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Nov 14, 2006
Hey guys... I was looking at this website and found this

I'm a pretty firm believer that your mood greatly affects your condition.

Check it out :)
Wow, very interesting information....i know my mood has a hugh effect on my gut...maybe I'll look further into imagery, then I could possibly stop taking all the anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds I'm
When I saw the caption I started thinking about what I do when things aren't moving as they should in my gut. I get as relaxed as I can (usually in a tub of hot as I can stand water) and stare at one spot and try to regulate my breathing. Then I try to create a mental image of my bowels finally moving the food or gas through the troubled spot and imagine it moving through toward the rectum. Kind of odd, but every once in a while it almost seems like it works. Or it could just be the mild meditative state I'm in. ;)
I just went through a HUUGGEEE stress (my donkey killed one of my lambs and it died in my arms -- I am doing OK though, but donkey is for sale!). Anyway, through all the stress and tears, I kept telling myself, relax, calm down, don't let it get to the Crohn's and start a flare. Though I was really, really upset, I kept imagining my side relaxed and not closing up and obstructing and inflamming. Today, my stress over the sheep is better and I am OK (and the donkey has been moved off-site until I can find a buyer) and the momma and twin lamb are doing fine, and no flare-up has begun. So, I think mind over bowel and mood and imagery is definitely important. I have received training in several types of meditation.