Im 18, East-Indian, and probably have crohns

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 18, 2010
Hi there, just thought I`d introduce myself to the community. I just turned 18 a couple of weeks ago and have a colonoscopy to look forward to in the near future. My doctor says it`s uncommon for people with East-Indian herritage to contract the disease but my mother`s friend said there have been many cases with our ethic group in the states. I`m in kind of an interesting situation as for the most part my ordeal is over (I`ve had minor surgery to get an abcess removed and I`m on predisone as a crutch for my azothiprine) but I am just hoping to get and give support to others like me with the disease. I have read some scary stories on this website and am blessed to have not had to go through that much, I have had a few ER visits and bowel pains but other than that I`ve been doing pretty well these days, just got to figure out what I can eat and what medicines will work for me. Nice to meet you all.
Welcome!....there is a great broad spectrum of people in this forum.....we can relate with the thing (ONLY good thing?) is the DRUGS!!! lol.....

Hopefully you won't have more involvement - here's to staying healthy!
Hey superbloop!

I've met several folks of East-Indian heritage with Crohn's or Ulcerative Colitis. It's an equal opportunity disease, unfortunately.

Glad you've found us. If you have any questions, fire away.
Thanks, I just wanted to know is it common not to have diarheria with crohns? The exact opposite happened to me when I was having symptoms. I got really constipated and started having hard, solid stools before I had to go to the hospital. My GI over his 40 years of practice said only 2-5% of his patients didn`t experience any diarrhea like symptoms with the disease. I don`t know if maybe I may have a less severe form of crohns or maybe I am just lucky not to have that symptom. I guess I`ll have to find out after the colonoscopy.
I never had diarrhea either. Nor did I have pain. I had rectal bleeding and inflammation which led to a perforated sigmoid colon and distended bowel. I also have joint pain, acne, and hair loss. There are days when I feel soooo glamorous!!! Oh I have a bag, and all is well in the world!

Welcome to the forum...and good luck! :)
Hi Superbloop:

I'm also of Indian ancestry and have had Crohn's for about ten years. I also have "Indeterminate Colitis." My youngest sister was diagnosed at 17 with Crohn's. My other sister has UC and my mom has Crohn's. My nieces are being tested at the moment, but it seems that both the 6 year old and the 14 year old have Crohn's. My 14 year old niece's symptoms are similar to yours in that she is also highly constipated.

Good luck with the colonoscopy---I hope it gives you some clarity....
Welcome to the forum Bloop!

Good luck with the colonoscopy. Glad you are feeling well these day and hope it continues for you!

I also had no diarrhea. I also had very few symptoms just weight losing and cramping. I also threw up after every meal. That about it for me I find my case very weird from everyone else as well.
hi Superbloop, and welcome to the forum :)

i'm another Crohnie who didn't get the big D at all... i had constipation and pain, fevers, joint pain & anemia etc etc...

comiserations on your forthcoming colonoscopy, i had my umpteenth one only a couple of weeks ago. i think when you've had one, you realise that it's not really all that bad, and thank goodness the procedure only last a few minutes. that thought is what gets me through when i have to have one.

you're right in that there are some pretty serious and sometimes scary stories here, but equally there are some fantastic hope-inspiring ones, and i think you'll find that even though a lot of us are still struggling with various symptoms and issues, we're coping & keeping our head above the water. when things get tough - we're all here for each other, and that makes a great difference.

Welcome to the forum,

It may be possible that people of your ancestry do not have Crohn's because the traditional Indian diet works against Crohn's. It may also be a genetic trait.

Just out of curiosity, do you eat a traditional Indian diet, with lots of curry and turmeric in the food? Or have you adopted a more traditional American diet?

That may account for the difference, but there are other variables as well.

Hi and :welcome:superbloop

Roo also didn't have diarrhoea as a symptom of her Crohn's. Good luck with your colonoscopy, I hope all goes well.
Hi Superbloop
and welcome

glad you're feeling ok, enjoy it!
good luck with the scope, and we're here for you if you need advice
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
I used to eat tons of junk food, I was trying to balance school and work and it ended up catching up to me. To answer your question I actually had a mix of traditonal east indian diet and north american, however as of now I am primarily eating Indian food as it can be made from scratch and seems to go down easy. I seem to have a problem with cow's milk and it seems that breads (whole,white) cause me problems to. I need to eat indian flatbread made from flour.

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