Hello, welcome to the forum
I'm so sorry to hear you are suffering, but I'm so glad you've found us.
Firstly, you're absolutely right, what your describing isn't normal and definitely needs to be addressed. I can completely understand your fear, before I was diagnosed I dropped a significant amounts of weight and people around me would comment on how lucky I was that I could eat high calorie foods but not gain any weight, but they never understood how serious being malnourished can be.
Many people here will understand how much of a struggle it is when you just cant eat, its never a nice feeling and its no surprise its getting you feeling down. I know you said you're currently on a bland diet, but keeping a little food diary may help you to work out which foods seem a bit safer, keep a record of what you eat and your symptoms before and after. In fact, a general symptom diary recording how severe your pain is and how many bms you have a day can really help show doctors what you're dealing with.
I personally tend not to stick to any one diet, I have coeliac disease so I have to eliminate all gluten, so I'm fairly restricted anyway. I find it best to go with what I feel like at the time, and eat little bits throughout the day rather than pushing myself to eat big meals at set times.
The other thing that can be helpful is trying an oral rehydration solution, in the UK we have a hospital called St Marks which is one of the leading IBD hospitals throughout the world, and one of their doctors created the St Marks solution which is:
20g (six level 5ml spoonfuls) of glucose (sugar)
2.5g (one heaped 2.5ml spoonful) of sodium bicarbonate
3.5g (one level 5ml spoonful) of sodium chloride (salt - table salt is fine)
which you then dilute with one litre of water and sip through the day. It doesn't taste the best but you can add juice or squash to help and it really does make a difference. You can also buy variations of this in powder forms in chemists. Another tip is to try not to drink too much plain water, as this can actually make you more dehydrated by flushing out your electrolytes, so try to add juice and have things like Gatorade. My IBD nurse actually encourages flat soda and ready salted crisps to help get salt into your body.
In terms of your cramps, some over the counter pain meds could be useful, in particular I would recommend something like buscopan which helps stop the spasms which cause the cramps, and peppermint can be really useful. If you need something stronger your PCP should be able to give you something until you can see the specialist, but stay away from NSAIDs like ibprophen. Other wise, you could try something like a hot water bottle or even better sit in a nice bath of hot water and just relax, the heat really helps for a lot of people.
Hopefully it won't be too long before your appointment comes through, but in the meantime try to stay hydrated as much as you can, I wouldn't worry as much about eating big meals, but maybe try to graze through the day. If you get a sudden increase in pain, get a fever and or start to get uncontrolled vomiting then going to the ER is a good idea as these can be signs of serious complications.
If you have any more questions or concerns, or just need to offload please remember we are always here, we may not always know the answers, but at the very least we will try and point you in the right direction and can be a shoulder to cry on. We are all in the same boat here and we all remember what it's like to be in your position so there is no judgement, no need to be embarrassed and no such thing as a silly question.