In need of a bit of comforting

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Nov 5, 2009
Typically, I am not a smoker. Recently, I've been having a few here and there because I am just so stressed out from worrying about this damn surgery. It's been consuming my thoughts and I just can't shake it!

So.. anyway, my question is, have any of you out there been smokers and had a bowel resection done and come out okay?? I've got myself so psyched out that I've screwed myself and something will happen under anesthesia because I've had a few. By a few, I mean maybe 3 or 4 every few days or so for the last maybe month.

I haven't talked to any of my family about it because they are all so against it, and like I said, I've never been a smoker, but occasionally in the past would have some with my friends when husbands were deployed.

I think I'm just being neurotic and worrying about everything, just to worry about something? gosh,I'm a mess!!!
I haven't had a bowel resection, but have had other surgeries (gallbladder, hernia, etc.) I am a smoker and everything was fine.
I had two surgeries last year (gallbladder and breast aug) and am a regular smoker (10/day). No problems whatsoever. I think you'll be fine. But I do know smoking makes Crohn's worse, so it's best to stay away if you can.
I went through the same fear when I was scheduled for a Hysterectomy last December. I was not yet diagnosed with Crohn's and I smoked like a chimney. I was having a rough time dealing with life at the time and smoked a pack a day along with as much Marijuana as I could get my hands on. Things have very much changed for me since that time, and I now am completely smoke free on all accounts. But the point to my story is I came out ok. I remember the fear, I remember how scared I was that I made a horrible mistake that could cost me my life. But I was alright and I strongly believe you will be fine. :) try to ease your mind, for if anything else, I do know that with Crohns... Stress is a very bad thing. :)
You will be fine stop stressing. I've had a resection and I was a social smoker and had no probs. Obviously it is recommended that you don't smoke or cut down prior to surgery as that is the ideal situation for anaesthetic but lf it was too big a risk half the population wouldn't get operated on. What they are concerned about is any underlying repiratory problems ie chest infections asthma etc etc and your general fitness levels which might make it a bit more tricky but think of the patients that are heavy smokers undergoing heart surgery and they still operate. If your that concerned just stop now and give your lungs the best chance pre surgery and yourself peace of mind, distract your thoughts in other ways like going for a walk as the fitter you are the better and fasted recovery. Good luck
thanks guys!
I know, i've been stressing about everything, from the details of who is going to help me with the baby to just anything else that pops into my head. this is just what I do when I get nervous about something! It's quite irritating how stressed I get.

I haven't had any for a couple of days and probably won't again before or after surgery.
It'll be fine. I can understand the stressing though. How much time now 'til the surgery? You're not a mess! These reactions are totally normal and things will calm down so much once it's over with.

Just try to quit afterwards. Smoking puts you at higher risk for disease returning at the surgical site.
Thursday is the big day! I go for my preop appointment here later today.

I don't plan on doing it anymore. It seemed like a good thing to do at the time... but I don't really enjoy it, and its a bit nasty. :)

I think this time around, things seem to be worrying me so much more because of the baby. I didn't use to worry so much about having surgery, but now that she's here and she depends on me so much, it makes me worry even more LOL I'm going to see my mother in law today b/c she's going to watch Sadie for me, and she's got this stuff called Rescue Remedy and you put some drops of this stuff under your tongue and it helps out with stress. She gave it to me before my wedding and it worked awesome!

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