Right seen the doc !!
Not my main gi but his f1 ( trainee) I'm being kept in coz they need to run sum tests.
My bloods are fine which they always are anyway so I expected that , but he's concerned that I'm in so much pain with no explanation as yet .
My stool samples still aren't back , and the mouth problem is due to malabsorption of vitamins an minerals apparently so fingers crossed that will clear up soon !
He mentioned steroids an prob starting them tommoz when I see his senior but also mentioned another colonoscopy,
So I said even though I'm in pain can't eat etc I won't take steroids till after my scope if I have one coz last time I'm sure it affected the outcome , he said yes it sometimes does so that's fine .
I'm happier than earlier but I'm still panicking I'm gonna b sent home like this with f all being done an them say it's not your crohns it's ibs on top or sumthing , or you ate too much pasta lol
He did mention flare up so I'm positive he thinks it's the crohns flaring rather than anything else, and I'm positive it is aswell I know my body and I sure as hell ain't right!
Even if they gotta open me up to take a look the way I feel right now they can go right ahead!!
Thanks all for listening to me rant an keep updating I'm just so bored here it's nice to talk to ppl who know what I'm going through
Jen xxx