Crohn's as a major problem. To me Crohn's is not something you'd want if you had the choice. But it won't stop you living a happy, fulfilled life.
I would choose a life without Crohn's. I really struggled getting my head around it when I was first diagnosed and the medications have not been my friend. If I had the choice to not worry about it I so would take it!!! It's the little things... I am getting married next Feb and once the initial excitement wore off of this (only been engaged a few weeks) the thought came to mind of I hope I am not sick for it. Stupid Crohn's I say!
It's hard to say if I would want to rid my life of it or not. It's been frustrating as hell to have, but it's also improved who I am and introduced me to some of my best friends who I never want to imagine my life without.
If I could meet my friends again and know how I would turn out otherwise, I would, but it's so hard to know for sure.
If someone came up with a cure that had a 90% chance of killing me, I would take it without a doubt.

I have had Crohn's for 10 years, it has been moderate to server the whole time and my doctors are running out of treatments.
I definitely would be without crohns. I have alot of other illnesses also (some crohns related, some not) so i would never be well.. but with 8 diagnosed illnesses i would find it alot easier to live with and have a better quality of life if i only had a couple. Crohns literally hasnt given me anything good.. And id say with the stricture it has provably been the hardest to live with.
This is a tough question because dealing with crohn's has made me a more patient and in a lot of ways better person but getting it at age 11 made me miss out on so much stuff in middle & high school and later plus over the years has lead to more and more health issues.Seeing that I can't take it away it's just life there's been both good and bad that came from it.