Incontinence of the other kind

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 31, 2010
Well, since you can share just about anything on this forum - I wet myself yesterday!!
I don't get bad D but I get the symptoms of a bladder infection without the infection, so the urgency etc. I'm a meter reader and here in the Hebrides it's all little pockets of houses, very spread out and in the middle of nowhere. My tum was really bothering me yesterday but I've got deadlines to meet so went out anyway. I've had a few near misses - had to abandon my basket in the supermarket last week and dash home with my legs crossed ( pretty difficult when you are driving! ) But yesterday, I was in every toilet I know of on my route and still got caught out.
Wish my test results would hurry up and get back. I am now discretely eyeing up the Tena Lady packs in the shops :redface:
I am not sure if it's a side effect from meds, but I have real bad frequency, especially in the mornings (when I take most of my meds). I can use the toilet 3 times before I leave the house in the morning, and still be bursting by the time I get to work (20-30 minute journey). Luckily I have never had a full on accident (well, since reaching adulthood anyway!) possibly due to the fact that I had trouble in that department as a child/teenager, and did Kegels. But I often have to nip into a bush when I'm out walking the dog!
Not sure about side effects of meds cos I'm not on any at the moment. I was at an army cadet hall but luckily none of them were around at the time! Rebecca, what is Kegels?
Kegels are exercises to strengthen your sphinter (the muscles that stop you from weeing). Like pelvic floor exercises. I'm sure if you do a search online you will find a step by step guide, but basically you just practice clenching and unclenching several times a day.

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