Is this an IBD caused abscess???

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Nov 19, 2011
Hi. I seem to get these purpleish red things about the size of a thumb print on my lower stomach, usually the sides. I usually dont even know they are there until I accidently scratch or touch it and get a BAD stinging pain!!! They usually stick around for about 8 weeks or so and then they are just gone and a few months later another one appears. When I have actually scratched them open on accident, there is blood and pus inside and it takes awhile for it to actually scab over. Any thoughts??? Please???
Hi Meg and welcome to our forum. I've not had external fistulae or abscesses, but from what I've learned from friends here, if they were abscesses they would hang around a lot longer. However, there are plenty of Crohns related skin conditions.
I think it would be best to head off to the docs and get it checked out, to be on the safe side.
Are you on any meds?
Hi I have had 4 abcesses come on my stomach, but they went into fistulas straight away as soon as they popped. I would agree with grumbletum to get it checked with your doc. Hope you get it sorted Bev x
I'm not sure if what you have is an abscess. I know with mine, it doesn't scab, and doesn't go away on its own. You should check out my thread called "lots of puss/blood". You can find some helpful info there and you can see what mine looks like to give you an idea.
hello everyone and thanks for the feedback. I would love to go to the doctor but unfortunately I dont have one! I have no insurance and and moved out of state about a year ago. Every doc i have tried so far has turned me away saying that i need to find a different doc b/c of how sick I am and b/c of my inabiity to pay. I am trying another one, but he could not fit me in until Jan. So of course I am gonna keep trying.... I NEED to see someone, I have not been doing well at all for quite awhile. But as for the moment all i have is the internet and my best guess as how to take care of myself.
Also, I am prone to fistulas, but whenever i have told a doc in the past about them or had them checked out, the doc has always just told me that i had to just deal with them and keep them clean. I have one right now that has been draining for years....... the sores I described are painful, but not so painful as to make them uncopable or anything. when I saw everyone talking about abcesses i just wondered if that may be what they are. But it doesnt sound like it so far. Thank you all again for your feedback!!!

P.S. I have UC not Crohns