Is this the beginning of IBD for me?

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Dec 29, 2014
Hello everyone. I just want your opinions on whether you think this is the start of IBD for me.

So about a month ago, i got sick with a nasty fever, fatigue, and CONSTANT diarrhea (9-10 times a day). Sometimes i would go to the bathroom and feel like i had to go, but nothing would come out.

The fever and fatigue eventually went away, but the diarrhea stayed. Then, i had a bout of bloody diarrhea. I passed a good amount of blood in the toilet! My doctor had my stool tested but it came back negative for the 3 bacteria he ordered it tested for. He told me he felt that i was gonna be fine and that the blood was probably due to my irritated butt from the constant diarrhea.

So eventually, my diarrhea went away. Im feeling a lot better now, however there are some symptoms that still concern me. First, i sometimes see small amounts of blood in my stool (VERY SMALL, nowhere near the amount i had in my diarrhea). Second, my stool is kind of slimy and porridge like with small amounts of mucus in it. I can also see undigested bits of food sometimes. Lastly, my stomach constantly growls at me and so does my bowel. At night when im sleeping it is more noticeable.

I just want your opinions on whether you feel like this is the beginning of IBD for me. I have no other symptoms. No urgency. I can hangout all day and not need to use the restroom, i only go when im at home. The bits of blood, mucus, in my stool and the constant stomach growling arent anything new. Some people have told me they feel this is due to persisting acidity due to the infection i had.

Any thoughts and opinions are appreciated! Thanks everyone!
Hmm. I can't say its IBD, but blood in stool is concerning. Is going back to a different family doctor an option? They can test your stool for blood and tell.
Same symptoms. In 5 months still no diagnosis. I am taking Asacol for inflamation and previously took 2 different antibiotics. Symptoms are currently not there.
Get a colonscopy.

I am not saying you had IBD. But I had all those symptoms you're mentioning (minus the diarrhea) and doctor thought it was IBS. I chose not to get a colonscopy because of the cost and lack of insurance. The doctor even said they didn't think I had crohns so I wasn't urged to get a scope.

A year later I ended up in the hospital because I had constant diarrhea for almost two weeks with blood. I was going 10-15 times a day. Finally went to ER. And they did a colonscopy there and found crohns.

Again. Not saying you have it. But I just wanted to share that it's difficult to tell for sure just by symptoms. You need to go in and "see"
For yourself.

I hope everything is okay and that you feel better soon.
Get a colonscopy.

I am not saying you had IBD. But I had all those symptoms you're mentioning (minus the diarrhea) and doctor thought it was IBS. I chose not to get a colonscopy because of the cost and lack of insurance. The doctor even said they didn't think I had crohns so I wasn't urged to get a scope.

A year later I ended up in the hospital because I had constant diarrhea for almost two weeks with blood. I was going 10-15 times a day. Finally went to ER. And they did a colonscopy there and found crohns.

Again. Not saying you have it. But I just wanted to share that it's difficult to tell for sure just by symptoms. You need to go in and "see"
For yourself.

I hope everything is okay and that you feel better soon.

Wow so you had just the stomach growling and blood + mucus in stool? I don't know why I would have that weird episode of fever and bloody diarrhea and then have it get better.
Yeah, i had the mucus and blood started later, me and my doctors thought it was from constipation, which I normally suffered from. And yes, My stomach had this constant "Off" feeling. Nauseated isn't the right word. Gurgly isn't the right word. It was like a gnawing, I guess, I would use to describe it.

I know fevers and fatigue can come with flares. though, I don't think I had a fever when I had my flare (I've only had one) I didn't have a fever.
If anyone else has other thoughts I'd like to hear. Could these symptoms mean anything else besides IBD? Parasite thats still in my system? Persisting acidity or allergy? Those are a few things I've heard from people. Someone else told me that they think its just my digestive system still messed up from whatever infection I had a month ago.
Parasite is in the differential diagnosis for some of your symptoms, when I went to my docs she said it was likely IBD or a parasites. So maybe, the infection could have caused lasting damage, unlikely but possible. Ultimately you can't known without actually 'seeing' it via colonoscopy