It's been a fun year...

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Nov 19, 2011
Hello everyone. I'm 20 and about 2 weeks into my diagnosis. I've been having symptoms for the pass 3 years but things didn't intensify until I became pregnant the start of this year. I had hyperemesis (severe morning sickness) throughout my pregnancy, bad acid re-flux, underwent gall bladder surgery, and was diagnosed with gastritis. The nausea and vomiting was so bad I had to have supplemental nutrition intro-venously to make sure baby and I were getting fed (first via TPN then a peg tube). Pre-pregnancy I weighed a healthy 123 lb.; post pregnancy I weigh 98 lb. Despite all this my daughter maintained healthy and normal growth throughout and was born full term (38 weeks) weighing in at 6 lb. 11 ounces. However, despite being metabolically a perfectly healthy baby they believe she suffered a stroke while still in the womb (the result of me possibly having an undiagnosed blood clotting disorder). She had a brain bleed and was having seizures and breathing apnea episodes. She was transferred to a neighboring hospital's NICU where she spent the next 10 days. A couple days before she was set to be released I went to the hospital's ER complaining of stomach pain, vomiting, and sharp pain on my right side. Well it was that chain of events that led to them discovering I had crohn's. I've been sent home on Pentasa and steroids. Now I'm home with my baby (who is 3 weeks old and doing FANTASTIC) and I'm on the couch sick, sore, and looking like a anerexic ghoul. I'm fortunate to have a very supportive boyfriend and my mother helps out with our daughter anytime my flareups get in the way of my duties. Don't know what I'd do without them...

For the most part I'm able to maintain a degree of sanity. Heck, I'm someone who drew a kitten dangling from a tree branch on the underside of the toilet seat with the words "hang in there" with a dry erase marker. It's still hard though. I worry about what this means for my future and my role as a new mom. I'm looking forward in meeting with other parents who have had to deal with this illness :)
Hey Littlemama, welcome to the family

You really have had a tough ole year and gone through some intense times. I'm glad to hear that your little one is home and doing well. I have crohn's and I'm a mom to two girls 3 1/2 and 17 months. I can relate to that worry of being sick and not being able to look after our babies but as you said you have great support in your boyfriend and your mum. I have CD 25yrs and was in remission during my pregnancies, then had a flare last oct that lasted till I got help in May this year, but for all my worrying my girls were looked after by my mum during the day and at night by my hubby and I was able to get back on my feet during a hospital stay. It was hard being away for them but it was worth the heartache and my girls didn't really notice anything was wrong.
Try to get yourself well, take the rest when you can, stay in touch with your GI's and tell them when you feel you are starting to flare and keep trying meds until you find what works for you. but most of all enjoy being a mum, when I see my children play and laugh I feel like I can tackle this bold ole condition but when it gets too much I try not to let it overtake me.
Good luck, I'm thinking of you.
Gwen xxx
Hi and welcome! I am happy to hear your little one is doing fantastic and you are managing relatively well on your new treatment plan.

I can sympathize with your worry with what the future will bring. I ofter catch myself asking so many what-ifs. But I try to take it day by day instead. No one knows the future, so there is no point in trying to figure it out. I enjoy the good days, and just hope tomorrow will be better on the bad ones.

But, needless to say, I hope you continue to do well with Pentasa, and you feel well and can enjoy being a new mom!
Greetings and welcome :)

Wow, you've been through so much, you poor thing!

When I read your post, I got to wondering... are you under the care of a GI doctor or did the ER people diagnose you, give you your meds, and send you on your way?

That you've lost so much weight also has me a bit concerned from a malabsorption perspective. Have they checked your vitamin and mineral levels?

All my best to you! *hugs*

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