No crohn's related joint issues but, with hockey and soccer, he's often hurting 'something' (but how 'bad' does it need to be to warrant elevated ESR?? :lol

. But, as his CRP has remained normal, I've sort of leaned toward the elevated ESR being due to some injury that is no longer 'recent' enough to cause CRP to rise but still recent enough that ESR hasn't dropped to normal yet???
ESR has been:
Pre-remicade - 20s to 30s (CRP also fluctuating a bit above normal)
Remicade started Feb. 2013
Apr to Aug 2013 - ESR between 2 and 5
Oct 2013 - ESR at 33, had again injured previously dislocated shoulder, bad enough to be back at physio (test run by GP). Also, related??, S just told me one of his roommates quit school because he developed mono in the Fall.
Nov 2013 - ESR 19 (asked GI to include ESR because of Oct result)
As standing orders are for labwork only every other infusion, his last labwork was beginning of Feb but ESR was not included. Next labwork won't be until May infusion.
Bacterial - ah well, hadn't thought about this... but maybe we're ahead of the game this time! :lol: He just had a round of antibiotics following the wisdom teeth extraction :thumright:, perhaps that would taken care of any lingering bacterial infection??? Of course, to add to the 'hmmm', when one of S's roommates quit school in the Fall, S only said it was too much stress... now he tells me he had mono! :yfaint: Good news is that even on remicade, he was able to withstand mono in close quarters but, now that you mention infection, perhaps that would have affected ESR???
I guess I'll call the GI's office and ask for ESR to be included in May labwork... (I hate calling for this stuff... I feel like such a PITA! :yrolleyes: but oh well... :lol
(OMG, you can drive yourself crazy with all the 'oh maybe', 'what if', 'oh that', etc., etc.! :lol