I'm sorry a D story

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Apr 22, 2006
After months of constipation and being backed up I went to the ER Friday morning from severe intestinal pain. They dilated for the second time in two weeks and yesterday I took 1 dose of Miralax every two hours until I went to bed. Then I had a Fleet. I was on mostly a liquid diet yesterday with a bit of chicken and vegetable soup. I had two large bowel movements yesterday and today I have had two bowel movements of D. I'm sorry to say but after going this long without having a clear stomach I welcome the D at this point because I'm just glad to go to the bathroom again and have a real bowel movement. I'm working on going to Vandy to a Crohn's specialist, Dr. Shwartz, and if anyone has been to him I would be very glad to hear your experience. I'm getting a family doc today or tomorrow and will try to have my folder flagged as emergency because my doc wants to give me and ostomy and I don't feel this is necessary. Two weeks ago my GI didn't want to give me an ostomy except as a last resort and two weeks later he is trying to talk me into the ostomy as I am getting anesthesia. I already signed all my papers and not 10 seconds after I told my GI I'm getting the dilation today I was completely out. Thanks for reading and the support

Gosh I am sorry Jeff, I can't even imagine what a nightmare you are going through. I can understand what you are saying about appreciating the D after such a period of constipation. I hope you find regularity soon, best wishes.
Jeff this is so unfair you have been through more than enough of late!

Keep us posted on how you get on please ((hugs))
The doctor talked you into getting an ostomy while you were being anesthesised? Yeah, I wouldn't be real keen on that, especially, if he had you signing papers. That would be unethical if not possibly illegal. I may have misunderstood your post but that's what it sounded like.

I had an ostomy for a couple of months for a fistula coming out of my stomach. It wasn't real bad, but it wasn't real good either.

I hope you are able to get in to see the specialist at Vandy.
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Sojourn you are exactly right in what you are thinking. I'm really not to keen on my GI right now. The thing about the ostomy is that he doesn't know if it will be permenent or not. I'm ust trying to think of a way to make a rectum. My idea has a stent with piece of rubber and a valve at the end where the anus is where I can pull with a string or something. I think that would work. The rectum isn't a place where we absorb nutrients so it should be fine to do. I think something like this needs to be created and they can test it on me if they want. Anyways thanks guys for the support.

If they don't know if it's going to be permanent, it is something that a lot of thought should be put into. Definitely not something you should be rushed into.

In your case it sounds tricky and could possibly be debilitating for a time. A colostomy would at least give you freedom of movement and you wouldn't have to worry about getting to the restroom. But if it's permanent, that's difficult to deal with. I have seen people post here who say they were glad they did it. But again it's not something you just rush into. 2nd and possibly 3rd opinions may be in order if you have that capability.
hey Jeff.. so sorry to hear how things are with you right now :(

i agree that the ostomy surgery should not be a rushed decision.. i would (if time allows) talk through all the other options with a different consultant if possible, and if this 2nd opinion is also guiding you towards that operation, then maybe you really do need it.

sometimes temporary stomas are formed, to give the patient (and his bowel) a rest.. maybe this is what they are thinking?

to sum up, get as info'd up as possible.. and make sure your feelings, ideas, and fears are heard.

good luck! am keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Yeah I'm going to see what the guy at Vandy says and if it does'nt work out then I may go up to the Mayo Clinic in Cleveland. I'm going to try and pass on my idea about the scientifically created rectum. Maybe that would help because I could see something a little more thought out actually working. The weird thing is that I don't have any active Crohn's. Everything is just due to scar tissue. I'm just hoping I can avoid the ostomy, if I can't avoid it then I'll go to Vandy for the surgery.
I'm a little angry today. My parents use my bathroom, well I guess it's there bathroom but it's on my side of the house, and they always put both the toilet seat and the toilet seat top down. It kills me because I have been asking them for years to not leave the top down because in case of emergency I may need it up or have the ruined underwear or worse. Well today was the day I needed it up and it was down. I have been having D for the past two days that is part of being on a lot of miralax and enemas but that's to make sure I don't get blocked again. I even asked them yesterday to make sure they don't close the top just in case and they say they can't help ut because it is habit. Well today as I was bending down to lift the top I let loose and ruined another pair of underwear and almost the pants I was wearing as well. I am pretty angry right now about it because it's just a simple little thing I ask and they can't conform. Well sorry for ranting I just hate loosing a pair of underwear. Thanks for listening
Jeff, maybe something as simple as a little sign above the toilet, asking for the seat/lid to be left up, might work?

sorry the urgency got so bad it ended up with that result :( Crohns is so damn impatient sometimes!
sorry to hear this jeff, my only advice is a screwdriver.

with that you can end up with the following item


leave it just outside the toilet door, should get the point across:D

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