Joining the surgery club

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Good luck with the surgery Drew - I hope it will be exactly what you need to feel better!

Truly hope all goes well with the pre op and the surgery Drew.

Will be thinking of you on both days.

Thanks everyone. I had a barium follow through today and FINALLY found evidence on film. The only proof they've ever had was a pill cam. It was sort of like Where's Waldo but in my bowels.

The ileum is in bad shape, the cecum as well which was expected, what was news to me was that the proceeding foot of bowel up to the ileum is fubar'd as well. Everything else looks good though so hopefully the surgery will give me some time to get things in gear.
Thanks Mike I heard you're not doing so well either so I hope you're able to get some much needed help yourself.
Good luck Drew. I think I may be joining the club sooner rather than later. Let us know how everything goes my friend.
So, are there going to be surgery club cards and stuff? I hope I get discounts at cool places! Wait...its not like joining AAA? Damn it.
Hey Drew.. Good luck with the surgery... All of mine have been cake walks..

I repeated the surgical prayer while the anesthesologist was hooking me up. It goes like this..

"Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. And if I die before I wake, I guess the surgeon made a mistake. Amen!"

Everyone had a little laugh, then the drugs kicked in, and I had a nice sleep..
Hope all goes smoothly pre-op and for the surgery itself. May you have as easly a recovery as my son did. And most importantly-wishing you a very long remission post-op. You have been through so much this year-you deserve it!
Take care
I will definitely use that prayer Kev haha. When I was doing a barium follow through last week, the radiologist said "dim the lights" and I said "cue the mood music" ...

@crohnsmom Thank you - I am hoping I'll be in remission for a long time but the numbers give me 5 years at least and I hope for at least that long.
Hey Pen! I'm so glad to see you back hunny, I missed you!

I don't have a date yet, however the surgeon said I'd be signing consent forms on the 27th of Jan when I go in for the pre-op and the scheduling folks said that the forms are only valid for 30 days so it should be shortly after the pre-op appointment. I don't know yet if they'll be able to do it via a laproscope or cut me wide open, the surgeon I am seeing was given to me by my GI doc specifically because he's apparently the bee's knee's when it comes to doing it lapro style, her words were "people have said it couldn't be done and he managed to do it". So I'm crossing my fingers that he will be able to do it without the wide cut, although a huge scare would add to my bad-ass quotient ;-)

I'm sending well wishes your way and hope you get some relief as well, we've missed you so much around here.
hope everything goes well drew. lol keep up that sense of humor when your lying on the table, so funny to have the techs crack up at you :)
Lapro is the way to go if it's possible. When I went under they said they were going to start out lapro but couldn't guarantee it would end that way. When I woke, I was glad to see it did.

Either way, you'll feel much better once it's done. You said you were on Humira now in another thread. I'm sure they'll tell when take your last dose of that as it probably won't want to be too close to the surgery. But things don't always work out perfectly. They wanted to get me off Prednisone before I went in, but it got too severe and they had to go in.

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