Juicing as a Viable Treatment option!

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I would say yes, as long as you juice you are taking out the fibre (as opposed to smoothies which just liquefy everything).
I try to stay low residue and juice every morning - getting in my 5 a day early so I can eat donuts all day hehe.
I definitely feel healthier for it.
Actually just looked at low residue list on wiki and it says "Pulp free, strained, or clear juices" are ok.
So yes go for it. :)
Hi Gianni, I appreciate your hard work and research and generously sharing it with us to read and benefit from. I am undiagnosed but pretty sure it Crohn's after research and its knocked me quite a bit. I have had M E since August 2001 and housebound so I got low in Vit D and took 1000 iu every day but because of symptoms got confused and stopped the Vit D. The Crohn's (i think) symptoms got worse. My diet is pretty good as i have candida and endometriosis and need to avoid dairy and sugar I no longer have sugar cravings. I am loathe to go to docs for diagnosis as dont want to be filled up with all the drugs, esp. if they only suppress the symptoms for them to flare up. Thanks for explaining that. The juicing is something i would like to try. Please do you mind sharing how you organise your juicing and meals to give me some idea of a routine? What routine do you follow on your fasts and for how long? After you fast what meals do you have do you still juice on non fast days ? How do you organize those days also how much liquid do you consider to constitute a meal? I am very weepy panicky and upset at symptoms. i am terrified of the complications and the fear paralyses me. I know i should try to take one day at at time. I love the bible and study it (as i find the prophecies fascinatingly accurate) and my faith helps me to do that. but in my weaker moments i feel i am not coping at all and I feel ashamed about that. Your attitude is so life enhancing and refreshing, the way you have taken a pro-active research and doing stance, I so respect that, but this has knocked me (I was just about coping with the rest). Please also could you tell me what juicer to use, your recommended omega 8006 juicer has great reviews, and I was very tempted but the video confused me as the demonstrator said that if you want to do a lot of carrots (which i like) it was not recommended but it has a 15 year warranty so must be sturdy enough to do them, what do you think? having M E I would like one that does as much as possible i have saved quite a bit. I would like to ask the one that you use but perhaps the company you bought from may not ship to London, UK where I live? Also what were your symptoms and how long was it after starting your juicing that you felt symptom free? Sorry for all the questions but i would deeply appreciate your kind advice. It was an absolute breath of fresh air reading all your posts.
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Please do you mind sharing how you organise your juicing and meals to give me some idea of a routine?
It really depends on the day I have ahead of me. If I have a laid back day, I can organize however which way I want to. For a busy day or even a busy week I will plan ahead and juice for the entire week and put the juice into glass mason jars, and then just grab one each day as I'm going out the door. Meals are typically simple for me, for breakfast it is usually simply just a piece of fruit or a juice if I have time. Lunch, I will eat at a local healthy restaurant (I live in Los angeles and there are many healthy options out there for me) or I will pack a salad and have a cooler with me. For dinner I will try to make a recipe, or have a salad or juice if I have time. I will sometimes reward myself with thai food as well here.

What routine do you follow on your fasts and for how long?
I juice the night before often or the morning of If I get up early. I juice once for the whole day and will put the juice in glass mason jars and into the refrigerator. It is much more time consuming to re-juice every time you make a juice as you have to clean the juicer each time and prep yourself. I typically do around 7 day juice fasts, I have gone to 14 and as little as 3. For a beginner I would recommend 3-5 day juice fast then working your way up.

After you fast what meals do you have do you still juice on non fast days

It's important to retain nutrient dense foods after your juice fast. You don't want to start giving your body the right idea about all these nutrients and then eat junk processed foods. Anywhere from 20-32 oz of juice constitutes as a meal, for me, during a juice fast. I do juice on non fast days, I actually nearly juice everyday whether it is me making it or buying a juice at a local organic juice bar down the street.

Please also could you tell me what juicer to use, your recommended omega 8006 juicer has great reviews, and I was very tempted but the video confused me as the demonstrator said that if you want to do a lot of carrots (which i like) it was not recommended but it has a 15 year warranty so must be sturdy enough to do them, what do you think?

You know I have heard similar opinions about the 8006. I've seen the 8006 in action and it does take care of carrots a little funny but I see no reason why it would break on you. It does have a 15 year warranty and from what I've read their customer service is great and they are more than willing to replace broken parts/juicers.

Personally I use a Super Angel 5500 juicer. This juicer is very expensive (around $900) but it is amazing:) It juices the hard stuff like carrots and sweet potatoes with ease but the great thing about this juicer is that it is exceptional in retaining the beneficial chemicals within leafy greens. Many juicers will damage delicate greens while this juicer is on slow RPm's and is very delicate. This juicer also has a patented Biomagnetic technology in which it retrieves more nutrients and enzymes from the pulp than other juicers.

If you want the best of the best and money isn't an option then the Norwalk Juicer might be for you. (around $2400). This juicer is a two step juicer in which you grind the pulp and then press the juice out of the pulp. This juicer is much more time consuming but consistently wins the battle of most minerals and enzymes retained in the juice. This is the juicer used with the Gerson Therapy.

I do believe that the 8006 or any other omega masticating juicer is a good middle ground for efficiency and affordability. Some other juicers worth looking into are the Green Star Elite (better than 8006 but more expensive), and champion juicers.

I am not a fan of the breville family. I had a Breville and it did break on me. Overall I'm not a big fan of an centrifugal juicers as they have been known to damage a fair amount of enzymes and delicate greens.

Also what were your symptoms and how long was it after starting your juicing that you felt symptom free?

Constant Diarrhea and constipation, they went back and forth. I had horrible pain about constant 6 and peaks at 9 on a 1-10 scale (I was constantly on norco pain killers). I had bladder pain every time I went to the bathroom, to the point I would have to kneel down for a good 5-10 mins before I could get up and walk out of the bathroom (I had a developing fistula). I have intermittent fevers as well as nausea.

I started juicing while I was on Humira still but remicade did not work for me. It seemed like Humira did take the edge off but I didn't feel like my symptom pain was getting any better (bladder pain). I started feeling better quite honestly only a week into me juicing. I had more energy, I didn't feel nauseas and my bowels weren't as inconsistant (they weren't nearly perfect yet). That was when I realized there was something to this so I went on a juice fast and thats when things started calming down. My bladder pain wasn't getting worse for the first time in a long time (it seemed before that everyday the pain would get more extreme). I had an appetite and my intermittent fevers no longer existed. About 3 months into my new regiment is when I started to feel completely normal again although I still did have some bladder pain (I still even today have some bladder pain although not even 1/100 as bad as it was but I attribute it to scar tissue).

8 months after my whole new change I got a colonoscopy and there showed no visual signs of the disease (they did not take a biopsy though).

I am very weepy panicky and upset at symptoms. i am terrified of the complications and the fear paralyses me.

It is a very scary disease and know you are not alone in that sentiment. Often when you research online and find blogs and forums, the people posting and active on those forums are mostly people that are very scared, sick and confused. The healthy crohnies are off living their lives, not investing their time into a forum or blog. So you must realized you are getting a skewed view when you start reading the stories on forums. The forum stories are some of the scariest and make other scary ideas seem silly. One of my goals, in being on this forum, is to break that sentiment... to give others a different point of view of someone living health, someone in remission who has good news rather than grim news.

There is a success story subforum here (click that) it can be a very useful tool for you to gather some hope and realize that this disease doesn't have to control you, that you can be perfectly happy with it.

My diet is pretty good as i have candida and endometriosis and need to avoid dairy and sugar I no longer have sugar cravings.

May I ask the extent of your diet? What is the average day like?

Do you still have Candida? I think Candida is absolutely detrimental to overall health but especially detrimental to the health of our intestines and our immune system. Seeing as crohn's deals with both the immune system and intestines I think getting rid of your candida should be priority #1. It is a good sign, though, that you no longer have sugar cravings.

This quote is from a different thread:

My Candida diet: You can look up various Candida cure diets online but this is what i did... I avoided all processed and refine sugars and when i say avoided i mean looked at the back of every label of every parcel of food i ate and if it said sugar i didn't dare eat it. I also stayed away from yeast in breads and the like, and seeing as many many breads contain yeast I nearly avoided breads all together. I incorporated a HEAVY dose of vegetables into my diet because vegetables create an alkaline state in your body and help change the environment that the Candida got used to and replaces it with an environment gut flora will thrive in. To get the optimal amount of vegetables into my diet, i didn't only eat a raw vegan diet but i also juiced a substantial amount. If you aren't familiar with juicing i highly suggest you look it up, I will be making a juicing thread soon. By juicing you can throw in so many vegetables into the juicers and it liquifies it and it super concentrates the amount of vegetables you can consume in a day.

I regulated the amount of fruits i ate as they do contain sugars. They are natural sugars but its really important to not indulge in fruits because too much of any kind of sugar is not ideal for our guts.

Also i would suggest never taking antibiotics. Of course I am not a doctor but what i've researched about antibiotics is just frightening. If you do take antibiotics think of it as a reset button because as soon as you take them all the progress you've made in trying to eliminate the Candida is wasted and you are back to square 1. Of course for life threatening situations antibiotics should be used like an abscess bursting or something along the lines of that. But in most cases your body doesn't need antibiotics to fight off an infection... if you give your body something to work with like healthy nutrition in the form of vitamins, fiber, minerals then your body can fight for itself without medical intervention.

A good way to test your Candida levels everyday is: Right when you wake up BEFORE you drink or eat anything, grab a glass of water and collect saliva in your mouth. Spit the saliva into the top of the glass and watch the saliva for a few minutes. Watch as ,most likely, the saliva sinks to the bottom of the glass. The more of the saliva that sinks, the more Candida you have. During your mission to rid the candida, regularly test your levels and eventually if you do things right one morning your saliva will float at the top and stay afloat which shows minimal yeast/candida ! This(click that) thread will help explain the test more thoroughly.

Now I have a few questions for you.

Have you had your Vitamin Levels Tested Recently? Liver functions test?

Are you currently on any medication at all, were you on any in the past?

Are you taking any supplements?

When you say "avoid dairy" is that eliminate, pro actively avoid, or just try to avoid?

Have you had a doctor check you out at all, use diagnostic procedures?

All the best
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Not all fruit and veggies are a like. I just wonder if juicing can be taken to a whole new level. Can we make the approach much more scientific. For example, if someone has a deficiency in magnesium and calcium, is there a recipe for them. If someone has Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth, are there recipes for them. If someone is constipated, is there a recipe for them. If someone is on Prednisone, is there a recipe for them. If someone is on Methotrexate which interferes with folate, is there a recipe for them. And on and on. Thoughts on that?

The answer to your fourth question is YES!

A few years ago I read in a health book by Leslie and Susannah Kenton that freshly prepared carrot juice was excellent for settling down upset stomach aches, pain or diarrhea. At that time I was having trouble leaving the house on time to get to work because I was experiencing uncontrollable bowel movements every single morning between 3.00am and 9.00am. Not only was this exhausting on top of my already bad exhaustion due to the UC, I was also in strife with my boss for being continually late for work. After reading about the carrots I started to juice around 4 to 6 organic carrots every morning for breakfast. I didn’t really like carrots but I was pretty desperate at that stage so was prepared to try it regardless. I also added a knob of ginger root to help disguise/soften the carrot taste. Ginger root is well-known to help assist with upset tummies, so I thought it a good overall combination. Anyway that was years ago and I have never looked back. The carrot juice started working almost from day dot. Well I think it took a few weeks for my body to get use to the change but it did start working very quickly.

I was still having numerous bowel movements every morning up until I drank my glass of carrot juice at 6.00am and after that there were no more movements until I next ate something fibrous around 9.00am. This meant I could leave the house on time, comfortably travel on public transport without the fear of a sudden bowel movement and arrive at work on time and keep my job. The juice also helped me to revive my sagging energy levels because juicing helped me to absorb much needed nutrients that I was otherwise lacking.

Over the years I have acquired a taste for the carrots, so it has become a pleasure morning ritual rather than an endured one. I normally use organic carrots due to two reasons: firstly the health benefits of organic and secondly the sweeter taste. I only use conventional carrots in an emergency if the shop has sold out of organic ones. I am going to try and grow my own too. I have come to rely on this method so much that I get panicky if we are low on carrots the night before. I pay $3.98 for a one kilo bag of organic carrots. Conventional carrots are $1.00 cheaper but I often find them tasteless or bitter, so I am prepared to pay a bit extra to get the best.

Also being low on magnesium due to diarrhea from UC, I was able to replenish my magnesium levels by drinking green vegetables such as organic spinach. Carrot and spinach juice is a nice mix. The Dr Norman W Walker juicing book mentioned previously on one of these threads will give you the best combinations for various ailments and deficiencies. I believe that juicing and a gluten-free plant based diet has helped me achieve remission long term.

Although I am flaring at the moment as three weeks ago I ate some chicken, wheat and ice-cream, all of which I KNOW will upset me but I did it anyway. I am now paying the price for my stupidity.
I tried the juicing and it was very painful on my gut.

I tried it with fruit one day and that wasn't too bad, but the next day when I added in veggies (celery, cucumber, kale, and carrots), I got problems. It was strained really well too. I think in my case I really do need a super-low or no-residue diet, which may preclude any real juicing attempts. I'm really bummed, I was so hoping this might be a good option for me. I had a fair amount of acid reflux too from what I perceived as the celery juice.

Maybe I need to experiment with one kind of juice at a time rather than a mixture of juices.
I tried the juicing and it was very painful on my gut.

I tried it with fruit one day and that wasn't too bad, but the next day when I added in veggies (celery, cucumber, kale, and carrots), I got problems. It was strained really well too. I think in my case I really do need a super-low or no-residue diet, which may preclude any real juicing attempts. I'm really bummed, I was so hoping this might be a good option for me. I had a fair amount of acid reflux too from what I perceived as the celery juice.

Maybe I need to experiment with one kind of juice at a time rather than a mixture of juices.

May I ask if you juiced organic?

Juicing is a liquid so I think it should fall under super-low residue. The only thing I can think of is the cucumber. Cucumber juice can cause gas in individuals, I don't have this problem, but my mother does.


Yes, absolutely everything was 100% organic. I really tend to avoid anything not organic, wild, free-range, antibiotic/growth-hormone-free, etc.
so glad to know Im not alone! when I mention natural therapies like this to dr.s the just roll their eyes and try to push more drugs on me. no thanks. I was just in the hospital for a week after admitting through ER due to stricturing and in addition to high dose of IV steroids I was either no intake or clear fluids only.... so 3 times a day they would bring me a tray of jello, coffee and microwaved bouillion cube. such inflammatory damaging chemical laced foods! I stupidly tried the jello and immidielty needed morphine. I wasnt able to ararnge to have juice brought to me in the hospital, best I could get was real homeamde broth and coconut water adn herbal teas which were all helpful. post hospital I am back on my juice routine and thriving. imagine a world where you go to the hospital with a digestive disease and they bring you healing fresh veggie juices as your medicine. someday. now Im excited for the morning to make my breakfast juice!
Try juicing just vegetables (low sugar) next time ( only juice a small glass to test it out). Some Crohnies cannot digest the sugars in the fruit all too well which will cause some diarrhea especially if you have Crohn's in the latter half of the small intestines.

Try it, see if that helps.

Hi Gianni, i didnt intend to leave it so long before replying. In between i have been re- reading your answer and researching. Thanks for encouraging us to do that. thank you so much for your thorough caring detailed reply even in respect of my emotional state. Thanks for being so positive especially after everything you have been suffering, its really strengthened me. I agree the Candida should be treated first. Thank you for the juicing information recipes, and information on juicing and Candida. I looked up the other positive threads too. What comes through is everyone's tenacity. I have a lot to learn.

Regarding medicines, I had taken a homeopathic remedy silica as i thought when the pains first started that i had too much calcium in the blood. I have stopped it after tests showed everything ok. Now I take Vit D drops in olive oil and Coconut oil capsules. I am on no other meds.

I cook basic meals from scratch except for bread and some sauces. Wholemeal bread/cereal for breakfast, salad for lunch, evening meal can be stew, spag bol, indian/thai curry, pasta with salmon, salmon roasted with veg, steak and 2 veg. I positively eliminate dairy and sweet things.

I was found to be low on vit D + folate (folic acid) and am now awaiting results after supplementing. On two occasions when the pains got so severe I went to A&E both times they found nothing wrong with blood tests, x-ray, internal examination back passage. They said it was stress.

Perhaps the homeopathic remedy precipitated a breakdown as I had to come and stay with mum as i lost ability to think straight and take care of myself. (normally i live alone but thats no problem usually). When i told my GP (and because I had been to A+E and they couldnt find anything wrong) she referred me to a psychiatrist and said she was unwilling to take any more investigative steps unless i complete sessions with the psychiatrist but I missed the appointment as I am at mums and just sent a letter apologizing and explaining.

I was taking herbal meds from a masters degree qualified guy he suggested lack of sleep causes gastro intestinal pain but no longer believes candida is a problem and if i have symptoms is should be happy. He was adamant on that so it was useless to contradict though I privately disagree.

I am trying to improve my sleep pattern although with M.E. which knocks out your body clocks (sleep, appetitive, hormones) when you go over your strength limit the body pumps out more adrenaline and produces insomnia but have learned some rest positions to counteract but it takes time.

It is probably just stress due to misuse of homeopathy (i was not under a homeopath I researched and obviously came up with wrong conclusion) and I am so ashamed i panicked and bothered you on this forum. you wasted your kind concern on me. However your kindness has really strengthened me and I am not sorry I learned about your refreshing attitude it has really strengthened me. Also thank you for the juicing information, recipes and tips especially the greens will help with the Candida.

I cook basic meals from scratch except for bread and some sauces. Wholemeal bread/cereal for breakfast,

I'm glad you are making your meals from scratch, that will go a long way. I would like you to try and cut out grains, especially wheat and see if your symptoms subside. The more and more I read about grains, the more I dislike them and think they may be well more related to Crohn's Disease than we think.

Have you heard of the Paleo Diet? Click on that link for our wiki entry. Many members here like hugh and others are pro active paleolithic dieters who preach the importance of removing grains from the diet. I'm sure he can elaborate more if he cares to contribute to the conversation.

They said it was stress.

I believe stress is a MAJOR factor here. I think it is an important to learn how to better handle stress within your body. Those who have a chronic condition, are constantly in the fight response of the fight or flight mechanism of the endocrine system. I still have a major problem with stress but it is something I am trying to conquer, but it is a constant battle. I believe that meditation and yoga are great stress suppressors. I am guessing you are too stressed to sleep and that can cause a myriad of ailments so it is important to be calm before you go to sleep. Try breathing exercises and go to bed in complete darkness as light will tell your body that it is still daylight which will disrupt your circadian rhythm and will keep you awake.

I was taking herbal meds from a masters degree qualified guy he suggested lack of sleep causes gastro intestinal pain

I would agree to an extent, I don't believe all pain is due to lack of sleep though.

but no longer believes candida is a problem and if i have symptoms is should be happy. He was adamant on that so it was useless to contradict though I privately disagree.

I wouldn't bet against candida's persistant nature. I am not even convinced I have candida completely under control. I do believe I have it pretty much under control but there is a very fine line between having candida under control and having it completely out of control. A candida curing diet really can be a permanent diet for those who want to take candida completely serious, I am one of those.

I am so ashamed i panicked and bothered you on this forum. you wasted your kind concern on me.

Nonsense! I am on this forum for a reason, to help people and to learn myself. I am happy to help as much as I can.

I think it is EXTREMELY important to be under the supervision of a G.I. while you figure out what exactly is wrong with you. Supplementing and self medicating blindly based on what you think you may have is dangerous and you may learn to regret that decision. The doctor might push drugs on you but you are in control and you can reject any medication he/she recommends if you feel strongly about that. The doctors are great tools to use for diagnostic procedures. They are educated to identify symptoms and can tell you how mild or severe your ailment may be. You may not even have a chronic condition but a simple gastro problem that needs a quick fix. You will be glad to know what you are dealing with rather than stressing about the myriad of possibilities on the table. When you learn about the condition you actually do have, you are able to attack it with the best weapons available instead of guessing a few treatments that may even worsen what you do actually have.

Although I do not trust or appreciate modern allopathic drugs, I do appreciate a doctor's opinion, education, and networking. I think you will find that doctors aren't as scary when you go into the appointment realizing you are the boss, not him/her.

Have you tried juicing?
Are you trying to eat organic vegetables?
Do G.I. problems run in the family?

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awesome juice combo of the day- gold beet, carrot, celery, apple, lemon ginger zingy golden yum! as far as my experience with a gnarly stricture juicing is pure medicine.
Hi Gianni,

i appreciate your good advice. G.i. problems dont run in the family as far as I am aware, my parents nor their siblings nor my grandparents had any g. i. problems.

I completely agree with your view on Doctors, their education, networking and the valuable role they play. I did ask my Doctor to investigate the pains for me but she refused to take any investigative steps and instead referred me to a psychiatrist on the basis that when I went to A&E they couldnt find anything wrong. She said she would not give me any diagnostic tests until I had finished a course of psychiatric sessions and had the results.

I agree with your views on sleep. I have noticed a significant improvement in pain (disappearing) due to efforts to regulate my sleep pattern which is difficult with M.E. (which I have been diagnosed with by a specialist) if i overdo things (go past my strength limit) instead of feeling sleepy adrenaline gets released and i get insomnia, mental fatigue (lack of focus, easily distracted, inability to make decisions, slow thinking and response). So it is a long term ongoing battle for me. I am trying to get up at the same time and earlier everyday even though i only get a few hours sleep. I think because i have had chronic insomnia over a period of 11 years due to M.E. the pain is more of a problem with me if i dont get sleep now, although before this latest digestive pain was never a symptom with me of insomnia, because i think the stress situation undermined my health on a deeper level than before its the only reason i can think of.

I| use a lumie sunray 100 lamp with simulates sunset and dawn (it alters the sleep/awake chemicals to induce sleep/wake) its brilliant at both much nicer than an alarm |(there is an alarm if you are worried you wont wake up but i dont need it) when i am in M.E. adrenaline mode then i have to do the sunset a few times and i also feel more dead than alive on waking. But otherwise if i am in control of my sleep pattern i wake up happy because of the sunrise effect. |You are right about breathing exercise.I do this also before I go to sleep thanks for the great advice.

I notice an increase in symptoms due to stress triggers. It is not in my control to remove all the triggers but acting on bible principles helps me to have more control over how i react. i find i need to pray for wisdom and "power beyond what is normal" to do this, especially due to my own imperfection. I do this every day as stress can come unexpectedly. Proverbs and Ecclesiastes are fascinating bible books as is the book of James. The bible is a wonderful revealer of human nature - which hasnt changed - and it gives insight into common pitfalls of humankind and how to avoid them. Its helped me understand that my own imperfection can at times cause/add to problems but also what I need to do about it. I find it fascinating. Also prayer brings "the peace of God that excels all thought" (philippians 4:6,7) which i find amazing. Its not about miracles. its about working in conjunction with my prayer, praying sincerely and gaining accurate knowledge of the God who made the heavens and earth engenders a close relationship, improves the quality of pray and develops deeper faith and trust. I find reading and studying the bible calms me. I am also thinking of getting a deep tissue massage (i think its called a Swiss holistic massage). I note you find yoga helps but lying down and letting someone do the work appeals to me, due to the M.E. As for the stress triggers I feel I can remove, i am being pro-active towards that end thought it will take time.

I was very impressed with the Angel juicer. While I was figuring out which one to buy, i discovered that phytoestrogens are causing flare ups of my endometriosis symptoms (the symptoms and pains are different to the g.i. pains). I normally just drink water at home but since staying at mum's i had been drinking a lot of peppermint and using a peppermint cleanser (peppermint is high in phytoestrogens) I have never been so sensitive before perhaps the stress has weakened me overall. When i stopped drinking the herbal teas its better, but i am still sensitive to foods high in p.e's which i had never been sensitive to before. So I didnt buy the juicer, as i am concerned that this would only concentrate the phyto estrogens i would be ingesting but partly also because i had seen some improvement in the g.i. pains from improving my sleep. I am hoping this phytoestrogen thing is just temporary.

instead I am eating kale every day, and I am sure it is acting on the candida (eating foods with biotin helps fight candida) it flared up at first but now i am seeing an improvement. I am going to stick with it. I got the idea of Kale from your receipe and I researched and saw it is high in biotin. So Thank you hugely for that Gianni. You are right about it being a life long diet, people have got candida back again after relaxing their diet once their symptoms left them.

I dont seem to have a problem with grains. I have been tested for celiac disease in the course of being diagnosed for M.E and this was negative. Also I feel I simply could not give them up. Of course if i did start to feel they were affecting me I would probably have no choice not to give them up.

I had a chat with the Psychiatrist and we agreed it is probably best for me to wait until I go home before I start sessions but i have the option of starting sessions in my mum's area if necessary. I dont feel that its necessary at the moment.

Thanks Gianni for your encouragement about Doctors and invaluable insight into stress, sleep and your determination to fight your candida, you've strengthened me again.

I really hope you receive back the good vibes and care and attention that you give to me and others
My very best wishes for you and take care Gianni.
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HI Gianni,

I hope you are still winning on the health front, you so deserve to as it seems to me you have made great sacrifices in your life to win the your health fight, financially (juicer but well worth it ) and food wise, being vegan and avoiding grains and other foods affecting Candida. That is a very tough lifestyle to follow 24/365. Yet you just do it. Through your posts I am convinced juicing is the best option for Crohn's and the difficult changes you have made in your diet are vital to sustaining the relief you have gained. Thank you for making me understand this. The phyto estrogen effect was temporary when I got my diet more balanced (not eating kale every day).

As my symptoms have subsided, out of respect for you Gianni, and all the other users of this site, especially considering the sensitive and emotive function of this site, i do not deserve freedom of speech in this forum unless and until I am diagnosed with Crohn's.

Gianni, I deeply appreciate your uplifting and attentive posts sharing your insights and wisdom which you have gained in the hardest possible way, and sharing it with me and others to comfort us and revealing your amazing stance that needs to be adopted to get through the reality of each day in the face of Crohn's.

Gianni I will never forget you and will continue to acknowledge you and others in my prayers, thanking God for the upbuilding support i received from your posts and from reading other's experiences.

I hope you dont mind Gianni, only the following spring to my mind concerning you :

Proverbs 17:17 "A true companion is loving all the time, and is a brother that is born for when there is distress".

Provberbs: 19:17 "He that is showing favor to the lowly one is lending to Jehovah, and his treatment He will repay to him".

Psalm 41: 1 and 3 "Happy is anyone acting with consideration toward the lowly one; in the day of calamity Jehovah will provide escape for him. Jehovah himself will sustain him upon a divan of illness; all his bed you will certainly change during his sickness" (refreshing one by various means just as you have done for me and others).

Also i love this, as it shows God hears our prayers:
Psalm 145:16 "The desire of those fearing him he will perform, And their cry for help he will hear, and he will save them".

Thank you. Mink
Just read your post. Do you eat between juicing, or is that your main diet? My daughter, 13 yrs has cd so it is not all optional but I encourage her to drink smoothies. After your article, thinking to get a juicer. Doc said today since she has a stricture, her growth is being stunted so may need surgery. Do you have a suggestion for a juice that also helps weight gain?
Thanks for your post! Will I be alerted of your answer-not yet familiar with this system
Hi Crohnsmother,

I do eat between juicing. I am vegan and eat solid foods but just will include juicing into my daily regimen. I do sometimes do juice fasts where I will only drink juice and water for an allotted time... a couple days, 1 week, 2 weeks etc etc.

No juices are really going to directly help your daughter gain weight although I believe that including nutrient dense juices may help allow your daughter to be more receptive to holding onto the good proteins, fats etc. I believe restructuring her diet would be the first move to do here.

You can make a new thread in the Your Story (click that link) forum and post your daughters story so other members can better help you and your daughter.

Also if you wouldn't mind I would love to hear the specifics of your daughter's current diet. You can post it in the Diet Fitness and Supplements Forum and I will give it a look:)

Yes you will be notified when anyone replies on a thread that you yourself have replied to. It will show up in your "My Forum" section on the front page.

Hope this helped

Unfortunately I do not. I really want to get a dehydrator but they are rather expensive:(. I would love to get one soon and then write about those benefits as well, so maybe in the future sometime. I know there are a few people on this forum who use dehydrators so you might want to reach out to them. Using the search engine by typing in dehydrator should yield some results. Sorry I couldn't be of more help as I'm not entirely comfortable claiming health benefits from dehydrators yet.

I'm glad you enjoyed the post.


I paid all of $1.50 for mine. Rummage sales. You live in L.A.? Shouldn't be difficult. Just get up at 6am on any Saturday morning and go for a bike ride. It's how I got my bike too, and it's an extremely high-end titanium road bike that normally would run around $6K new. (I'm not paranoid either, everyone really does want to steal my bike!) Craigslist is good too.

Also how I got all my canning jars and equipment, fermenting crock pots, and oh, just about any and everything imaginable.
Hey Gianni I've got a quick question about juicing. Probably a stupid and easily answered one but I have to ask.

Why do people have to juice like 10 or so carrots when normally they'd probably only eat one for a snack or a couple in a meal? Where's the science behind X juiced carrots = 1 carrot? Is there science behind it or is more added just to reduce hunger?

Why can't we juice what we would normally eat? Sure it'd be like a shot glass of juice but it would contain the nutrition we're looking for rather than possible overkill which may cause diarrhea and chew up all your cash.

Let's say I juice my veggies that I'd normally eat for one meal and have my protein or whatever else I eat on the side since I wont be juicing that and just do it that way. Will I not be getting enough nutrients? I'm aware that some nutrients are left in the pulp that was removed from the juicer and even the best juicers out there don't remove all the nutrients or moisture so one may need to add an extra carrot or two but why 5,000? I would never eat that much of one thing in one sitting unless I wanted diarrhea, which I don't. :p

I think juicing would have more of a chance with me anyway if I didn't have to buy as many veggies (would be more cost effective, all you really need to do is buy the juicer and just juice what you would have ate + maybe a little extra) and would reduce the possibility of diarrhea since you wouldn't take anymore in than you'd normally consume.

Guess this was more than one question but in the bold is the most important part and that question doesn't apply to just carrots but for all things juiced. There has to be some science behind it somewhere.

People don't normally consume so many different veggies at one time. They eat what's available around them even if we go way back to hunter gatherers. In stores we have access to foods which would never normally grow around us so I don't see the need for juicing everything in the store into one glass unless you're doing something specific for a vitamin deficiency. Feel free to school me in this department.

David if you know the answer then feel free to jump in. I know you blend rather than juice. Do you add extra food than you'd normally consume or do you just blend up what you would have had with your meal?

Keep in mind I'm looking at juicing as a way to consume vegetables without having to deal with the fiber they come with rather than having to cook them down to make them easier to digest. I would continue to consume other things I can tolerate such as meats and some grain products. Edit: And would also continue with 3 meals a day along with possible snacks.
Why do people have to juice like 10 or so carrots when normally they'd probably only eat one for a snack or a couple in a meal? Where's the science behind X juiced carrots = 1 carrot? Is there science behind it or is more added just to reduce hunger?

Well the reason why I personally like including or suggesting a bunch of vegetables into the recipes is because I don't believe "normally" is enough vegetables. I believe most people today aren't eating nearly enough vegetables as we should be consuming. I don't really ever juice just one vegetable like 10 carrots. Rather I incorporate a wide variety of different vegetables. It is an amount that we wouldn't even think about having on our dinner plates but it is something you can almost bet that we had in our more primal times. We didn't have grains, packaged foods, always readily available meats, to keep us full and at the same time our ancestors expended energy much more rapidly than we do on a daily basis. A staple of the our primal ways was foraging. Anthropologists believe the women foraged while the men hunted. While not all environments yielded the best results for foraging, most did and I'm sure we capitalized on that. Also I realize that they probably didn't have access to winter kale and ginger, and garlic etc etc. But what they did have access to was more raw plants that really aren't grown commercially any longer. And that is the beauty of so many of the vegetables and fruits. Although many look, taste, and appear different they all contain many of the same baseline vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. Take carrots for example. According to researchers they weren't cultivated as food until 5,000 or so years ago yet we find such great benefits in them. They aren't just made to give us great benefits, rather the human genome will evolve to create these benefits. So a likely explanation is that our human ancestry had been in contact with high levels of the same antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that are within a carrot.

Think of it this way. I could have made this post about the importance of eating A whopping salad for lunch everyday. And then between dinner and lunch 2 carrots and then dinner include many many more vegetables but that isn't realistic and I'm not sure many people would be comfortable making 70% of their diet vegetables.

I don't believe an all vegetarian diet is a smart decision in the longrun but I do believe that vegetables are the medicine of nature and hold great healing properties and that is why I went vegan for a year... not because I believe it is the best diet for humans, but because I believe it is the best diet for a sick body. So by just including what you normally would eat and just juicing it is basically just juicing to avoid the fiber which is something I wouldn't suggest. You would actually be cutting down on your vitamin intake and you would be spending $100 on a juicer that wouldn't be utilized properly.

From another angle:

I believe that most diseases today are caused by the weakening of the immune system whether it be through environmental toxins, or diet. Many people in this world are sick so I would assume they aren't really getting adequate nutrition ( just showing you my thought process)

So by just juicing what one sick person "normally" eats, I don't think will benefit that person much if at all.

From another angle:

Looking at just raw vitamin and mineral levels found in today's average celery they are vastly different than a truly organic celery. So our ancestors are eating truly organic celery grown from nutrient dense and rich soil thus they are getting more vitamins and minerals therefore today we need to supplement even more to reach those levels.

Why can't we juice what we would normally eat? Sure it'd be like a shot glass of juice but it would contain the nutrition we're looking for rather than possible overkill which may cause diarrhea and chew up all your cash.

I simply believe people need to eat more vegetables than they normally eat. Have you tried juicing? Did it cause you diarrhea? Usually we can figure out why the juice is causing those issues.

I don't really want people to look at juicing as just a way to remove fiber. While I do juice because I believe that we need to include more vegetables and juicing does that, I do believe fiber is extremely important for digestive health. I like the gut rest Idea for juice fasts and for severe cases but after I juice I often have a big salad with lots of fiber:)

Juicing with other meals and snacks and what not is perfectly fine but again I think it's a way for people to include more vegetables to the levels I truly think we do need.

Anyways I hope that answers your question... it may not have.


I simply believe people need to eat more vegetables than they normally eat.

That's your answer. I was hoping for numbers but I added some towards the end of this post.

Think of it this way. I could have made this post about the importance of eating A whopping salad for lunch everyday. And then between dinner and lunch 2 carrots and then dinner include many many more vegetables but that isn't realistic and I'm not sure many people would be comfortable making 70% of their diet vegetables.

I don't see what's wrong with that. In the long run it sounds cheaper then juicing and not just because you don't have to buy a juicer. Sadly that's a diet many of us on here can't follow unfortunately. I'd be comfortable making 70% of my diet in the form of fruits and vegetables.

I don't believe an all vegetarian diet is a smart decision in the longrun

Why not? Studies have been done on vegetarians and how they live longer. Here's just a quick link:
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kathy-freston/plant-based-diet_b_1981838.html That one even mentions them being healthier.

So by just including what you normally would eat and just juicing it is basically just juicing to avoid the fiber which is something I wouldn't suggest. You would actually be cutting down on your vitamin intake and you would be spending $100 on a juicer that wouldn't be utilized properly.

There's a lot I don't understand here. Let's say more vegetables are included and are enough to make you full for a meal. Is that still cutting down on your vitamin intake? How much? What does it matter how someone uses their juicer? That's irrelevant. Why is juicing to avoid fiber a bad thing? Lots of people can't handle a high fiber diet, including myself. If I were to eat a lot of raw vegetables, organic or not, I'd get diarrhea from it. If I were to juice them instead to avoid the fiber and didn't get diarrhea, wouldn't that be a good thing? You're not absorbing much of anything with diarrhea.

I don't understand this word. It could mean a lot of things. I know you put environmental in front of it but that still doesn't explain what it means. Reminds me of the phrase, "remove toxins from the body." I don't understand what any of these "toxins" are.

Have you tried juicing? Did it cause you diarrhea?

Not yet but we've talked about how I haven't and why already therefore I've never gotten diarrhea from it. I'm not against trying it and never have been. Any raw fruits or vegetables give me diarrhea if that matters.

Usually we can figure out why the juice is causing those issues.

How? Besides eliminating through trial and error.

I don't really want people to look at juicing as just a way to remove fiber. While I do juice because I believe that we need to include more vegetables and juicing does that, I do believe fiber is extremely important for digestive health. I like the gut rest Idea for juice fasts and for severe cases but after I juice I often have a big salad with lots of fiber:)

So we just add a little fiber to our diets every now and then when needed.

I think it's a way for people to include more vegetables to the levels I truly think we do need.

What levels are those? At some point people will need numbers and scientific backing. So I grabbed some real quick.

This is for "mental well-being" so says the study. "Seven 80-gram servings of fruits and vegetables every day." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/...tables-wellbeing-produce-happy_n_1952516.html I'm sure we could find one for what we need physically as well (I'm getting internet overload right now so maybe someone else would like to chime in for that portion).

So how much is 80 grams then? Depends on the fruit or vegetable. You could weigh them if you want or there are some guides online which will tell you how much is in an 80 gram serving for X fruit/vegetable. Here's one: http://www.best-salads.com/p/vegetables-how-much-is-one-portion-80.html

I'm no scientist but the serving sizes I'm seeing don't match the juicing recipes at all. A lot more is included in the juicing recipes. Was just trying to figure out why its necessary but apparently it isn't.
"I'm no scientist but the serving sizes I'm seeing don't match the juicing recipes at all. A lot more is included in the juicing recipes. Was just trying to figure out why its necessary but apparently it isn't. "

If you are interested in serving sizes then maybe Terry Whals can help

It's worth watching the whole thing but at 8:50 she starts on serving sizes Her interest is Multiple Sclerosis but portion sizes would be the same. (although you might need to adjust quantities for vegetarianism).

Everybody is different and some get alot out of their food, some less so there is no set 'serving size'.
Juicing is a way of taking large quantities of nutrients, way more than the 'required amount'

"Studies have been done on vegetarians and how they live longer."
I'm always sceptical, firstly, almost any diet is better than the SAD

secondly, these studies are almost always bogus.
the china study is ******** :ysmile:
Juicing is a way of taking large quantities of nutrients, way more than the 'required amount'

There's a lot to be concerned about if you're taking in too many nutrients so serving sizes are very important.

"...too much vitamin C or zinc could cause nausea, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. Too much selenium could lead to problems including hair loss, gastrointestinal upset, fatigue, and mild nerve damage."

"When it comes to vitamins and minerals, more is not necessarily better."
I don't see what's wrong with that. In the long run it sounds cheaper then juicing and not just because you don't have to buy a juicer. Sadly that's a diet many of us on here can't follow unfortunately. I'd be comfortable making 70% of my diet in the form of fruits and vegetables.

Oh nothing is wrong with that, not at all. If you can do a real 70% fruit and vegetable diet then all the power to you but that is a difficult task. If you think about the grains, oils, starches, meats that are in your average day, it becomes a daunting task. It certainly is easier for people to rather just supplement juices.

Why not? Studies have been done on vegetarians and how they live longer. Here's just a quick link:
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kathy-...b_1981838.html That one even mentions them being healthier.

Yes, I read all these studies too but you must realize that vegetarian and vegans are generally more health conscious in every aspect of life. Typically it is these vegans that are juicing and that are doing yoga and that are eating organic and that are growing their own food. There is no doubt to me that a vegan and vegetarian diet can be extremely beneficial when it comes to health but I for one also believe it can be dangerous in the LONG term. When you become vegetarian you are disregarding a huge portion of our evolutionary diet. While you may be able to supplement many of the meat nutrients, it is hard to say if you are truly getting them all. Food science is very juvenile right now. There is simply not much out there. Researchers estimate there are as many as 10,000 food chemicals not yet discovered... that being Vitamin A is a food chemical, Vitamin C is a food chemical, so on and so on. By ignoring the big elephant in the room you may be doing your body harm. Ignorance is bliss but not when it comes to your diet and your health.

And yes these vegans are living longer... but longer than the average.. the average being what hugh just covered: The SAD diet.

There's a lot I don't understand here. Let's say more vegetables are included and are enough to make you full for a meal. Is that still cutting down on your vitamin intake? How much?

Well you would be including more vitamins then because you would be consuming more than you would normally eat. You asked if you just juiced what you normally ate. If you juiced just one carrot (what you normally ate) instead of eating it then yes, presumably you could be losing vitamins because the pulp undoubtedly contains nutrition. This is where vitamin absorption comes in and its hard to tell for the individual but some people might not assimilate all the nutrients if the carrot is raw, while they would absorb more in liquid form although for the most part they tend to stay the same. (from what I know).

What does it matter how someone uses their juicer? That's irrelevant.

I don't think that's irrelevant. There will be differences between someone who juices only what they normally consume versus an influx of fruits and vegetables. And a difference between those who juice mostly fruits versus mostly vegetables etc etc.

Why is juicing to avoid fiber a bad thing? Lots of people can't handle a high fiber diet, including myself. If I were to eat a lot of raw vegetables, organic or not, I'd get diarrhea from it. If I were to juice them instead to avoid the fiber and didn't get diarrhea, wouldn't that be a good thing? You're not absorbing much of anything with diarrhea.

It isn't a bad thing. I just think that juicing has much more use than simply removing fiber is all. And no doubt that if that were the case then juicing will benefit you and get those vitamin levels up. I would just caution that it is important to retain fiber within the diet. While some people can't handle alot of fiber I think it is important to slowly incorporate fiber into your diet to kind of build back digestive health.

My brother couldn't handle fiber at all so I told him to get a juicer and he did. He juiced for about 6 months quite regularly. While he never did abandon fiber completely he did avoid. After about 6 months of juicing he noticed that fiber didn't bother him anymore and he was able to have salads on the regular. You see juicing can be a gateway into including fiber and it definitely can be utilized for that but I guess I simply think juicing should be viewed as so much more than just a way to avoid fiber.

I don't understand this word. It could mean a lot of things. I know you put environmental in front of it but that still doesn't explain what it means. Reminds me of the phrase, "remove toxins from the body." I don't understand what any of these "toxins" are.

Just how we don't fully understand everything that aids that human body, we don't understand everything that hurts it. But the known ones include heavy metals such as mercury, arsenic, aluminum, Lead etc. Sugar substitutes like aspartame and acesulfame K. Detergent cleaners- Benzene, Benzoic. Plastic chemicals such as BHA, BHT. Formaldehyde, Nitrites, Pesticides, Pharmaceuticals... The list goes on and on and on http://www.purezing.com/living/toxins/living_toxins_dangerousingredients.html

Muppet had a similar question in my other thread so I'll quote my response:
Great question, When I first started juicing I wondered the same thing.

Well first off juicing in general is an amazing "detox" because the vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, etc are all beneficial to the major detox organs like the liver, kidneys, skin, and lungs.

The liver has the function of filtering the blood coming from the digestive tract. So we eat toxic foods then the toxins are in our blood stream momentarily but the liver will hold on to these toxins and will turn the fat soluble toxins into water soluble ones through enzymes. Fat soluble toxins pose more of a threat because well they will stay in your body for a long period of time while water soluble toxins will be filtered by the kidneys and ultimately excreted as urine. The other more concrete toxins that could not be made into water soluble are excreted through bile produced by the liver.

The liver however is very sensitive especially in the modern world today with the influx of environmental toxins. Liver's will get sluggish fast and start accumulating a surplus of toxins. So in a way you can imagine the liver as a sponge which is constantly being squeezed and pulsed, but then it gets sluggish... so the dirt water starts to build up a little more at a time (toxins) which slows down the liver even more and more and it turns into a snowball effect. Then the sponge becomes placid and it is full of dirty water. So by giving the liver an inpouring of vitamins minerals and enzymes, it will start to soak in these nutrients and get healthier and pulse a little bit and a little bit more until all the dirty water (toxins) is out and start to work normal again.

The liver when diseased, inflamed, fatty, sluggish will start to release toxins irresponsibly and the toxins will instead be stored in our fat cells which can cause longterm health complications.

Here is a more raw way to look at it:

The liver plays several roles in detoxification: it filters the blood to remove large toxins, synthesizes and
gets rid of bile full of cholesterol and other fat-soluble toxins, and the live enzymatically eliminates unwanted
chemicals. The enzymatic process to dispose of toxins occurs in two phases: phase 1 (Oxidations) and phase 2 (Conjugation). Phase 1 neutralizes the toxin or changes the toxic chemical to form activated intermediates which
will then be neutralized by phase 2 of the enzyme system. This pathway converts a toxic chemical into a less
harmful chemical and is achieved by oxidation, reduction and hydrolysis reactions. During this process, free
radicals are produced and if there are too many it can damage the liver cells. With the help of antioxidant, it reduces
the damage caused by free radicals. One important antioxidant for neutralizing the free radicals produced in phase 1
is glutathione (GHS) is oxidized to glutathione disulfide (GSSG). This antioxidant is required for one of the key
phase 2 processes. When so many free radicals are produced from phase 1, the glutathione stops producing
oxidative stress or liver damage. The toxins are then transformed into activated intermediates; therefore the rate at
which phase 1 produces activated intermediates must be balanced by the rate at which phase 2 finishes their
processing. Phase 2 is called the conjugation pathway because the liver cells add another substance such as
cysteine, glycine, or a sulphur molecule to a toxic chemical to make it less harmful. As a result it makes the toxin
water-soluble so that it may then be excreted from the body via watery fluids such as bile or urine. There are six
phase 2 detoxification pathways:
1.Glutathione conjugation
2. Amino acid conjugation
3. Sulfation
4. Acetylation
5. Glucuronidation
These conjugation molecules join with specific enzymes to catalyze the reaction process. The liver is then able to
turn drugs, hormones, and other various toxins into substances that are secreted from the body. Read more: http://people.cornellcollege.edu/bno...liverDetox.pdf

As far as specific juices go: There are two types of Detox juices. What I mean by this is there are juices that will target the vitamins and minerals the liver in particular will need and then there are those that will try to achieve a high alkalinity and sulfur level.

Juices that target the liver will pertain to the above process I talked about

The alkalinity theory is a bit more complicated. Basically in a nut shell the theory is that these toxins hold a acidic ph level and your body will create fat to house these toxins.
(this goes along with the theory that it isn't fattening foods that is causing obesity issues but rather the influx of toxins). So the liver is sick, and the toxins are released into the bloodstream so your body holds on to more fat so that it can house the harmful toxins because it wants the toxins out of the bloodstream as soon as possible.

Now these acidic toxins are stored in fat cells so by giving your body Alkaline foods like vegetables, the acids will be neutralized and released and with them the fat cells will be too. So with that the liver becomes less fatty and healthier and the Ph level in your body will go down and neutralize many of the toxins.

The Alkaline theory is a bit more subjective and exactly that, a theory but it does make a bit more sense to me at least the fat part. Many people try to lose weight through exercise but It rarely works, in part because I think the body wants to hold on to the fat to protect you from the toxins it has encapsulated.

The sulphur aspect is more concrete and I'll let you read about it here :http://www.livestrong.com/article/317807-sulphur-detox/

Typically Juice Detox recipes will include a high alkaline through leafy greens while incorporating high sulfur produce like Onions and Garlic. Of course the leafy greens also play a double role by including very helpful vitamins to keep the detox organs healthy and happy.

How? Besides eliminating through trial and error.

Trial and error is one useful way. Eliminating fruits is a common resolution to this problem especially amongst crohnies as much of the sugars are digested in the lower small intestines ( often where people are diseased). People also don't always do well with sulphur containing vegetables. Some people also don't do well with acidic produce.

What levels are those? At some point people will need numbers and scientific backing. So I grabbed some real quick.

This is for "mental well-being" so says the study. "Seven 80-gram servings of fruits and vegetables every day." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/1...n_1952516.html I'm sure we could find one for what we need physically as well (I'm getting internet overload right now so maybe someone else would like to chime in for that portion).

So how much is 80 grams then? Depends on the fruit or vegetable. You could weigh them if you want or there are some guides online which will tell you how much is in an 80 gram serving for X fruit/vegetable. Here's one: http://www.best-salads.com/p/vegetab...ortion-80.html

I'm no scientist but the serving sizes I'm seeing don't match the juicing recipes at all. A lot more is included in the juicing recipes. Was just trying to figure out why its necessary but apparently it isn't.

I weighed an apple in my refrigerator then converted it to grams. 142 grams for an average sized apple. I simply don't believe 4 apples a day worth of fruits and vegetables is enough. Sure that is an upgrade from the USDA's recommended daily allowances ( which I think is completely off base) but It isn't much of an upgrade.

While I realize science is what people need and the science just isn't there behind juicing. I have an excel sheet where I have labeled all the fruits and vegetables and their vitamin contents but its another thing to try and pick how much a body needs. I do try... I try and see what makes most sense but really I think it is mostly about listening to your body and not not indulge hunger on processed foods but to eat a strong vegetable diet that includes that meat and legumes and so on and so forth. I for one have noticed and now believe that that hunger feeling you get isn't because your body wants substance, it is because your body needs nutrition. People will have a huge horribly deficient meal but then be hungry a few hours later. Well if they ate a nutrient dense diet, that wouldn't have happened. I believe listening to your body is very underrated today.

Science backing juicing would be great but theres not much, if any research being done for it. But I don't think because there is a lack there of funding for research towards juicing that people should steer away. Science hasn't uncovered much to be honest so I'd hate for people to hold their breath waiting for the ok to start eating the correct amount of fruits and vegetables.

If you think about the grains, oils, starches, meats that are in your average day, it becomes a daunting task. It certainly is easier for people to rather just supplement juices.

I don't think so. If you go by what you purchase from the store, be it organic or not or if you go by what you grow in your own backyard, you know what you're eating and where it came from. If you make your own food, just like you have to make your own juices then it shouldn't be anymore difficult than juicing. This is off topic though and I'm not trying to derail here so we can simply agree to disagree here. ;)

While you may be able to supplement many of the meat nutrients, it is hard to say if you are truly getting them all.

Blood work would tell if you were or not.

Researchers estimate there are as many as 10,000 food chemicals not yet discovered

Now I need sources.

And yes these vegans are living longer... but longer than the average.. the average being what hugh just covered: The SAD diet.

That's a good thing though. Average is average, proving that people can be healthier through different food choices is important to getting rid of the so called "SAD" diet (I never heard it called that before so I don't know what it stands for, but I get the idea of it well enough). So I wouldn't dismiss the studies just because you don't care for the current average. Its one of the few ways to get rid of that type of food or at least help to limit it.

While I realize science is what people need and the science just isn't there behind juicing.

That's unfortunate.

I for one have noticed and now believe that that hunger feeling you get isn't because your body wants substance, it is because your body needs nutrition. People will have a huge horribly deficient meal but then be hungry a few hours later.

People will crave specific things due to being low in them no doubt such as salt for one.

"One of salt’s main benefits is to promote fluid retention in our bodies. For this reason, dehydration from sweating, diarrhea, or vomiting may increase our taste for salt." http://answers.webmd.com/answers/1198196/why-am-i-craving-salt

People sometimes also feel they are still hungry when its very likely they may be thirsty.

"The hypothalamus controls both hunger and thirst, so it sends the same signal whether you are hungry or thirsty... "It might be that empty feeling in your stomach only needs some water for satiety." http://www.livestrong.com/article/441564-difference-between-being-hungry-and-thirsty/ I don't like using that link but the only one I found from Web MD was meant for children and didn't explain it well enough. :p

Well if they ate a nutrient dense diet, that wouldn't have happened.

Any source for that?

But I don't think because there is a lack there of funding for research towards juicing that people should steer away. Science hasn't uncovered much to be honest so I'd hate for people to hold their breath waiting for the ok to start eating the correct amount of fruits and vegetables.

I don't believe anyone is arguing against juicing at all. I'm just curious and love learning so I tend to ask a lot of questions especially if I haven't done it. These questions aren't for my own benefit though but also for everyone who's been reading.
To me it speaks volumes that industrialized nations have higher rates of inflammatory diseases than do nations where people eat more agrarian back-to-the-land diets. Doctors can minimize diet with Crohn's til the cow comes home, but some things come down to "the obvious." Gianni's first post on this thread holds insight.

I'll share my opinions with the caveat that they are only opinions. The pharmaceutical industry, while wonderful in many instances, is big business. Any time medicine is deemed the only therapy to treat a disease with little mention of how personal responsibility plays a role, then a huge financial benefit goes to the "purveyors of pills." Personally, I feel that many Western medicine doctors are guilty of breach of duty when they fail to even mention diet as a contributing factor in disease. Thankfully, more and more are doing the right thing. That said, I'm a believer in individuals taking personal responsibility for their health and with the Internet at our disposal and bookstores galore, there is much we can do for ourselves. I say utilize conventional Western medicine where necessary, but put 100% effort into "healing thyself" through stress reduction, exercise, sunlight, spiritual nourishment from God, and unadulterated whole foods grown in the earth.

Juicing allows the digestive system to rest while allowing boatloads of good nutrients to bless the body. Gianni's juicing approach makes good sense and I am so glad this topic is being discussed on this thread.
I wouldn't mind reading a new thread made by either of you on the subject of genetics vs the American diet as possible causes. Would be entertaining and I might even weigh in.

I agree with this... Crohn's disease is found on both sides of my family. Genetics can't be fully discounted.
This is my take on it. While we can't ruin our genetics from a potential cause for crohns, it would then be possible that the first people who developed crohns did so because of their eating habits, and then once they have children it gets passed on, etc. It's the same as diabetes. I know there will be many people who disagree with me, but diabetes can very well be contributed to diet, just as much as it can be genetics. Think about it, (for example) your parents eat like complete ****. If you're growing up around people that eat like that, 10 chances to one you're going to eat like that as well. Boom, diabetes. Sure your genetics may make you more susceptible to diabetes, but it is because of the food that goes into your mouth, even before you're old enough to feed yourself. It is very well a lifestyle problem.

I think diet is HUGE with crohns, and I only need a few reasons to believe so. Crohn's diagnosis are on the rise, and what a coincidence so are the amount of fast food chains we see, the increasing number of additives companies are filling their products with to reduce cost and increase profit. This stuff isn't real food. I don't know when the first case of crohns was found, but I would put money on it not being anywhere near the caveman times. Why? Because they ate natural, properly grown/killed foods. This is why many diets are based off foods cavemen ate, because they didn't have crohns.

I am experiencing it myself currently after starting the SCD diet. I'm not preaching the diet by any means, but I considered myself symptom free before starting the diet. Hell was I wrong! I've felt better in the 26 days I've been on it than any medicine has ever made me feel, and I can now say I am symptom free. Look at the crap in the medicine many people take, there's so many fillers and preservatives. It's all chemicals that is not natural by any means for the body. We'll use thimerasol for example.

I once talked to an African American doctor that was working in a hospital while I was there. We got talking about crohns and he told me before he came to Canada, he had no idea what crohns was. Weird, they don't eat the crap we do, and they don't have nearly as many cases of crohns in Africa. Hmm?

Also, let's look at the number of people over 65 on the forum. I don't even think I could count 5. However, let's look at the number of young kids, or parents of young kids joining the forum. Why? because it's much faster and cheaper to eat like crap than it is to healthy.

Lastly, I'm sure I'm not the only person noticing the over representation of members from Western European countries on here. Again, weird. We have high numbers of crohns, we're also developed countries where our food companies focus on low production costs for high profits.
This is my take on it. While we can't ruin our genetics from a potential cause for crohns, it would then be possible that the first people who developed crohns did so because of their eating habits, and then once they have children it gets passed on, etc. It's the same as diabetes. I know there will be many people who disagree with me, but diabetes can very well be contributed to diet, just as much as it can be genetics. Think about it, (for example) your parents eat like complete ****. If you're growing up around people that eat like that, 10 chances to one you're going to eat like that as well. Boom, diabetes. Sure your genetics may make you more susceptible to diabetes, but it is because of the food that goes into your mouth, even before you're old enough to feed yourself. It is very well a lifestyle problem.

I think diet is HUGE with crohns, and I only need a few reasons to believe so. Crohn's diagnosis are on the rise, and what a coincidence so are the amount of fast food chains we see, the increasing number of additives companies are filling their products with to reduce cost and increase profit. This stuff isn't real food.

There's actually 2 different types of diabetes. Diabetes type 1 is genetic, while diabetes type 2 is often the result of poor diet, obesity and/or lack of sufficient physical activity, but not always.

Fast food doesn't fit my definition of real food either, but neither does most pre-processed foods as well.

All you really have to do is start reading the labels to see all the preservatives, sodium, sugar, chemical additives and high fructose corn syrup, along with the overall low vitamin content. Most of them contain very little in the way of anything remotely resembling significant nutrition value.
Yeah I'm aware of the two types of diabetes but diet definitely plays a role in type 2. I didn't mean just say just fast food either, because a lot of the food you see on the shelf isn't much better.
Yeah I'm aware of the two types of diabetes but diet definitely plays a role in type 2. I didn't mean just say just fast food either, because a lot of the food you see on the shelf isn't much better.

Just clarifying for anyone else reading this thread who might not realize the difference between the 2. Diabetes type 1 runs in my family, but fortunately, neither I or any of my siblings seem to have gotten the gene. Couple others in my family though actually have devices that feed insulin directly into their bodies intravenously on a continuous basis.

I totally agree that Crohn's and many other disorders are very likely caused by all the food additives and chemicals. Once you really start looking into it, it's pretty scary.
Just wanted to thank everyone involved in this post. I was diagnosed back in September and was put on a low res diet. I have not eaten any fresh fruit or veggies in months and it started taking a toll on me. I never would have thought I would ever crave veggies. But last week, I just couldn't take it anymore. I am sick of being tired, having absolutely no energy, not being able to focus, etc. I knew this was because of my crap diet. I discovered juicing through a documentary... Started doing some research and it landed me on this forum. I invested in a juicer and today, I packed my shopping cart full of organic veggies. It's going to be quite a ride (I'm also fructose intolerant) but I'm just so happy I have a way to get some veggies in my diet. Celebrated tonight with a recipe called "better than a salad" (dr told me i couldnt eat salads because of strictures) and it was delicious. Can't wait till I start feeling the effects from these wonderful plants. Thank you all for the info!
WOW! I started juicing just over a week ago and I feel so much better. I have way more energy than a few weeks ago. I feel that I am sharper mentally (except first thing in the morning lol). My memory is definitely better, two weeks ago I had to write everything down or I would forget. Today, I am much better.

Before I started I thought maybe after a few months I might notice something different but I never expected such a dramatic difference. This week has been crazy busy both at work and in the evening but I still feel like I have energy at the end of the day. Two weeks ago I was bagged by the time I got home from work and I wasn't nearly as busy.

Thanks you for this post!
I do feel a lot better and have way more energy. Additionally I just got my blood work done and my liver enzymes, which have been mildly elevated for a long time, are now well in the normal range. Interesting. I don't have anything to back it up but I have been told that beets and carrots might be helping.

I am concerned about getting too much though so now I guess I have to figure out how much is just right.
Time is a big issue for many. And it was a issue for me for a long time as-well. For when i know I am going to have a busy week what i do is on Sundays I will juice for the whole week and store the juice in jars and in the fridge. The nutrient loss will be minimal in air tight glass jars. So each day just open the fridge and grab a juice:).


So, say I would get glass mason canning Jars, and juiced everything and put them in there and sealed them up pretty good, the juice would still have plenty of nutrients throughout the week? I'm just trying to get a good understanding! I'm a stay at home mom, so I do have time to make sure I do my juicing, but sometimes we are much busier than others.
By the way, this is all incredible information. I've been really getting into the importance of plant based diets and I'm radically changing my families eating habits to a much cleaner diet. I'm hoping this helps me, I'm feeling a bit hopeless.

I've been juicing for a couple of weeks now, and so far I love it! I'm trying different things out and through trial and error have made some great juices :) And most of them my 2 year old loves!
So, say I would get glass mason canning Jars, and juiced everything and put them in there and sealed them up pretty good, the juice would still have plenty of nutrients throughout the week? I'm just trying to get a good understanding! I'm a stay at home mom, so I do have time to make sure I do my juicing, but sometimes we are much busier than others.

That's correct. Some nutrients will be lost, but apparently it is supposed to me minimal and I still do feel amazing off juices that have been sitting a few days in the fridge. Just make sure the lid is on tight :)
Thanks! Will do. I made a juice today that was awesome. Swiss chard, spinach, strawberry and blood orange :)
I know this thread is a bit old, but I've been reading to catch up while recovering from surgery earlier this week, and have a couple of questions for you, Gianni.

Breakfast is typically a fresh juice, or If I don't have time, a piece of fruit like a kiwi, pear, or apple. The juice will be have more fruit in it than I would typically do because I feel like fruit in the morning can you get energized for the rest of the day. Maybe a carrot, sweet potato, orange, apple juice.

Lunch is typically a large salad that will almost always include an avocado and balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

Dinner is either another salad, or I will make a soup or I will experiment with a new recipe like a collard greens wrap, or spinach tortilla wrap. If I'm feeling real rewarding, I will have some vegan thai food.

You can look at my Juicing Recipes thread for more on what I juice.

I rarely take protein powder, although I do when I exercise a lot in a week. When I do it is hemp protein powder. Hemp is a complete protein and isn't dairy based like many of the protein out there. I believe if you are eating enough, you are getting enough protein, much like if you are breathing you are getting enough oxygen. I think society has become quite obsessed with protein.

The only vitamin I supplement is b-12 sublingual liquid vitamin. All the other vitamins I get from my food/juices.

I do take cold pressed flax seed oil supplement capsules as well to get my omega oils.

This question isn't really about juicing, but nutrition in general. I often have this problem when people give examples of their diet - I don't understand how you can survive on such low calorie food! Unless you are using huge amounts of olive oil, I don't see how it would be possible to gain enough calories. How much salad, soup and juice do you have to consume to maintain a healthy weight?

I am extremely underweight and every meal leaves me feeling incredibly full, and that's even with eating a lot of high calorie food in order to get as much energy as possible without having to eat large volumes of food. My stomach doesn't empty properly, so I know I feel full much easier than other people, but I still seem to need so many more calories than you could be getting from this diet in order to keep my weight up.

Along similar lines:

just like your housedog our body needs to use a large portion of our energy to fight off our disease and give it the best fighting shot. So by excluding the fiber from the vegetables and just drinking the juice you are essentially fasting but at the same time replenishing your body with an extreme concentrated dose of energy so that it can go into superman mode and take care of your body. This is precisely why I am a proponent of 10+day juice fasts.

There's not much energy in fruit, and even less in vegetables, so how is juice a concentrated dose of energy? Or are you referring to nutrients rather than energy?

I'm always looking for ways to get my weight up, so I'd be interested to know how you think juicing would fit into a weight-gaining diet. I do have smoothies sometimes as a way to get fruit which goes down easier than chewing through whole pieces of fruit.

Also, I just wanted to comment on KWalkers post:

Also, let's look at the number of people over 65 on the forum. I don't even think I could count 5. However, let's look at the number of young kids, or parents of young kids joining the forum. Why? because it's much faster and cheaper to eat like crap than it is to healthy.

Lastly, I'm sure I'm not the only person noticing the over representation of members from Western European countries on here. Again, weird. We have high numbers of crohns, we're also developed countries where our food companies focus on low production costs for high profits.

I think the population of this forum is probably determined as much by demographics of Internet users more generally than by the demographics of people with Crohn's. People over 65 are less likely to be posting online than young people, so if people over 65 did have Crohn's, they'd be less likely to be here than teenagers and young adults.

And since the forum is in English, it's going to primarily be people from countries where English is the first language who you'll find here. Someone from another country who doesn't speak English isn't going to post here even if they do have Crohn's, and nor is someone from places without much Internet access.

A lot of people on this forum do seem to be very interested in diet and try to eat healthily, so I'm not sure looking at the members of this forum suggests a link between poor diet and Crohn's.
I'm currently doing SCD and new to this juicing forum. SCD is working perfectly for me but after reading the beginning post and the science behind juicing I've been considering giving juicing a try. I don't know much about juicing though....except how to make it. My biggest question (and I know this might have already been covered but it's a lot to read lol) is how long would I have to juice to achieve results/cure? Also, do I juice for every meal or just some meals? Thanks for any help and advice anyone can give.
Personally I juice once a day (most days), mostly the red head recipe, and felt far more energetic within a week.

Good luck and I hope you experience similar results.
Talking about results - personally, I felt better as soon as I began juicing. By juicing every morning I had the energy to get through the day and I am sure it helped me cope with being anaemic.Since then I really miss it if I have a juice free day, it has become part of my life.

But to talk about cure is a bit different and I am sure Gianni would be the best to answer that.

As for how often you juice, I would think you will see the best/quickest results the more you do it. But try for at least once a day, I always have it for breakfast.

When I do a juice only diet I find it is best to have four juices a day and three days is enough to see an improvement in my digestive health.

Good luck and happy juicing.
I think I will try juicing along with SCD. I'll take all the help I can get towards a normal life. I'll start off with just one glass in the mornings. Any ideas for a cheap but good juicer?
This question isn't really about juicing, but nutrition in general. I often have this problem when people give examples of their diet - I don't understand how you can survive on such low calorie food! Unless you are using huge amounts of olive oil, I don't see how it would be possible to gain enough calories. How much salad, soup and juice do you have to consume to maintain a healthy weight?

Well I am no longer vegan and do include fish and eggs in my diet now. While I was vegan, however getting enough calories was quite a task at the beginning but I simply defeated that by eating a lot. When I didn't have a meal I was almost always snacking on something like fruit, nuts, raisins, avocados etc. It actually still resonates with me today, now that i did that for so long I tend to always need to keep my hand and mouth busy, so I always make sure I have plenty of avocados lying around :).

All of my salads included one whole avocado and many of them also included nuts, whether they be almonds, walnuts, cashews etc etc. Avocados can hold up to 330 calories while nuts hold a healthy punch of calories as well. I was underweight in the beginning and it took me awhile before I started to gain some weight. I believe that if you give your body enough fat, calories, nutrition and you aren't gaining weight then your body has more important things on its mind at the moment and doesn't want to hold on to the extra calories and fat. As soon as i started feeling better gut wise, I started to gain weight even though my diet had stayed consistently the same.

Also including foods like squash, bananas and carrots will give you some full healthy calories.

There's not much energy in fruit, and even less in vegetables, so how is juice a concentrated dose of energy? Or are you referring to nutrients rather than energy?

I'm always looking for ways to get my weight up, so I'd be interested to know how you think juicing would fit into a weight-gaining diet. I do have smoothies sometimes as a way to get fruit which goes down easier than chewing through whole pieces of fruit.

In the case of complex carbs you would be correct. But again these juices aren't just single or double doses of fruits or veggies. These are often 7+ doses of fruits and vegetables concentrated into a small amount. So you aren't eating just an apple or just a head of broccoli but rather a massive dose of many fruits and veggies.

And yes I was using energy there as a reference to what a tired body would need and that would be essential nutrients for your immune system.

But the greatest thing here is the lack of digestion required to assimilate these nutrients that are already in liquid form. While a full solid food meal might hold more complex carbs, energy is wasted digesting the food to get the complex carbs and nutrients. So if you instead give the body liquid nutrients and liquid carbs you are gaining more of a net profit of energy as the body does not have to break down the food much as the juicer has already done that for you.

I'm sure you have experienced a food coma after eating a large meal. Well you don't get tired just because, you get tired because the body is sending blood to your digestive organs and expending energy to digest the food which means less energy going towards other systems of the body like maybe the immune system and the many functions of it. Instead drink a juice and your body continues the immune functions, has a huge dose of nutrients and energy that will all be absorbed at minimal loss and you are not groggy or tired :) a win win.

I think I will try juicing along with SCD. I'll take all the help I can get towards a normal life. I'll start off with just one glass in the mornings. Any ideas for a cheap but good juicer?

the omega juice brand is a favorite of mine. It has a lot of different price ranges and people seem to be really happy with their purchases.
My biggest question (and I know this might have already been covered but it's a lot to read lol) is how long would I have to juice to achieve results/cure? Also, do I juice for every meal or just some meals? Thanks for any help and advice anyone can give.

Beach Bum answered this well. Only thing I will add is my personal experience with it. I think its safe to say you should be juicing for well over a year if you want to give it an honest shot. I will personally be juicing for the rest of my life but I don't imagine myself juicing every day 5 years from now, I just think its a healthy habit that I should never break. You should feel higher energy levels within the first week and then you might feel better after a few months of juicing, results vary so its hard to tell.

All the best
I'm on a full-liquid (and *some* purées) diet until my surgery and got my juicer in the mail today. This is so great! I really don't miss food that much at this point (haven't *eaten* in weeks - weird how abstract a concept food can become!) but I was really missing that fresh feeling you get after a good, light salad. I'm really into eating well and fibre was never reaaally a problem, and the amount of milk and sugar I've been consuming to put weight on/not chew the past couple weeks had left me feeling like I needed something cleansing and fresh! Fruit juice was falling short. My TI is looking totally blocked on CT (my dad/md said he was surprised I could drink OJ) and so my parents were a bit *concerned* about my consuming anything having to do with leafy greens, but I insisted that this would just be the juice. Didn't bother my stomach one bit, virtually no cramps! Juiced a ton of spinach, blueberries, strawberries, ginger, and a pear as soon as I opened the thing and it felt SO good and clean :). I am a convert and totally never would have thought to even order the juicer if I hadn't seen this forum a couple weeks ago. Juicing is the best! :)
Hi, I have some questions! (I'm sure they have already been answered before - sorry!)
So I'm starting to think about juicing. Mainly because I just want to be doing all I can to stay as healthy as possible. I really like the idea of all the goodness of fruits and veg without the fibre.
I have been making smoothies recently which I enjoy (I know its not the same thing) so I guess thats why I have been thinking about stepping it up.
Here are my questions/reservations.

How expensive are juicers and how big are they?
The reason I ask is because I live with my parents atm, we have a small kitchen, not really any spare cupboard or surface space (I have already had to put my coffee machine in the office). I'm not sure if we physically have enough space for another cooking utensil! I'm not going to be able to move out for a couple of years though... don't want to have to wait.

Are they easy to clean?
I'll be honest I'm messy and lazy! Atm I put the blender in soak and leave it for my mum to clean up and I don't really want to be doing that!

Are they quick? Would you be able to do it before work, or do they store? Could you do it the night before and take it to work with you?

How much of an ingredient makes how much juice? Is it financially viable or do you need like 30 carrots for one glass? :p

lol at all my very practical questions! Thanks :)
I bought mine at Argos,it was about £100 BUT you can get them a LOT cheaper at Argos and also on line.Have a google.Mine comes into 5 parts.As soon as I have juiced and BEFORE I drink up,I scrape all the fibre left in the machine,into a carrier bag,rinse the parts under the tap and leave them to drain.Next day they get a hot soapy wash.You soon get used to the faff and it is worth it.Today,I had 4 carrots,2 celery sticks,1 sweet pot.,1 apple and 1 pear and got 2 good glasses full of juice.I don't get as much juice from greens but there's loads of nutrition.I usually drink mine immediately,as it's full of goodness when first juiced.Not sure how much the ingrediants cost as it goes in with the weekly shop,but I would average about £10 depending on what I fancy.Have a look on Ebay or Gumtree for a used juicer.There'll be hundreds lying around that have only been used once or twice.Hope I've helped.Please give it a go,you won't regret it.

PS. It takes about 10 mins all together,so you could get up a bit earlier or do it in the evening.
I have only been juicing for about 10 mnths and am not very good at the scientific aspects of it,I only know that it's exceptionally good for me and it tastes good.Gianni is our juice Guru and he is a wealth of information an support,so look for him on the members list or look at the other juicing threads on the forum.Best Wishes and I hope your son enjoys your efforts.

So glad i found this posting!
I have a 13 year old son who recently was diagnosed with crohns. He was put on Iron supplements as he was anemic. after 6 weeks, there has been no improvement in his anemia. I was told during clinicals that his diet did not need to change, that he could eat whatever he wanted. My son was, of course, thrilled with that statement. I had to pick my jaw up off the ground before i could respond. When I questioned the dietician about absorption issues, she responded that that was only a concern if there were absorption issues....duh...I was under the impression that crohns, particuarily in a beginning flare were rife with absorption issues. So, now, after weekly blood tests we are seeing that his body is not taking in the needed nutrients or maybe there needs to be another/also way of introduction for needed nutrient. My son is taking his medication and supplements. He has been less thrilled with the new restrictions I have implemented. NO soda, NO fast food. We were never big consumers of this fare, but i recognize the need for foods that will not add to his inflammation. We have a Breville juicer. My husband and i enjoy
juicing fasts every so often, and the kids have been given juice to try, they have not however been inclined to do more than the occasional glass. When i asked about enteral nutrition therapy the dietician stated that it was difficult for kids long term, and suggested i use protein shakes or Boost or Ensure for added calories. Do you have any suggestions for maybe a morning juice. I tend to agree with your idea about the immune system needing help, rather than being squashed.

Well I am no longer vegan and do include fish and eggs in my diet now. While I was vegan, however getting enough calories was quite a task at the beginning but I simply defeated that by eating a lot. When I didn't have a meal I was almost always snacking on something like fruit, nuts, raisins, avocados etc. It actually still resonates with me today, now that i did that for so long I tend to always need to keep my hand and mouth busy, so I always make sure I have plenty of avocados lying around :).

All of my salads included one whole avocado and many of them also included nuts, whether they be almonds, walnuts, cashews etc etc. Avocados can hold up to 330 calories while nuts hold a healthy punch of calories as well. I was underweight in the beginning and it took me awhile before I started to gain some weight. I believe that if you give your body enough fat, calories, nutrition and you aren't gaining weight then your body has more important things on its mind at the moment and doesn't want to hold on to the extra calories and fat. As soon as i started feeling better gut wise, I started to gain weight even though my diet had stayed consistently the same.

Also including foods like squash, bananas and carrots will give you some full healthy calories.

Thanks for the reply. Maintaining your healthy weight on your diet seems much more feasible now I know you include nuts. I can't digest nuts very well, but do use peanut butter for its high calorie content (and because it tastes great too :) ). Avocados are something I eat regularly also. I didn't think carrots would give you many calories though?

I'm not sure that my body isn't holding onto the calories in the way that you describe happened for yourself - my Crohn's is quite mild. I think it's just that I'm not eating enough. I have motility problems (gastroparesis), which isn't really something I can heal. Because I eat little and often it feels like I'm eating all the time, and because I feel so full it's hard for me to believe I'm not eating enough. But when I actually tried recording what I ate and calculated an approximate calorie intake for a few days, I was only getting around 1500 a day.
Hey UnXmas. That's too bad about the gastroparesis :( I don't think I have it *legit* but the feeling of food not moving through very quickly and feeling a bit backed up is definitely something I get. It feels awful! What might help - I don't know if you're already doing this - is adding oil to anything you can add extra oil too (like not just for cooking things). Just one tablespoon of Extra-virgin Olive Oil has 120 calories, same goes for coconut oil and flaxseed oil, and both are beneficial to overall health and also supposed to be good for the digestive tract :). The latter two are mild enough to add to a juice, for example, and olive oil is a good addition to soups/rice dishes/etc. Since I'm on liquids I find it's a really easy way to bump my calorie intake and manage to get over 2000/daily. Drinking your calories is bad for those who want to lose weight but key for those of us with digestive problems. I found when I was allowed low-res that eating solids actually *decreased* my calorie intake per day because I felt fuller. Maybe that will help a bit? High-cal fluids and oils!
I don't see the connection here. I understand that yes if you don't eat gluten it doesn't mean you are cured. But that's like saying if you stay away from crohn's aggravating foods that doesn't mean you are cured. Of course not. I am not suggesting you take a sideline seat and play defensive im saying get on the offensive and help the immune system, be pro active and fix the underlying problems, im saying don't tread lightly around the big bully im saying gather your information, gather your knowledge and face it head on.

It is changing the underlying issue though, what isn't changing the underlying issue is drugs. Drugs only treat symptoms. I get the feeling that you think diet also only treats symptoms, but food is amazingly powerful.

What do you think the underlying issue is? If it is genetic why didn't our whole lineage have it, did your parents have it? mine didn't.

In a society that keeps on popping up with all these condition we have to look at our systems of health in this country. What do we do drastically different that other countries aren't doing? Its our diet! if it looks like fire, and smells like fire it must be fire. By blaming genetics (and this is my opinion i want to stress that) you are essentially saying that if it looks like fire and smells like fire it must be a 20 ton whale. Or the smell of the fire is just being ignored.

You have to recognize the underline problem to figure out the underline solution. Genetics are so complicated and confusing and with such a confusing disease its natural for people to blame the most complicated source because "if it was that simple my doctor would have told me". "If you want something done in this world you have to do it yourself" it is so true.

Also if you can blame genetics it takes out the blame from you. When i was first diagnosed i said to myself "i was dealt bad hand" "there is nothing i can do about it" But that is non sense. Just how humans have created a stronger and stronger genome through evolution why can't we grow stronger.. why can't we take our own destiny in our hands just how primal humans did in the past.

Also I know you believe that it has something to do with genetics. Do you have a theory on how the genetics have caused the crohns? For example do you think we just genetically have a broken immune system or are you unsure, you just believe that it has something to do with genetics?

Sorry for the rant, i am fairly passionate about this stuff. :)

Oops yeah sorry about that i did mean nitrite. And yes of course, i have a source that actually does a study on peroxynitrite versus Vitamin C (click that).

Hope that helped.


I also dont want to take away from the juicing part of this post, but I feel the need to share information here as well.

First, I agree that we all need to be proactive in changing our diet to help address our disease. I believe that diet is a contributing factor to either increasing inflammation in the GI tract or making it better. So I agree with you in that food and diet is a powerful treatment. However, I dont believe its a cure. I do believe there is a genetic component to this disease. And i want to share why I think this and you may just think I am a unique instance and thats fine.

Like you, neither of my parents have Crohn's disease. BUT my fathers side of the family does have it. My Grandma's sister had Crohn's disease. And my dad's cousin (daughter of a different sister of grandma) also has Crohn's disease. And so do I. With that said, it would lead me to believe that Crohn's disease would be a recessive gene. This is also not to say that other members of my family dont have it, it may just not be diagnosed at this time. No one in my family spoke of Crohn's disease until I was really sick and the doctor asked which of my parents side of the family had it. For a long time, noone spoke up because I think they felt "responsible" for passing it on I guess and its not something that the symptoms people find to dicsuss at the dinner table. The doctor also said tha psoraisis was also related to crohns- i understand how autoimmune disease connect to each other- but my dad has psoraisis alone without any other autoimmune diseases at this time. So its food for thought.

The other reason i disagree with saying juicing is a cure is because food isnt the only trigger to crohns, at least not for me. If i am understanding your thought process, and I very well could be misunderstanding, you are saying that food and juicing can be used to restore the immune system. I feel like if there are many triggers to crohns besides just food and diet that trigger the immune system to attack the digestive tract. In saying that, the way I interrupt that then would be that if I did juicing alone or changing my diet alone, I would be have a strong immune system and it wouldn't respond to any of my triggers and example being stress. I think my immune system may be stronger, but my immune system is still going to respond in a certain fashion because of the presence of triggers. That's where i believe the genetic component comes into play again. I hope this makes sense. Again, this is just my thoughts. :)

I am curious if stress is a trigger for you? and if so, if juicing does in fact decrease your immune system from "getting mad" during times of stress? Or in other words, do you experience less symptoms while juicing in stressful situations?

With all that said, I am intrigued by the juicing and will explore this in my diet. I am going to continue to do my research in this area and try some of your reipes. I also look forward to what you have to share in the future in regards to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. :)

Thanks for sharing your knowledge thus far!
I think there are problems with saying food addresses the underlying cause better than medications. Some Crohn's meds, if I understand correctly, tackle the inflamation by affecting the immune system. They don't address a genetic cause, or any other cause), but I don't see how food would do that either.


What do you think the underlying issue is? If it is genetic why didn't our whole lineage have it, did your parents have it? mine didn't.

This is incorrect - an illness does not have to affect every person you're related to in order to be genetic.

This concerns me too:

Also if you can blame genetics it takes out the blame from you. When i was first diagnosed i said to myself "i was dealt bad hand" "there is nothing i can do about it" But that is non sense. Just how humans have created a stronger and stronger genome through evolution why can't we grow stronger.. why can't we take our own destiny in our hands just how primal humans did in the past.

Blaming people for a disease that is in no way their fault is an unfair way of thinking. A lot of people experiment with diet with no success. It doesn't mean they're unwilling to try to fight their disease, it means they are unable to. Even if people do not try to use diet to fight their disease, this is understandable too, as there is no accepted evidence that Crohn's can be improved with diet.

Crohn's is not a result of anything any of us knowingly did to ourselves, and there is no cure. A lot of people can improve their symptoms with meds, diets, and other lifestyle changes, etc. However, if someone doesn't want to try to find effective treatments for themselves, I don't think this should reflect negatively on them.

With so many things being claimed as beneficial to Crohn's, it could very easily become too confusing for someone to have to work out what to experiment with in order to feel better, especially if they've already tried some things already and been disappointed. Some may not be able to afford various treatments - whether mainstream, alternative or dietary. Some may have so many other demands on their time or energy that they can't devote much to researching treatments for themselves. This is why it's perfectly natural for many to largely rely on what their doctors tell them.

At least mainstream doctors can give you an idea of how likely it is that a particular med will work and what the side effects may be, based on trials and research. With diet and other alternative treatments, there's often not much more than anecdotal evidence and hypothetical theories to go on. If a person enjoys researching diet and has good results, then it's absolutely worthwhile to use diet to their advantage. But those who don't try shouldn't be blamed for their level of health.
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I love this thread! Thank you Gianni for starting it and also the thread with recipes. I do have a question for you.

Firstly i want to point out that these high oxalate levels in these vegetables are only found in commercially grown produce, not in organic or local produce.

I had a kidney stone about two years ago and since then have been careful to avoid leafy greens. Recently I've started juicing more and really want to incorporate more greens. I do usually use a bit of organic spinach or kale, and chase it with a whole lot of water to help flush the oxalates. So far I haven't had any problems with stones, and I'm wondering if it might have to do with the fact that I juice organic.

Do you have any link to support the statement above? I'd love to have some kind of reassurance that I can safely introduce more dark leafy greens, as they are excellent for my energy.

Thanks in advance!

1. What is your opinion on juicing organic fruits and vegetables versus non organic?
2. Do you try to stay away from vegetables potentially high in nitrates?
3. Are there any books you recommend for someone just starting out? A step by step for people who want to get started would be invaluable. I think there is a lot of interest but many are overwhelmed as to where to start.
4. Not all Crohnies are alike. Not all fruit and veggies are a like. I just wonder if juicing can be taken to a whole new level. Can we make the approach much more scientific. For example, if someone has a deficiency in magnesium and calcium, is there a recipe for them. If someone has Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth, are there recipes for them. If someone is constipated, is there a recipe for them. If someone is on Prednisone, is there a recipe for them. If someone is on Methotrexate which interferes with folate, is there a recipe for them. And on and on. Thoughts on that?

It is pretty obvious you did not read it all. Your first question really gave that away and confirmed you just want to debate and be a skeptic. It is just advice for those who feel they are worth taking a shot at drinking pure vegetable juice - pure real food.

Everything in moderation is a dangerous saying thrown around often. No, we should all be taking extreme measures and putting extreme measures to be the best creatures we can be. We have become a society who views health and vegetables as something in moderation because they take time, and do not give us that immediate high we get from fats and sugars. THIS WHOLE MINDSET NEEDS TO CHANGE.

I also want to point out that this post started out by stating that this is just his personal belief gained on his own experience. I do not have Crohn's But my husband of 10 years does. When I met him, he was a mess & on steroids. We were not even juicing in the beginning. When I met him I slowly got him to eat what I was eating an he saw that he was starting to feel better. It was tricky, We were just eating a partial vegan diet. Whole foods. He was SO brainwashed by the doctors that he had to eat Meat, Potatoes, Over cooked vegetables, carbs, roots, and COULD NOT HAVE NUTS OR SEEDS.

It took a long time to convince and educate him.

To me, this dietary advice just sounded like an unnatural fabricated USDA diet designed for masses of consumers, overcooked soft broccoli, soft cooked carrots??

:poop: I believe it is just easier for doctors to just to point out a few key points and put you on medicine. Most doctors do not have the time and energy to sit down and take a full inventory of what we consume, and I am sure they just assume that most sick people are set in their ways and routinely eating a poor typical American diet. I mean really, How is a doctor or even a dietician going to truly enforce a diet or even begin to explain about pesticides, processed foods, corn syrup, gluten, corn fillers, meat fillers, the atrocities of industrialized farming, the dangers of all of these ingredients we cannot even pronounce, food absent of nutrition, etc etc..

But, when was the last time you heard a doctor tell a person to stop eating vegetables and fruit and just eat all processed foods and meats?

So when they give people advice like, " do not eat any vegetables stay away from fiber... take this pill" It is a nice way of saying, " There is no way I am going to get the Average American to accept that they should be eating 80 percent vegetables in their diet to get the optimal performance from their amazing bodies.

Through the years, my husband who is now 50 has NOT been on steroids, and spent most of the last 10 years since we got married in remission. We had ONE VERY SCARY bout 4 years ago. IT WAS SO OBVIOUS TO ME WHAT WAS MAKING THIS MAN SICK, as I am the one cooking and he is the one making these crazy demands. He insisted for a long time that MEN NEED MEAT. He was eating chicken, fish, and animal products often, cheating and eating processed food. When he is not eating a real food diet, and cheating his body lets him know. He has also recently suffered from a fissure. This is when I really started to enforce his diet faithfully. Not letting him leave without a healthy lunch, so he is not forced to make unhealthy choices when he is out on the road working. I juice for him every day, and pack a healthy lunch. NO MEAT PRODUCTS! Good wholesome whole foods. At 50, he is starting look better than ever.

I think a lot of the foods the last few generations have been eating as a result of the industrial revolution, mass production and advertisement. We are being influenced to think that there is absolutely nothing wrong to eat what everyone else is eating. In America, we are descendants of people who came from all sorts of regions. I have my own theory that my husbands ancestors from Italy would have eaten quite differently than his mother cooked and the diet he picked up on his own as an adult. I would imagine they would have eaten a diet that resembled a cornucopia of garden favorites. Colorful and rich in nutrients.

I forgot to mention I read this book years ago, Dr. Heal thyself. The man who wrote this book has a very similar story with Crohn's. Despite the amazing story and before and after photos. My husband has been a very hard sell. He spent 9 years prior to meeting me being conditioned to believe he was sick with this terminal disease, and the end result was a colostomy bag.

We are living in times when the pharmaceutical companies have a greater vision, it is called a bottom line. Anyone who has ever worked in a hospital or drs office knows how much they invest in their sales reps. If their focus was to make the world a better place, and get everyone on the path to optimal health... Well there would not be such a high price tag on these medicines. There would be more emphasis on our diets. More regulations on the food industry. BETTER LABELS. Etc.

Juicing is something I wish I would have done MUCH SOONER. For BOTH OF US. I look and feel a million times better, it has only enhanced my vegan lifestyle. It also ensures I am getting the nutrients I need. My husband is glowing, mentally he struggles. He is 50 and he has been generally conditioned his whole life to trust the "smart" educated doctors.

More and more people are juicing. More and more people are beating this unnatural phenomenon we call the American Health Crisis. Through technology and education people are becoming more enlightened and educated.

I just find it mind boggling that people would even become skeptical when it comes to something as valuable as juicing. However, these are the same people feel that handing a CHILD a colorful box with the word JUICE on is equal to a serving of actual real fruit. We have been duped into this whole sick belief system built by consumerism. therefore, I believe that Crohn's and the many other autoimmune diseases are just a manifestation of misinformation of the masses.

Just look at what the USDA has concocted as the "recommended" diet. The data proves that the vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants, etc.. are the key to fighting and preventing diseases. Yet we still allow the greedy money hungry corporations dominate the misinformation. (just google the meat industry's fight against lowering the recommended serving of meat just to protect their greedy industry and mass slaughtering and torture of animals)

What does one who is already sick and suffering have to lose by trying an alternative treatment?? If it does not pan out.. The doctors will always be there if you want to go back on meds. This is veggies and fruit people, the basic stuff nature put here for us... THIS IS NOTHING TO BE A SKEPTIC ABOUT! THIS IS A NO BRAINER, anyone healthy or sick should be simplifying
and going back to the basics. Veering from this is what got us here in the first place. I say try it. I have seen nothing but good results in my husband.
Hi friends,
I'm a longtime Crohn's sufferer and Crohnsforum lurker--decided to throw in my own two-bit theory.

I'm in a very similar boat to UnXMas--scarily thin, but not absorbing much of anything. I'd been trying a Paleo-style/SCD-style diet for awhile, but kept crashing and burning with "cheats." But I digress.

For a sort of gut rest/rebuilding, even for the rickety among us, what about something like this? I'm trying to think "gut rest" without adding to the starvation.

Several juices + bone broths only
several juices + bone broths + pemmican (a mixture of grassfed beef tallow and grassfed beef meat--look it up! US Wellness has a good kind you can buy)
Several day juice fast only, then baby-step in well cooked meats?

I believe protein is important to a healing body, so I want to make sure I'm getting it.

Then again...if I'm eating constantly but absorbing basically 0, maybe being on a very-low-calorie diet that is easily assimilated would be an improvement.

Helped? Or did I muddy the issue?

Thanks for this wonderful resource, everyone!
What does one who is already sick and suffering have to lose by trying an alternative treatment?? If it does not pan out.. The doctors will always be there if you want to go back on meds. This is veggies and fruit people, the basic stuff nature put here for us... THIS IS NOTHING TO BE A SKEPTIC ABOUT! THIS IS A NO BRAINER, anyone healthy or sick should be simplifying
and going back to the basics. Veering from this is what got us here in the first place. I say try it. I have seen nothing but good results in my husband.

Actually, I lost a lot by trying alternative treatments, and not just money. As a teenager, I found it extremely confusing when I was trying alternative treatments and adjusting my diet, as all these alternative practitioners were telling me they would make me feel better, but I didn't get better. I got worse. I got terrified of eating anything, because everything I'd read, every practitioner I saw, told me of more and more foods that were bad, that I had to give up.

My health only got worse, and I felt like a failure. The copious literature I read told me I could take control of my health and beat my illness. But I couldn't.

It upset my family and friends - I couldn't join in social meals anymore. I had to read the ingredients on everything I ate, buy separate food from everyone else, be neurotic about what I could and couldn't have. I couldn't be spontaneous any more, I couldn't relax and have fun, because I had to plan everything round shopping and meals. And I couldn't relax just a bit and find a happy medium, because everything I read said I had to follow their various instructions precisely or it wouldn't work.

There are so many conflicting views on how to beat disease and achieve health within alternative medicine. Why pick one way over another? I had enough of trying things that were suggested by alternative practitioners, I realised that anything based on anecdotal evidence and unfounded theories stood little chance of working.

Conventional medications have done me so much good - they've done things that no healthy eating plan could ever achieve.

I'm not advocating giving up all fruit and veg and stuffing yourself with nothing but sugar and fat, I'm not advocating conventional medication as always being the answer to everything, but I do think the most effective approach to diet is everything in moderation. Treating an illness and managing to live as well as possible with a chronic disease can not be achieved if you think of your state of health as entirely within your control, as you will end up blaming yourself when things get bad. Focusing on diet and healthy living so much that it is prioritised above other really important things in life should only be done if it is certain to work - which in the case of diet and Crohn's, it isn't.

Perhaps some people manage their symptoms through alternative diets and treatments without it encroaching on their life too much, but I found it dominating my thoughts and time, and I think much of the alternative diets can encourage people to adopt quite extreme measures, so those of us inclined to be obsessive like me run into problems.

I'm not sceptical for any other reason than the fact that I extensively tried this approach to medication and diet, and all it did was make me sicker.

Edit: Sorry for taking this thread off topic. I do think juicing is a healthy thing to do, but I also think it's not going to improve everyone's Crohn's symptoms, and people shouldn't be made to think that they're neglecting an opportunity to heal themselves if they're not treating their illness by following a particular diet or other alternative therapy, or are not juicing.
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Well I am no longer vegan and do include fish and eggs in my diet now. While I was vegan, however getting enough calories was quite a task at the beginning but I simply defeated that by eating a lot. When I didn't have a meal I was almost always snacking on something like fruit, nuts, raisins, avocados etc. It actually still resonates with me today, now that i did that for so long I tend to always need to keep my hand and mouth busy, so I always make sure I have plenty of avocados lying around :).

All of my salads included one whole avocado and many of them also included nuts, whether they be almonds, walnuts, cashews etc etc. Avocados can hold up to 330 calories while nuts hold a healthy punch of calories as well. I was underweight in the beginning and it took me awhile before I started to gain some weight. I believe that if you give your body enough fat, calories, nutrition and you aren't gaining weight then your body has more important things on its mind at the moment and doesn't want to hold on to the extra calories and fat. As soon as i started feeling better gut wise, I started to gain weight even though my diet had stayed consistently the same.

Also including foods like squash, bananas and carrots will give you some full healthy calories.

In the case of complex carbs you would be correct. But again these juices aren't just single or double doses of fruits or veggies. These are often 7+ doses of fruits and vegetables concentrated into a small amount. So you aren't eating just an apple or just a head of broccoli but rather a massive dose of many fruits and veggies.

And yes I was using energy there as a reference to what a tired body would need and that would be essential nutrients for your immune system.

But the greatest thing here is the lack of digestion required to assimilate these nutrients that are already in liquid form. While a full solid food meal might hold more complex carbs, energy is wasted digesting the food to get the complex carbs and nutrients. So if you instead give the body liquid nutrients and liquid carbs you are gaining more of a net profit of energy as the body does not have to break down the food much as the juicer has already done that for you.

I'm sure you have experienced a food coma after eating a large meal. Well you don't get tired just because, you get tired because the body is sending blood to your digestive organs and expending energy to digest the food which means less energy going towards other systems of the body like maybe the immune system and the many functions of it. Instead drink a juice and your body continues the immune functions, has a huge dose of nutrients and energy that will all be absorbed at minimal loss and you are not groggy or tired :) a win win.


Gianni, I was hoping to get some clarity on how you began your diet initially? I've started juicing a little, and am trying to do a little soup, but it's not going to well. I'm pretty sure it's the boost plus though, with all the sugar that causes my issues. S I am going to take that out.

I'm having great difficulty with fruit. Any fruit, especially lemon. It's especially bad when I do drink the boost. I'm wondering did you start juicing with fruits and veggies right off the bat? And how we're your other meals composed? Did you start with only juices and then add in other foods?

Anyone else please feel free to chime in.
Lemons, oranges and strawberries all still cause me problems and I'm doing freely well these days. I juice apples and pears with my veggies and that seems to be ok.

I also read somewhere that citrus fruits, oranges in particular, are a common cause of problems for people with BID.

I never did do a full elimination diet but I did simplify my diet a lot. Through this I have found some pretty reasonable stability. Turns out milk was my biggest killer.

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Just a quick tip for people thinking of juicing. A good juicer costs a fair bit of money. I bought a relatively cheap one first to make sure I would use it and to see if I liked it first before investing in a better one. I use an omega vrt350hd and it's fantastic but it did cost a fair bit. If you don't like the juicing it would be a shame to waste the money. Try it first. Use mine every day. Couldn't get by without it now. Good luck
I bought the Breyville Ikon. Seem to work great, but I need some recipes. Note to self... Don't try and do to much healthy greens at once. Bluck!
Yeah. Too much greens at once can be hard to handle. Try and keep the juice simple is my advice. Four or less ingredients seems to work for me. I use a lot of carrots, kale, broccoli, apples and pears to sweeten and beets as well. Just experiment and see what you like.
Okay so 7 yrs ago I sound just like you... I never had any bowel issues and my diet sucke before that then about a yr later after faithfully juicing during this time I lost energy,started bleeding on a daily baisis,pain was horrible. Then diagnosed with colitis. I was shocked! So I still felt passionate about juicing so I read that whatever you put on your skin absorbes a lot faster though your blood stream then if you were to digest it. So I juiced carrot,onion,melon,swiss,spinich,sometimes beet(cuz it stained my tub) ,cucumber, then I would lay in the bath and rub it all over me and let it sit within ten minutes I felt myself sweating and I felt this natural euphoric feeling. I loved it!then I woulrd fill the tub with hot water to let it really sink in and got better effects then after I would sweat out all the toxins and alway evey time id this I know the next day I would feel amazing so that's how I got my nutrients from juicing. I always felt better up until I got pregnant and got way to lazy and weak to do the juicing and my colitis would just go crazy. Also my goal was to reverse the aging process like the apple turrns brown that same thing that turns it brown is what kills the aging process I forgot the name but my goal was to look ten yrs younger at the age of forty and I m 32 and I can say well by what people tell me constantly I look ten yrs younger I they are shocked I have 4 kids. What's helped me was that juicing, cellfood, manuka honey. I'm sorry if my words don't come out right my cell won't let me look at what I'm typing so I'm just going along and hoping for the best :) I always wondered why my body reacts horribly when I eat or dring any sort of veggie or any healthy food but feel fine when I eat horrible foods but feeding the juice through my skin makes me feel like a million bucks????? craa
Is anyone familiar with The Bella 1000 watt juicer? I'm looking at a new one on Ebay. Anyone have this model? if so is it a good juicer?


Currently I have this one. I like it a lot so far. The one I had before this was a jack lalane juicer and before that was a really cheap one I don't know the brand I forgot I bought twice cuz it broke within a few months and can say I'm liking this bella so much more than any other juicer I've had. I do want to point out the jack lalane lasted me a long time.
Thanks for that Gianni, very helpful. Also, I've gotta say my diagnosis experience went about the exact same as yours did. Anyways I just had a quick question for you. Actually two of them. First, were you or are you a cigarette smoker? And when your doctor asked you about Humira did you go on it or deny it? Look forward to reading a reply from you. Thanks again!
hey Canders, Sorry for the delayed response. I am nor have I ever been a cigarette smoker, never really interested me in the past and for obvious reasons I stay clear from it now. I was originally recommended Remicade and I did accept that treatment although, it became clear after a few months that it was not working at all. Humira on the other hand did work very well for me after my doctor recommended it but I had some pretty awful side effects after just a year on it. I had pneumonia 3 times! While it made my gut feel better, it made the rest of me feel awful so that is why i delved into nutrition at which point i abandoned the humira and focused on food.

Hey Gianni -

I just started juicing after I read this: http://www.mercurynews.com/healthy-...ioch-woman-crohns-disease-eats-her-way-health

I have been lucky to not have any resections or major surgeries regarding my Crohn's. However, after a weekend in the hospital a week ago - I realized I need to take charge of my life. I have to be realistic in that I know I can't juice all day every day, but i'm drinking Evolution Fresh juices as they are the same thing. I'm currently on Pentasa, Humira, Prednisone, and a handful of other meds. I also take vitamins and probiotics. I have a scope in April and I want to bad to get off these stupid medications.

Thanks for giving me some hope :)
I have diverticulitis, and have had two serious flare ups, each one being admitted to hospital. I have had abscesses, micro perforations with unresponsive bacteria, spilled into my gut. Can juicing be helpful to me? My Dr wants to schedule a colon resection in a few weeks, and remove about 12 inches. I am so worried about this. I had no previous problems until a year ago, when it all started. I have lost a lot of weight since then, and can only eat certain foods to avoid a flare up.
I have never smoked or drank alcohol. I eat healthy, and have always avoided junk food. I am also very active, so this is a mystery, why this happened to me.
I would like to explore the idea that juicing can help or even cure these pockets, lining my colon, but I am fearful it will set off another attack. Once it starts, it takes a while to get it calmed down, and like you said, the meds are becoming less and less effective.
Hi Cinzia,
Hope you will get better! Nutrition is a key I. Getting better. A green juice in the morning can change your day! Adding turmeric for a cooked white rice can also help (it helped me) ginger in your tea (but not too much), cutting sugar and gluten can keep you in remission. I have to say I have been on Humira for a few weeks and before that just dieting like I mentioned and I feel very good. I get some headaches and dizziness but most of the time I'm doing great. When you flare it's no fun but remember its not forever... The sun will shine! Soon! Wishing you all lots of good health and hope you can find the gift in it....
Hi Coach Mulan

Thanks for the advice. I never had a gluten problem before, but since my first flare up, I stopped all gluten, because I noticed it seemed to trigger it. I also had to give up coffee, sugar, and dairy among other foods. Those foods never bothered me in the past, but seem to be a problem now. I know Diverticulitis is different from Crohn's, but they do have some similarities. My surgeon told me there is a piece of large intestine that is hard, and not working, and has to be removed. It could as little as 3 inches, or as much as 12. If juicing could help me not have surgery, that would be great. I have tried many remedies but nothing seems to stop the flare ups from coming. I'm not on any meds on a continuous basis, but I do take Flagyl, once the pain starts. Side effects are horrible.
Happy to hear you are feeling better, and the meds are working.
Hi ;) just came across this and thought why not share this?

Seems like this woman knows what she's doing....

Feel well!!!!!
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I do have a quick question regarding juicing. I bought a juicer in the past but found it caused a huge mess and seemed too much of a hassle. So I returned it and started using my silver bullet which is so much easier, smaller and less of a mess. I was told however, I would not get the same benefits using the silver bullet. Curious of your thoughts? Thank you!
i was diagnosed with crohn's disease oh.... 1988 when i was 10. after many years of hospitalizations and multiple medications i altogether stopped seeing my gi dr and have been controlling my illness for the last 15 years with my diet. whether it was laziness or jaded neglect, i've really eaten poorly in the last few years and have lost control of my remission. this week i decided to begin a juice fast. it was the best thing i could possibly do for myself right now, i needed the break from eating but not wanting to go on chemically nutritionally balanced formula like i have done in the past as treatment. in general, i would attribute my long period of good health to diet and excersise. i'm not sure if this juice fast will heal me in the long run but my method with flare ups has been to wait it out. any recommendations on good juicing books? i'm taking this recent flare up as a serious warning and getting back control of my health. incidentally, my two younger sisters both suffer from crohns. one is vegan mainly and juices, does not smoke and generally avoids alcohol. she has been healthy. the other- was treated mainly with painkillers that mask her disease, she smokes heavily and drinks, eats junk food and energy drinks. i've believed this to be a disease very managable through diet and lifestyle choices since i was just a kid. good luck all of you and good health in the new year, i'm glad i found this forum for support.
If and when I do get a juicer (hopefully an Omega), I'll primarilly be juicing carrots with it. I love the taste of carrot juice and would try to drink 10-12oz/ day. Apparently carrots have one of the most bioavailable forms of calcium (most dairy today is pasteurized so a lot of the calcium isn't readily available), and it's a great detox for the liver. Dr L Wilson turned me onto it- drlwilson.com/Articles/CARROT%20JUICE.HTM
Hi Gianni,
I'm new on the crohn's forum. I joined because I need support taking care of my daughter (diagnosed with Croh's on Dec. 2013), not knowing whether I am doing the right thing or not.
My husband and I believe in the power of food:dance:. We kept our daughter on SCD (following the diet closely from Nov. 2015) and I have been juicing (fruits and veggies) for her well over a year now. The only med she takes is Flagyl when she is having a flare. Her GI wanted to put her on med right after her diagnosis but we managed to hold it off so far. We believe putting her on the right diet will heal her with time. I was reading the side effects of Remicade today and it scared me to death!
Your post is really encouraging. Could you tell me which fruit/veggie is rich in magnesium?
Thanks so much for sharing your views :)
Hi Gianni

This is a great post. I am interested in the use of garlic for its anti-inflammatory properties in IBD. I know you use ginger, what is your experience with garlic?
Hard to know without seeing it in real life.

But maybe ethanol or ipa

It's basically pure alcohol and very common to use it for cleaning.

After all its the main ingredient in products such as hand gel and surface cleaners.

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