Is this related?? can this affect bladder ?

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Jan 10, 2010
Hiya just wanted to no something im not sure if anyone is experiancing this or has but just wondered when you need a wee if it can come out properly, for the last couple of days when i try to go it is coming out very slowly and when i push getting pain in my bowels, i then get diareah and then i can go.
The pain could be referred pain from a bladder infection. That would also explain the intermittent flow. Go see you doc and see what they say.
If you need to use the toilet as you're trying, it could be that the effort of keeping the D in is stopping *anything* from coming out. Talk to your doc anyway. Always best to make sure.
Is it painful when you go or you feel like you have to go all the time? I had that and turned out to be a kidney stone.. it was on its way out. When you pee check for small amounts of blood.
I have bladder issues too. Sometimes I need to go but cant and then 2 minutes later I can. I forgot to ask the Dr about it.
I get that too. Sometimes I will have to go and nothing comes out, then I will pass gas then everything is ok. Other times it won't come out until my bowels move first. I also get pain in my lower back. I think it's just a combination of inflammation pushing and shifting everything around in least that's my uneducated, unscientific, and probably completely inaccurate assessment of the situation.
There could be a corelation. When I went in for the bowel resection the surgeon noted that the sigmoid colon, which isusually on the right side, had flipped to the left and had adhered itself to the bladder and had to be chisled off. I had told my GI when I urinated it felt like there was pain or discomfort that felt alot like crohns pains.

The GI said that there wasnt any way he could have seen that on the colonoscopy unless he was using an xray machine at the same time.

I would definatly talk to your GI and see if he has any suggestions. I am not sure if an upper GI or small bowel follow through would determine if there was an issue with the colon and the bladder
Hey everyone, im still not sure what is going on i see the dietician last week and id lost another 5lbs so she emailed my GI to say she was quite concerned with my weight dropping, am seeing her onthe 15th march to "review me" in clinic whatever that means and also try to sort out some hypnotherapy, friday and yesterday had blood from the back passage, not alot just light blood but it is coming back i just cant helpthey are fobbing me feel so stuck and in this little world where no one is taking me seriously