I'm Giving the Forums Another Go...

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Dec 10, 2009
Langley, B.C.
Hi Crohn's Forum Members,

I'm a fairly long time member however unfortunately a while back I became really sick when I was starting to post a lot on here and for whatever reason I wasn't doing so well, mentally, with reading about everyone's stories and trying to be of any kind of contributor. I'm not sure why but somehow I just stopped logging on and stopped posting altogether as a way maybe to hide from it all.

To make a long story short well I'd like to give these forums another go as they are a tremendous resource and feeling like your not the only one out there is a great feeling so I'd like to join not just for me but to hopefully help somebody out on these forums again.

As most of you more than likely don't remember me or let alone remember any part of a story I shall give a quick recap and well some of the new stuff since I stopped posting.

Started my Crohn's adventure back in Summer of '07. Was incredibly sick and the doctors I saw thought of everything from parasites to worms and of course this wasn't the case. October '07 at age 16 I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease and was told it was quite mild so I'd be placed on Asacol. I took Asacol for 2 years until I became fed up with my doctor and switched. My old doctor had one solution to any problem which was to take more Asacol... and that was only when I could get in to see him as he used to cancel his appointments atleast 3 times per appointment. Anyway started with my new doctor shortly before Chirstmas of 2009 and was immediately placed on Imuran. A scope shortly after Christmas (they orginally wanted to do the scope on Christmas Eve!!!) revealled my Crohn's had worsened which was likely due to neglect of treatment due to the ineffective Asacol for two years. I was "upgraded" to moderate Crohn's. I felt great for about 3 months on the Imuran when troubles with my personal life caused extreme stress and well I ended up in hospital and with my stay it was deemed Remicade would be our next course of action. Lengthy battles with insurance companies and government funding pushed my Remicade start date all the way to October of 2010. Immediately, like as in the night after my first infusion, I felt a 100 times better and was eating things otherwise not possible before. Went to Mexico a week after my first infusiona and felt tremendous and gained nearly 15 lbs. in my one week stay, thank you all-inclusive food and dessert. I've now continued with my Remicade every 8 weeks after the loading phase and generally have felt great except the week leading up to my infusions has been a bit iffy.

Well there is my Crohn's story. Sorry for it being a bit lengthy as I didn't intend it to be when I started. :yrolleyes: ----> Like this guy by the way I think he is new for me.
Hello :bigwave: And welcome back! You must be pretty annoyed with being palmed off with the Asacol for all that time, but it's good to hear you are making progress with the new doc and treatment.
Look forward to seeing you around.
Great to have you back! :)

Glad to hear that things seem to be better than they had been for you. I think I have heard of Remicade being given a bit earlier than every 8 weeks. Someone correct me if I am wrong. Maybe you could ask your doctor about trying that, if it's possible. :)

Anyway, glad you are back!
Great to have you back! :)

Glad to hear that things seem to be better than they had been for you. I think I have heard of Remicade being given a bit earlier than every 8 weeks. Someone correct me if I am wrong. Maybe you could ask your doctor about trying that, if it's possible. :)

Anyway, glad you are back!

I have my next infusion booked for June 9th and then seeing my doctor after that and its one of our topics for discussion at that appointment about going down to every 7 weeks possibly.

Thanks for all the welcomes by the way, nice to be back.
Hey Canuck - I DO remember you and welcome back!!!

We all kind of go thru fits and spurts on the forum as far as coming on and posting. As overwhelming as it can be to read others' stories sometimes and it can be scary to think what *might* be in store for us, it can also be inspiring to read the good stories.

So glad to hear the Remi is working for you currently! Hope it continues for a long time!

Good luck - Amy
Thanks Amy and hey! I remember you too haha.

I am glad to be back. Feels good to contribute here again and hopefully I can help somebody here with what they're going through.

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