My dad had a temporary picc for an infection years ago, so I know what it's like to care for one. I honestly am open to this idea, simply because this dehydration is awful, and my veins are really bad for IVs. I have an appointment with my GP and GI soon, so I am going to be doing some research and getting prepared. I really want to feel better, and I know if I got this dehydration under control I would feel a lot better. Last time I went to the ER for it, I had to get IV fluids for six hours at the fastest drip before I even peed :ybatty:
I am drinking a lot, but trying not to overdo it because I know this can cause rebound dehydration. I think the reason I am so dehydrated is because of daily low-grade fevers and loose bowel movements, but so far nothing has helped with those symptoms. It's such an endless cycle!