Interesting Read - Research - Personalizing IBD

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they are sniffing around the right place, but still have considerable work to do. couple of quotes from the link:

Armstrong and her team aim to better understand how the gut microbiome and changes in the microbes that live in the gut of IBD patients can impact the way the body interacts with their diet.

“We’re really hoping in the next three to five years to be able to develop and clinically utilize stool tests in these patients to use their gut microbiome as a biomarker to determine what diet will work best for them as an individual,” Armstrong said. “This research is the first step towards that.”
I would say we can tell what food sets us of and what doesn't even down to the way it's cooked, finding the cause why people can eat doffernt foods to others and what is the trigger, I guess that would be the cause of crohns in genral.
good results with common strains of beneficial bacteria in a mouse trial
A Novel Probiotic Combination Ameliorates Crohn's Disease-Like Ileitis by Increasing Short-Chain Fatty Acid Production and Modulating Essential Adaptive Immune Pathways

Crohn's disease (CD) represents a significant public health challenge. We identified a combination of beneficial probiotic strains (Saccharomyces boulardii, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Bifidobacterium breve) and amylase that may antagonize elevated bacterial pathogens in the inflamed gut. Our aim was to characterize the effect(s) of this novel probiotic supplement in SAMP1/YitFc (SAMP) mice with CD-like ileitis.

Results: Histology scores showed that mice treated with probiotics + amylase had a significant decrease of ileitis severity compared with the other 2 groups. 16S ribosomal RNA and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis showed that abundance of species belonging to genus Lachnoclostridium and Mucispirillum schaedleri were significantly increased compared with the other 2 groups, and this increase was associated with augmented production of short-chain fatty acids. NanoString data showed that 21 genes involved in B memory cell development and T cell infiltration were significantly upregulated in probiotic-treated mice and that 3 genes were significantly downregulated.

Conclusions: Our data provide experimental proof for a beneficial effect of the designed probiotic formulation on the severity of CD-like ileitis in the SAMP mouse model, involving both alteration of intestinal genetic pathways and microbial rearrangements. Thus, we propose that this novel probiotic mixture should be further tested as an adjuvant therapy in the treatment of biofilm-associated disorders such as CD, in which it has been proven that polymicrobial imbalance plays a critical role in dysbiosis and gut inflammation.
summary of trials with certain species of bacteria
Altered gut bacteria and bacterial metabolic pathways are two important factors in initiation and progression of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However, efficacy of probiotics in remission of patients with IBD has not been characterized. This study was performed on the studies that specifically assessed the efficacy of probiotics in attaining clinical response on patients with various types of IBD.

Analysis of 9 trials showed that probiotics had not significant effect on Crohn's disease (CD) (p = 0.07) but analysis of 3 trials in children with IBD revealed a significant advantage (p < 0.01).

Analysis of 18 trials revealed that probiotics in patients with Ulcerative colitis (UC) in different conditions have significant effects (p = 0.007). VSL#3 probiotics in patients with UC had significant effect (p < 0.01).

Combination of Lactobacillus probiotic, prebiotics had significant effect (p = 0.03) only in patients with UC. Combination of Saccharomyces boulardii, Lactobacillus, and VSL#3 probiotics in CD had also a trend for efficiency (p = 0.057).

In children with IBD, the combination of Lactobacillus with VSL#3 probiotics had significant effect (p < 0.01). Probiotics are beneficial in IBD, especially the combination ones in UC.

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