If you suffer from a lot of pain Crohn's then I might be able to help...

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jun 17, 2014
Hey guys, what's going on?

Just a quick post this morning about some stuff I've been using to relieve the pain around my stomach area.

I've had regular pain in my stomach area since 2008, not constant, but it will come back every few weeks or so & it's such a horrible feeling!

Bur recently I had a friend introduce me to a special type of sticky strip that you stick to your body and it relieves pain within an hour or so, so I waited til the next time I was having real bad stomach pains and I tested the strips out, & i'm extremely pleased to say the pain only lasted about 2 hours then it completely went, rather than lasting a few days/a week like it usually does.

** Please don't get confused with this post, it DOESN'T do anything to get rid of the Crohn's symptoms at all, it just stops the pain that is usually caused by Crohn's. **

I have quite a few strips left & I will be buying some more soon, but I just want to see if they help some of you guys also, if you also suffer from a lot of pain caused by your Crohn's.

I will happily send you a couple of the strips to test for yourself if you live in the UK (I can't really afford to ship internationally, sorry)

Send me a message or email me at [email protected] & I will get some sent out to you :)

** Also note, these strips are completely natural, they have Fermented Korean Red Ginseng & marine phytoplankton in them, among other natural ingredients. **

Thanks everyone!

All the best & have a wonderful day.
Are you a real person or another person selling things? Stop eating gluten and dairy. Make a green drink every morning and take slippery elm bark powder. If you do this, you will be cured. It is that simple.