"Ill again ?"

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Mar 16, 2009
Hello friends

Have been signed off work again, more antibiotics, etc. After being in hosp a month ago for 6days. I also have a hiatus hernia as well as crohns/ colitis, I have had tummy cramps but also had a really bad throat and glands are up on my neck and even hurt under my arms,, my GP says I'm trying to fight off viruses but my immunity is 'zilch'. I feel so down and have no self esteem. All my bloods a month ago are fine though. I ache like I have flu. In the past 16mnths have had hemi-colectomy and last August had to have melanoma taken away from my back. Which Iam now clear of.

Was in hosp a month ago for 6 days on iv antibiotics for infection, and believe its come back.

What upsets me is when people say "oh ill again" and mentally hurts me so they dont talk to me for a while.

Please, please tell me how to cope xx:Flower:
hello karisue,
concerning the disease, nothing to help about. as for me i know that it will always stay inside me, i have to take care of it. as u have to act too.

last week i was in the hospital, for a pain last for 5 days, i wasnt eating, and vomiting z hole time.

as usual we always hear, iiiii poor, in hospital again, i dont give a ****, bcz they dont understand wht we r going through. this disease is our baby, as much as we care about it, as much as he lives in a good way.

that's it
good luck for u.
hi Karisue - i don't know, regarding how to cope, what the answer is. people will have this attitude without even thinking how it feels for the one who is poorly. as if it's not bad enough us having a downer on ourselves!!

maybe just console yourself that they are talking through ignorance.. and that, because of what you've been through, you are a more sympathetic and patient person than they are.

i noticed you mentioned your GP's thoughts on your health right now.. have you discussed how you are feeling at the moment with a consultant?

and hi & welcome to LeslieN :)
I agree with ding. People seem to talk alot of times without thinking at all. The truth of it, we are always sick, but that is not for someone else to tell us in a negitive way. I know how it feels to have people say "o, sick again" to me and now a days I tend to just let it go for the most part, it still hurts in some ways, but I just remind myself that they have no idea what they are talking about and I am a stronger and more compationate person in general due to all my problems. I am always there for someone when they need a friend and I never criticize or judge them. Negitive remarks like that can truely help you become a better person, too bad the one who talks down can't get that same effect.
It just is not really possible for someone to put themselves in our position. Since they can't do that, they really have no way of knowing what it is like to have this condition, or any other disease for that matter.

I don't really talk about it, unless someone asks me directly. That is hard to do when you are sick.

We are all here for you, and have a better understanding since we have dealt with it to one extent or another.

Feel free to post here to talk with people who understand.

It's definitely soul-crushing to be told by someone that they are "sick" of hearing about your illness.
I get this a lot from the folks at work, too... And considering a past staff member was off for 3 months for his Crohn's... I thought they might be a little more understanding. It can be tough but I guess we just have to keep our heads where our feet are... and just remember that our health is way more important than what others think of us.

mRae85 said:
I agree with ding. People seem to talk alot of times without thinking at all. The truth of it, we are always sick, but that is not for someone else to tell us in a negitive way. I know how it feels to have people say "o, sick again" to me and now a days I tend to just let it go for the most part, it still hurts in some ways, but I just remind myself that they have no idea what they are talking about and I am a stronger and more compationate person in general due to all my problems. I am always there for someone when they need a friend and I never criticize or judge them. Negitive remarks like that can truely help you become a better person, too bad the one who talks down can't get that same effect.

Thank you, you are right it does make you stonger, and I'm always helping other people out no matter what is wrong with me. I think everyone gets down at times though, especially after a long spell of antibiotics.
yea, we do all get down. I know I have no one really to talk to about anything and seriously no support system. People try to understand but it only goes so far when they make harsh remarks. That is what makes this place heaven to me, everyone understands. Believe me, I have spent many nights balling my eyes out and just feeling like giving up after someones rude comment, but in the end I pull myself together and go on. It seems to get easier as time goes on to brush these things off, but they do still hurt. I am sure adventually I will go off about it on here, but hopefully it wont be today or anytime too soon. :)
Hi karisue, I'm sorry to hear that someone said that to you - how hurtful and thoughtless of them. It is amazing the types of things people will say without recognising that it could be rude. I hate it when people say to me 'oh I don't know how you stand it, I'm so happy I don't have Crohns'.... well, yeah. I'm happy for you that you don't have Crohns too - honestly I am. But don't you think it might sting a little for me to have to listen as you actually Thank God in front of me that you don't have what I have??
Ahem. Sorry, this appears to have turned into a bit of a rant.. Chin up karisue, don't let rude people get you down :)
MsSickandTired said:
I get this a lot from the folks at work, too... And considering a past staff member was off for 3 months for his Crohn's... I thought they might be a little more understanding. It can be tough but I guess we just have to keep our heads where our feet are... and just remember that our health is way more important than what others think of us.

I'm running into the issue right now of being in a bad flare and frankly there's no way I can hide it. Just my physical appearance alone is terrible. My face is bright red and flaking off. I can barely eat, I'm losing weight, I'm weak and exhausted at times to the point of stumbling around like I'm drunk. I'm also quite irritable. It's pretty much impossible to get away with telling people I'm fine when they ask. But then I feel like a total ass if I tell people how bad off I am at the moment. It seems like whining or using the disease for sympathy. That alone is stressing me out and feeding back into my problems.