Introduction and my story

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Dec 18, 2013
Hey guys! I'm new here(obviously) and been reading through posts and such. Seems like a fantastic community, so I'm gonna jump right on in...

I'm a 35 year old, married, mom of one :) Currently living just outside of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

I don't have a diagnosis as of yet. Been in pain for about 7 months straight with constant pain :( Really sucks :(

Lets start at the beginning....

Was diagnosed with Endometriosis back in 2000 after fighting with doctors over pain I was having on my lower left side, intermittently. Had a laparoscopy done for removal. Doc found a few spots and burned them off. 6 months later was back in for another lap, they found lesions, burned them off. Started having pain again about 18 months later, doc did another lap and didn't find anything. Over the years had 2 more laparoscopies done with no more signs of the endo. Ended up with a hysterectomy in 2011 just to stop the awful cramps I was having when I would get my period. Pain went away for 2.5 years. Now pain in back with a vengance, and I have no girly bits left, so they can't blame endo this time.

I was having tummy issues and was sent for an endoscopy in 2008. Doctor at that time said he found lots of GERD damage and asked if I get heartburn often, tbh I could probably count on my fingers how many times I have had heartburn. Doc thought it was kinda odd and sent me for a HIDA scan. Turns out my galbladder was only working at about 20%. Had me in for galbladder out in April 2009. There were no stones in it, but was apparently very inflamed and infected

Now the pain is back and has been for months. Did a round of flagyl and cipro cause they were thinking diverticulitis. I have had blood drawn so many times I feel like a pin cushion. Had stool tested, normal. Normal ultrasound. Had a virtual colonoscopy ( a CT scan of my large intestine ) which shows diverticulosis, but my white cells are normal and I have no fever so diverticulitis was ruled out again. Doc thought IBS and put me on Dicetel. That med resulted me being sent to the ER for dehydration and blood in my stool because it caused me to use the bathroom 10 times more than normal. This was just a couple weeks ago :(

My usual doc is now gone back to South Africa for the winter, so I saw one of his collegues yesterday. This doc went back and scanned through my history, said that I will be sent to see a GI specialist. He said it sounds suspiciously like Crohns, and has probably been an issue for years. But because I had the endo already diagnosed the docs were jumping to that and using at as a scapegoat for my issues.

So now I sit and wait for the call for the GI doc. Thanks for reading if you made it this far ;)
Hiya Kero
and welcome

Poor you, I totally empathise.
I was misdiagnosed for over 15 years, had endos, had them removed, had a total hysterectomy, still had the symptoms, docs said I was mental and neurotic, etc, etc
I hope your new doc will suss it all out and you get a firm diagnosis and appropriate meds, good luck xxx
Docs haven't said it was all in my head, but I have had friends and family think so. My family has blamed it on the fact I'm not active and spend time playing video games. I'm not active, because it hurts! :(