Ileum for sale, used. Will consider part ex *new member *

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Sep 24, 2015
Hello everyone. I have lurked the forum ninja style for a few weeks so thought I'd take the plunge and introduce myself ๐Ÿ˜Š

My name is Jo and I'm a, ahem, forty something crohnie living in beautiful rural Lancashire UK. I am a textile artist currently on sabbatical (as saying having to give my business up for a while due to the mother of all flare ups is still too depressing) I live with my long suffering partner and two crazy westies in a tiny cottage on the edge of a fell.

I was only officially diagnosed with crohns this year after over twenty years of fobbing off, investigations, medication, condescension and feeling like I was losing my marbles. It was no great surprise, the 'we do sometimes get things wrong' was though? comfort indeed from my consultant to his underling, gold star to the twit in the bad tie ๐Ÿ˜ For me it seemed everything, and nothing had changed. Didn't magically cure my defective bum having a label but at least the next time I rock up at A&E with a obstruction they can get a cheery 'up yours' to the first moron that offers me paracetamol and suggests I 'might be constipated' Look away gentlemen of the forum but this chick has 'issues with lady parts' too ๐Ÿ˜ฑ In the last couple of years I've had cervical resections, ablastations all to calm down my crazy innards. I'm hoping these effects were all part and parcel of this flare and they are still under investigation but happy days, I've finally got both clinics talking to each other?

So today here we are. Good old strictured section of ileum, valve kaput, fistulas, granulomas and a partridge in a pear tree. I'm waiting to see the surgeon in three weeks and fingers crossed won't be long before I'm booked in for my first surgery. Not sure what they have planned for me yet but staying positive and trying not to panic. I've the usual other suspects to deal with as so many of you do but this post is turning into war and peace and I just wanted to say Hello and look forward to being able to join in once I've navigated properly. The site has already been a fab resource and source of comfort to me.

Have a day as good as your broken innards will allow ๐Ÿ’• Jo x
Hello and welcome to the forum.I love your cheery outlook in the face of adversity.Sometimes a sense of humour is the only thing that gets us through the day eh?
Glad you found us but sorry you had to of course.I think you'll be a great asset to the Crohnie Club.Keep us updated,I hope you're having a "good"day today.
Thanks for the welcome scottsma ๐Ÿ˜Š It's good having a browse around the site as an official user instead of lurking. I'm rattling on, using the next few weeks to get as much info to amaze my surgeon with as they love it when you've had a Google ๐Ÿ˜‚ I might do him a power point presentation ๐Ÿ˜‚ Looking forward to getting to know everyone ๐Ÿ˜Š
taking aside your poor insides that was a great post thunderguts ๐Ÿ˜‚ Can I get half a pint of your positivity please
๐Ÿ˜‚ I'm a glass half full gal Jack, ok so it might be some foul concoction while I'm reading the same copy of Prima from 1986 for the 12th time in a waiting room but it's still half full ๐Ÿ˜‚
Welcome to the community and thanks for the entertaining writing style :)

I'm sorry it took you so long to get a proper diagnosis. I can't imagine what you've been through :(

I bid $5.00.
Thanks for the welcome David. I'll keep your generous opening bid in mind ๐Ÿ˜‚ I'm having a good read in surgery posts preparing for my meeting in a fortnight, it's so good reading other people's experiences.
If you find a good place to get some, let me in? I need about 25 cms or so to replace mine ;)
"Thunderguts"....I really think you need a cape and stockings because that's a superhero moniker for sure! I'm a lurker, too, and glad to read your hysterical post....not glad for your pain and certainly hopeful for a positive outcome on your surgery!
Hi Kero, good to meet you. I've my surgery appointment next week so I'll let you know exact dimensions of any going spare ๐Ÿ˜‚ Hope you're doing ok. Jo
Thanks Mellie, pleased to meet you. Lol as soon as I'd posted as Thunderguts I thought why the heck did I do that? ๐Ÿ˜‚ My superpowers are looking pale and windswept, and convincing myself I've had a good day if I've managed to change my pyjamas ๐Ÿ˜‚ Maybe I should have been 'Pyjama girl' ๐Ÿ˜‚
Hi thunderguts welcome n sorry you are here, but glad you found us .. Hope all goes well thurs n things get better for you real soon. Take care n best wishes...

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