Imuran - has this helped you

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May 18, 2011
My doctor mentioned to me yesterday that imuran might be our next stop I am scared

Has his drug works for anyone and did you have any side effects.
I was on the drug for 4 weeks and my and I went toxic I was on 200mg a day!!! I need to wait for my blood work to be normal and then I will start Humura hopefully by july. I had to go back up to 30mg of my predisone because I'm having a bad flare up.

But yes was not hungry and some hair loss. Everyone reacts to it different and have differnt side effects.

Hope this helps
My husband has been on it for 8 years and no side effects and my son was on it for 2.5 years with no side effects and worked really well for both of them.
There are tests you can have prior (TMPT) that tests how you metabolize it to see if you can tolerate, You will also have regular blood tests to check theraputic levels and liver toxicity. My husband has them every 3 months but it depends on your GI to some extent. My son had them every 6 months after he reached theraputic levels.
Some people experience nausea after taking and taking at night with full meal can help that.
Thanks all

Do you always need to try imuran before trying the others.

A friend of mine said her urine changed to green is this true ???
And will these meds potentially help with ibs symptoms if those are there as well ??
Neither hubby's or son's urine turned green. I've never heard that but ???
As for helping with ibs symptoms, which symptoms are you talking about? As far as I understand in very general only a mom not a doctor terms the Imuran turns off/down your immune system so that it does not attack your intestine. There are many more on here who can most likely explain it better and hopefully they will be along soon.
Do you have IBS as well?
Hi daunting, I don't know if imuran can help your ibs but I know that paleo diet and SCD usually fix people's Ibs right up, have you considered giving either a try? Getting enough calories can be hard on the diets but they definitely should be something to look at