In remission but still having pain on and off?

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IEP should be revised to address the change in school placement to virtual academy (or whatever they call it) and to amend goals/modifications/services as needed so support her in that placement. If you unilaterally changed her placement you need to advise special ed immediately in writing and call for an IEP meeting regarding placement as soon as possible.

The state level contact regarding special education in FLVS can be reached at 877-500-FLVS (3587). You can ask to leave a voicemail message for the Special Education Director of Florida Virtual School Full Time to arrange for FLVS Full Time participation on your child's IEP team and to ask questions regarding FLVS.

And in case you need it, here's a page that describes all the options for enrolling in FLVS - full time, part time (no diploma), homeschool (two options, neither grants diploma)

When thinking about this, remember that the point of the IEP is not to find the right "placement" for the child (squeeze child into available placement the district wants to use with shoe horn) but to develop the necessary set of accommodations and modifications needed so that the child can get the benefit of a public education in a given academic setting (stretch or supplement/modify placement to fit child's needs).

What did her IEP call for if she had an extended period of illness that made regular daily school attendance impossible?
Patricia thanks for that great information. Her IEP in St. Louis was very basic because her teachers were so great and worked with us. I am going to contact that office tomorrow. I took the girls for their blood work today and hopefully will get the results by next week. I am sick again. My little one loves to share her bugs with me! Just hoping no one else gets it. So looking forward to the weekend and resting.
Yes Patricia we transferred her IEP through the charter school she was originally in. Caitlyn has been keeping me so busy with homeschool activities. I have been meeting other homeschoolers and learning a lot. I think we are not going to continue with Florida virtual but are going to do our own program. Incorporating a few different things including some unschooling. I am having such a good time with her. This past week was rough though. My Grandfather who has been ill passed away. He was 96 years old. I am glad he is not suffering anymore and is in a better place but we will really miss him. He is one of the reasons we came back to Florida to be close to him and spend time with him, as well as my parents, and my husband's Dad who all live in Florida.
I'm sorry about your grandfather! Regardless of age, it's always tough to lose a loved one! :ghug:

How is Caitlyn feeling? Has she been feeling better lately?
Kim, Jaedyn is homeschooling too. This has been a very positive move and she loves school so much. What curriculum are you doing with her...
Caitlyn is feeling okay right now thank goodness.
She is currently doing Florida virtual but once she finishes her course from last semester I am going to use a combination of unschooling and a few more traditional things for math and English I think. I am really still trying to figure this whole homeschooling thing out.
What curriculum are you guys using?
Jaedyn wanted to do Middle Ages for history, so we found a program that uses living books (which I love) and hands on activities (which Jaedyn loves) through a company called Beautiful Feet. This covers her literature and history. This year we are trying an ingenius math program called Life of Fred, which is very unique and she does her math without complaining and whizzes through it. Currently she is doing percentages, but finished the fractions book in about 6 weeks before this. These are both review topics for her. Next up will be prealgebra, I think. I have her doing typing because she is a SLOW handwriter. She isn't really interested in it, but I think will be grateful later on. I think she is up to about 30 WPM. For science we found a program that is on CD put out by Apologia. I think it is called General Science (for 7th grade). She can do this on her own, has a lot of hands-on work (experiments, etc). I also have her doing Bible study and exercising.

Jaedyn homeschooled from kindergarten to 4th grade. She went to private school in 5th and 6th grade and struggled through it. She absolutely hated school when she got to 7th grade and was a real struggle for her. She was sick a lot too and had a hard time keeping up. Homeschooling has worked out really well. If she starts slacking off, though, all I have to tell her is that if she won't do her work at home I'm going to send her back to school :p. I'm such an evil mom! That usually does the trick.
Thanks for the curriculum info. I heard good things about that math program life of Fred. I am going to look into getting it.
Hi all,
I just wanted to pop in and apologize. I have not been on lately. Life is crazy right now! I am doing tons of research on homeschooling and going to all these homeschool groups and activities plus tons of other stuff going on that today is the first time I have had five minutes to sit down and get on the site! I feel badly as I want to make sure I am being there for all of you. You guys have always been for me.
Our family is very excited about homeschooling and next year plan to homeschool everyone. We have decided to use a combination of unschooling and more formal schooling for math and language arts. I heard about this great math program called Life of Fred that I am looking into. Haven't figured out what language arts program to use yet.
We also had some very upsetting news about our health insurance that has me very worried. The government has decided that as of October veterans with Tricare prime will have to go to Tricare standard if you do not live with in 50 miles of a military base. Tricare standard means you have a $3000 deductible a year. I don't know where we are going to come up with an extra $3000 per year. I have started getting friends to write their local government officials asking to not let this pass so far it has not helped. But if any of you would like to write on our behalf I would appreciate it.
Lets see what else is going on. Thank goodness Caitlyn is doing pretty well. My one worry with her is she is still going to the bathroom more frequently 4-5 times per day. She has only occasionally complaining of pain. We reduced the LDN to 3.5 mg because she was having dizzy spells and headaches and since the drop she has only had one headache. The drop didn't affect her frequency of bathroom trips that has been going on for a while now. We did bloods and FC two weeks ago but I have not heard results from the doctor, hoping no news is good news. That is basically what h been going on. So if you don't see me writing to you just know you all are always on my mind and I am always thinking of everyone here!
kimmiedwife, I'll be glad to contact my government officials on behalf of this change. A friend of mine is going through the same ordeal. They are trying to get a petition going as well as write-in and phone calls. I read an article a while back that this would be coming down the pipeline and I find it truly atrocious!

It's good to hear that Caitlyn is doing well. I think it is fantastic news about the homeschooling. I really liked the idea of it but I think at the time I was researching I was already stressed and all the info sent me to completely "overwhelmed". I think if I would've been in a better state when researching I would've been able to take in all the information without feeling so overwhelmed. I read great things about Life of Fred when I was researching.
^^^ Same here, that is awful. We have a per person deductible up to a family maximum, Should have Jack's deductible taken care of for the rest of the year with the scopes last week.

No need to apologize!!! :) I'm sorry you've got to deal with these financial issues... I just hate when I hear that someone (me too! :)) has to deal with the financial issues on top of all of our other concerns... just isn't fair!! Seems very illogical or without justification that they can alter your insurance coverage simply because you don't live within a certain distance of a base. Is there some sort of reasoning for this? In any case, good luck with this... I hope it doesn't come to pass!

Glad Caitlyn's pains and headaches are lessening... and hoping for good results!! :ghug:
I'm glad the transition to homeschool is going well. I miss homeschooling all my kids, but I'm grateful for this job that is allowing me to have insurance for my kids. I'd hate to think where we'd be without it... I'm enjoying Life of Fred, as are my kids. Jaedyn loves homeschooling and as she is 13 and can do her work without help most of the time (dad is there for any questions) it is working out well. Sure helps with all the school she'd be missing for doctor appointments/not feeling well, etc. I'm glad that you have something to distract you from this IBD obsession I've fallen into as well!
Sorry to hear about the insurance issues, they do try so hard to pay out as little as possible. Glad the homeschooling is getting sorted out - all you homeschool mom's are amazing. I wouldn't have the patience or the get up and go needed to organise it all. Hope Caitlyn's tummy pains and bathroom trips don't start getting worse - just a bump in the road!
Ps. I forgot to mention that Caitlyn has been waking up early to bake her little sister hello kitty cookies and make her lunch. I guess she is feeling better! I want to post a picture of one of the cookies but have no clue how you tech savvy people do it. Can one of you PM me and I will do it a little later when I get back from my doctor appt.
Kim, waiting 2 weeks for lab results and you have patience!:) My sister homeschooled all her kids too. (She has 7). All her kids are so smart. Did really well on ACT/SAT. Got all kinds of scholarships at college level. I've been impressed. I always told her; I wish she lived closer so I could enroll my kids in her homeschool!
Hi all,
Have had a crazy weekend. My 12 year old daughters best friend and mom came to visit for the weekend from St. Louis. Her Mom fell on our step and hurt her knee, it was so crazy, hopefully she is fine though. They went home today and she will have it checked out tomorrow. Don't think anything is broken though she did not want to go to the ER. My best friend from high school is also in town for the weekend and we are about to go see her. I just wanted to pop in and wish everyone a happy Presidents' Day weekend!
Hi all just wanted to update. It has been a few very busy weeks. Yesterday I officially pulled two of my other kids out of school and are goi g to start homeschooling them as well. I have been putting together our homeschool program and am very excited about it.
Today we see the GI doc and get my third daughters test results ( blood work and FC). Keeping my fingers crossed that her stomach aches were school stress. ( keeping the bubble intact!)
I hope the test results are good!!! :ghug: :ghug:

And, good luck with the homeschooling!!! I'm very impressed! That's quite a challenge for you! :thumright:
Hoping that bubble stays intact! Good luck with the homeschooling - don't think I could do it myself, hope it goes smoothly.
Hope it all goes well and you get good results back. You have my admiration about homeschooling, I truly do admire those that can and do make it work.
Taking Jaedyn out of school to homeschool was definitely the right move, especially with all the medical stuff, pain etc for time lost at school. I can just reset due dates, etc and she doesn't get behind. She also had less pain for the first couple months out from less stress of the schoolwork and social pressures. Medical issues have increased the stress levels, but hopefully she'll feel better soon.
Hi all it has been a busy day. Firstly good news daughter #3 all her tests were normal. Yay! Caitlyn on the other hand lost another two kilos. All her labs are normal. Her FC is less then 15. And she is feeling pretty good. To be on the safe side the doctor wants to do the pill camera to make sure there is nothing we are missing. Caitlyn was very agreeable to it which I was happy about. She will set her up to do the placebo first. The homeschooling went very well today. The kids are more relaxed and happier then I have seen them in a long time!
Kimmidwife, glad she was agreeable to the pill cam. C's MRE was good and with all the testing so far they really can't find anything responsible with his failure to gain weight. If it doesn't turn around then we may be doing pill cam too just to double check small bowel.

Oh I wish we lived close because C is getting so far behind even with this flex schedule due to absence and I feel so overwhelmed by setting up the curriculum to get him through all of this. I am so glad you were able to get past the "overwhelmed stage" and find a program you are excited about!!

Good luck on the pill cam!!
Kim, that's great news!! Both that your younger daughters results were good :banana: and that Caitlyn is good with doing the pillcam! :banana: :banana:

Nice to hear good news!! :D
Glad to hear all went well. Homeschooling can be such a good thing and will bring you closer to your kids than ever. I'm glad your older dd's tests came back normal. The pill cam was probably the least of difficult tests that Jae had to endure, but it does still require a clean-out :(.
I hope your girl's test goes smoothly.:heart:
Of course ya know I'm a huge fan of homeschooling.:ybiggrin:

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