kimmidwife Joined Sep 19, 2010 Messages 4,397 Mar 10, 2014 #1
my little penguin Super Moderator Staff member Joined Apr 15, 2012 Messages 14,843 Mar 10, 2014 #2 Good article but the type of immune response in mast cells/food allergies etc... Is a different mechanism than the immune response in crohn's. We have discussed this at length with DS 'a allergist .
Good article but the type of immune response in mast cells/food allergies etc... Is a different mechanism than the immune response in crohn's. We have discussed this at length with DS 'a allergist .
kimmidwife Joined Sep 19, 2010 Messages 4,397 Mar 10, 2014 #3 Mlp Our new allergist said both are sometimes found together in people.
Farmwife Joined Apr 28, 2012 Messages 6,232 Mar 11, 2014 #4 Very interesting. We just meant with Grace's new allergist. He also said that their different mechanisms.
Very interesting. We just meant with Grace's new allergist. He also said that their different mechanisms.