Ella had a piriton injection before she started I forgot about that, so that could account for some of the tiredness, she is also still on her Pred but that has not done anything for her symptoms this time.
Thanks. One plus is we have now got our own room to keep her away from bugs etc. and I have a bed

Hi I have been following your story about poor Ella and as a mum of a fairly newly diagnosed son (18 months ago)i know exactly the trauma you are currently going through...It's the worst kind of pain!
My sons consultant said to me it will get better and indeed it has....the key for him, he was desperately ill,29kgs aged 15yrs!!was i think infliximab, but making that decision was the most difficult of my life! It frightened me to death!
He was always incredibly tired for a day after the infusions which he had for 5 months and slept most of the next day.
Unfortunately Josh's disease was so severe and his colon was so bad he needed surgery to take away the scarred useless parts in September last year, but not everyone has to have surgery.... don't be alarmed .
After his surgery the infliximab infusions stopped...and from day 10 after the surgery he has been on the up...literally he has grown from 146cms tall to 180cms and now weighs 58kgs, now in sixth form has a Saturday job ,bags of energy and has an amazing capacity for life! He's back!
Josh had to have the Ng tube which i was so aprehensive about but there really was no other option as the drinks made him sick ...he cried and screamed for me to tell them to take it out for a couple of days then he got used to it and there it stayed from Feb until last December. He went to school with it in and nobody turned a hair!
trust me you do get used to it being part of your life,it definately saved his!
he even admitted he missed it when it was taken out as nobody treated him favourably anymore! We had the pump at home for overnight feeds then he went to school and ate normally.
He did have the added complication of a perforated bowel which was why he was first admitted so we probably stayed longer than you will but we were both in Hospital for 5 weeks,then he had to have weekly bloods drawn at first as he was and still is on azathioprine to keep him in remission. There is light at the end of the tunnel, you will get your lovely girl back on track, just stay with her ...write everything down and learn,you do learn quite quickly...and ask lots of questions .
I,m glad you have a private room and a bed! it's so important in a busy hospital,we moved in and out of private rooms depending on their availability!
Are you in Northampton Hospital or oxford now?
Josh wouldn't eat hospital food so i spent a lot of his sleeping time shopping for food,he had some weird food cravings and still does!!!
remember 'It WILL GET BETTER!' hugs Josh's mum x