In hospital ......

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Oct 15, 2010
Well I got admitted yesterday after seeing the out of hours gp, an looks like I'm here for the foreseeable future lol
I hate hospitals but I can't carry on being in pain I gotta get sorted .

I'll update u all soon x
Jen XX
Well all I'm getting so far is "we don't know"
I've seen soooo many different docs here none knows what the other has done or is doing !
I feel like I'm back to square 1 even though I'm not , it's just so frustrating knowing I'm Ill, feeling awful and in constant pain with no answers.
Hopefully the answers will come soon .
I feel so down with it all an being in hospital makes it feel ten times worse :(
Jen XX
hospital is the pits!
Hope you get some answers soon Jen, keep your chin up!
Are they gonna check the stuck pill cam whilst you're there?
Yep I've had an X-ray but not been given the results yet, I think if it was there I'd have been told by now so I'm pretty positive it's not still there ( fingers crossed ).
I'm just wondering here ..... What actually causes ulceration and a stricture of the small bowel ? Is it inflammation? As in crohns etc or could something else cause it ?
Coz I want to put my consultant straight if he tries fobbing me of again , I'm stuck with the horrible gi for the time being so I need to really wise up on what's going on with my body an demand some answers .
Jen XX
Good Luck , I was in hospital not that long ago for 2 weeks, So depressing but my crohns is better now than its been before, so deffo worth it :)
Have they restarted your pred/ iv hydrocortidone or any crohn's meds...i would hope they have started you on something.
No just pain relief again coz it's bank holiday weekend here an all the consultants are in tommorow we only have on call ones who can't take on my case ! Y I don't know but I suppose it's best to stick wiv sum one who knows your history even if he is a complete knob!!!
God most ppl hate hospital food , what I would give to have sum lol to me dog **** would taste fine right now !
Jen XX
That seems ridiculous, its not rocket science to write prednisolone or hydrocortisone on your drug chart. They know you habe crohns and you have a stricture so unless there is evidence of perforation( which would be seen on a chest xray) then it doesn't need a gastro doc to prescribe steroids! What is their reasoning behind giving you no appropriate medication?????
I hope they get you sorted out and you start feeling a lot better soon. Thoughts are with you.
My guess is as good as yours !!! They won't treat me until my gi is in tommorow am .
I've now been moved to a side cubical on a diff ward an fair play the nurses up here are amazing my main nurses best friend has crohns ! What a difference it makes for a nurse to understand !!
Jen XX
Not feeling well at all in here :(

No sign of my gi today, god knows what's happened to him !
I'm on all my pain meds so the pain is mildly under control, I'm starving hungry but food just isn't on the menu ATM I've had some mash an a jelly but it still hurt my stomach .

For some reason I feel lightheaded kind of spacey ( def not the meds I take them all at home and more!!) but heavy at the same time .

The bowel noises are embarrassing and my mouth is bright red all cracked an extremely sore to the point that when I ate some mash I could hardly open my mouth an when I did it burned soooo bad eating it !! What's that all about ??

I'm so tired , bored, lonely, frustrated, depressed u name it I feel like it :(

I don't want to keep moaning coz I'm getting pissed off with myself here lol but I could do with some cheering up if anyones offering.

Jen XX
Have you asked the staff when you are going to be seen by someone who feels able to actually treat you?
Did you have butter and milk in the mash...sometimes it hurts less if its just plain boiled potato.
And its fine to moan anyway - thats what this forum is all about.
If you need cheering up, just take a look at Princess Beatrice's hat at the wedding..I think she fell into a bowl of pasta...
Pmsl your right it was an awful hat!!!!

Just spoke to the nurse, my doc will def be coming to see me tonight , even though it's 4:50pm here now lol
At least it's something so I'll update again later .

Jen XX
Right seen the doc !!
Not my main gi but his f1 ( trainee) I'm being kept in coz they need to run sum tests.
My bloods are fine which they always are anyway so I expected that , but he's concerned that I'm in so much pain with no explanation as yet .

My stool samples still aren't back , and the mouth problem is due to malabsorption of vitamins an minerals apparently so fingers crossed that will clear up soon !
He mentioned steroids an prob starting them tommoz when I see his senior but also mentioned another colonoscopy,
So I said even though I'm in pain can't eat etc I won't take steroids till after my scope if I have one coz last time I'm sure it affected the outcome , he said yes it sometimes does so that's fine .
I'm happier than earlier but I'm still panicking I'm gonna b sent home like this with f all being done an them say it's not your crohns it's ibs on top or sumthing , or you ate too much pasta lol
He did mention flare up so I'm positive he thinks it's the crohns flaring rather than anything else, and I'm positive it is aswell I know my body and I sure as hell ain't right!
Even if they gotta open me up to take a look the way I feel right now they can go right ahead!!

Thanks all for listening to me rant an keep updating I'm just so bored here it's nice to talk to ppl who know what I'm going through

Jen xxx
It's worth the visit and it will be like a ****** vacation but at least you get 3 meals delivered right to your bed. I had a few hot nurses during my stay and also a TV although the TV cost like 60 bucks a week. I'm being a smart ass about this but I can laugh now and I believe you will be out and laughing soon. Hang in there and do what you can to keep your mind occupied that will be your biggest help :)
I'm sorry you are going through this Jenny. Being in the hospital is no fun, but it is even worse not knowing what the outcome will be. I've been through it too, and I am here to show that you will get through it and be feeling like yourself again, hopefully sooner than you think! Thinking of you!

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