Is there really such a thing as remission?

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I have several friends that teach middle grades and they are using Singapore Math as well. I've looked through some of the text and all I can say is I so wish it would've been employed by teachers when my kids were younger. Both of the teachers I am referring to went outside of the classroom to get Singapore math instruction and activities. I'm not sure how they integrate it but have heard from the parents of some of their students that it has been awesome.
Kimmidwife, I have a friend who homeschools. Her 10 yr old is doing Gr 8 math, and has won numerous math awards for his age group Canada-wide. Some of the curriculums she has used on the past are; Art of Problem Solving; Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching; Singapore Math; Math U See; Saxon; Life of Fred;and Making Math Fun. She also gave me a list of books and websites, if you're interested (my kids are in public school, but my 8 yr old is quite good at math, so she passed this info on to me in case I wanted to "enhance" his public school math). Maybe this will be of some use to you...

Sorry, just noticed Singapore was already mentioned...
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We used epgy 's program through Stanford university for math with my oldest as an extra to public school. It went in the normal math sequence .
We stopped at the end of 6th grade math .
We may try to do something similar with DS since I don't like how math is being taught and they just have to relearn everything to the old way when they hit 6th grade anyways.
Hey everyone I wanted to tell you all I just started taking LDN myself for my two illnesses. I have fibromyalgia and Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (a nerve disorder). After two days on it I have seen an incredible improvement in my fibro. I just spent three weeks weaning off my other medication I was taking because I was having severe memory issues and extreme brain fogginess. I started the LDN on Monday. This morning for the first time in months I got out of bed without being so stiff and in pain that it took me hours to start moving. I won't say the pain is gone yet but in pain levels it has gone from a constant ten to between six to seven. With my old medication it took months to get to the level of staying around where I am after two days on LDN. The RSD pain has gone from about a ten and a half to an eight and a half. The old medications really gave me no relief at all from the RSD. I also started tumeric and a supplement called D Phenylanine which is supposed to help with pain and mood levels. What is my point to all this? I want to let others know that LDN really is helpful and we need to push doctors to look at it more for the kids on this forum that are still having so many struggles. I know a number of people have their kids on LDN including me and now from another source we get to see how helpful it is! I think the more testimonials there are from people here maybe the more willing other doctors will be to take a look at this option!
:dance:YA for LDN!!!!!:dance:

I agree with you. Grace is also taking LDN for her EGID's and joint pains.
Her joint pains have lessened in severity but sadly it's still spreading and causing lameness/weakness.
At least she's not in the fetal position crying.:dance:

So happy it's helping you. I have Firbro also. Mine landed me in a wheelchair for 3 months.
It was before it had a name and docs treated you like you had a mental issues (quiet crohnsinct:tongue:) instead.

I look forward to the day where LDN will be brought up on this forum right along with other meds to treat this blasted disease.:kiss:
That's GREAT news Kim!!! :banana: I'm so happy you're finding some relief with LDN! Hoping you continue to see more improvements! Keep us posted! :D
I look forward to the day where LDN will be brought up on this forum right along with other meds to treat this blasted disease.:kiss:[/QUOTE]

FW, amen to that!!!!!!!


My one issue with the LDN that I noticed the past two nights it has made me have crazy sleep. I took it earlier tonight to see if that will help.
That's great news. Wish I could find a doctor willing to prescribe! Think I will be fighting for that once the 6mp ends.
I even had to fight for myself to find a doctor willing to prescribe it. Luckily my new pain doctor was willing to give it a try!
Caitlyn's Update:
Good Evening everyone!!!!!
I hope you are all having a great weekend. I wanted to update everyone Caitlyn got home from camp on Thursday. Since she came home she has been complaing about how she gained so much weight at camp and she was so upset because she had worked so hard to lose all her steroid weight. I kept telling her you're crazy you don't look like you have gained a single pound. I to,d her but you do look like you grew. So she showed me that yes she had gained weight but then we went and measured her and guess what? She grew two inches over the summer!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am doing a happy dance because we thought she had stopped growing and was going to lose those inches that she should have been permanently. The doctor had estimated she should have been about 5"3 - 5"4 and she was only 5"1. She hadn't grown in over a year and a half. She is is 5"3! Happy dance !!!! :dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:

Ok now the girls have also told me I can reveal our big project that we are working on drum roll please:
My girls are writing a book. It is a fiction/ fantasy book for teens. The heroine in the book has Crohn's disease. They have written about 140 pages. Once they are done we hope to get it published. We are very excited about it and hope it will raise awareness about Crohn's disease and show that teens with it can lead normal lives. I will keep you posted about the progress.
Great news about Caitlyn. And I can't wait to read the book (since I knew her way back when :))

What is the crazy sleep you had? Was it scary dreams?
Does Caitlyn experience it?
I sure will DustyKat!
Brian's Mom,
Just crazy vivid dreams. Caitlyn does not complain of it. I am super sensitive to medications. Thank goodness Caitlyn does not seem to have inherited that.
Great update, Kim!!!! :dance: :dance:

It's so wonderful to know she's doing so well after all she went through to get into remission! Woohoo for and you!

Congrats on the book too! What a great project! Can't wait till it's done! :D
Great news on the growth and on the book! Very exciting. Our kids are in private school and I don't know how our curriculum compares. My 14 yo uses Life of Fred for her math, and she does great with it, but I'm not sure if she is keeping up with the rest of the world... She has gotten much better than she was when she was sick...
What great news :dusty::dusty:
Super excited for the book, that's fabulous.
Wow 2", she is taller than Jack now and weight to go along with the height.
Glad she had a good time at camp but I'm sure you are excited to have her home.
Wow a book. there a forum in this book????:eek2:

All I ask is for her to use fake names like Dusty, Clash, Sascot and Jmrogers4.:rof:
Oh and the wino should be named............:rolleyes:

Oh, I'm glad she grew. :)

Out of curiosity, those whose kids are in supposed "remission" how often do your kids see the doctor and get bloodwork?
Well we are at 6 months now but GI has said if next labs are normal it would be once a year unless otherwise needed. Unfortunately Jack seems to be having some issues now so we will be doing an FC now instead of at 6 mos in Oct. and go from there.
My son just finished his Pred taper a few days ago, and is on MTX injections. He has been having biweekly bloodwork done due to the MTX, but if all is well with the next results, they will consider him in remission and move the bloodwork to monthly. We have been seeing the GI every 4 wks, but that now is extended to 4 months.
Sarah is in clinical remission but her aza level's are not in range so she is doing bloods every two weeks as still at the stage of increasing meds.
C just had a normal FC result in the last 2.5 months or so and his GI mentioned something that made me think if his next FC result was normal then check ups would be every 6 mos to a year. I think the labs may move out too but not sure since they are for meds he is on as well.
Stephen's been in clinical remission since starting EEN at diagnosis and, until now, apptmts were approx. every 3-4 months and labwork at each appointment. Since starting remicade in February, we've had three appointments, labwork was being done at each infusion. Now, while no has actually said complete remission, MREs showed significant improvement and, at last apptmt, GI said labwork wouldn't be necessary at every infusion anymore and next apptmt isn't scheduled until after the school year (spring 2014).
Kim, I posted that list of math websites and books you were looking for over on your profile page... at least, I think I did. I'm not much of a techie...
Re: remission and bloods.

Bloods - Since they are both on Aza, I'm not sure of Sarah's exact schedule but 3 monthly I think. Matt is at my preferred 2 monthly regime but I am still comfortable with 3 monthly.
If they weren't on Aza I would be suggesting to them a full blood work up every 6 months that also included screening of vitamin and minerals that they have tested currently.

Docs - Sarah is out to annual again with the GI but Matt's new GI likes to review his IBD patients every 3 months. Not feasible for us with Matt's uni schedule and the distance we need to travel so we have compromised on a 5/6 month follow up regime. He also touches base with the GP every 3 months for scripts, B12 injections, referrals and general review.

Dusty. xxx
Just got my crp test back and it went from 1.2 to .2 yipee. Been feeling great for almost a year. Humira has given me my life back. I never thought I would feel normal again. Fingers crossed for continued remission.
Thanks all! I am going to give Caitlyn's doctor a call and speak to her about now often our follow ups should be now.
Sorry I haven't been around a lot. We are working hard on our project and homeschooling.
I am hoping to finish up our project in the next month or so. I'll keep you posted!

I first saw this thread back in March and if I had joined the discussion then I would have been giving a vey different opinion. My daughter, Devon, is 15, diagnosed with Crohns since Sept 2009, we have tried modulin, prednisolone, methotrexate, gabapentin, budesonide, aza etc. Nothing seemed to work and Devon has had two bowel operations. 2012 was an awful year and we were in hospital six times over the year - twice for weeks at a time. It felt as though the disease was calling all the shots and put great strain and worry on us all in the family.

At the start of 2012 Devon was still unwell but all of her tests were coming back normal. She had the pill cam, calprotectin and all the usual blood tests but nothing was showing - so we couldn't understand why she was so poorly. She had abdominal pain but her main syptom was tiredness - extreme, unnatural tiredness which kept her bedridden most of the time.

Devon's medication (aza) was increased on a regular basis but nothing seemed to help the pains and exhaustion and we got into a pattern which seemed to be that Devon felt a little better for a bit, would do something (go to shops, go to school for a few hours, or even just walk the dog) and then would be bedridden for a few days while she recovered her strength.

In May, Devon had a bit of an emotional breakdown - she felt she was missing out on life and was unable to do anything 'normal' and was distraught. She said the worst symptom was the exhaustion now - more so than the pain and it was getting worse. It was an awful time - I sat up all night researching her case and found stories from people who had had similar experiences, I found information on the side effects of her medication which included fatigue. I sent our consultant a very emotional email explaining what had happened and asked that she have her dosage reduced. I explained that either the aza wasn't working or it was causing the problems - either way we needed to do something.

The consultant gave me permission to take Devon off the medication for a few weeks to see how she went.

That was over four months ago and Devon is now a completely different child. Yesterday she returned to school for the first time in months. She is eating again and has put weight on, she is going out, singing and laughing again and basically enjoying life - I believe she is in remission. I suspect she was in remission after her last bowel op in December but the increase in medication since then has caused the problems. I am not a doctor and I must admit that the medical team are not as confident as I am - they do not agree that it was the meds causing the problems - they are pleased with her progress but she does still get occasional pain and they say than unmanaged crohns can come back to bite us if we are not careful so we will see. We have to go back every few weeks so they can keep a check on her, but for now I am so happy to have my daughter back I am praying that we will have this version of her for many years to come :)

I hope Caitlin is okay and that she can achieve remission too - I wanted to share my story as a mum that did not believe there really was such a thing as remission - the stories on here proved me wrong and gave me hope. I am so used to blaming crohns for everything it took me a while to realise there may be another explanation sometimes. I hope this helps in someway.


P.S. Did you get more ducks?
Tracey, Your daughter has been through so much. I am so glad she is doing better. I appreciate your story as our GI THINKS my son is entering remission. He is currently on MTX injections, but we tried Imuran last May. He was only on it a few days before he started getting a reaction. He was getting fevers of 105F/40.5C, within hours of taking the drug each night. Really scary. The GI didn't think it was the Imuran causing the fevers, but I strongly felt it was. He agreed to let me hold the med, and just like that the fevers stopped. There is something to be said for mother's intuition.
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I apologize but I didn't have time to read the whole thread. So my comments may be redundant.

If you mean can you have mucosal healing then YES I believe you can have remission. It will not last but how long you stay in remission is unpredictable and it can last for years.

How do you know you are in remission? Generally no abnormal labs, no abnormal bowel habits, few if any GI symptoms. I personally do not believe that most CDers have IBS - I think they have low level inflammation and need increased treatment if possible.

I think the problem isn't whether you can have remission. It's whether you are going to be able to tell when you have fallen out of remission/starting to flare soon enough to increase treatment and stop the flare early. With my son, you can't tell from his labs you have to watch for changes in bowel habits (constipation not diarrhea) that include sudden episodes of bloody stools and perianal disease which isn't painful.

Regarding frequency of lab/visitis -

We get labs every 3 months (more often if there's a problem) and see his ped GI every 3 months even when in remission.
we certainly felt my daughter was in remission since October of 2011; which is when she was weaned off Entocort. Since that time she was only taking the MarketAmerica Isotonix multi vitamin, OPC3, Aloe. She also was taking Standard Process Boswellia. I was taking her to the doctor every 6 months and she had blood work probably 2 - 3 times between the appts. That way her doctor told her if she was low in time it was Iron and then Vitamin D. At her last apt in August her CRP # went up to 20 and so she scheduled a CT scan which does show some inflammation in her lower intestines. They moved her colon'py up to this Monday. He told us in August she may just be able to go back on Entocort; although he does keep talking about Remicade. I don't see the sense of going to Remicade when at this point she really isn't feeling bad at all??
she had a bad reaction to Pentasa and 6MP; so she can't take those.

there is such a thing as remission.. Thank God!
The point of remicade is to stop her body from doing damage.
If she had inflammation on her ct scan then she was not in remission.
Her scope on Monday will probably tell the damage a little better unless its confined to her small bowel.
Treating in a reactionary way only tries to stop the damage after it has occurred in which case scar tissue and other issues can happen without you even realizing it.
Feeling bad is not a good indicator of how serious the damage is.

You only have so much bowel and keeping it as healthy as possible for as long as possible is the goal .

Not an easy decision when the outside ( how she feels) does not reflect the inside( inflammation on ct )

Good luck
Hi Tracey,
Sadly we did not replace the ducks. It was to heartbreaking losing them the first time. Caitlyn is still doing well thank Goodness. We are praying for a great year this year! We are making progress on the book over 150 pages written. It's hard to keep the creative juices flowing but we are sure trying. Keeping our fingers crossed that it continues to go smoothly!
Hi all
Just wanted to check in. I know we had some discussion about magnesium a while back. I wanted to tell you if your child does need to supplement be very careful which one you use. Some of them can cause very bad diarrhea. I am on magnesium for prevention of kidney stones and my doctor recommended a supplement called Beelith. It has the more gentle form of magnesium and vitamin B in it. Haven't had any problems with it. Hope all are doing well and having a good day today.
The point of remicade is to stop her body from doing damage.
If she had inflammation on her ct scan then she was not in remission.
Her scope on Monday will probably tell the damage a little better unless its confined to her small bowel.
Treating in a reactionary way only tries to stop the damage after it has occurred in which case scar tissue and other issues can happen without you even realizing it.
Feeling bad is not a good indicator of how serious the damage is.

You only have so much bowel and keeping it as healthy as possible for as long as possible is the goal .

Not an easy decision when the outside ( how she feels) does not reflect the inside( inflammation on ct )

Good luck
Thanks for posting this MLP. When my son was diagnosed it was so hard to wrap my head around all of the potential meds that he would have to take thinking about ALL the potential side effects. This darn disease is so difficult to manage since there is no cut & dry treatment that works for everyone.
Hi all,
Just wanted to say hello. Caitlyn has been a little under the weather this week. Every year at this time she gets a flare. This year so far seems to have been the most mild flare since diagnosis. She was diagnosed September 20 2008 four days before her 11th birthday. She is about to turn sweet sixteen!!!!! I can't believe it my baby is growing up. It is going into our sixth year since diagnosis and we are finally in remission (we hope, fingers triple crossed)!
EEK! She surely is! :):):)

Have a fabulous 16th Birthday Caitlyn!


Dusty. :heart:
Wow, HAPPY HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY Caitlyn!!!

:dance: :bdayparty: :dance:

Hope the year is filled with great things!
Caitlyn just added her sweet sixteen trip to disney world album for me so everyone can see it. She also edited my signature.
Great pictures! I love Disney World and it looks like everyone had a great time! :)

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