Juicing as a Viable Treatment Option!
In this juicing thread I will be going over a few points including the basics of juicing, juicing vs making smoothies, and juicing as a viable treatment option for crohns and other autoimmune diseases and then last but certainly not least i will be talking about organic versus non organic produce and why you want organic! I will be diving in deep on why Juicing is a Viable treatment option so please keep an open mind as you read. It's better to read this post with no preconceived notions.
If you just read the first paragraph and said to yourself “I just want some juice recipes”… then click here.
First the BASICS OF JUICING☺: Juicing is essentially the liquefying of fruits and vegetables by grinding up fruits and veggies and extracting the pulp from them and separating the juice from the rest of the fruit or vegetable. This is very useful because you are able to super concentrate the amount of fruits and veggies that go into an 8oz glass of juice. By juicing you are turning 8 carrots (or anything else) into a fast and easily drinkable juice that utilizes all of the enzymes, vitamins, and minerals of the carrot.
Smoothies Versus Juicing!
Smoothies provide great nutritional benefit any way you look at it. The main argument for smoothies is that smoothies retain the beneficial fiber that juices do not. This is very true but there are two main reasons why I chose to juice rather than make smoothies.
1. By removing the fiber from the liquid you are adding more concentrated doses of the juice. While it might take 4 carrots to make a full glass of carrot smoothie, it takes about 7 or 8 carrots to make a full glass of carrot juice. By extracting the pulp you are getting a super concentrated dose of the vitamins, enzymes and minerals within the carrots. Also when talking about crohns patients, fiber becomes somewhat of a scary word for some so juicing becomes a clear cut better option.
2. Have you ever noticed in nature that when an animal gets sick, like maybe your house dog, that the first thing they do is either stop eating entirely or only eat plants in the backyard? Well its no coincidence. When animals get sick the first thing they do is stop eating. They do this because they realize that their body needs all the energy it can utilize to put towards fighting off the illness. Digestion is the greatest energy burner in the human body and the animals realize that eating will only tire the body out and spend way too much energy and consequently won’t be able to fight off the ailment with its full strength. The animals also might eat plants during this time because the animals also realizes that plants contain the highest level of energy while expending very little to digest. So by replenishing the body’s energy source with high energy/low energy cost foods, the animal is now giving the body the best shot at defeating the illness. Well people, we are animals, animals indeed. And just like your housedog our body needs to use a large portion of our energy to fight off our disease and give it the best fighting shot. So by excluding the fiber from the vegetables and just drinking the juice you are essentially fasting but at the same time replenishing your body with an extreme concentrated dose of energy so that it can go into superman mode and take care of your body. This is precisely why I am a proponent of 10+day juice fasts.
Juicing as a viable treatment option!
I am someone who absolutely believes that crohn’s is cure-able through diet and lifestyle change. Call me a romantic, a dreamer, or a crazy, I don’t care but just read and research and find out for yourself. ☺
After a long week in the hospital and having a camera stuck in my butt my doctor finally came in and explained to me I have a severe case of Crohn’s Disease. I look puzzled and confused and he proceeds to explain that Crohn’s is an abnormal response by your immune system as it attacks healthy tissue in your intestines.
I’m sure a lot of you also had a similar explanation given; something about your immune system acting out of place or being broken in one-way or the other.
I believe this line of thought is completely flawed. Our immune systems aren’t dumb, they aren’t confused, our immune systems aren’t double agents whom pulled a gun on us after years of loyal service, they are still doing their jobs! I believe that the immune system is attacking our intestines for a reason and that it isn’t strong enough to beat whatever it is attacking but it continues to rage war. If you get an infection on a cut after falling off your bike as a kid, the area around the cut gets inflamed and painful but the body does this to sanction the infection off so that the rest of the body isn’t in jeopardy. By inflaming the area, blood flow is restricted and the infection can’t spread. Now imagine we have a massive infection in our intestines, a strong infection, and our immune systems just can’t get a handle on it so it inflames the area but the infection fights back and creates ulcers, and abscesses and the like.
Imagine for the remainder of the post that M.A.P. bacteria is responsible for crohn’s (I do not personally believe this, this is simply just to make the post flow easier, any possible cause could be placed in it’s place).
For those who have researched M.A.P. bacterium, you know it a very resistant strain and is not easily beat. So if our immune systems aren’t strong enough to defeat the bacteria because of a weak genome (because of years of abuse on our bodies through horrible diet, antibiotics, and other environmental factors) then our immune system needs aid in order to get the upper hand.
So then two days later, after the biopsies confirmed a crohn’s diagnosis, my doctor walks into my hospital room and talks to me about treatment option. He talks to me about remicade, a “good drug” but he warns me that it will SUPRESS my immune system and that I could be susceptible to infections or illness. I decide to trust my Doctor, I mean after all he studied for 8+ years on health... ... ... ... is health the right word?
*After a year of treatment I had 3 bouts of pneumonia and constant colds.
So instead of supporting our immune system and giving it the best chance it has to beat whatever it’s trying to get at, the doctors want us to suppress the immune system to alleviate SYMPTOMS. Well in some cases that’s all people want, hey if you can tell me that I can take this pill or shot and I will never have symptoms again, I’m in. But we all know that isn’t the case. The drugs work for only limited period of time and when you run out of drugs the disease comes back often with a vengeance.
Why does it always comeback with a vengeance!? WHY?!
Now imagine you are the M.A.P. bacteria and nothing would make you more happy but to destroy the hosts entire digestive tract. Well you have been raging hard in a war against the host’s immune system and things are getting heated. And just when your supplies start to run low…. Low and behold a miracle!!! Some magic reinforcement specimen named remicade came and attacked the immune system from the left flank and weakened it for the foreseeable future.:banana: You know what they say… when opportunity knocks…. So you gather all your strength and you get stronger and stronger because the immune system isn’t bothering you any longer and now because there is no inflammation you are free to spread to different areas of the body! YAYYY!
I wait about an hour to see my G.I. doc (Aren’t they always late?! What is with that?!) He goes over my recent test results and tells me I am showing high inflammation markers again. “The medicine isn’t working as well any longer”. “The CT scan shows it has spread to involve about 10 more inches of your small intestine”
“What can I do doc?” …. …. …. … … “Have you heard of Humira?”
So now pretend for this paragraph you are the Immune system. Some jerk named Remicade just cheap shotted you and after 3 months of recovery and battle you finally defeated Remicade. Now it’s time to get back at M.A.P. You look over the battle field and OH MY GOSH! THEY ARE EVERYWHERE! So now the M.A.P. has spread and gotten stronger so the immune system needs to involve more histamines and more inflammation to more parts of the intestines!
And that is exactly what often happens after people have run their course of medication; Not only does crohn’s come back but it comes back with a vengeance because you allotted it the time to get stronger by taking the immunosuppressants.
Now lets flip the treatment plan shall we?
Imagine you are the immune system fighting this awful M.A.P. Bacterium and you just can’t do it. You are too weak. It is a David and Goliath situation but this time David isn’t going to win. So you send histamines to block off the infection through inflammation and just pray that reinforcements come through before it is too late! TADA! just when everything seems lost low and behold it’s the Vitamin Regiment and the Mineral Core! :luigi:
Organic natural Vitamins and minerals are what create a healthy and strong immune system. I am sure most of you were Vitamin D deficient as well as other Vitamins. Vitamin D just happens to be one of the most important vitamins for a healthy immune system, along with Vitamin C. With years and years of abusing your body through antiobiotcs, which kill beneficial floral in the gut that helps synthesize and assimilate nutrients, junk food and other factors your immune system will be substantially weakened.
When you juice you are getting a super concentrated dose of Vitamins and Minerals that are raw and natural. And with these new nutrients your body starts to detox and get rid of all harmful toxins. As toxins are being removed from your body, your liver starts to gain strength and when your liver gains strength your immune system starts getting strong. Vitamins are oh so important when it comes to health. Vitamins have sustained our genome through millions of years of evolution. Drugs are an invention that has only been around for a century and a half, yet we trust drugs more than we do million year old vitamins.
Why juice though!?!?
You are the immune system again and you notice broccoli, carrots, spinach, and kale all coming down the digestive tract. An already fatigued body because of an intense battle being raged all of a sudden has to digest this large amount of food. So the body, instead of saving the energy for the battle at hand with M.A.P., has to put the energy to digesting the foods ( like I stated at the beginning).
Now instead imagine fresh organic green vegetable juice comes down the digestive tract. YAYY!! A huge dose of energy is being assimilated and only a very very very little amount of energy needs to be used to digest the nutrients because its already in liquid form!!! So not only are you resting your gut and saving energy, but also you are giving your body an intense dose of energy and fresh vitamins and minerals so the immune system can use it at war!!! HOORAH!
So after reading this you at the back of the class room asks “well can’t I just take multivitamins instead of having to juice for my vitamins”
Well no you can’t just take a multivitamin and get all of the benfits because, an apple is much more than a nutritional facts chart containing this % of Vitamin that and that % of Vitamin this, an apple is a perfectly welded machine, built over thousands of years containing thousands of other chemicals to help the body. Scientists and researchers always try to separate the beneficial parts of a plant without realizing the importance of keeping the parts together. For example take Swiss Chard... Swiss Chard contains copper and Vitamin B2. Now copper alone plays an important role but to much copper can be very dangerous. Vitamin B2 doesn't do much alone. Add in mineral Molybdenum. Molybdenum is cool because it regulates copper (will force detox copper if it reaches high levels) and will also work with B2 in conversion of food to energy. There are a number of different cases like swiss chard in which alone, these chemicals are limited, but together these chemicals are strong.
Also it is estimated by many scientists that there are as many as 10,000 phytochemicals (or food chemicals) yet to be discovered. Furthermore many discovered Vitamins are left out of multi-vitamins like Vitamins B13-B17 (Vitamin b17 one of the more useful of all vitamins), vitamin Bp,Bt. Vitamin J, N, Q, T, and U... to name a few. So by taking multi vitamins you would be missing out on all of that!!
Organic versus non organic.
Many people will think of organic verse non organic produce and think “I don’t see what the big deal is, pesticides are all around us” or “they wouldn’t put pesticides on plants if they harmed humans”
First off, they would put pesticides on plants even if it harms humans, money talks not health… but that’s not what I’m going to talk about in this portion…
While the pesticide problem is a main reason why I choose to exclusively buy organic, it absolutely is not the only important factor at hand..
We start with the fertilizers, these so called fertilizers contain essentially three elements N, P, and K, (Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium). Let me be clear here, these elements are great and essential but they are the bare minimum in order for a plant to grow and bear fruit. The soil requires approximately 52 chemicals, not 3! Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Copper, selenium, zinc, and so on and so forth are all missing. So what happens is the plants grow and because they aren’t achieving their own form on nutrition, their defenses weaken and they are now susceptible to bugs. So the bugs come and start eating the plants and so the farmers throw a fit or two and call the chemical companies up and tell them to fix it. So of course the Chemical companies are like:emot-dance: because nothing would make them more happy than to sell all these toxins that they are just sitting on.
Now I want to tell a story, a story of an orange tree. Now this orange tree has come from a line of many other healthy orange trees but what’s different about this orange tree is that it isn’t in the same environment as its ancestors. Instead of being surrounded by healthy soil containing the 52 different elements, there are only 3 elements now. Hey but life goes on, you get lemons you make lemonade right? ( I would just plant a lemon tree with that lemon and have 40 more lemons) But anyways the tree begins to grow and its big and appears strong and it bears fruit like a champ but when the bugs come the next season his own form of an immune system (yes plants have immune systems too) is failing and isn’t strong enough to ward off the bugs. So the farmer calls the local dust cropper and wabam all the bugs are dead but now not only is the tree deficient but now it is toxic! And now the fruit that it bears will only contain very very few minerals (because that is how fruits and veggies get minerals, from the soil) and very few vitamins not to even mention the very large toxic elephant in the room.
Now I want you to think about the story of the orange tree and basically fit your name in wherever I said orange tree. Now it’s a story of you and you came from a line of very strong you’s but you aren’t in the same environment. Instead of eating healthy unaltered foods, you are now eating toxic and deficient foods that contain very little vitamins and even fewer minerals. But hey life goes on. Yada yada yada something about a lemon or lime or something. But you grow up tall and maybe you appear strong but then the bugs come. The rheumatoid arthritis bug, the colitis bug, the lupus bug, the CROHNS BUG, and while your healthier ancestors would have combated these bugs no problem because of their sidekicks Vitamin D , B12, Magnesium, Copper and Zinc, you don’t find yourself so strong. You have been eating deficient toxic food your whole life much like the orange tree so the bugs infiltrate and you get sick. So you examine yourself and throw a fit or two and go crying to the pharmaceutical industry ( I swear you must be related to the orange, you are doing the exact same things! Talk about Deja vu!) just how the orange went crying to the chemical companies. Pharma is more than happy to sell you chemicals and then you let the cycle continue.
That is why organic is so very important, I realize I may have took it a bit farther than many of you were prepared for but either way I think it is very educational.
So I hope you read the ENTIRE thread and maybe you learned a bit of information. If you read this and maybe agree with me on a lot of my points, it is important for you to do research on your own. Don’t take my word for it, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. Knowledge is power.
I hope I at least helped one person. And if you disagree with me on just about every point, I think the most important point that I believe in is that the immune system isn’t acting out of turn and isn’t stupid. It is attacking something, and if you believe that then maybe you will stay away from immunosuppressants.
Anyways trying Juicing it can’t hurt you, what do you have to lose?!?!
Be the healthiest you can be,
In this juicing thread I will be going over a few points including the basics of juicing, juicing vs making smoothies, and juicing as a viable treatment option for crohns and other autoimmune diseases and then last but certainly not least i will be talking about organic versus non organic produce and why you want organic! I will be diving in deep on why Juicing is a Viable treatment option so please keep an open mind as you read. It's better to read this post with no preconceived notions.
If you just read the first paragraph and said to yourself “I just want some juice recipes”… then click here.
First the BASICS OF JUICING☺: Juicing is essentially the liquefying of fruits and vegetables by grinding up fruits and veggies and extracting the pulp from them and separating the juice from the rest of the fruit or vegetable. This is very useful because you are able to super concentrate the amount of fruits and veggies that go into an 8oz glass of juice. By juicing you are turning 8 carrots (or anything else) into a fast and easily drinkable juice that utilizes all of the enzymes, vitamins, and minerals of the carrot.
Smoothies Versus Juicing!
Smoothies provide great nutritional benefit any way you look at it. The main argument for smoothies is that smoothies retain the beneficial fiber that juices do not. This is very true but there are two main reasons why I chose to juice rather than make smoothies.
1. By removing the fiber from the liquid you are adding more concentrated doses of the juice. While it might take 4 carrots to make a full glass of carrot smoothie, it takes about 7 or 8 carrots to make a full glass of carrot juice. By extracting the pulp you are getting a super concentrated dose of the vitamins, enzymes and minerals within the carrots. Also when talking about crohns patients, fiber becomes somewhat of a scary word for some so juicing becomes a clear cut better option.
2. Have you ever noticed in nature that when an animal gets sick, like maybe your house dog, that the first thing they do is either stop eating entirely or only eat plants in the backyard? Well its no coincidence. When animals get sick the first thing they do is stop eating. They do this because they realize that their body needs all the energy it can utilize to put towards fighting off the illness. Digestion is the greatest energy burner in the human body and the animals realize that eating will only tire the body out and spend way too much energy and consequently won’t be able to fight off the ailment with its full strength. The animals also might eat plants during this time because the animals also realizes that plants contain the highest level of energy while expending very little to digest. So by replenishing the body’s energy source with high energy/low energy cost foods, the animal is now giving the body the best shot at defeating the illness. Well people, we are animals, animals indeed. And just like your housedog our body needs to use a large portion of our energy to fight off our disease and give it the best fighting shot. So by excluding the fiber from the vegetables and just drinking the juice you are essentially fasting but at the same time replenishing your body with an extreme concentrated dose of energy so that it can go into superman mode and take care of your body. This is precisely why I am a proponent of 10+day juice fasts.
Juicing as a viable treatment option!
I am someone who absolutely believes that crohn’s is cure-able through diet and lifestyle change. Call me a romantic, a dreamer, or a crazy, I don’t care but just read and research and find out for yourself. ☺
After a long week in the hospital and having a camera stuck in my butt my doctor finally came in and explained to me I have a severe case of Crohn’s Disease. I look puzzled and confused and he proceeds to explain that Crohn’s is an abnormal response by your immune system as it attacks healthy tissue in your intestines.
I’m sure a lot of you also had a similar explanation given; something about your immune system acting out of place or being broken in one-way or the other.
I believe this line of thought is completely flawed. Our immune systems aren’t dumb, they aren’t confused, our immune systems aren’t double agents whom pulled a gun on us after years of loyal service, they are still doing their jobs! I believe that the immune system is attacking our intestines for a reason and that it isn’t strong enough to beat whatever it is attacking but it continues to rage war. If you get an infection on a cut after falling off your bike as a kid, the area around the cut gets inflamed and painful but the body does this to sanction the infection off so that the rest of the body isn’t in jeopardy. By inflaming the area, blood flow is restricted and the infection can’t spread. Now imagine we have a massive infection in our intestines, a strong infection, and our immune systems just can’t get a handle on it so it inflames the area but the infection fights back and creates ulcers, and abscesses and the like.
Imagine for the remainder of the post that M.A.P. bacteria is responsible for crohn’s (I do not personally believe this, this is simply just to make the post flow easier, any possible cause could be placed in it’s place).
For those who have researched M.A.P. bacterium, you know it a very resistant strain and is not easily beat. So if our immune systems aren’t strong enough to defeat the bacteria because of a weak genome (because of years of abuse on our bodies through horrible diet, antibiotics, and other environmental factors) then our immune system needs aid in order to get the upper hand.
So then two days later, after the biopsies confirmed a crohn’s diagnosis, my doctor walks into my hospital room and talks to me about treatment option. He talks to me about remicade, a “good drug” but he warns me that it will SUPRESS my immune system and that I could be susceptible to infections or illness. I decide to trust my Doctor, I mean after all he studied for 8+ years on health... ... ... ... is health the right word?
*After a year of treatment I had 3 bouts of pneumonia and constant colds.
So instead of supporting our immune system and giving it the best chance it has to beat whatever it’s trying to get at, the doctors want us to suppress the immune system to alleviate SYMPTOMS. Well in some cases that’s all people want, hey if you can tell me that I can take this pill or shot and I will never have symptoms again, I’m in. But we all know that isn’t the case. The drugs work for only limited period of time and when you run out of drugs the disease comes back often with a vengeance.
Why does it always comeback with a vengeance!? WHY?!
Now imagine you are the M.A.P. bacteria and nothing would make you more happy but to destroy the hosts entire digestive tract. Well you have been raging hard in a war against the host’s immune system and things are getting heated. And just when your supplies start to run low…. Low and behold a miracle!!! Some magic reinforcement specimen named remicade came and attacked the immune system from the left flank and weakened it for the foreseeable future.:banana: You know what they say… when opportunity knocks…. So you gather all your strength and you get stronger and stronger because the immune system isn’t bothering you any longer and now because there is no inflammation you are free to spread to different areas of the body! YAYYY!
I wait about an hour to see my G.I. doc (Aren’t they always late?! What is with that?!) He goes over my recent test results and tells me I am showing high inflammation markers again. “The medicine isn’t working as well any longer”. “The CT scan shows it has spread to involve about 10 more inches of your small intestine”
“What can I do doc?” …. …. …. … … “Have you heard of Humira?”
So now pretend for this paragraph you are the Immune system. Some jerk named Remicade just cheap shotted you and after 3 months of recovery and battle you finally defeated Remicade. Now it’s time to get back at M.A.P. You look over the battle field and OH MY GOSH! THEY ARE EVERYWHERE! So now the M.A.P. has spread and gotten stronger so the immune system needs to involve more histamines and more inflammation to more parts of the intestines!
And that is exactly what often happens after people have run their course of medication; Not only does crohn’s come back but it comes back with a vengeance because you allotted it the time to get stronger by taking the immunosuppressants.
Now lets flip the treatment plan shall we?
Imagine you are the immune system fighting this awful M.A.P. Bacterium and you just can’t do it. You are too weak. It is a David and Goliath situation but this time David isn’t going to win. So you send histamines to block off the infection through inflammation and just pray that reinforcements come through before it is too late! TADA! just when everything seems lost low and behold it’s the Vitamin Regiment and the Mineral Core! :luigi:
Organic natural Vitamins and minerals are what create a healthy and strong immune system. I am sure most of you were Vitamin D deficient as well as other Vitamins. Vitamin D just happens to be one of the most important vitamins for a healthy immune system, along with Vitamin C. With years and years of abusing your body through antiobiotcs, which kill beneficial floral in the gut that helps synthesize and assimilate nutrients, junk food and other factors your immune system will be substantially weakened.
When you juice you are getting a super concentrated dose of Vitamins and Minerals that are raw and natural. And with these new nutrients your body starts to detox and get rid of all harmful toxins. As toxins are being removed from your body, your liver starts to gain strength and when your liver gains strength your immune system starts getting strong. Vitamins are oh so important when it comes to health. Vitamins have sustained our genome through millions of years of evolution. Drugs are an invention that has only been around for a century and a half, yet we trust drugs more than we do million year old vitamins.
Why juice though!?!?
You are the immune system again and you notice broccoli, carrots, spinach, and kale all coming down the digestive tract. An already fatigued body because of an intense battle being raged all of a sudden has to digest this large amount of food. So the body, instead of saving the energy for the battle at hand with M.A.P., has to put the energy to digesting the foods ( like I stated at the beginning).
Now instead imagine fresh organic green vegetable juice comes down the digestive tract. YAYY!! A huge dose of energy is being assimilated and only a very very very little amount of energy needs to be used to digest the nutrients because its already in liquid form!!! So not only are you resting your gut and saving energy, but also you are giving your body an intense dose of energy and fresh vitamins and minerals so the immune system can use it at war!!! HOORAH!
So after reading this you at the back of the class room asks “well can’t I just take multivitamins instead of having to juice for my vitamins”
Well no you can’t just take a multivitamin and get all of the benfits because, an apple is much more than a nutritional facts chart containing this % of Vitamin that and that % of Vitamin this, an apple is a perfectly welded machine, built over thousands of years containing thousands of other chemicals to help the body. Scientists and researchers always try to separate the beneficial parts of a plant without realizing the importance of keeping the parts together. For example take Swiss Chard... Swiss Chard contains copper and Vitamin B2. Now copper alone plays an important role but to much copper can be very dangerous. Vitamin B2 doesn't do much alone. Add in mineral Molybdenum. Molybdenum is cool because it regulates copper (will force detox copper if it reaches high levels) and will also work with B2 in conversion of food to energy. There are a number of different cases like swiss chard in which alone, these chemicals are limited, but together these chemicals are strong.
Also it is estimated by many scientists that there are as many as 10,000 phytochemicals (or food chemicals) yet to be discovered. Furthermore many discovered Vitamins are left out of multi-vitamins like Vitamins B13-B17 (Vitamin b17 one of the more useful of all vitamins), vitamin Bp,Bt. Vitamin J, N, Q, T, and U... to name a few. So by taking multi vitamins you would be missing out on all of that!!
Organic versus non organic.
Many people will think of organic verse non organic produce and think “I don’t see what the big deal is, pesticides are all around us” or “they wouldn’t put pesticides on plants if they harmed humans”
First off, they would put pesticides on plants even if it harms humans, money talks not health… but that’s not what I’m going to talk about in this portion…
While the pesticide problem is a main reason why I choose to exclusively buy organic, it absolutely is not the only important factor at hand..
We start with the fertilizers, these so called fertilizers contain essentially three elements N, P, and K, (Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium). Let me be clear here, these elements are great and essential but they are the bare minimum in order for a plant to grow and bear fruit. The soil requires approximately 52 chemicals, not 3! Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Copper, selenium, zinc, and so on and so forth are all missing. So what happens is the plants grow and because they aren’t achieving their own form on nutrition, their defenses weaken and they are now susceptible to bugs. So the bugs come and start eating the plants and so the farmers throw a fit or two and call the chemical companies up and tell them to fix it. So of course the Chemical companies are like:emot-dance: because nothing would make them more happy than to sell all these toxins that they are just sitting on.
Now I want to tell a story, a story of an orange tree. Now this orange tree has come from a line of many other healthy orange trees but what’s different about this orange tree is that it isn’t in the same environment as its ancestors. Instead of being surrounded by healthy soil containing the 52 different elements, there are only 3 elements now. Hey but life goes on, you get lemons you make lemonade right? ( I would just plant a lemon tree with that lemon and have 40 more lemons) But anyways the tree begins to grow and its big and appears strong and it bears fruit like a champ but when the bugs come the next season his own form of an immune system (yes plants have immune systems too) is failing and isn’t strong enough to ward off the bugs. So the farmer calls the local dust cropper and wabam all the bugs are dead but now not only is the tree deficient but now it is toxic! And now the fruit that it bears will only contain very very few minerals (because that is how fruits and veggies get minerals, from the soil) and very few vitamins not to even mention the very large toxic elephant in the room.
Now I want you to think about the story of the orange tree and basically fit your name in wherever I said orange tree. Now it’s a story of you and you came from a line of very strong you’s but you aren’t in the same environment. Instead of eating healthy unaltered foods, you are now eating toxic and deficient foods that contain very little vitamins and even fewer minerals. But hey life goes on. Yada yada yada something about a lemon or lime or something. But you grow up tall and maybe you appear strong but then the bugs come. The rheumatoid arthritis bug, the colitis bug, the lupus bug, the CROHNS BUG, and while your healthier ancestors would have combated these bugs no problem because of their sidekicks Vitamin D , B12, Magnesium, Copper and Zinc, you don’t find yourself so strong. You have been eating deficient toxic food your whole life much like the orange tree so the bugs infiltrate and you get sick. So you examine yourself and throw a fit or two and go crying to the pharmaceutical industry ( I swear you must be related to the orange, you are doing the exact same things! Talk about Deja vu!) just how the orange went crying to the chemical companies. Pharma is more than happy to sell you chemicals and then you let the cycle continue.
That is why organic is so very important, I realize I may have took it a bit farther than many of you were prepared for but either way I think it is very educational.
So I hope you read the ENTIRE thread and maybe you learned a bit of information. If you read this and maybe agree with me on a lot of my points, it is important for you to do research on your own. Don’t take my word for it, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. Knowledge is power.
I hope I at least helped one person. And if you disagree with me on just about every point, I think the most important point that I believe in is that the immune system isn’t acting out of turn and isn’t stupid. It is attacking something, and if you believe that then maybe you will stay away from immunosuppressants.
Anyways trying Juicing it can’t hurt you, what do you have to lose?!?!
Be the healthiest you can be,
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