Is it okay to take my Humira when I have the stomach virus?

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May 16, 2014
Nothing like a stomach virus to wipe me out. Today begins day 3 of the virus and I have gone 40+ times to the bathroom. I threw up so hard I think I have a cracked rib. Trying to keep my meds in and energy up, but seems impossible. Is Humira something you can take while sick with something else?
Hi, I did call and the nurse confirmed that I should take it either way. This virus has slowed very little...lots of severe D - the number of trips to the bathroom has neared 60 since Tuesday morning, and TMI, but there are times I haven't been able to get to the restroom. Three days off from work with this mess. My intestines are in a constant rumble/spam mode. The Bentyl isn't phasing the spasms. MISERABLE...
No, I went through the ER. They just did blood work and CT. What is adenovirus? Went back to work today, one of my poorest ideas in quite sometime. I have lost 6 lbs since Tuesday morning, and while I would normally celebrate this, I feel like I am on my last leg.
Well, I took my Humira injection as directed by my GI...hoping for no added issues. SLOWLY getting on the mend, but still so wiped out with weakness and D and now it feels like I have a UTI starting to be added to the mix. Definitely not ready to go back to work tomorrow, but I cannot afford to miss any more. Thought I could finish this school year out strong...missed out on quality time when my daughter came home from college, missed out on visiting with my new grandbaby, missed out on this beautifully, perfect weekend...a bit bummed.

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