I'm Proud Of My Child Because......

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Well after an epic fail with the Rowasa enema we are now doing Hydrocortisone enemas. After two nights of Mommy administration, Claire has decided enough is enough. She does it herself at 8 years old.....God love her! I told her I just had to be sure she got all the medication in. She rolled her eyes and said, "Fine but don't look at my butt!"

Yes, she gets every drop of medicine in there. AND I actually think she's feeling better. Is this kid tough as nails or what?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

:heart: :heart: :heart:

Any tougher she'd rust J!!! God love her, what an absolute trooper!!! :award2:

What I want to know is how you know it all went in if you didn't look at her butt!!! You didn't sneak a peek did you??? :ylol:

Dusty. xxx
Dusty - yep I stole stole more than one surreptitious glance over her little shoulder. ;) Whew that girl is s-t-u-b-b-o-r-n!

OMG, she sounds like she has excellent coping skills...don't these kids just kill you with how they deal with the crap? (literally and figuratively) :poo:
Well, at least she didn't say butt-hole again! God forbid!! Good to hear she's feeling better!:). May it long continue!
Stephen played his last 'minors' hockey game! And, I am sooo happy for him, he certainly ended his hockey 'career' on a high note! His team won the region's championship, beating the first place team! And, Stephen got 3 goals in the final game! It was a great ending as he'd had a bit of a tumultuous season with shoulder and knee injuries and then a undeserved suspension (really! Not just 'mom' speaking here!:lol:). Took him quite a while to get back to his usual game after all his off-time but was so happy that it all came together just in time!

So, I'm no longer a 'hockey mom' :( What will I do with all my time now?? :)
WOW!!! Way to go Stephen!!! Mega congrats on such a fab ending to the season and very well deserved!!! Soooooooooooo happy for you both...


Relax Mum, relax! :lol:

Dusty. :panda::panda::panda:
No matter what the game or what level, a championship means as much to the kids (and their parents) as if they'd just won the World Cup. Congrats Stephen!!
Absolutely right! A championship win is a win! :) Hell, I live in Toronto - our Toronto Maple Leafs haven't won the Cup since 1967 - we take what we can get! :rof:

By the way, there's a great article called The Last Season. It's written by a hockey dad but the sentiment applies to all sports and to moms as well! It was actually Emily's soccer coach who sent it on when Emily began her last 'youth' season.

It's a tearjerker :( but a great read!

Proud because as soon as V felt the least bit better she started making plans galore and plunged straight back into her Girl, Interrupted life :thumleft: like nothing ever happened.
Recall the neuro who called her a malingerer...:mad2:
WTG V!!! :award2:

Nothing will ever stop that girl from making her mark in this world Julie! :):):)

Dusty. xxx
Julie, you must be so proud of her! She's really had a lot to deal with and it sounds like she's been able to deal with it with tons of strength and courage!

I'm so glad she's beginning to make plans and is ready to move ahead - FULL SPEED!! :)
OK well, proud again because even though she feels like crap her attitude stays awesome...no complaining, no whining, no irritability...she is still happy, still polite, is still making plans to work around everything.
She said, when she feels the irritation coming, she tells herself what a waste of time it is and "doesn't let" it affect her...what in the h***...she sure didn't learn that from me.
I am a Queen of Irritability over any and everything.
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She really sounds like an awesome, strong kid! She sure deserves to feel better soon! :ghug:

And, you, in the meantime... enjoy the stabby! :voodoo: :voodoo: :hallo3:
Settle petal! :lol:

But seriously Julie, wow! V really will go far in life. With such compassion, patience and depth of understanding how can she not!

If I'm fit to burst with pride for her I can only imagine how you must be! :)

Dusty. xxx
Holy Cow am I one proud momma today !!
JJ (my youngest) brought home his semi-pre planned schedule for his next school year today ~ he will be a freshman in high school next year. They have placed him in all Honors courses (which doesn't surprise me) but they have also placed him in an AP (college level) course for History! He will be taking the same courses as his older brother next year who is a Junior this year ! WOW ! I knew that kiddo was smart, but my o my!
SOOO proud of him! :)
Even through feeling like garbage, and being undiagnosed and all his (seemingly) useless testing, and all the stress from living with Gabrielle's illness he continues to excel !
What a great kid I have ! :)
Squeal!!! WTG JJ!!! What a fabulous achievement T, no wonder you are bursting with pride...:award2:

Dusty. xxx
He's obviously a GREAT kid!! You certainly have every reason to be a very proud mama!!!

Way to go JJ !!!!!! :medal1:
I am proud of may daughter Amy (20) for working so hard in her job & training to become a Pharmacy technician & also my daughter Rosie (16) for being so committed to her schoolwork & exam revision.
WOW! That is so fab Kip! With that level of commitment I am sure they will go far!

Good on them...:award2:

Dusty. xxx
Gab is a member in college of a prestigious pre-med club called PAMSA -she just called and she is so excited that she has been elected as Director of Community Outreach for them !!
Wow! There's no stopping this girl! I am one proud momma I tell ya !! :)
So wonderful, So amazing, So well deserved!

I am so happy for Gabs T and for you too!...:award2:

Dusty. x:heart:x:heart:x
I think it is amazing how all these kids cope my amy aged 8 has been diagnosed only 3 weeks ago and is now attending her first full day at school and has enrolled for spanish class after school for 6 week ( i tried to talk her out of it as i thought it would be too much) but she is showing so much resilliance I am so proud of her and of her sisters laura and sarah and her brother for their love over these last somewhat awful weeks lets hope that we can learn from them
love to you all
ps amy bloods are 10.2 what does that mean ?
Any helpon or advice with thinning of her hair on azathiaprine 75mg she is 4 stone 13 and has her first communion on 20th may and i dont know should i llok at hair pieces or wigs ???
Sometimes it seems more and more questions
love kathy
Way to go Gab!! She's so incredible and so deserving of only good things!

Kathy- you must be so proud of Amy and her sisters and brother!! She must be a strong little girl!! :rosette1: I'm sure she will look just like an angel at her communion! (Sorry, I'm not sure what that number means re the blood result - but, if you have a look at the Wiki section, you'll find an explanation of blood tests and results.)
Gab is a member in college of a prestigious pre-med club called PAMSA -she just called and she is so excited that she has been elected as Director of Community Outreach for them !!
Wow! There's no stopping this girl! I am one proud momma I tell ya !! :)

Awesome! So well deserved!!!!
LOVE to hear this kind of stuff, THANKS :cheers:

To Kathymum, the hair loss may be from malnutrition secondary to malabsorption, not the drug. V had extensive hair loss from a few months pre-dx to apx six mo after. You could see her scalp in places. It took almost two years to return to normal thickness as her nutritional state improved. :congratualtions: on her upcoming First Communion!
Wow, kathymum! What a fab brood of kiddos you have! You must be so very proud and rightly so. Kudos to them all...:award2:

Special wishes for your daughters first communion...:hug:

Those blood result numbers could apply to a number of tests Mum. The first one that springs to mind as an abnormal result is her haemoglobin but you would need to ask to be sure.

I agree with Julie about the Azathioprine and hair loss. That's not to say that the Aza alone isn't responsible but I put my son's loss as being more down to his poor physical condition than the drug.

Dusty. xxx
Way to go Gab!

Re hair loss: Alex wasn't on that drug - but did suffer from nutritional issues initially. His hair didn't fall out, but I remember at one point thinking his hair looked "gross" - it was limp and oily looking (not a problem he tends to have).

Now that he's doing better - his air is back to it's awesomeness (laughs...) Because he's a boy and wears it short - it didn't take as long, but it's been 2 years.
So proud of Olivia. Yesterday at track meet was having a tough time. Porta potty, missing toilet paper, needing to go to the bathroom seconds before her race. She had an especially watery and bloody bout but ran out of the porta potty and onto the track to run her race. These kids amaze me!

More importantly, she has been concerned about all the practices she is missing for infusions and appointments etc. The rule is if you miss a certain amount of school you can't practice or compete. I told her I was pretty sure her 504 covered this situation. She told me yesterday that she went to her guidance counselor to ask, the guidance counselor checked and got back to her and sure enough she can practice and compete with no penalty.

I am so proud that she took matters into her own hands and is owning this disease! At 12!
Awwww, now wonder you are soooooooo proud of her! What a champion! Well done Oliva on all counts!...:award2:

Dusty. xxx
Big Congrats for Olivia! Sounds like nothing can stop this girl! So excited for you both! Love to hear how our kids amaze us every day!
Good stuff for big brother. Got a letter from the princiPal. Hunter selected for Algebra I and AP Biology. He'll earn 2 high school credits while still in Jr High. Smart kid. :)

That's so great!! :medal1: He must be so proud of himself!! (And you too mom! :D)

And, walking INTO high school with two credits!!! What a bonus!!!
Holy Guacamole! That is awesome. Nice to see the hard work pays off. Good for him...keep that up and he will most likely be walking into college with credits too!
Last night was Olivia's swim team banquet. Time for senior awards and her 12/U coach gets up to present one. He says while it typically goes to a graduating senior there is one young swimmer particularly deserving. Tells her whole story and calls her up. The award goes to the swimmer who demonstrates the characteristics of SISU...a Finnish word meaning, a stubborn desire, a special strength, heart and guts.

THis couldn't come at a better time as tomorrow we start EN!

Woohoo! Way to go Hunter! I bet he gets his smarts from Mum! :thumleft:

Well done!...:award2:

Dusty. x:heart:x:heart:x

Yabba dabba doo! (Flinstones definition! :wink:) How wonderful for O and very much deserved. Congrats O!...


Dusty. X:)x:)X
Okay - I sound like I'm bragging on the "well" child......I guess I am. Since SO MUCH of me goes to Claire. That's the balance we all struggle with, I know...

Anyway, Hunter also got into Spanish I. So it will be three high school classes in 8th grade. He is PUMPED about the Spanish because they are having one class of 30 kids. There are about 350 kids in his grade so it's a big deal.

Wow! That is fab J! WTG Hunter! :):):)

Okay, bear with me :lol:...so I assume that 30 kids in a class is a small number???
30 kids is a typical jr high size class. It's the only 30 kids out of the total 350 in the grade that is a biggie :). Clear as mud?

Hey Julie, brag all you want!!! :D He sounds like a great kid! Getting all these credits early will be a great bonus later!

My kids took an extra credit every summer... and, it was great when it came to grades 11 and 12 - extra credits to submit to universities and options as far as course selections in grades 11 and 12 (i.e. Stephen took two different phys.ed. classes last year because he'd met most of the 'requirements' so was free to choose fun credits.) Hunter's extra credits will really pay off later!
Wtg hunter !!
That's what JJ basically did too - he took Spanish 1 in 7th, and Spanish 2 this year for 8th so he will enter highschool next year with his foreign language requirements met, and 1 math credit for his Algebra 1 Honors class from this year !
They'll be bored and taking fun classes their senior year! LOL
Gab says at the rate JJ is going he's going to be bored in college! Haha.
I love all these "smart and talented " kid stories! :)
Gab moved back in today for the summer ! She has successfully completed her freshman year of college !! Wow!! Just a year ago never would
Have thought it possible :)
Holy Guacamole that year has flown by T! :ywow:

I bet you are as happy as a pig in **** to have her home under you roof again! :lol: I can just see all the sly glances now!

I am so proud of Gabs so you must be fit to burst! Wow what an achievement, she never ceases to amaze me T. :ybiggrin:

Dusty is doin' the happy dance...
WTG Hunter! So smart and the ability to stay so focused with all the issues surrounding a sick sibling is very impressive.

Welcome home Gabs and job well done on a your first year of college!
...because old V went straight back to school after five months away and it is like she never left, planning eigth grade graduation, taking standardized tests and finishing in a fraction of the allotted time, busy at church, no complaints that she missed overnight field trips and is doing the lights at the play instead of being IN the play...just happy about having her life back...:medal1:
I bet everyone is just as excited to have her back!

Takes a special person with a special attitude to go back and not complain about the things they missed or sacrifices they have had to make.

Way to go Violet!!!! She really does sound like an exceptional girl to be able to just look forward with excitement and not look back!! :medal1:

Nice to see you back Julie! :highfive:

How fabulous Julie! What an amazing and inspiring young lady V is...mega kudos to her for always managing to rise above the adversity and power on unabated! :thumleft::thumleft::thumleft: How very proud you must be! :)

Dusty. xxx
Great news to share again.... My daughter Ashley was given the honor of FRESHMAN of the Year for her Junior Varsity Soccer team at her High School! She was super excited and we are just proud parents! She is living proof life does go on even if you have Crohn's! She is unstoppable!
Amazing!!! She must have been so proud!!! (And you too :)) Certainly takes lots of determination to get out there and work when you're not feeling great; she must be quite the soccer player!!! :award2:
WTG ASHLEY!!!!!!!!!!

What an absolute star Mum and it's not hard to see why you are so proud! So happy for you all and so well deserved!

Dusty. :heart:
Not my Crohnie but so proud of my oldest daughter who graduated high school today!!! 107 degree heat in the sun..it was awful. She is O's older sister and she concentrated so hard on her studies even while she worried to death over her sister's illness and didn't get a lot of mommy's attention. She graduated with honors and her best semester ever!

O was ridiculously proud of her big sister too!
Woohoo! Mega congrats to your daughter...well done!

No wonder you are so proud! What an amazing young lady! :):):)

Dusty. xxx
Have to post about Alex last week. He slipped while climbing a tree during my older son's baseball game and caught and ripped his upper arm on the top of a metal chainlink fence. A firefighter was at the game and helped him, he hung tough while holding his arm up with a gaping hole (but not bleeding), waiting for the ambulance and again waiting hours at the ER for the doc to have time to stitch it. Took 9 stitches (thank goodness for nitrous oxide!) He is amazingly resilient, probably moreso for all he's gone through already with his Crohn's! Everyone commented on how great he did and I'm very proud. Poor kiddo, but earned a little street cred from all his friends there. :) He will bravely head off to crohn's camp week after next on his own for 5 days for the first time, too.
Amazing awesome Alex. AAA...a triple threat! :thumright: These kids never cease to amaze me. Sounds awful...I would have fainted even if it wasn't my arm!
OMG, what a tough kid!! :thumright: But, poor thing... must have been scary for him! :( Will be a great story to tell at camp though! :)
Oh wow Jenn! Any tougher and he would rust!

What a champion hun and dead easy to see why you are so proud!...:award2:

Dusty. xxx
Claire trotted off to Camp Courageous Kids today (local camp that hosts kids with medical issues) without a care in the world. Is she in remission? No! Is she as sick as last year at this time? Hell no. Did she even look back as I left? Double no! She's soooooooooo independent - I am proud to be her mama.

So for today, I will celebrate be proud and thankful that she seems to not have a care in the world no matter how big the bag of drugs we brought along happens to be. :ycool:


Driving home from swim practice tonight O and I had a half hour alone in the car. She said to me "Mom, I don't want to be defined by Crohns... I want to define Crohns!"
It was actually one of those rare moments when you are totally sure you would cry but that you don't. Like when I got married. My mom said not one person cried because I walked down the aisle so happy and so sure that I defied anyone to cry and they all just got caught up in my happiness. It was like that tonight. She was so happy and so sure and so downright stubborn that I just caught her enthusiasm.

Of course when I told hubby I balled like an idiot. Just proud tears. The silver lining of this disease is that it has given me a glimpse into what my daughter is really made of. Most parents never truly get to see that and we are all so lucky to see our children show us daily what faith, determination and spirit they all have.

God bess our IBDers!
Oh my goodness O! What an absolute champion you are!

Shove over Mum, I am ever so proud of O!!!...


I hear you crohnsinct.

I am so proud of Ryan because he likes himself the way he is. Crohns has taught him that there are much more important things to worry about than whether someone else likes him or what he is doing. That is such a mature trait to have in middle school! He makes my heart melt!
Awww JM, what a wonderful young man you have. It's little wonder that you are so very proud of him...:award2:

Dusty. :thumleft:
I'm so proud of Gabrielle for continuing with her studies and volunteering and work, despite how bad she is feeling lately!
And I'm so proud of JJ for dealing with his continuing heartburn and worsening bathroom issues, without much complaint, while he waits patiently for his next appointment with his GI. Oh and super proud that he has maintained a 4.0 GPA with is honors and AP classes despite how he feels ! Ya..and one more...he continues to try and stay positive about injecting the HGH every day, even tho we haven't seen much result as of yet ! :)

yes ! super proud of my kiddos !
This thread never fails to put an ear splitting grin on my face! :ybiggrin:

I love reading about all your children's wonderful attributes...their drive, compassion, warmth, achievements, strength and wit and humour. Kudos to them all! :thumleft::thumleft::thumleft:

Dusty. :wub:
OK I know you all are probably sick of my gushing over O but she just came home from her cross country end of season party and she got the coach's award! So proud of that girl!
Gush away
It is good to read gushing
That means the meds are doing there
Hopefully soon we can all gush
And create our own advent calendars at home
Because the crohn's will be. :voodoo::voodoo:
:dance:Good for O and Gabs:dance: (We call my niece Gabs so your daughter has to bare the burden of that) for their determination and fortitude (big words for a farm wife, eh). I hope it continues for a long while.:hug: