Itchy spots

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May 28, 2012
About a week ago a few itchy spots developed on my daughters foot. At first l thought they were mozzies bites. But over the week she developed more on her feet / hands and a few on her body.

The GI the had no idea what they were. The GP thinks they look like insect bites.

As these spots were developing overnight she was convinced that she had bed bugs. They stayed in a motel 2 weeks before this started and she told me that the room was sooooo dirty. When they opened the door to their room there was dirty undies on the floor.:eek2:. So last night l slept in her bed to see if l get bitten. Well l don't have any bites this morning so l'm convinced there're not bites. Shes still asleep so l don't know if she has any new spots this morning.

On a side note she hasn't had the chicken pox but has been vaccinated. Also her crohn's isn't under control shes been sick on and off.

These spots are are small / hard and red.

Anyone have any idea what they could be?
It could be a drug reaction,she needs to see a skin specialist.
Could be a number of things , has she been checked out for lupus, although it usually appears on the face as well, butterfly rash is characteristic.
It is a guessing game till you get the dermatology advice.
Sorry that she is suffering this in addition to her crohn's and hope things will improve
for her.
Feel better soon
Hugs and best wishes
It doesn't look like lupus.

The GP told us to put ointment and cover them with tape overnight and if they weren't gone in a week to go back. This DR specializes in skin conditions.

I'll try post a photo later on.
It is good to hear you already have a doctor specialising in skin conditions.
Hope the ointment clears up everything.
Probably best to get a dermatologist to have a look. It is possible it might be bug bites, you could always try washing everything in a really hot wash and hoovering her mattress. She could have brought some back from that motel.
My daughter sometimes gets red, solid bumps on the soles of her feet that get quite itchy - we have never worked out what they are. They seem to last for a few months and then disappear just as suddenly on their own - very odd.
When A was a year old she had bumps that looked like bug bites as well. They would itch her intensely, to the point that she would rub her skin off on her bed sheets and create sores. As time went on and the bumps increased (and no one else had any) we realized that they were actually hives. Hives can appear differently on different people. My youngest daughter's hives were barely raised, odd in shape, and covered most of her body. They didn't itch her but instead were very painful and would sometimes come and go. A's hives were round, very raised, and did not join. They itched and did not come and go.

You could try giving Benadryl and see if the bumps go away. Also, hives sometimes get worse with heat (where clothes are or after a shower).
I hope the problem soon resolves upsetmom. :( And if not you get some solid answers and treatment! Good luck!

Dusty. xxx
They aren't as bad today. Still itchy but not as red and no new ones showed up overnight.

Nice pic. :lol:

Seriously: Good to hear that things aren’t worse today. :) I hope it stays that way and improves from here on in! It’s always good to have answers but just as good if it goes away never to return! Good luck!

Dusty. xxx
It might be worth a treatment for scabies - they are very itchy and maybe she contracted it in that nasty hotel room. Perhaps they didn't clean the sheets if they also left someones undies behind... Ick!
She's been using the ointment the DR gave her but the spots are still there. They're no better but not worse. All up she has about 30 spots. I'm thinking if they were bug bites surely they would have started to disappear by now.

Time to see the DR again.
Today we were going to go back to the DR but something weird happened. After a day at the beach yesterday the spots have formed a crust and look like they're getting better. So the salt water must have done something. l'm just going to take her back to the beach for a few days and see what happens.
Brian had spots like that once. And on his ankles. I also thought it was bug bites at first. I put Benedryl cream on them to help with the itch. They seemed to go away. I never really knew what caused them.

I just remembered that I wondered if it was chicken pox at the time too. Because they kept multiplying. They didn't have fluid in them. Around the time I thought I'd take him to get it tested (for chicken pox) they had started to go away.
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I am thinking chicken pox too.

as may remember sarah had shingles early this year. The first dr dx contact allergy, we never saw fluid lumps. Second dr a couple weeks later dx shingles he only saw the crusty sore. Gi who saw the scars 4 months later said it looked like classic shingle

Can she remember feeling a little off before the spots??
I got bitten by bedbugs while staying at a (very nice) vacation rental.
They looked just like your photo.
NO ONE else in the house got bitten. It must've just been the bed I was in.
I thought it was scabies and ran to the doctor. Nope, bedbug bites. They took MONTHS to completely go away and itched like mad. Mine were only on my torso and thighs (???)

She may've brought them back in her clothes and they are living in her room.
Horrible, I know. I was crazed thinking my house was infested.
No not really. A few of the spots have disappeared but more have shown up. Going back to the DR tomorrow.
:( Good luck mum, I hope they have some solid answers for you both! :ghug:

Dusty. xxx
Finally these spots are getting better. You can still slightly feel the bumps but they're not red or itchy anymore.
That is good to hear! :)

Did you ever get to the bottom of it?

Are they clearing up on their own or are you using something to treat them?

Dusty. xxx
Just an idea but ask the doc about PLE, it stands for polymorphic light eruption and they look exactly as you describe and in the photos.
They come and go and am pretty sure they are caused by uv rays. Seen it in a few people and they become red and itchy and quite angry. They also come and go without any real reason
Good luck
We never got down to the bottom of it, the DR still believed they were bites.

Shes been using steroid cream every few days.
I see this original post is outdated but did they ever come back after healing? I have been battling this for months off and on now and the derm. cant seem to get to the bottom of it and neither can my GI...

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