In Defense of Food

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Has anybody read the book In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan. Very interesting. It talks about how the food industry has made a science out of nutrition. It suggest we eat only foods that our Grandmothers would recognize or in some cases our great Grandmothers (depending on how old you are.). It makes a link between the western diet and poor health and talks how we should be eating in a more traditional way. It really made me think. I want to pick up his first book The Omnivore's Dilemma.
So, let me pose this question. I know they say diet doesn't cause Crohns but does anybody think our western diet maybe did cause it? . Especially those who were diagnosised later in life. (it would be hard to explain a child). I do believe it is a direct cause to heart disease and diabetes.
Haven't heard of it, but have heard of similar theories. I am doubting it's CAUSED by foods, but with everything up in the air as far as Crohns, who knows, it may be that trans fats or HFCS's or something have some role in awakening the dormant status of Crohns, it's doubtful but with so many blanks to fill in with IBD, I consider little to be off limits for pointing the finger (not pulling it, haha).
'Traditional food' was a nightmare. Traditional American food consists of huge quantities of meat and a little bread and cheese. Also cured foods and such. Basically, people were eating so much fat and so little fiber in the early 1900s that bowel problems (especially constipation) were epidemic and there were countless sanatoriums just for bowel problems.

Not only that but the lack of proper vitamins and minerals left people physically weaker and gave them much shorter life spans.
Colt said:
'Traditional food' was a nightmare. Traditional American food consists of huge quantities of meat and a little bread and cheese. Also cured foods and such. Basically, people were eating so much fat and so little fiber in the early 1900s that bowel problems (especially constipation) were epidemic and there were countless sanatoriums just for bowel problems.

Not only that but the lack of proper vitamins and minerals left people physically weaker and gave them much shorter life spans.

True enough. I guess traditional was not a good word to use. I was thinking more like sitting down and eating real food (meat, veggies, fruit) The more local the better. Getting back to taking the time to prepare our food and sit and eat it. Not just empty a box and sit in front of the tv and eat without thinking what your fueling your body with. If you look at the ingredients you can't even pronounce what's in it let alone know what it is. I don't know maybe I am taking things too far to the extreme and being to idealistic. (by the way I do not eat 100% healthy...but have become more concerned since I was diagnosised. I can also tell by the way I feel if I ate too much junk on the weekend)
One food additive suspect that I would throw out there is Monosoduim Glutamate and even natural free glutamates that occur in high concentration in certain foods.

It is in most prepared food and anything with artificial flavors. It is often not listed at all if it is in small amounts. It is an exitotoxin that is known to cause problems in some people. Well, known to everyone but the FDA.

I have not researched this, but if someone was looking for a food culprit, it would be a good item to investigate.

MSG is wicked for some - causes migraines for many - I have a very close friend who suffers within 30 mins terribly if he has anything with MSG. Unfortunatly, my fav food is chinese and it is swimming in it.

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