Infant Crohn's--Anal Fissure Only Sign?

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Apr 23, 2012
My daughter is almost 6 months old and I noticed an anal fissure when she was one week old. She had some bleeding and a noticeable fissure, so I brought her to the pediatrician for help. We changed formulas, tried many creams the pediatricians suggested, but the fissure did not heal. She was also gassy and only having BMs every other day. The pediatricians referred her to a gastro specialist at Children's Hospital at 11 weeks. She was put on Similac Alimentum/prune juice to relieve constipation and I was advised to keep the area clean, but use no creams. We brought her back last week for a check in and the gastro specialist referred us to a surgeon for consultation. He also mentioned the possibility of Crohn's disease and asked if it runs in either family. We do not have a family history and the fissure is really her only symptom. The specialist told me if my daughter was 3, he would recommend a colonoscopy to check for Crohn's. While she was labeled "failure to thrive" due to early weight loss issues these resolved by one month of age. She has grown so well from 6lb 10ozs at birth to 16lb 8ozs at 6 months., so weight gain is not an issue. Has anyone had their infant diagnosed with Crohn's with an anal fissure as the main symptom? I'm not sure what else I should be looking for or how to proceed with potential treatment. She has a surgeon consult in a few weeks, but I would love to gather information in the meantime. Thank you for any help you may be able to provide.
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My daughter was diagnosed at 2.5 years and anal fissures were her main symtom. She probably had them for a bout a year before we got a diagnosis, however looking back now she had other symtoms, mouth ulcers, vomiting, loseing weight and sever pain going to the the toilet. Apparatently fissures are really common as a once off type event due to constipation so it may only be something like that - stay strong and hopefully you will get the answers you need.
My son too initially only presented with an anal fissure which I first noticed when he was about 4 years old. We have no family history either but he did have a colonoscopy done, at the time I noticed the fissure to check for Crohn's and we were told that they saw no signs of Crohn's at the time. Now my son is 9 y.o. and was just diagnosed with Crohn's last month after experiencing some vomiting, weight loss, and fatigue.
I hope you are able to get some answers!
My daughter was 10 years old when we first noticed an anal fissures - Crohn's was mentioned by her pediatrician and GI doc thought she was to young for a colonoscopy. 4 years later, many symptoms later that we never thought were related she was diagnosed with Crohn's. Good luck with your little one!
Just wanted to wish you welcome, and good luck. Something you wrote triggered within me a memory that I never, until just this very minute, associated with my Crohns disease. I wasn't symptomatic until my 40's, not dx'ed till I was nearly 50, but, as a newborn, I did suffer what the doctors at the time labeled 'failure to thrive'. It may be just coincidence. I hope that, in your daughters case, it is just that, and not Crohns. Keep us posted, and all the best. My prayers are with you.
Hi gjg and :welcome:

We have had no experience with anal fissures here. I'm sorry to hear you are going through this with your little one, bless her...:hug:

I imagine the docs are throwing Crohn's around because the fissure isn't healing? Since anal fissures are pretty common in babies up to one year old.
The earlier weight loss could be another thing they are looking at in the bigger picture and as polly has mentioned, does your daughter have anything else going on...mouth ulcers, rashes, things like that?

The only other home treatment I can suggest at this time would be sits baths if you haven't already been doing this.

Good luck hun and welcome aboard!

Dusty. xxx