Is this normal? Am I the only one?

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Jun 6, 2011
I know I ask a lot of questions sorry...and yet I have anouther one lol. Ok so I figured out that if I take my meds 100 percent everyday without fail I am in somewhat remission...or at least I am symptom free. Now if I forget a day just one day of medicine I seem to go back to having symptoms. Like this past week I've been symptom free then I forgot my medicine on Friday and then Sat I had diarreah. Then I had bloody stool. I try to take my medicine religiously as best as I can but sometimes I forget a day. I think it's odd though that as soon as I forget one day it all floods back the diarreah and the blood and such...does this happen to anyone else or am I just special? <I would call the GI but it goes back to normal after a day or two...>
You are in a medically induced remission, meaning if you stop taking your meds, you will get sick.

The 5-ASAs work by being in constant contact with your gut. The inflammation will come back if you dont take your meds as prescribed.

Its really annoying to take all those pills everyday. ITA.
*sigh* that sucks lol. I've never been real good about taking pills on a daily basis. I really do try to remember but you know sometimes it slips the mind...I always sort of thought that if I missed one day though that it'd hold at least for a little bit... :( lol just means I need to be that more adament about those meds
Thanks for the tip. I have also noticed that I start to feel worse if I forget some of my doses.
You'd think we'd be better than those people who only take half their antibiotics and then stop them when they "feel better." Clearly the meds are why we feel better. I personally know I'm going to be a big girl about taking my meds and not eating my naughty foods anymore.
I get my symptoms if I don't take my meds early enough in the morning too. I have to wake up, take them and go back to bed. Annoying.
Oh, this always happens to me. I'm going good, forget a dose of meds and then everything floods back and it takes awhile to get back to feeling normal again.
I'm not used to taking regular meds either, but I bought one of those pill boxes that has the week and days marked out in little boxes and it really helps me to keep track :)
I'm not used to taking regular meds either, but I bought one of those pill boxes that has the week and days marked out in little boxes and it really helps me to keep track :)

This is an excellent idea. I did this as well and usually works for me.

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