Is unexplained bruising bad?

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Nov 12, 2010
I always get huge bruises on my thighs and hips. They aren't like normal bruises, it looks and feels like someone hit me with a metal bat. There's like a lump under the bruise and they are always really dark.

The point of this is I don't do anything that would cause it... I only know that the bruises on my ankle are from riding a sport bike. That's it. I haven't really played sports since surgery or anything like that.

What the heck would even cause a random bruise?! Doesn't make sense to me.
Do you notice them closer to after your Remicade infusions ?
My daughter takes Cimzia (another biologic) and within a few days of her dose, she gets bruises like you describe.
I asked her doc, and he said it's not concerning since she has no other "bleeding" issues :)
hmm...think I will have to mention this to my doc too - I keep finding bruises - especially on my thighs.....and don't remember hitting anything.....just got over a really nasty one on my right thigh - sore as could be!!!
I'd keep an eye on it, try and see if they come before your infusion. If they get outta control id call the doc. Maybe mention something to him or her when you see them, or you could ask the nurse at your infusion center they might be able to tell you.
vitamin K

You may want to check out vitamin K. We flush out a lot of vitamins... K helps with healing bruises.

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