Is it bad to be constipated with crohns?

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Mar 26, 2012
I'm in remission but I am taking a new antidepressant that makes me constipated. Now I'm worried because I haven't gone to the bathroom in 2 days.
Aw hun! Its bad to be constipated or have diarrea. Lots of fluids I hope will help? I'm sure someone here has better advice, because I've not been constipated since I was young, but I remember it was awful!

How about taking some yogurt or apple juice to help things along? Or some slightly fibrous fruits?
I'm suffer from the big C all the time usually go every 3rd day, rarely get diarrhea I feel well otherwise so I don't get too worried about it. I would suffer strong cramps before going though that would take the wind out of you so to speak, I also have to take movicol at times I can't even look at a box of painkillers now or it shuts my bowels down!! it is uncomfy though and you need to be careful if you have any stictures though as you don't want an obstruction.
The big C can be more than just a pain. Literally. It might disguise a blockage, which is something to be wary of; and to seek out medical help with if it becomes prolonged. The other issue is that constipation places pressure on the GI tract. With a healthy tract, it is just a painfull nuisance, but if your tract has weakened points/areas from inflammation, it might lead to a rupture, and all the negative consequences that go with it. Hydration is extremely important, and watching your diet so that you eliminate or minimize those foods that increase the risk of constipation is probably a very good idea.
Over-cooking, or liquefying your foods to some extent or other, eating things that loosen the stool... any/all of these are things you may want to look into, just in case.

Just my 2 cents worth. I've had severe, almost ceasless bouts of diarhea over the years, but the occasional bouts of constipation were far more painfull and worrisome. I'd even develop extreme headaches from constipation. I think it was too much pressure on my brain.
Thank you..I did have a fistula but I thinks its healed from the Humira. You guys are awesome!!!!
I always had constipation, never the big D. I eventually wound up rupturing my sigmoid colon and distending my bowel....mind you, at that point I hadn't had a bowel movement for 8 days. Try stool softeners, that might move things along for you, and are gentler than laxatives.
I usually go to the restroom 6-8 times per day, so when I had sudden constipation for over a week in February, I was worried, too. I called my GI on day three ish and kept in contact over the next week or so until it finally passed. You should call your GI and ask if you can take some magnesium citrate/something similar or, if that doesn't work, perhaps ask about doing a fleets enema. One or both of those should definitely work to relieve the constipation. Also, my GI told me to take Miralax on a daily basis (even if i've got D), so that might be another consideration, though it's pretty mild!
I have crohn's with C not D. Miralax is what my GI recommends to help get me going. It doesn't always work, but if you aren't used to it, it may for you. I vomit a lot because of the C, so I know how horrible it can be when you are going. I was in hospital recently with an obstruction, and had to stay until I have a BM, but they gave me magnesium to get me "going". Be careful with waiting too long! Could be dangerous! Take care!
Aw hun! Its bad to be constipated or have diarrea. Lots of fluids I hope will help? I'm sure someone here has better advice, because I've not been constipated since I was young, but I remember it was awful!

How about taking some yogurt or apple juice to help things along? Or some slightly fibrous fruits?

I can't eat any of that stuff for my C or I just flare up!!! But that is just me, of course. :)
I think any sudden change in BM warrants a visit to the GI just in case as everyone knows our bowels are somewhat unpredictable and any change can mean something's going on so best to get it checked in case it's serious. Thats why we're all as tough as old boots!!!

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