
Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 14, 2011
Hi everyone, I have been a lurker on here for a few weeks and finally decided to join. My name is Tori, I'm 25, and although I am not officially diagnosed with Crohn's disease, my doctor is "98 %" sure that I have it.

I have had tummy issues for as long as I can remember but recently became very ill in February. Since then my health has been declining. I have lost a lot of weight, cannot eat any food without running to the bathroom shortly after, and have moderate-severe abdominal pains every day.

I have had an upper endoscopy and colonoscopy that both came back good. My CT scan showed minor inflammation in my small intestine but the doctor wants to do a pillcam to pinpoint the inflammation. Unfortunately, my insurance company is giving me a hard time and will not pay for it. My doctor is working with them so I hope to hear some news this week considering it is a medical necessity and diagnostic procedure.

Right now I am not taking any medication for Crohn's. The pain has been terrible this past week so I am taking Tramadol to take the 'edge off'. I am living off of toast and Ensure for nutrients at this point.

Although I wish there was nothing wrong with me, the truth is that this is not a normal way to live. I shouldn't be terrified of food and the pain that I am having. At this point, I just want to know what is going on in my body and start feeling better!

Anyway, that's my story. Nice to meet all of you! This is a great place for information and I've really learned so much already.
Hi Tori, I'm pleased that you finally decided to join :) Welcome! 98% sure huh? Gotta love that.

Grrr, I hate insurance companies sometimes. I'm sorry you're having to deal with that BS. It's utterly insane. You pay money in case you get sick and then you get sick and they give you a hard time. You don't deserve that.

I'm sorry you're in pain and not able to eat properly. I hope they get things figured out soon so you can get on a proper treatment plan and get you feeling good again.

*hugs* to you!
Hi Toralor and welcome to the forum!

Yes, not knowing is so difficult. It would be nice to know what you have so you can also start treatment and take some control of your body. Being terrified of food and pain, as you say, is no way to live.

You might want to check out the "Diet and Fitness" section of the forum for some information and tips. Also, in the Wiki section, there's information on low-residue diet which might minimize the pain you feel after eating, and allow you a bit of a break from Ensure.

I really hope you get some positive results really soon so that you can take charge of your health and healing process.

Take care,

Hi Toralor, welcome!

I'm sorry you don't feel very well. We are in the same situation a couple days ago my blood work came back positive for Crohn's and I will be undergoing a pill cam in about a week. I'm hope everything works out for you. I understand how you have to run to the bathroom after eating. I skip breakfast everyday so that my stomach doesn't get upset while I'm at work. It's very embarrassing to have to run to the bathroom all the time. I just joined this group last night and have enjoyed reading everyone's post. keep us updated :0)
Hi Toralor! The not knowing can be the worst! I hope you get your diagnosis soon so you can start treatment. Welcome to the forum!
Thanks so much for the kind words. I have an appointment again tomorrow so fingers crossed that we decide on the next step.
I have been navigating through the different forums and they are really helpful, thanks again!

tayandky- it does sound like we are in the same boat. Hoping you get answers soon also! I am praying that my insurance goes through because without the pillcam I don't know if they can make a sure diagnosis. Best of luck with yours!

Everyone is really so nice here. Hoping that I will know soon what is going on with my body!
Hi Toralor! Yes, your diagnosis would be bitter-sweet. Of course, you don't have to be diagnosed with Crohn's, but at the same time you want answers as to why you aren't well. And if you do have CD, then you can start treatment and begin to feel better!

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