Ignorant people

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Apr 30, 2010
Nottingham, UK
Was at a party last night, and there was a buffet. While I was picking the tomatoes out of the quiche, I got talking to a friend's wife, who was asking about my diet (I am doing low residue on doctor's orders). I explained some of the things I can and can't eat, and she said 'what about sugar because that's really bad for you' (or somethimg like that). So I said that some experts say sugar is OK because it's digested more easily than starch (thinking of the scd guys because I was researching it yesterday). 'no, sugar causes candida' she says. So again I tried to explain but she wasn't having any of it. So then I said 'Well if I have to avoid starch because this expert tells me to, and avoid sugar because you tell me to, what can I eat?'

Her reply? 'How about a nice bowl of salad?' I reminded her of the seeds/ skins/ fibre problems.

'a glass of fruit juice' was her next choice. 'But that will have sugar in' I said. 'No it hasn't' she insisted.

At that point I gave up and walked away.

Almost forgot, at some point during the conversation she told me my diet would give me cancer!
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Oh Rebecca, don't some people just make you soooooooooooo angry!!!!! When I have told a couple of people about Meg having crohn's a reply was. Oh dear isn't that carried by rats? And another person said that is definitely caused by stress!
i'd have wanted to tell her that preaching crap is not good for your health either, & can have quite painful consequences.... lol
Next time this happens ask how long they have researched this topic and if they have researched it more than you and your doctor's then maybe you'll listen to them but if they are just siting a yahoo or magazine article then just walk away. Actually, that's usually when I bring out the scientific terms which confuses them and they walk away from me.haha
But Sharon, isn't it fun to mess with the people. I love that part about the stupid questions. I forgot earlier but if they just say that you shouldn't have something with sugar in it then ask them what food/drink doesn't have sugar in it besides water. I can tell you that they won't be able to answer that. If they try then ask for them to prove it, they won't ever answer. I guess I just have fun with these conversations.haha
Rebecca85.. sugar in excess can cause candida if you have a compromised immune system. I was just on the diet after having been battling several bouts of oral thrush/candida and fruit juice WAS on the diet - natural and simulated. I couldn't drink the fruit juice because I already had candida. Interesting how people think they are the experts on other peoples diets/illness/bodies.

Some 'friend' telling you that you are going to get cancer!! ...at a PARTY no less....
Just tell them to look up crohns, really frustrates me ! Like you say if you cut out everything what would you have left? People just don't understand !!!!
I actually have a condition, which can't be treated...

No, not Crohn's - tourettes. Now p*ss off.

tourettes and crohns can be treated, neither cured though.

and if were all honest, we are only experts in crohns, if someone told us they had some illness we would be ignorant of that disease.

i aint taking sides , just pointing out our ignorance as well.
Well I have to admit I was holding back because she's old and has health problems herself. And she wasn't a friend of mine, more a wife of an acquaintance! I admit, if she told me what was wrong with her, I would be ignorant of it. But I hope that I would listen while she explained things, try and understand, and not come out with daft things like 'you'll get cancer from eating that'.

Jeff- when I tried to point out that everything has some form of sugar in, she just said it didn't! And I also tried to point out that starch is digested into sugar anyway and she said it wasn't! So how can you explain things to people when they deny basic facts like that?

Keona- I know that sugar in excess can cause problems, but this was in the context of having a bit of pudding at a party.
Sometimes it's fun to get into those conversations to make a point, but usually those people are too dense to learn anything from our expertise. That's when I respond with, "That's interesting, I'll keep that in mind" and just move along.
The late Mr. Carlin said it best..."Just think of how stupid the average person is. Then realize, half of them are stupider than that".

ROFL!! Love it!! And loved Mr Carlin, too.... no one could ever say it better than him.....
Tee hee! I'll remember that quote next time someone pees me off!

I have come to the conclusion that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. I just saw a thing on blueberries on TV. The man said they have antioxidants etc and are good for digestive problems. Obviously I can't eat them at the moment because berries aren't allowed on low res. But I can just imagine some 'helpful' person insisting that this expert said to eat blueberries for digestive problems and my doctor must be wrong for telling me to avoid them.

Oh, and just to clarify, I don't mind people offering suggestions, it's when you nicely explain why you can't do that, and they insist you are wrong!
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I think you might have taken my post out of context - I was siding with you...re-read it.

I have had several bouts of oral thrush (candida) and sugar does not cause it. You have to have it (along with a compromised immune system) and eat sugar in excess to get candida. I think Bobby also took it out of context but he didnt address his post to anyone - so not sure. I also sided with you on the juice thing. When I was on the candida diet - fruit juice was on the list as it has high sugar...real and simulated. It is mostly refined sugar you have to get out of your diet as Candida will thrive and overgrow because of it. What I was trying to explain was you are right - you can have the juice (pudding, whatever..) even though its high in sugar - it wont cause the candida. If you already have candida then one needs to avoid the sugar. You would need a diet very high in sugar to develop candida...hence the excess.
...and bobby...not everything in excess is bad for you... e.g: water, green tea, etc.

if the woman said: "sugar ingested by someone with a compromised immune system and oral thrush/candida overgrowth, is bad for them" she would have been right. (everyone has candida in their intestines...however..... Overgrowth of candida + sugar (glass of fruit juice) = thriving overgrowth of candida.)

where she gets that fruit juice has no sugar is just simply wrong.
ignorant people ...yep. I do what you did and just pick my battles.
Water in extreme excess can kill you! Just had to throw that in there.

Keona, sorry if it sounded like I was disagreeing with you, I meant it like 'I agree with you about the excess, but this woman was trying to tell me no sugar. Ever. Not even pudding at a party.'
hahah..Im sure you can drown in a really big cup of greentea too :D But can someone actually drink that amount without throwing up?? I saw this show once where this guy was dared to drink 3 big jugs (plastic jugs) of milk. A money bet. He projectile vomited on the 2nd one.

No worries... guess I did take it out of context then...sorry.

Ya, pick your battles...the last comment alone from her was brutal.
Rebecca :hug: I hear you loud and clear on this one...

I have to bite my tongue so hard when dealing with these people.... but then clearly they know best so who I am to tell them otherwise :angry-banghead:
Hi Rebecca: Your thing about the blueberries cracked me up. I haven't gotten grief from people yet, but have heard from someone about antioxidants (at least they were very kind and respectful, and sincerely trying to help!).
I think one of the main issues is that people take things out of context and give one possible "solve" too much credit. For example, a person can't eat crap but stay healthy by adding blueberries into their diet (I liked your example about someone maybe saying the doctor must be wrong, too). Another reason is that they get confused about what it means to be an expert, and (third) they often fail to understand the difference between Wiki, an article in a newsletter, and a series of peer-reviewed papers published in reputable journals. For example, the other night people on Twitter were wailing and moaning about the death of Linsday Lohan, citing Wiki as their source. Safe to say, that "encyclopedia" was updated by its editors after an hour or so and people shut up.
When I was told about antioxidants, I thanked the person and said I would do more reading. The next day, I told them that the medical research literature has found no benefit of antioxidants for Crohn's symptoms, but that I agree that antioxidants have the potential to be health-promoting in other ways.

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