hello everyone and thanks for the feedback. I would love to go to the doctor but unfortunately I dont have one! I have no insurance and and moved out of state about a year ago. Every doc i have tried so far has turned me away saying that i need to find a different doc b/c of how sick I am and b/c of my inabiity to pay. I am trying another one, but he could not fit me in until Jan. So of course I am gonna keep trying.... I NEED to see someone, I have not been doing well at all for quite awhile. But as for the moment all i have is the internet and my best guess as how to take care of myself.
Also, I am prone to fistulas, but whenever i have told a doc in the past about them or had them checked out, the doc has always just told me that i had to just deal with them and keep them clean. I have one right now that has been draining for years....... the sores I described are painful, but not so painful as to make them uncopable or anything. when I saw everyone talking about abcesses i just wondered if that may be what they are. But it doesnt sound like it so far. Thank you all again for your feedback!!!
P.S. I have UC not Crohns