In the process of finding out what's wrong...

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Nov 4, 2013
Soo.. I am In the process of maybe being diagnosed with some form of IBD... Well, hopefully not but I would love for them to find out whats wrong to put a stop to my symptoms. Crohn's and colitis run in my family, my sis was diagnosed a few years back and I thought I was fortunate and am always there for my lil sis in every way. However a year ago I knew something wasn't right but I didn't want to go to the doctor. I suffered weight loss about 20 lbs... it hurt badly after I ate also with diarrhea... However I did escape symptoms for a great while and gained some weight back. until...

A few weeks ago when I started first having horrible hip pain... has anyone had this in relation to IBD? Then a week later I started to be horribly constipated and I still have bad stomach pains that come and go quite frequently (lower right abdomen mostly) Also have had some blood... They did an ultrasound (I am a girl) and checked my ovaries etc.. everything looks normal. The doc has me on Mira lax and benefiber to try to get things going. I thought it would help tremendously but I am not going that much. I also am still having some tummy pain after I eat and still have that ache in my side that I can't seem to escape from... anywho I am patiently waiting for when I go to a GI.. its so weird saying that for I always went with my sis to her GI appts... Thanks for listening I guess this is more of a vent Lol:tongue:

peace -
Your symptoms with the weight loss sound eerily familiar to mine when I was in active flare for the first time as a teenager. I have at different times gotten pain in the hip of a sort similar to that you have described. The lower right abdomen pain is also a concern.

You could throw a little mineral oil into your diet, and that could help things move a little. Hopefully you get to a GI and the testing shortly.

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