Just diagnosed today...till now have been a veg for years and years.... I feel great and have an appetite finally but don't really know what to eat/avoid. Doc says no ruffage but i can try anything else. Since I left the hosp a few weeks ago i've been on a no dairy soft foods diet.
If something doesn't agree am i just going to run to the potty or am i in for a week of intense cramping? I get that there is a wide range for chrons i'm just wondering if there is any sort of thing i should expect?
Also although this maybe doesn't belong in this thread my doc is prescribing pentasa and endocourt. Anybody have any experience with those?
If something doesn't agree am i just going to run to the potty or am i in for a week of intense cramping? I get that there is a wide range for chrons i'm just wondering if there is any sort of thing i should expect?
Also although this maybe doesn't belong in this thread my doc is prescribing pentasa and endocourt. Anybody have any experience with those?