Is it ever going to get better?

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Jul 12, 2011
It has been since Aug., before my ostomy surgery since I have been able to get on here, and let me just say I noticed the difference, I had no one who understood what I was going through and what I am still going through. My hubby has been great with helping me but I am still healing physically and mentally. I still feel crappy after 6 weeks and still do not have alot of energy... Does it get better?
Hi Steph,

Good to see you are well enough to post :)

In a word - yes! Things do get better! 6 weeks is still early days. Your body has been through major surgery and it's a major change. Some people take 2-3 months to get better, some take a 5-6months. I had a few problems after both my operations but eventually things did turn around.

Still early days for you.

Gav :)
It took me about 3 months to feel back to 'normal' just relax, heal up, and you'll feel better in no time!
It took me 3 months to begin to feel 'human' again. 6 months to be bouncing around like a loon. (perhaps sooner than 6 months)

It's a major op. Mentally and physically it takes alot out of you. There are so many adjustments to make in your mind and your body. And if you are not patient with yourself, it just makes things worse. My brain was far...far ahead of my body with my healing, and I wasnt patient with myself at all. That was a mistake!

What I had to learn to do was to see even small baby tiny improvements each day, and to set small goals for myself each day. But I didnt beat myself up when I couldnt do it. Fear can be the biggest negative. Especially if you have a blow out in public. But never let it stop you.

It gets ALOT BETTER. Just be patient with yourself!!

Hi Steph - Ditto all above! Yes, it does get better but it does take time. Lots of it. It took me a good 3+ months to get my energy back. It was 4 months until I could go grocery shopping by myself! So take it easy on yourself, get plenty of rest, and then rest some more.

I know it's hard and it is really a big adjustment all the way around. But one day soon you will wake up and feel great! Hang in there - Amy
Thank you all for the info and the positive feedback. I just started back to work and it is kicking my but.... I am still swollen(more than and embarassed so everything I wear is kind of big. I am so afraid of people hearing the noises that this lovely thing makes... I think the biggest thing is getting used to I am going to quote you NXY/Cindy, having an Oscar with a hint of poop... It just makes me feel gross. I am getting better and better everyday, and I do see the little things. Thank you all for your support I know it will get alot better for me mentally being on here with you guys again...

Wow, Steph, 6 weeks is early to be back to work! I hope you are able to come home and rest at the end of the day!!! Be careful not to overdo it!!

If your wafer is secure, you shouldn't have to worry about smells. Until you go to the bathroom! But I am sure if my bag reeked, my husband would let me know for sure!!

PS The noises coming out of your stoma will subside over time. Well, mine did anyway. Have you named your stoma yet?
Hey Steph:

You're doing great---I was still in hospital at the 6 week mark! Healing takes time---it doesn't seem like it, but there are layers and layers of tissue and muscle in our abdominal walls and each layer heals slowly.

Not sure what else to say that hasn't been said already. Mentally, I remember that things were challenging. I still found changing the appliance cumbersome and walking around with the bag seemed awkward still. Like you, I was wearing baggy clothing. And I felt really self-conscious ALL the time. And then at about the ten to twelve week mark, things really started to shift, both physically and emotionally. I started to feel more confident, began trying new foods, and physically having more energy.

It does get better. Just go easy on yourself and be patient with your body. Breathe. It'll all catch up and you'll have synchronicity!

Amy, no unfortunantly when I leave work I go home pick up my son and go to football for 2 hrs...I do make sure I try to get as much rest as possible though it is hard with a young one around... I have not named my stoma yet, I am not that comfy with it. Mentally things are challenging Kismet, and it is very hard becuase sometimes my husband and friends just don't get it....

Steph - that sounds like such a long day! Please be careful. Oh and make sure you stay hydrated! I drink lots of Smartwater.

My husband is super supportive but the post-surgical fatigue was something he just didn't understand. Give it some time. As you start to feel better and recover fully from the surgery, hopefully you will feel better about your stoma. I honestly don't even think about mine now. It's just part of who I am and I am so thankful for the life it has given me. I hope you eventually feel the same way.

Feel free to come here and vent or ask questions anytime. We have honestly been there, and can relate.

- Amy
Thanks Amy I can honestly say I feel better when I have access to this forum, when I did not I was going crazy... It gets so hard sometimes for me and I understand the stress is there a little for my husband but one minute he is telling me I need to stop and take it easy but the next minute, he seems like he has a different attitude. I know that this may sound bad but I have the attitude that as long as I take care of myself, and my child , everyone else has to deal with themselves. I feel less stressed that way... Anyway have a great weekend!!!
