I'm.... so.... tired!!!

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Feb 11, 2010
I am almost 8 weeks post op and still so low on energy! Please tell me this is normal. I am good in the morning, do my stuff, go to work, etc. But after lunch, by around 2 pm I am wiped out. Right now it's 7:30 pm and I feel like I am going to collapse.

Can you remember how long it took you to get your energy back after surgery???

I saw the nurse practitioner yesterday at a surgical follow up and she said, "I don't need to lecture you that you are doing too much, do I?" I guess I still need to dial it back a bit.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Leaving the dishes for Levi and going to bed soon!

- Ames
Yet somehow, I can still imagine you put on a smile and slog right on through the day! Hope it gets better soon for you Ames!!
"I don't need to lecture you that you are doing too much, do I?"

I hope I don't need to either Amy! :ylol:

Yeah, put the brakes on a bit hun and look after numero uno. You're too precious to us and everyone else to run yourself into the ground! :hug:

I hope you start to get on top of things soon mate. BTW have you had your Folate, Iron Stores and B12 tested lately?

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Saw the hemotologist last week. Iron is good, B 12 is still very low. He has me taking a shot 1x week for 4 weeks, then back to 1x month. Hope it helps....

BTW, I think my chapped swollen lip problems were due to B12 deficiency. I read that it can be a symptom in kids, but nothing about it being a symptom in adults. Either of you see that with your kid(s)???

- Ames
It took me a good three months to get totally back to 'normal'...just take it easy, and the B12 shots should help immensely.
Can I ask how soon after surgery did you go back to work? I am debating on when to go back, don't wanna go back too soon and screw myself up. My surgeon sort of left it up to me, told me anywhere around 6 to 8 weeks, depending on how I feel. I'm thinking of going back after 5...?
Also, drink lots of water!! A lot of times we feel tired because we are dehydrated and don't realize it! Whenever I feel tired I throw back a bottle of water and it wakes me right up.
I hope you are feeling nice and energetic soon!
I don't work, so can't answer that question for you. But if I did, I wouldn't have been able to for at least 8 weeks. But I had complications from my surgery that contributed to that.
Hmmm, I'm glad I saw your post Amy! EJ has complained about chapped lips after his last two ballgames. And there's an ad down below as I type this that says B12 Deficiency and Crohns, Nasal spray may be an option!! Sure would be better than another shot!!
Yea, Amy please don't overdo it! What you've been through is pretty major and it's bound to take some time for you to heal and get your strength back. Nothing wrong with a little power nap in the afternoon. Or early nights if you can't sleep during the day.
Helen xxx
P.S. How's Bilbo doin?
Hey Amy,

Sarah has never been troubled with chapped lips but Matt has. I don't know if it is B12 related as it usually happens in soccer season, so the air is really dry and cold. Oh yeah, that and heaven forbid that you would put anything on your lips to prevent it! :lol:

Dusty. :Flower:
It took me a good 3 months to start having energy and then I had my resection which took 6 months before I could last an entire day. Your body is whipped. The illness and the surgery have been too much. (I hate when people tell me this) You have to give in to the tiredness. I hope you take care of yourself.
I felt great after 8 weeks, but just 2 weeks before that I was still feeling a little tired. I didn't have my rectum removed though. That had to take a lot longer for you to heel up from that. Maybe you went back to work a little too soon. Hopefully the B12 kicks you in gear. I know we get anxious to get back to our lives, but taking an extra couple of weeks to heal won't hurt.
Hi Amy!
Sorry to hear about the long bounce back time from the surgery. I've had several and it seems like what ever they use to knock me out has a residual effect and just goes on and on. LOL. Usually its about 4 weeks for me, though. (Anything after that and I go absolutely bonkers!)
As for the chapped lips, for some reason after every surgery I always have gotten chapped lips and dry peeling hands, I asked the Doc about it and he said it was the anesthesia. Who knows though! I keep an aloe plant handy for it, really. Sounds weird but it works!
Feel better and let your body heal woman!
Hi Amy,

you should be taking it easy, don't push yourself too hard.
You've had major surgery and your body has some serious adapting to do so take your time and be kind to yourself :hug:
Amy, pace yourself young lady!!! I am 4 1/2 months post op. I am still having days where I can barely drag myself through. I really need tested for vitamin deficiency too. But, we all expect we are gonna be just FINE after a few weeks and the fact is, no one but a youngin would be! You've been through one of the most MAJOR surgeries a poor body can have. Please be gentle on yourself and go easy! Stop trying to do everything, and ease yourself into normalcy. (do I sound like your mother yet?...I'm old enough to be)

Wish I could come over, make a casserole and have a good old natter about these damned bodies of ours that simply wont do as their told!!!

Oh, and for chapped lips ladies...Mary Kay Satin Lips. Chapped hands..Mary Kay Satin Hands. Divine stuff.

Thanks, all. I am lucky that I can make my own hours - the benefits of sleeping with the boss! So I have cut back to half days (8 to noon) and have been napping for at least an hour before Harrison gets home. Still, by 7:30 I am done for the day!

Pool - I would give it at least 6-8 weeks if you can. 5 weeks seems way too soon to me. Don't push it!

Mark - doesn't it freak you out when this site or google gives you an advertisement based on what you are reading/typing??? It's like Big Brother!

Thanks for the info on B6. Damn those B vitamins!

- Ames
hahaaa oh dear!! I think it took me about 1 1/2 months, so you should probs cut back on all the work :p hahaa :D
Mark - doesn't it freak you out when this site or google gives you an advertisement based on what you are reading/typing??? It's like Big Brother!

Ahhhh, so that's why I keep seeing all those porn links....it's Dusty's fault!!

7:30, ah hell Ames, that's just called being in your 40's! When you're back to 100%, you'll be up til 8 or so at least:)!!
I had a second wind last night after H's baseball game so I went to the neighbors and proceeded to drink a bottle of wine.

Yeah, you know that thread about not being able to get drunk when you have your terminal ileum removed? WRONG!

PS Mark - how's EJ's team doing this year? H's is not doing great - 2-4.
Yeah Amy, EJ's team is 2 and 3 but they are beginning to gel a little now so they should at least be competitive. Until the last two games, we've had pitching woes, walk after walk. The pitchers seem to be gaining confidence now too.

This is EJ's last year at minor league level so he is really doing well. The rest of his team are 9-10 yr olds. We're having a blast though!!
H is in the minors still too. The kid pitch games are brutally long - and we also have walk after walk after walk. And steal after steal after steal! One game they bring the bats but can't field, next game they field okay but can't hit!

Biggest problem here is that with all the rain, they didn't get to practice a lot before the season started so the kids don't have a lot of chemistry yet. We're having fun too, though, and getting to know the players and parents from our team and others so it's very friendlyl at the games. Levi is helping coach this year and that's fun for him too!
My surgery was April 15 last year, and I started the Couch to 5k running program in the last week of July. So 3 months is about right to start feeling normal again. I remember going to bed at 8 to 9pm back then. I was just so tired all the time.

I went back to work after about 8 weeks.
I hope you feel better. I can relate to you. I haven't needed surgery so far but I am in my first flare and this had wiped me out. I sleep all night then take a 5 or 7 hour nap during the day. I dont get energy until 2pm or so. Its frustrating because there is always somthing so much more you would rather do then lie in bed for days and months in a row. I feel for you, my prayers are with you.
I use the B12 nasal spray and it is very easy to use...but I do not notice a big difference in my energy...have used it for about 3 months now...still very tired. What does seem to help me is Vitamin D and lots of water. How is your vitamin D? I just can't take them too much because the D pills give me D!!!

Lets not forget the emotional toll surgery and this disease takes on us too.

I'm sure you will be back to your old self soon!
Ames, it's been a few weeks since you started this thread, are you feeling any better in the energy department?
Also, do you notice that using the B vitamins makes your pee look nuclear yellow?
Please tell me yes lololol, or I'm going off of them!!!
I know I'm pretty late getting in on this, but I just want to say, I was so much more weak and tiered for so long after my surgery than I ever expected or thought was possible, for at least three months. I could hardly believe how weak I felt! Slowly though I was back to my old self again.

I hope you are doing well Amy! :)
Hi Everyone!

Thanks for thinking of me! I turned a corner around 9 weeks, and really got a lot of my energy back. It was like someone flicked a switch! This was great too because it coincided with my Take Steps walk so I was able to complete that no problem!

As for the vitamin B - haven't noticed any nuclear pee. But I do notice that when I am low on Vit B, my lips go crazy - swollen, burning, chapped, peeling. The shot clears it up almost immediately. Never a dull moment!!

- ames
Hi Amy! I'm glad that you are on the mend. We've missed your humor and sunny attitude around here. Big hug!
Amy, glad you're back and better! You are truly an inspiration!!

How's H's team doing?
To all who are tired. I have been on iron pills but levels still show very low so doc is starting me on an iron infusion, which I heard is a big help with energy. Just thought I would share to anyone who might be anemic. Also I have been taking liquid vitamins and I have noticed I feel better. I hope this helps someone.
Hi Everyone and thanks again for your kind words. Sorry I have been kinda MIA lately - it's just due to feeling better and being super busy! I was in CA last weekend, and am running around like a nut this week and weekend!

Harrison turns ten tomorrow and informs me that I have "at least" another year to keep tucking him in and kissing him goodnight. I'll take it!!!

- Ames
That's funny about Harrison...my stepson just turned 11 and he still wants the tuck and kiss. It's the 6 year old stepdaughter that can take it or leave it...lol
We are VERY happy you YOU are happy and busy and feeling great! Soooo very happy! In fact, I think I'll have a toast to you now, in your health and happiness. And its great Harrison still wants tucked in....fabulous!

You always need someone to kiss you good night. If you don't you get Kafka dreams, it's a scientific fact.
I am so glad that you are doing so well and happy. That is great. You have been such an inspiration to me and I am sure many others.

Enjoy your health and happiness!!!
i have had chron's for 15 years i have had a bowel resection b12 is very low found out I'm so tiered and not digesting food very well because the part that absorbs b12 is infected and i get the b12 shot once a month i have been feeling much better but when it gets to the end of the month i feel terrible again. I'm
Saw the hemotologist last week. Iron is good, B 12 is still very low. He has me taking a shot 1x week for 4 weeks, then back to 1x month. Hope it helps....

BTW, I think my chapped swollen lip problems were due to B12 deficiency. I read that it can be a symptom in kids, but nothing about it being a symptom in adults. Either of you see that with your kid(s)???

- Ames

Wow..I had chapped lips b4 my last b12 shot, and my daughter has chapped lips ALL the time. I'm taking her to a pedi gastro soon, as she has ibd symptoms, but I had no idea this is a symptom of deficiency, which in itself is so common with ibd. :/
As far as fatigue... I just weaned pred, been on humira 3 months now, and now I get fatigue, so much more then times prior weaning pred. So for me I think humira must contribute, as once again, it's just a common thing. I literally slept almost all day yesterday, and I'm normally a neat freak, and yet I left all my housework through the morn too. So do t stress about leaving the dishes etc, if you need rest, then you need rest. Anyway, I read on here that heaps of ppl with crohns feel they need 16 hours of sleep most days. I thought that just sounds like too much, yet it's so common in cryogenic illness. Apparently we heal only while sleeping, so I guess it's natural to be tired with ibd. :)
Hi Irene - Good luck with your daughter, I hope she is okay!!

I can always tell when my B shot is due - lips start acting up!!

I am happy to report that my fatigue issue is mostly under control!

I recently weaned off my Celexa. I have a theory that it was only being partially absorbed since I had my surgery last year to remove my j-pouch and about 3 feet of my small intestine. When I was weaning off, I had the fuzzy head and fatigue in spades that I had felt on and off while taking the Celexa. Now that I am weaned off completley, the fuzzy head is all but gone.

I like to make up my own medical theories and am only right a small percentage of the time, but I am sticking to this one!! I might be crabbier off the Celexa, but my head is clear!

- Amy