I've written something and would like feedback

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'lut, merci pour le guide

on page 6 you write about what could cause crohn's disease and you talk about genetics and write "another theory is that crohn is genetic". I think most see it more like "genetic predisposition". If an identical twin has crohn, the other twin has a higher chance to have crohn, but in many cases the twin does not. If it was only genetics instead of genetic predisposition both should have crohn. I think that's an important difference.

I would not use the word "autoimmune" on page 6 to be honest. Borody talks about it here...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCVt7eZNqhk&feature=relmfu I don't mind if it's used in the text, but then I would not write it right next to the theory that Crohn is immune dificiency. Many biologists believe in immune deficiency but not at all in autoimmune.

"The last one I read said that a bacteria found in cow's meat could give you crohn". I think maybe specify it since it's not just cows: "The last one I read said that Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP), a pathogen often found in cattle, sheep, goats and dairy could give you crohn".

Thanks for making that.
Hi kiny, thanks for your input :). De rien!
I wanted to make the guide as simple as possible for people. I realise the difference now between genetic and genetic predisposition, to be honest, I didn't know about that. I will think about how to put that simply in the guide.

I used that word because in France, every doctor and person I have spoken to has mentionned that Crohn's is autoimmune. I have just re read it and I did put autoimmune in the wrong place! My bad. Must correct that. The video is very good thank you.

The last one was more for comic effect to show people that you can't believe everything you read. Of course, you're right again, I have read an article saying that :)
Kiny, would it be better if I put it this way do you think?
In this scenario, the immune system would react abnormally and mistake alien bacteria for invaders and attack them. White blood cells and pus would accumulate in the lining of the intestines, producing chronic inflammation, ulcerations and bowel injury. When describing Crohn’s most people say it is an auto-immune disease because our own immune system seems to be causing it.
The most common theory is that the immune system overreacts - or underreacts depending on the theory – in the GI tract which means that our body is in short destroying itself.
Another theory concocted by scientists (who put them in charge anyway? They aren’t doctors) is that Crohn’s is a genetic predisposition. It’s like saying you were ‘meant’ to have Crohn’s.

Bearing in mind that people who do not do much research on crohn's are the target audience.
Geri, I read it as well, and since I am relatively new to the world of Crohn's, it was a helpful guide. It was simple but gave a really good understanding of the topic to me, as well as all of the basic things a newbie should know. Thanks for your hard work!
Hello Geri,
I read your book ---it is great----tres magnifique!
Very interesting to read.
Great Job!
Thank you for sharing.
Hugs and best wishes