Juicing as a Viable Treatment option!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 8, 2011
Los Angeles, California
Juicing as a Viable Treatment Option!


In this juicing thread I will be going over a few points including the basics of juicing, juicing vs making smoothies, and juicing as a viable treatment option for crohns and other autoimmune diseases and then last but certainly not least i will be talking about organic versus non organic produce and why you want organic! I will be diving in deep on why Juicing is a Viable treatment option so please keep an open mind as you read. It's better to read this post with no preconceived notions.

If you just read the first paragraph and said to yourself “I just want some juice recipes”… then click here.

First the BASICS OF JUICING☺: Juicing is essentially the liquefying of fruits and vegetables by grinding up fruits and veggies and extracting the pulp from them and separating the juice from the rest of the fruit or vegetable. This is very useful because you are able to super concentrate the amount of fruits and veggies that go into an 8oz glass of juice. By juicing you are turning 8 carrots (or anything else) into a fast and easily drinkable juice that utilizes all of the enzymes, vitamins, and minerals of the carrot.

Smoothies Versus Juicing!

Smoothies provide great nutritional benefit any way you look at it. The main argument for smoothies is that smoothies retain the beneficial fiber that juices do not. This is very true but there are two main reasons why I chose to juice rather than make smoothies.

1. By removing the fiber from the liquid you are adding more concentrated doses of the juice. While it might take 4 carrots to make a full glass of carrot smoothie, it takes about 7 or 8 carrots to make a full glass of carrot juice. By extracting the pulp you are getting a super concentrated dose of the vitamins, enzymes and minerals within the carrots. Also when talking about crohns patients, fiber becomes somewhat of a scary word for some so juicing becomes a clear cut better option.

2. Have you ever noticed in nature that when an animal gets sick, like maybe your house dog, that the first thing they do is either stop eating entirely or only eat plants in the backyard? Well its no coincidence. When animals get sick the first thing they do is stop eating. They do this because they realize that their body needs all the energy it can utilize to put towards fighting off the illness. Digestion is the greatest energy burner in the human body and the animals realize that eating will only tire the body out and spend way too much energy and consequently won’t be able to fight off the ailment with its full strength. The animals also might eat plants during this time because the animals also realizes that plants contain the highest level of energy while expending very little to digest. So by replenishing the body’s energy source with high energy/low energy cost foods, the animal is now giving the body the best shot at defeating the illness. Well people, we are animals, animals indeed. And just like your housedog our body needs to use a large portion of our energy to fight off our disease and give it the best fighting shot. So by excluding the fiber from the vegetables and just drinking the juice you are essentially fasting but at the same time replenishing your body with an extreme concentrated dose of energy so that it can go into superman mode and take care of your body. This is precisely why I am a proponent of 10+day juice fasts.

Juicing as a viable treatment option!

I am someone who absolutely believes that crohn’s is cure-able through diet and lifestyle change. Call me a romantic, a dreamer, or a crazy, I don’t care but just read and research and find out for yourself. ☺

After a long week in the hospital and having a camera stuck in my butt my doctor finally came in and explained to me I have a severe case of Crohn’s Disease. I look puzzled and confused and he proceeds to explain that Crohn’s is an abnormal response by your immune system as it attacks healthy tissue in your intestines.

I’m sure a lot of you also had a similar explanation given; something about your immune system acting out of place or being broken in one-way or the other.

I believe this line of thought is completely flawed. Our immune systems aren’t dumb, they aren’t confused, our immune systems aren’t double agents whom pulled a gun on us after years of loyal service, they are still doing their jobs! I believe that the immune system is attacking our intestines for a reason and that it isn’t strong enough to beat whatever it is attacking but it continues to rage war. If you get an infection on a cut after falling off your bike as a kid, the area around the cut gets inflamed and painful but the body does this to sanction the infection off so that the rest of the body isn’t in jeopardy. By inflaming the area, blood flow is restricted and the infection can’t spread. Now imagine we have a massive infection in our intestines, a strong infection, and our immune systems just can’t get a handle on it so it inflames the area but the infection fights back and creates ulcers, and abscesses and the like.

Imagine for the remainder of the post that M.A.P. bacteria is responsible for crohn’s (I do not personally believe this, this is simply just to make the post flow easier, any possible cause could be placed in it’s place).

For those who have researched M.A.P. bacterium, you know it a very resistant strain and is not easily beat. So if our immune systems aren’t strong enough to defeat the bacteria because of a weak genome (because of years of abuse on our bodies through horrible diet, antibiotics, and other environmental factors) then our immune system needs aid in order to get the upper hand.

So then two days later, after the biopsies confirmed a crohn’s diagnosis, my doctor walks into my hospital room and talks to me about treatment option. He talks to me about remicade, a “good drug” but he warns me that it will SUPRESS my immune system and that I could be susceptible to infections or illness. I decide to trust my Doctor, I mean after all he studied for 8+ years on health... ... ... ... is health the right word?

*After a year of treatment I had 3 bouts of pneumonia and constant colds.

So instead of supporting our immune system and giving it the best chance it has to beat whatever it’s trying to get at, the doctors want us to suppress the immune system to alleviate SYMPTOMS. Well in some cases that’s all people want, hey if you can tell me that I can take this pill or shot and I will never have symptoms again, I’m in. But we all know that isn’t the case. The drugs work for only limited period of time and when you run out of drugs the disease comes back often with a vengeance.

Why does it always comeback with a vengeance!? WHY?!

Now imagine you are the M.A.P. bacteria and nothing would make you more happy but to destroy the hosts entire digestive tract. Well you have been raging hard in a war against the host’s immune system and things are getting heated. And just when your supplies start to run low…. Low and behold a miracle!!! Some magic reinforcement specimen named remicade came and attacked the immune system from the left flank and weakened it for the foreseeable future.:banana: You know what they say… when opportunity knocks…. So you gather all your strength and you get stronger and stronger because the immune system isn’t bothering you any longer and now because there is no inflammation you are free to spread to different areas of the body! YAYYY!

I wait about an hour to see my G.I. doc (Aren’t they always late?! What is with that?!) He goes over my recent test results and tells me I am showing high inflammation markers again. “The medicine isn’t working as well any longer”. “The CT scan shows it has spread to involve about 10 more inches of your small intestine”
“What can I do doc?” …. …. …. … … “Have you heard of Humira?”

So now pretend for this paragraph you are the Immune system. Some jerk named Remicade just cheap shotted you and after 3 months of recovery and battle you finally defeated Remicade. Now it’s time to get back at M.A.P. You look over the battle field and OH MY GOSH! THEY ARE EVERYWHERE! So now the M.A.P. has spread and gotten stronger so the immune system needs to involve more histamines and more inflammation to more parts of the intestines!

And that is exactly what often happens after people have run their course of medication; Not only does crohn’s come back but it comes back with a vengeance because you allotted it the time to get stronger by taking the immunosuppressants.

Now lets flip the treatment plan shall we?

Imagine you are the immune system fighting this awful M.A.P. Bacterium and you just can’t do it. You are too weak. It is a David and Goliath situation but this time David isn’t going to win. So you send histamines to block off the infection through inflammation and just pray that reinforcements come through before it is too late! TADA! just when everything seems lost low and behold it’s the Vitamin Regiment and the Mineral Core! :luigi:

Organic natural Vitamins and minerals are what create a healthy and strong immune system. I am sure most of you were Vitamin D deficient as well as other Vitamins. Vitamin D just happens to be one of the most important vitamins for a healthy immune system, along with Vitamin C. With years and years of abusing your body through antiobiotcs, which kill beneficial floral in the gut that helps synthesize and assimilate nutrients, junk food and other factors your immune system will be substantially weakened.

When you juice you are getting a super concentrated dose of Vitamins and Minerals that are raw and natural. And with these new nutrients your body starts to detox and get rid of all harmful toxins. As toxins are being removed from your body, your liver starts to gain strength and when your liver gains strength your immune system starts getting strong. Vitamins are oh so important when it comes to health. Vitamins have sustained our genome through millions of years of evolution. Drugs are an invention that has only been around for a century and a half, yet we trust drugs more than we do million year old vitamins.

Why juice though!?!?

You are the immune system again and you notice broccoli, carrots, spinach, and kale all coming down the digestive tract. An already fatigued body because of an intense battle being raged all of a sudden has to digest this large amount of food. So the body, instead of saving the energy for the battle at hand with M.A.P., has to put the energy to digesting the foods ( like I stated at the beginning).

Now instead imagine fresh organic green vegetable juice comes down the digestive tract. YAYY!! A huge dose of energy is being assimilated and only a very very very little amount of energy needs to be used to digest the nutrients because its already in liquid form!!! So not only are you resting your gut and saving energy, but also you are giving your body an intense dose of energy and fresh vitamins and minerals so the immune system can use it at war!!! HOORAH!

So after reading this you at the back of the class room asks “well can’t I just take multivitamins instead of having to juice for my vitamins”

Well no you can’t just take a multivitamin and get all of the benfits because, an apple is much more than a nutritional facts chart containing this % of Vitamin that and that % of Vitamin this, an apple is a perfectly welded machine, built over thousands of years containing thousands of other chemicals to help the body. Scientists and researchers always try to separate the beneficial parts of a plant without realizing the importance of keeping the parts together. For example take Swiss Chard... Swiss Chard contains copper and Vitamin B2. Now copper alone plays an important role but to much copper can be very dangerous. Vitamin B2 doesn't do much alone. Add in mineral Molybdenum. Molybdenum is cool because it regulates copper (will force detox copper if it reaches high levels) and will also work with B2 in conversion of food to energy. There are a number of different cases like swiss chard in which alone, these chemicals are limited, but together these chemicals are strong.

Also it is estimated by many scientists that there are as many as 10,000 phytochemicals (or food chemicals) yet to be discovered. Furthermore many discovered Vitamins are left out of multi-vitamins like Vitamins B13-B17 (Vitamin b17 one of the more useful of all vitamins), vitamin Bp,Bt. Vitamin J, N, Q, T, and U... to name a few. So by taking multi vitamins you would be missing out on all of that!!

Organic versus non organic.

Many people will think of organic verse non organic produce and think “I don’t see what the big deal is, pesticides are all around us” or “they wouldn’t put pesticides on plants if they harmed humans”

First off, they would put pesticides on plants even if it harms humans, money talks not health… but that’s not what I’m going to talk about in this portion…

While the pesticide problem is a main reason why I choose to exclusively buy organic, it absolutely is not the only important factor at hand..

We start with the fertilizers, these so called fertilizers contain essentially three elements N, P, and K, (Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium). Let me be clear here, these elements are great and essential but they are the bare minimum in order for a plant to grow and bear fruit. The soil requires approximately 52 chemicals, not 3! Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Copper, selenium, zinc, and so on and so forth are all missing. So what happens is the plants grow and because they aren’t achieving their own form on nutrition, their defenses weaken and they are now susceptible to bugs. So the bugs come and start eating the plants and so the farmers throw a fit or two and call the chemical companies up and tell them to fix it. So of course the Chemical companies are like:emot-dance: because nothing would make them more happy than to sell all these toxins that they are just sitting on.

Now I want to tell a story, a story of an orange tree. Now this orange tree has come from a line of many other healthy orange trees but what’s different about this orange tree is that it isn’t in the same environment as its ancestors. Instead of being surrounded by healthy soil containing the 52 different elements, there are only 3 elements now. Hey but life goes on, you get lemons you make lemonade right? ( I would just plant a lemon tree with that lemon and have 40 more lemons) But anyways the tree begins to grow and its big and appears strong and it bears fruit like a champ but when the bugs come the next season his own form of an immune system (yes plants have immune systems too) is failing and isn’t strong enough to ward off the bugs. So the farmer calls the local dust cropper and wabam all the bugs are dead but now not only is the tree deficient but now it is toxic! And now the fruit that it bears will only contain very very few minerals (because that is how fruits and veggies get minerals, from the soil) and very few vitamins not to even mention the very large toxic elephant in the room.

Now I want you to think about the story of the orange tree and basically fit your name in wherever I said orange tree. Now it’s a story of you and you came from a line of very strong you’s but you aren’t in the same environment. Instead of eating healthy unaltered foods, you are now eating toxic and deficient foods that contain very little vitamins and even fewer minerals. But hey life goes on. Yada yada yada something about a lemon or lime or something. But you grow up tall and maybe you appear strong but then the bugs come. The rheumatoid arthritis bug, the colitis bug, the lupus bug, the CROHNS BUG, and while your healthier ancestors would have combated these bugs no problem because of their sidekicks Vitamin D , B12, Magnesium, Copper and Zinc, you don’t find yourself so strong. You have been eating deficient toxic food your whole life much like the orange tree so the bugs infiltrate and you get sick. So you examine yourself and throw a fit or two and go crying to the pharmaceutical industry ( I swear you must be related to the orange, you are doing the exact same things! Talk about Deja vu!) just how the orange went crying to the chemical companies. Pharma is more than happy to sell you chemicals and then you let the cycle continue.

That is why organic is so very important, I realize I may have took it a bit farther than many of you were prepared for but either way I think it is very educational.

So I hope you read the ENTIRE thread and maybe you learned a bit of information. If you read this and maybe agree with me on a lot of my points, it is important for you to do research on your own. Don’t take my word for it, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. Knowledge is power.

I hope I at least helped one person. And if you disagree with me on just about every point, I think the most important point that I believe in is that the immune system isn’t acting out of turn and isn’t stupid. It is attacking something, and if you believe that then maybe you will stay away from immunosuppressants.

Anyways trying Juicing it can’t hurt you, what do you have to lose?!?!

Be the healthiest you can be,
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Thanks for posting this. I was recently diagnosed (literally 9 days ago) with Crohn's. I just discussed the possibility of juicing with a friend of mine. I, of course, was put on medication right away. 40mg Prednisone and 750mg Metronidazole. I'd like to finish my medication and then explore the option of juicing.

I have a few concerns. The major one is, my BM's are already liquid and hard to control. I'm afraid that if all I consume is liquids, my trips to the bathroom will be more frequent. Another concern is that my schedule is extremely packed. I'm afraid I won't have the time or means to constantly take juice with me every where. I practically live in my car or at my college.

Also, do you attribute your remission or cure of Crohn's to juicing? Again, thanks for the post.
Hey Nikki,

You are very welcome, Glad i could help:)

To answer your questions:

Juice is liquid form but the fiber is removed and your body will literally absorb all of the juice. The whole principal behind diarrhea is that your body doesn't like what you gave it and it will try to get rid of it as soon as possible so the intestines don't take the time to digest the water that is mixed in with the food ( thats what makes diarrhea watery). While I'm on a juice fast i literally don't even have BM's.

Time is a big issue for many. And it was a issue for me for a long time as-well. For when i know I am going to have a busy week what i do is on Sundays I will juice for the whole week and store the juice in jars and in the fridge. The nutrient loss will be minimal in air tight glass jars. So each day just open the fridge and grab a juice:).

I attribute my "almost cure" of crohn's to juicing and a plant based diet. I think juicing is the main reason but i also think raw fibrous vegetation is also extremely important. I say "almost cure" because I think it takes a long time to cure yourself especially because i had severe crohn's disease. I know that i am well on my way to being cured, i just don't think im quite there yet

Hope this helped

I was scared that joining this forum i'd only have people suggesting steroids to me... Thank you for posting this! I have an amazing high quality juicer that I haven't taken advantage of :) I'll get right to it tomorrow! Thanks again!
I am a massive fan of juicing .
I do it every morning for breakfast. To answer the time issue question - it takes me about 5 minutes to juice a glass , give the dogs the left over pulp and rinse my machine parts - I give it a good soapy clean at the weekend when I do have a bit more time.

I believe that juicing and stopping people smoking around me are the two best things I did to help my disease. And I heartily recommend everyone at least tries it for all the reasons you have listed. Or even just to support the body while you receive treatment, it could alleviate side effects.

Whether it is enough on its own I cannot say as I am also taking immune suppressing drugs, But I will continue to juice whether I am on drugs or not, I am into it for life now I am sure.
In fact I am nearly having a panic attack about going on holiday in a couple of weeks ( where will I get my pure, fresh juice ! Nothing that comes in a bottle can compare ).
Thank you for putting so much effort into the post, I can tell you're passionate about the subject. I personally think juicing is great, but in conjunction with other treatments, not as a standalone. I also feel that you're doing more harm that good by stating you think this type of stuff will cure your IBD. I believe it can help some people achieve or maintain remission but is not a cure but you and I have already had this debate :)


1. What is your opinion on juicing organic fruits and vegetables versus non organic?
2. Do you try to stay away from vegetables potentially high in nitrates?
3. Are there any books you recommend for someone just starting out? A step by step for people who want to get started would be invaluable. I think there is a lot of interest but many are overwhelmed as to where to start.
4. Not all Crohnies are alike. Not all fruit and veggies are a like. I just wonder if juicing can be taken to a whole new level. Can we make the approach much more scientific. For example, if someone has a deficiency in magnesium and calcium, is there a recipe for them. If someone has Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth, are there recipes for them. If someone is constipated, is there a recipe for them. If someone is on Prednisone, is there a recipe for them. If someone is on Methotrexate which interferes with folate, is there a recipe for them. And on and on. Thoughts on that?

Thanks again :)
I juice everyday and cannot imagine a day without it. I do feel it has helped me immensely but it certainly didn't cure my Crohn's. I believe it has helped in achieving my year long remission and given me a lot more energy.
I remember on the Forum
That someone told about their 40 day juice FAST.
7 Months after the result he believed he was cured. Its a shame havent seen
him since. But hes been of all meds, and is perfectly health with normal BM.

So yes your "theory" correlates with the Juice Fast. It similiar to the SCD diets way of thinking, that there is definitely a Bacteria that the body is trying to get rid of but keeps on failing. Western Countries are the most susceptible to this.

Could be MAP , could be E.Coli, Could be anything.

I think everyone needs to expand their horizons and think of this example.
Once a year I get a cold. Take medicine after 7 days all good.

In the future
Once A year i Get crohns, Juice fast for 20 days, back to normal. ( or take a pill which would actually work(one day)).

Great post nice to see others preaching importance of juicing. Its funny people go on certain liquid_diets with ingredients full of synthetic unnatural crap in it but when you mention juicing real natural foods they usually look at you weird.
The first time I drank an all green juice (chard, kale, collards, etc), I had the most energy I've had in a good two years. I took a break from juicing but I'd like to start back. Thanks for the great post! :)
Thank you for putting so much effort into the post, I can tell you're passionate about the subject. I personally think juicing is great, but in conjunction with other treatments, not as a standalone. I also feel that you're doing more harm that good by stating you think this type of stuff will cure your IBD. I believe it can help some people achieve or maintain remission but is not a cure but you and I have already had this debate :)


1. What is your opinion on juicing organic fruits and vegetables versus non organic?
2. Do you try to stay away from vegetables potentially high in nitrates?
3. Are there any books you recommend for someone just starting out? A step by step for people who want to get started would be invaluable. I think there is a lot of interest but many are overwhelmed as to where to start.
4. Not all Crohnies are alike. Not all fruit and veggies are a like. I just wonder if juicing can be taken to a whole new level. Can we make the approach much more scientific. For example, if someone has a deficiency in magnesium and calcium, is there a recipe for them. If someone has Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth, are there recipes for them. If someone is constipated, is there a recipe for them. If someone is on Prednisone, is there a recipe for them. If someone is on Methotrexate which interferes with folate, is there a recipe for them. And on and on. Thoughts on that?

Thanks again :)

Hiya David,

I guess we will have to agree to disagree (once again, hmphhh)
Before i answer your questions i'd like to ask you one: Why is it that you don't think diet can cure ailments such as crohns? What about the theory seems flawed to you? Also what is your own theory on crohns, do you believe that the immune system is flawed? Just curious cause I respect your opinions.

1. You know initially i had in my post the importance of organic versus non organic but i thought it would be too overwhelming for some people to have at the top of the post a "basics of juicing" section and then have a treatment option section and on top of that an even lengthier organic vs non organic section but i suppose after i read the post a few times it doesn't seem "too" overwhelming so i have edited it in at the end of the post.

2. I don't exclusively stay away from the vegetables containing high nitrates for a couple reason. First off it is typically commercially grown produce that contains these high nitrate levels and i do only shop organic and most of the time at local farmers markets. The articfical fertilizers have been shown to double to amount of nitrates typically found in any vegetables especially those in the ground. Second and the main reason why i don't worry about it that much is because Vitamin C prevents nitrate turning into nitrate which is the dangerous stuff that starves your oxygen supply in blood. As long as you have Vitamin C and a rather good amount of it and try to shop organic nitrates really shouldn't be a problem. This is why i am such a proponent of Kale, kale has very high vitamin C levels for a leafy green and of course also contains many many many other benefits.

3.You know I haven't read a juicing book. I figured a lot of stuff as i went along and researched online but there wasn't really one source that helped me get there. I know there are youtube videos that helped me buy a juicers and helped me get down the methods and rhymes and reasons to juicing but there really wasn't one source that helped me through it all. I would say just look up a beginning juicing book online but i really don't know if they would have the same line of thought as me.

4. I'm glad you brought this up, you have read my mind :). I am actually working on recipes for mineral and vitamin deficiencies. It is kind of a put down your supplement bottles and pick up these vegetables kind of deal so I am excited to be working on that and i will post it when im done. Many of the symptoms that come with crohn's would be healed along with crohns and seeing as crohns deal with the immune system just about any juice is going to strengthen the immune system alot. But I have thought about doing a complications of crohn's juice treatments like joint pain, eye inflammation, skin rashes, fatigue, thyroid problems, etc. As for the Methotrexate juices i never have thought about that. Very good idea. I could create a ideal juicing regiment for those who do want to maintain their treatments while adopting juicing. I will definitely look into that. Thanks

Hope that answered those questions :)!


Great post nice to see others preaching importance of juicing. Its funny people go on certain liquid_diets with ingredients full of synthetic unnatural crap in it but when you mention juicing real natural foods they usually look at you weird.

Thanks Bangarang! I know right? IT IS CRAZY how people look at me funny when i suggest vegetables and a healthy diet over pills. PILLS SHOULD BE THE THING THAT SOUNDS WEIRD. Ahh it is how everyone has been socialized... pill for every ill. I believe through the internet this idea will be broken.. all in good time :)

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Why is it that you don't think diet can cure ailments such as crohns? What about the theory seems flawed to you? Also what is your own theory on crohns, do you believe that the immune system is flawed?
To simplify, because I believe Crohn's has a genetic component. If you have Celiac Disease and don't eat gluten, you don't cure what's wrong with you. You might be 100% without gluten but you're not cured. As soon as you eat gluten again, you're in trouble. With Crohn's, I believe for some people, diet can take you to remission or at least assist getting to it. You're not changing the underlying issue, you're bypassing it. If you went back to your old eating habits, you'd flare right back up. Thus you are not cured.

2. I don't exclusively stay away from the vegetables containing high nitrates for a couple reason. First off it is typically commercially grown produce that contains these high nitrate levels and i do only shop organic and most of the time at local farmers markets. The articfical fertilizers have been shown to double to amount of nitrates typically found in any vegetables especially those in the ground. Second and the main reason why i don't worry about it that much is because Vitamin C prevents nitrate turning into nitrate which is the dangerous stuff that starves your oxygen supply in blood. As long as you have Vitamin C and a rather good amount of it and try to shop organic nitrates really shouldn't be a problem. This is why i am such a proponent of Kale, kale has very high vitamin C levels for a leafy green and of course also contains many many many other benefits.
I assume you mean stopping nitrate turning into nitrite? Can you link me to a reputable source that showcases that vitamin C does that please? And I'm of the opinion that the real culprit in the reaction isn't so much nitrite, but peroxynitrite.

4. I'm glad you brought this up, you have read my mind :). I am actually working on recipes for mineral and vitamin deficiencies. It is kind of a put down your supplement bottles and pick up these vegetables kind of deal so I am excited to be working on that and i will post it when im done. Many of the symptoms that come with crohn's would be healed along with crohns and seeing as crohns deal with the immune system just about any juice is going to strengthen the juice alot. But I have thought about doing a complications of crohn's juice treatments like joint pain, eye inflammation, skin rashes, fatigue, thyroid problems, etc. As for the Methotrexate juices i never have thought about that. Very good idea. I could create a ideal juicing regiment for those who do want to maintain their treatments while adopting juicing. I will definitely look into that. Thanks
Very cool! I look forward to seeing what you come up with. Especially for the eye inflammation as I get that one :(
To simplify, because I believe Crohn's has a genetic component. If you have Celiac Disease and don't eat gluten, you don't cure what's wrong with you. You might be 100% without gluten but you're not cured. As soon as you eat gluten again, you're in trouble. With Crohn's, I believe for some people, diet can take you to remission or at least assist getting to it. You're not changing the underlying issue, you're bypassing it. If you went back to your old eating habits, you'd flare right back up. Thus you are not cured.

I don't see the connection here. I understand that yes if you don't eat gluten it doesn't mean you are cured. But that's like saying if you stay away from crohn's aggravating foods that doesn't mean you are cured. Of course not. I am not suggesting you take a sideline seat and play defensive im saying get on the offensive and help the immune system, be pro active and fix the underlying problems, im saying don't tread lightly around the big bully im saying gather your information, gather your knowledge and face it head on.

It is changing the underlying issue though, what isn't changing the underlying issue is drugs. Drugs only treat symptoms. I get the feeling that you think diet also only treats symptoms, but food is amazingly powerful.

What do you think the underlying issue is? If it is genetic why didn't our whole lineage have it, did your parents have it? mine didn't.

In a society that keeps on popping up with all these condition we have to look at our systems of health in this country. What do we do drastically different that other countries aren't doing? Its our diet! if it looks like fire, and smells like fire it must be fire. By blaming genetics (and this is my opinion i want to stress that) you are essentially saying that if it looks like fire and smells like fire it must be a 20 ton whale. Or the smell of the fire is just being ignored.

You have to recognize the underline problem to figure out the underline solution. Genetics are so complicated and confusing and with such a confusing disease its natural for people to blame the most complicated source because "if it was that simple my doctor would have told me". "If you want something done in this world you have to do it yourself" it is so true.

Also if you can blame genetics it takes out the blame from you. When i was first diagnosed i said to myself "i was dealt bad hand" "there is nothing i can do about it" But that is non sense. Just how humans have created a stronger and stronger genome through evolution why can't we grow stronger.. why can't we take our own destiny in our hands just how primal humans did in the past.

Also I know you believe that it has something to do with genetics. Do you have a theory on how the genetics have caused the crohns? For example do you think we just genetically have a broken immune system or are you unsure, you just believe that it has something to do with genetics?

Sorry for the rant, i am fairly passionate about this stuff. :)

I assume you mean stopping nitrate turning into nitrite? Can you link me to a reputable source that showcases that vitamin C does that please? And I'm of the opinion that the real culprit in the reaction isn't so much nitrite, but peroxynitrite.

Oops yeah sorry about that i did mean nitrite. And yes of course, i have a source that actually does a study on peroxynitrite versus Vitamin C (click that).

Hope that helped.

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What kind of vegetable and fruits do you juice? In the main post you talk about brocoli but my doctor told me to stay away from brocoli and cauliflower and also bought apple juice but she said eating a apple is fine so I guess juicing a apple would be fine.

Are all juicer good ? I found this one http://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/big-bos...h=yes&fromSearchBox=true&addFacet=SRCH:juicer

Right now I was told to stay away from pulpes since I am on a low fiber and residue diet so I guess this juicing could help me get some fruit and vegetables?
What kind of vegetable and fruits do you juice? In the main post you talk about brocoli but my doctor told me to stay away from brocoli and cauliflower and also bought apple juice but she said eating a apple is fine so I guess juicing a apple would be fine.

Are all juicer good ? I found this one http://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/big-bos...h=yes&fromSearchBox=true&addFacet=SRCH:juicer

Right now I was told to stay away from pulpes since I am on a low fiber and residue diet so I guess this juicing could help me get some fruit and vegetables?

Hey Yannik. Click here for my 3 basic juices that I do. I will be updating that thread as time goes on with more juices but the first three are a good start.

I am guessing that your doctor told you to stay away from broccoli and cauliflower because they are bulky vegetables and can cause a blockage if there is acute inflammation present in the gut. I was told the same thing.

But if you juice the broccoli then the fiber is removed so there is no possible way that it can cause a blockage. Juicing apples are great, but in conjuction with other vegetables. ( you don't want to just juice apples as it is too much sugar).

As for the different types of Juicers: http://www.fernsnutrition.com/juicer_types.htm This link will help you better understand the difference between the types. Also go on youtube and watch comparison videos between different juicers (That's what i did)

Personally i have a super angel twin gear triturating juicer. It is expensive but i saved up because i knew i couldn't put a price on my health :).

Hope this helps

Fair enough. Sorry to hijack the juicing part a little. Let's focus on that now :)

I wouldn't mind reading a new thread made by either of you on the subject of genetics vs the American diet as possible causes. Would be entertaining and I might even weigh in.
I got the phillips quick clean juicer i love the thing it is a powerful centrifugal juicer and has a special lid on the jug that takes the foam of the juice. Im starting a juice fast tomorrow don't know how long ill last but gonna give it my all
I read your article and find it very interesting and informative, it makes a lot sense. This could quite possibly be a viable and hopefully even probable alternative to the current medical protocol of reactive treatments currently being used and prescribed. Perhaps the use of a proactive approach as you suggest may even work......it certainly could not hurt?
While I ABSOLUTELY believe in juicing, there are some veggies that can contradict Crohn's treatments and also other ailments (i.e diabetes, kidney issues, cancer treatments, and certain meds). It's DEFINTELY best to research which veggies work for which ailments. For instance, if you have history of kidney stones, spinach, swiss chard, parsley should be avoided because of their high oxalate qualities. WIth Diabetes there are a whole host of veggies (Beets) and fruits you should avoid whether juicing or eating in its natural state. Also, if you are on blood thinners; there are an entire other group of food and supplements you should avoid or at least take in small moderation. As far as cancer treatments (as I learned with my 11 year old nephew, juicing many veggies can inhibit treatment). So while I can say juicing is an INCREDIBLE way to supplement diet, it is also something you MUST discuss with your doctor. If your doctor doesn't know about juicing and it's benefits/contradictions, then PLEASE find another PROFESSIONAL opinion.

I take Turmeric (Curcumin) as a supplement but was unhappy to find studies how it can interact with certain chemotherapy treatments. Thankfully Infliximab (Remicade) was not included in that study, but my dear nephews drug WAS included. And he's been taking Curcumin and battling Lymphoma for over a year now. I am all for finding an herbal/holistic treatment but I don't want to counteract his treatments with some unregulated herbal concoction either.

Basically, just please educate yourself first and no matter what, TELL YOUR DOCTOR EVERY supplement/vitamin you are taking. They can completely contraindicate.
Here is an excellent book that I found on juicing and it tells you what combinations of veg/fruit and what quantities for all types of conditions/diseases I highly recommend it.

Fresh vegetable and fruit juices whats missing in your body by N.W. Walker D.Sc
Basically, just please educate yourself first and no matter what, TELL YOUR DOCTOR EVERY supplement/vitamin you are taking. They can completely contraindicate.

A doctor once told me that all supplements are crap and that I shouldn't take anything except for what he prescribes he said all over the counter supplements are hocus pocus all his stuff ever did was make me more sick and supplements make me feel better go figure
While I ABSOLUTELY believe in juicing, there are some veggies that can contradict Crohn's treatments and also other ailments (i.e diabetes, kidney issues, cancer treatments, and certain meds). It's DEFINTELY best to research which veggies work for which ailments. For instance, if you have history of kidney stones, spinach, swiss chard, parsley should be avoided because of their high oxalate qualities. WIth Diabetes there are a whole host of veggies (Beets) and fruits you should avoid whether juicing or eating in its natural state. Also, if you are on blood thinners; there are an entire other group of food and supplements you should avoid or at least take in small moderation. As far as cancer treatments (as I learned with my 11 year old nephew, juicing many veggies can inhibit treatment). So while I can say juicing is an INCREDIBLE way to supplement diet, it is also something you MUST discuss with your doctor. If your doctor doesn't know about juicing and it's benefits/contradictions, then PLEASE find another PROFESSIONAL opinion.

I take Turmeric (Curcumin) as a supplement but was unhappy to find studies how it can interact with certain chemotherapy treatments. Thankfully Infliximab (Remicade) was not included in that study, but my dear nephews drug WAS included. And he's been taking Curcumin and battling Lymphoma for over a year now. I am all for finding an herbal/holistic treatment but I don't want to counteract his treatments with some unregulated herbal concoction either.

Basically, just please educate yourself first and no matter what, TELL YOUR DOCTOR EVERY supplement/vitamin you are taking. They can completely contraindicate.

Thanks for the post.

there are some veggies that can contradict Crohn's treatments and also other ailments (i.e diabetes, kidney issues, cancer treatments, and certain meds).

Not sure cancer treatments and "certain meds" could be considered ailments but i digress.

yes some fruits and veggies can contradict with crohn's treatment. Actually everything about fruits and veggies contradicts many treatments seeing as the theory behind juicing is to boost immune system while many treatments want to suppress the immune system.

As for diabetes, it is a shame that people have demonized fruits for a diabetic. So many food chemicals present in fruits tremendously help the pancreas. Many diabetics have an inflamed pancreas and fruits such as blueberries, tomatoes, pomegranates, and cherries contain extremely strong anti inflammatory antioxidants. Also natural sugars and soluble fiber found in fruits will release these sugars into the blood stream slowly as to not onset a sugar spike ( a kind of natural failsafe for the body) so the pancreas can better handle the fruits. It is a shame that diabetics don't trust fruits because they will be planning their diets and tell themselves that they can't have fruit, yet many will have "cheats" and those cheats often contain highly processed and refined sugars that don't contain the same failsafes or antioxidants. Also in my juice thread i stress the importance of not adding too much fruit in the juices as super concentrated doses can be a lot for your body to handle. So yes diabetics should be careful on such a regiment, but should they avoid? I think not.

As for the Kidney stones part.
Firstly i want to point out that these high oxalate levels in these vegetables are only found in commercially grown produce, not in organic or local produce.

The way i see it is that there are MUCH bigger fish to fry in this department than certain vegetables. These bigger fish include processed sugars, carbonated beverages, animal products, soy and sodium rich foods, and calcium supplements.

Seeing as three of those describe soda, I think its safe to say soda is public enemy #1. The extreme low ph level along with the processed sugars, phosphoric acid carbonation, and high levels of sodium all extract calcium from the bones and excretes through the urine which GREATLY increases the chance of a kidney stone.

Animal protein contains the amino acids methionine and cysteine which are sulfur-containing amino acids. When the proteins are digested the sulfuric acid remains which is essentially battery acid. To equalize this, the body extracts calcium from the bones (calcium is a base (high ph level). This process is called metabolic acidosis. The calcium is then extracted through the urine and greatly increases the chances of developing a kidney stone. This process explains why the united states is the number one consumer of non fat dairy and has the highest level of osteoporosis and other bone degenerative diseases. By making milk non fat more animal protein is added and in turn your body extracts calcium from the bones. Not exactly what the "got milk" commercials told you huh?

I don't think i need to explain calcium supplements here. I think it is self explanatory. If not a quick google search should yield some results.

Just like how i mentioned before, fruits and vegetables contain failsafes or adaptive measures in which the body will utilize other elements of the fruit or vegetable in order to take care of the initial problem. For example the vegetables you stated that could cause kidney stones, also contain vitamins and minerals that will prevent kidney stones. These minerals include magnesium and potassium. Even Vitamin C (which is always trying to be linked to cause kidney stones but never has) actually helps prevent kidney stones through a couple of ways. First off Vitamin C will actually keep calcium bound to its true form instead of binding with the oxalates. Second Vitamin C is a diuretic which will keep urine flow constant which disrupts the environment for a stone to form. Further more evidence supports that kidney stones develop around a bacterial infection. Vitamin C is a strong anti bacterial:)

Vitamin C, magnesium, and/or potassium are present in a qualitative quantity in most fruits and vegetables so while yes oxalates are present in these vegetables, so are these vitamins and minerals. Also seeing as food scientists estimate 10,000 food chemicals yet to be identified exist, I think it is safe to say other factors are at hand.

The truth is many people try to point the finger at fruits or vegetables but these are exactly what has sustained our genome for millions of years. Our bodies developed benefits from these fruits and vegetables and in no way would these fruits and vegetables still be doing humans harm if we had adapted to them over millions of years. A common mis conception is that fruit and vegetables just contain these great benefits because that's how they were made. But if humans had never encountered these fruits or vegetables before in history, we would probably see huge adverse reactions from them and we wouldn't find any benefit in them. But the human genome found ways for plants to benefit us directly so no it wouldn't find benefits from fruits and vegetables but at the same time cause a problem like kidney stones... that doesn't make sense. (hopefully that paragraph made sense.. makes sense to me:))

Having said that yes i do agree that people should seek professional advise on the matter of nutrition and definitely if used in conjunction with other treatments.

I was in no way saying i was a "PROFESSIONAL" of the matter.

I guess the way i see it is that the medical treatments are interfering with the vegetables:) not the other way around

Anyways, thanks for the post, you brought up many points that people should look into. I wish you and your nephew the best:)

Good luck

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Here is an excellent book that I found on juicing and it tells you what combinations of veg/fruit and what quantities for all types of conditions/diseases I highly recommend it.

Fresh vegetable and fruit juices whats missing in your body by N.W. Walker D.Sc

Thanks ozboz, i will look into this:) I have actually been working on a similar system, kind of a treatment plan for many conditions. I love learning about different conditions, the organs involved, and what fruits and veggies will help that organ. So this could prove to be very helpful.

Thanks :)

Gianni have a squiz at the book its grouse tells the origins of difrent disease and conditions and tells you what formulas of juice are used to treat them
My mom is a type 2 diabetic and fruits do make her blood sugar spike. She doesn't avoid fruit entirely but can only handle a little at a time unfortunately.
Thanks crabby, Yes as often seen diabetics can only handle a small amount of fruit at a time but really anyone shouldn't be indulging themselves in CERTAIN fruits at any given time either.

I wonder if she experiences less severe blood sugar spikes with fruit versus a typical sugary snack. Even though fruit might cause a slight sugar spike there is evidence supporting that the natural sugars release at a slower rate. But then again maybe fruit will provide a longer sugar spike (although i think longer is favorable over acute). Fruits have tons of other benefits though, benefits which will help the pancreas:)

Anyways, thanks for the post.

All the best to your mom,

A doctor once told me that all supplements are crap and that I shouldn't take anything except for what he prescribes he said all over the counter supplements are hocus pocus all his stuff ever did was make me more sick and supplements make me feel better go figure

I hope you found another doctor ASAP.
Wow Gianni,

You put a lot of work into this. I see the fire is burning inside you!

I love organic foods as well. I definitely go for organic when I have the option because pesticides are nasty! Not only are they nasty but they are used everywhere. It is especially important to watch out for food grown in other countries and scrutinize the origin when you're buying produce out of season.

From time to time there may be various news stories that report the FDA stopped the importation of specific foreign crops due to toxic levels of pesticides that may not be banned in other countries. We also don't want to forget that there are very toxic pesticides that are legal for American farmers to use. The FDA has a hard enough time regulating food safety in our own country let alone from all the countries that we import food from. In light of this fact, we cant really be sure that toxic pesticides (whether banned in this country or not) are not in our food supply. If we buy food from commercial suppliers like some of the grocery stores chains do, then it stands to reason that some of the food we eat may have been cultivated or raised using toxic pesticides and/or hormones.

Some links about pesticides in our food.



One thing that I found in buying organically labeled food in the grocery store is that sometimes, foods are labeled organic that don't truly deserve the organic label. It's hard to tell exactly how some of the produce is grown, or the conditions that the livestock were raised in unless you go to the farm yourself, but like you said, money talks. The extra premium people pay for organic food is enough to make some farmers try and skirt the rules or walk the line that determines if an organic label is warranted. It's in our best interest to find out more about the organic farmers that we buy from and not just trust the organic label on it's own.

One great way to ensure your produce is organic is to grow it yourself. If you have a little bit of land it's not too hard to do. Personally, I have been gardening since I was old enough to hold a shovel. It's hard work sometimes, but I am rewarded with food grown the way nature intended. This years harvest was bountiful, and of course it was completely organic.

Some of my friends that live in apartments or those who are unable to keep their own garden joined an organic gardening commune where they all contribute a little time to grow the foods they want. That is a great way to get involved in organic gardening and be 100% certain that your food is completely natural.

One problem I have is that I can't have livestock in my neighborhood. I would love to have a rooster in my back yard, but my neighbors would probably kill me. When I am buying meat or produce that I don't grow myself I try to go to local farmers markets and buy from vendors that I am familiar with. However, this is not always possible, so I make it a point to read labels carefully before I buy something, from the supermarket. This drives my wife nuts sometimes, especially if I tell her she can't use 1/2 the coupons she cut out because the associated products are questionable.

I try to take as many reasonable measures as I can to ensure what I grow is all natural. For instance, I like to start from seed when possible and make my own compost to fortify the soil. It's a lot of fun and as far as I am concerned, no tomato from the grocery store (organic or not) beats a tomato picked from the vine the my back yard.

My neighbors think I am nuts for growing so many veggies for just me and my wife. Maybe I am a little "nuts", :ybatty: the juices and sauces I make freeze well so I am able to enjoy their nutritious benefits in the winter time while my "sane" neighbors are eating their store bought pesticide laden produce. :rof:


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Limited Vege to Vitamin/Mineral Cheat Sheet

Magnesium: Spinach, Swiss Chard, Lima Beans, Arugula, Peas

Folate: Spinach, Asparagus, Curly Endive, Romain Lettuce, Turnip Greens

Vitamin K: Kale, Spinach, Collard Greens, Turnip Greens, Swiss Chard

Potassium: Sweet Potato, Lima Beans, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Mushrooms

*This is a VERY limited excerpt from a rather narrow minded Nutrition Action Health Letter from the Center for Science in the Public Interest--I don't endorse most/everything this random publication prints, I just so happened to be reading this when this thread caught my eye.

One can easily google "food sources for magnesium" etc... and be better informed. Notice Spinach made every list above. Also note it depends on the soil medium whether such minerals are still present.
A doctor once told me that all supplements are crap and that I shouldn't take anything except for what he prescribes he said all over the counter supplements are hocus pocus all his stuff ever did was make me more sick and supplements make me feel better go figure

Doctors like that should face a jail time. No joke.
That's awesome Woody.

I convinced my parents to allow a small garden at my childhood home so i could plant organic plants for them and myself:) Unfortunately I live in an apartment and can't really have a garden for my own. So i will make it a point to travel there every once in awhile and pick some produce:) But yes i agree with all the points you made:)

Beautiful Garden! Im jealous

I've tried Juicing as well, but didnt have a very positive result. My problem, unlike many others, isnt diarrhea, its actually constipation. I initially went on the Juicing diet in order to make an attempt to alleviate the severe constipation I've been experiencing since I was born. I used Kale, carrotts, peaches, apples, raspberries, pears, and blackberries. I used a few other veggies as well, it just escapes me which ones at the moment. My brain is a little foggy. Anyway, I did that along with one capful of Miralax, and still didnt poop.
Well, believe it or not, ever since I started eating regular foods again (and even some fast food), my stool is loose. I'm a medical mystery at this point...
I wonder if she experiences less severe blood sugar spikes with fruit versus a typical sugary snack. Even though fruit might cause a slight sugar spike there is evidence supporting that the natural sugars release at a slower rate. But then again maybe fruit will provide a longer sugar spike (although i think longer is favorable over acute). Fruits have tons of other benefits though, benefits which will help the pancreas:)

Both go in quickly. She avoids any type of white breads and sugary snacks. She's very good about her diet. She also says that oranges go in the quickest. As far as how long the blood sugar is raised, you really don't want your blood sugar to be raised for a longer period of time because you will experience undesirable symptoms with a blood sugar spike.
I've tried Juicing as well, but didnt have a very positive result. My problem, unlike many others, isnt diarrhea, its actually constipation. I initially went on the Juicing diet in order to make an attempt to alleviate the severe constipation I've been experiencing since I was born. I used Kale, carrotts, peaches, apples, raspberries, pears, and blackberries. I used a few other veggies as well, it just escapes me which ones at the moment. My brain is a little foggy. Anyway, I did that along with one capful of Miralax, and still didnt poop.
Well, believe it or not, ever since I started eating regular foods again (and even some fast food), my stool is loose. I'm a medical mystery at this point...

May I ask the extent you tried juicing too? How often, for how long and typically fruits or veggies?

When first diagnosed I also actually suffered from constipation and not diarrhea. The thing about juicing is that it doesn't include fiber so if you have a problem with constipation, adding in smoothies intermittently would help with that. Try drinking a ton of water. Some people need more water than others.

Also the process behind diarrhea is that the body is trying to get rid of the food (because it doesn't agree with it, or cannot use it at the time being) as fast as possible so it doesn't take the time to digest the water (thats what makes D watery) So the fact that fast food creates "loose stools" doesn't surprise me because your body probably isn't liking what you are giving it so it is allowing water to come out with the food. (Kind of your form of D). Its worth noting that just because stools seem normal, does not mean your body is benefitting from that food.

With that said, I think giving nutrition another chance is worth it. Maybe try making smoothies versus juicing until you get the constipation under control. Also try including more veggies over fruits, 5 of the 7 plants you named were fruits. try to do 5 of the 7 being vegetables:)

May I ask the extent you tried juicing too? How often, for how long and typically fruits or veggies?

When first diagnosed I also actually suffered from constipation and not diarrhea. The thing about juicing is that it doesn't include fiber so if you have a problem with constipation, adding in smoothies intermittently would help with that. Try drinking a ton of water. Some people need more water than others.

Also the process behind diarrhea is that the body is trying to get rid of the food (because it doesn't agree with it, or cannot use it at the time being) as fast as possible so it doesn't take the time to digest the water (thats what makes D watery) So the fact that fast food creates "loose stools" doesn't surprise me because your body probably isn't liking what you are giving it so it is allowing water to come out with the food. (Kind of your form of D). Its worth noting that just because stools seem normal, does not mean your body is benefitting from that food.

With that said, I think giving nutrition another chance is worth it. Maybe try making smoothies versus juicing until you get the constipation under control. Also try including more veggies over fruits, 5 of the 7 plants you named were fruits. try to do 5 of the 7 being vegetables:)


To be more specific....
We have a Vitamix Blender (yes, one of those $500 blenders. No, I dont know why he felt the need to invest that much in a blender hehehe)...
I would place all the fruits and veggies into the blender, blend for a few minutes until it turns them into a smoothie or juice, add Miralax, blend more, and drink :smile:

The Vitamix is famous for having the ability to add solid fruits and veggies without destroying the blender, including the core.

It always looked gross, but the fruit added the good flavor so I would drink right up.

I did it for probably a week until I got so sick I just couldnt get out of bed to make anymore. Then I ended up in the ER....
So it just occured to me....I guess what I did wasnt exactly juicing. It was more like "eating straight-up fruits and veggies in smoothie/liquid form". I know the blender enables me to do that, but not everyone has a Vitamix so I guess I have that benefit.
To be more specific....
We have a Vitamix Blender (yes, one of those $500 blenders. No, I dont know why he felt the need to invest that much in a blender hehehe)...
I would place all the fruits and veggies into the blender, blend for a few minutes until it turns them into a smoothie or juice, add Miralax, blend more, and drink :smile:

The Vitamix is famous for having the ability to add solid fruits and veggies without destroying the blender, including the core.

It always looked gross, but the fruit added the good flavor so I would drink right up.

I did it for probably a week until I got so sick I just couldnt get out of bed to make anymore. Then I ended up in the ER....

Yes, I am familiar with the Vitamix blender. I hope that your one experience hasn't turned you completely off of juicing and blending. I would hope you give it another shot as many people suffering from constipation has found relief through blending. Also try more veggies over fruit next time. I know it might not taste good but are you trying to please your taste buds or feel better? :)

Also juicing is different from blending if you are not aware. doing a quick google search on the matter will help better demonstrate that.

All the best

So it just occured to me....I guess what I did wasnt exactly juicing. It was more like "eating straight-up fruits and veggies in smoothie/liquid form". I know the blender enables me to do that, but not everyone has a Vitamix so I guess I have that benefit.

Well with the blender the fiber is included while juicing removes fiber. Theres no better way (blending vs juicing) for a normal healthy person, they both have their own benefits. But for sick people I believe juicing is much more useful. See my Juicing vs Blending section at the top of the first post.

Yes, I am familiar with the Vitamix blender. I hope that your one experience hasn't turned you completely off of juicing and blending. I would hope you give it another shot as many people suffering from constipation has found relief through blending. Also try more veggies over fruit next time. I know it might not taste good but are you trying to please your taste buds or feel better? :)

Also juicing is different from blending if you are not aware. doing a quick google search on the matter will help better demonstrate that.

All the best


No, it hasnt. I actually really enjoyed it. It made me feel like I was pursuing a healthier lifestyle. Honestly I just havent been doing it lately because I've been bed-ridden for the past month or so. I'm slowly becoming accustomed to being up and about again, but its taking time. Ive honestly completely lost my appetite, but I know I need the nutrients. I'm going to head back to Whole Foods some time this week and get back to it.

I have to be careful about the fruits and veggies I add. My body doesnt take well to Vitamin C, and I seem to get a lot of ulcers from it, so I try to intake as little as possible. I know its counter-productive for other issues, but the ulcers are so painful...
No, it hasnt. I actually really enjoyed it. It made me feel like I was pursuing a healthier lifestyle. Honestly I just havent been doing it lately because I've been bed-ridden for the past month or so. I'm slowly becoming accustomed to being up and about again, but its taking time. Ive honestly completely lost my appetite, but I know I need the nutrients. I'm going to head back to Whole Foods some time this week and get back to it.

I have to be careful about the fruits and veggies I add. My body doesnt take well to Vitamin C, and I seem to get a lot of ulcers from it, so I try to intake as little as possible. I know its counter-productive for other issues, but the ulcers are so painful...

You have lost your appetite because your body is telling you, you need the save the energy that would otherwise be lost through digestion. So by juicing you are respecting your body's wishes by consuming only a liquid diet that will only require very little energy to digest while also giving your body a boost of energy to help deal with what it is dealing with.

Sure, stay away from most fruits for the time being. My brother had the same problem but after he started juicing just veggies it went away and his mouth ulcers were no longer aggravated by acidic fruits. Most veggies are alkaline so you don't really need to worry about those. Just limit the fruits for the time being.

I usually juice mostly veg, carrot , celery , cucumber with one apple to sweeten it.

Someone gave me three cucumbers from their garden the other day, the smell as I juiced them and the intense flavour of the juice made me realise that i have never tasted a "real" cucumber before. I must make an effort to grow some veg next year - shame our weather is so unpredictable :yrolleyes:
I usually juice mostly veg, carrot , celery , cucumber with one apple to sweeten it.

Someone gave me three cucumbers from their garden the other day, the smell as I juiced them and the intense flavour of the juice made me realise that i have never tasted a "real" cucumber before. I must make an effort to grow some veg next year - shame our weather is so unpredictable :yrolleyes:

Yup:) A truly fresh (any vegetable or fruit) always tastes much better than what you remember! :)
I have just started lookin into juicing and have to say I am really interested and think I may give it a go. I have been having problems with arthritis which usually means a flare is on its way and want to try and keep it at bay with juicing along with my normal medications. I have found this really interesting to read and hopefully will benefit me as I want to come off methotrexte next year this gives me hope :)
I've tried Juicing as well, but didnt have a very positive result. My problem, unlike many others, isnt diarrhea, its actually constipation. I initially went on the Juicing diet in order to make an attempt to alleviate the severe constipation I've been experiencing since I was born. I used Kale, carrotts, peaches, apples, raspberries, pears, and blackberries. I used a few other veggies as well, it just escapes me which ones at the moment. My brain is a little foggy. Anyway, I did that along with one capful of Miralax, and still didnt poop.
Well, believe it or not, ever since I started eating regular foods again (and even some fast food), my stool is loose. I'm a medical mystery at this point...

I get constipated as well, and smoothies have helped keep me regular. I would like to try juicing on top of smoothies, but already spent so much on my Vitamix.. One day. :)

To save time I make a whole blender-full worth of smoothies and store them in Ball jars so I can just grab them and go.

If you aren't feeling well drinking smoothies, experiment with the types of produce you are using. Maybe one or more of them are trigger foods, or they aren't properly combined. Also, make sure to use fully ripe produce so it's easy to digest.
Here is an excellent book that I found on juicing and it tells you what combinations of veg/fruit and what quantities for all types of conditions/diseases I highly recommend it.

Fresh vegetable and fruit juices whats missing in your body by N.W. Walker D.Sc

Great book, a lil outdated but nonetheless a good read:) Thanks ozboz

A doctor once told me that all supplements are crap and that I shouldn't take anything except for what he prescribes he said all over the counter supplements are hocus pocus all his stuff ever did was make me more sick and supplements make me feel better go figure

I was just going to mention this as well, Ozboz. I am a medical transcriptionis and listen to a ton of patient medication lists. Most doctors complete dismiss supplements with the exception of folic acid, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, vitamin C and fish oil. In the US, if a patient is on any supplement deemed "an Eastern remedy," that is the first thing doctors tell patients to discontinue.

Basically, just please educate yourself first and no matter what, TELL YOUR DOCTOR EVERY supplement/vitamin you are taking. They can completely contraindicate.

However, like ThanksP said, it is still soooooo important that you tell your doctor every supplement you are taking because there are some that have severe adverse effects when mixed with traditional medicine.
I wouldn't mind reading a new thread made by either of you on the subject of genetics vs the American diet as possible causes. Would be entertaining and I might even weigh in.

This has been thoroughly researched no need to reinvent the wheel, the genetic link has been well established. But of course it is linked to diet the majority of ailments today are due in some part to what we ingest. However think of it this way, if there was no genetic cause why doesn't everyone have crohns? If only what we ate caused Crohns every single person on this planet would have it and we would all have diabetes and so on. So there is a diet connection but to shun genetics is like saying evolution doesn't exist, it's bad science and it's dangerous.
This has been thoroughly researched no need to reinvent the wheel, the genetic link has been well established. But of course it is linked to diet the majority of ailments today are due in some part to what we ingest. However think of it this way, if there was no genetic cause why doesn't everyone have crohns? If only what we ate caused Crohns every single person on this planet would have it and we would all have diabetes and so on. So there is a diet connection but to shun genetics is like saying evolution doesn't exist, it's bad science and it's dangerous.

I'm not sure you understand diet. I think you believe on piece of food is the equivalent to the other. Diabetes is proven to be caused by diet and is proven to be prevented by diet.

I feel like your saying because everyone on the planet eats then everyone would get crohn's if there wasn't a genetic link... ? Food is very different. The American Diet is proving to be the reason why America is so sick. America is the sickest nation in the world and many believe the diet is to blame... that is a well known concept.

I don't understand your line of thought. please elaborate.

Not all diabetes is caused by diet and prevented by diet. There are different types of diabetes and there is a genetic link.

Although you bring up some very good points, it's important to try to keep everything together in the correct context in order to get your point across. 2thFairy is 100% correct about diabetes. Even though a terrible diet may hasten the onset of type II diabetes in some, there are people that are overweight with a terrible diet that do not have diabetes and will never get it. Then you have those people that are athletes and eat the healthiest food on the planet but they still have type II diabetes. How do you explain that? The statements you made earlier make it sound like an ignorant and insensitive person. Which I am sure that you are not. Just be careful how you draw your conclusions.

Keep in mind that man did not evolve with a Vitamix blender in his lap. Although diet plays a key role in many disease processes it would be ignorant to overlook the genetic factors that you can not control with diet.

Keep up the passion and keep thinking outside the box but just make sure you stay on the right track
My point about Diabetes was to show that not any diet would cause all diseases. Just wanted to point out that diabetes can be prevented through diet but yes not all, as with any disease there are exceptions. I should have said most cases of Diabetes.

I am not overlooking the genetic factor I think it is absolutely part of the equation. I just believe the genetic factor is a bit different than how others view it. I will post a thread soon explaining but I would rather get back to the topic of this thread, Juicing.

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what isn't changing the underlying issue is drugs. Drugs only treat symptoms. I get the feeling that you think diet also only treats symptoms

What do you think the underlying issue is? If it is genetic why didn't our whole lineage have it, did your parents have it? mine didn't.

By blaming genetics (and this is my opinion i want to stress that) you are essentially saying that if it looks like fire and smells like fire it must be a 20 ton whale. Or the smell of the fire is just being ignored.

You have to recognize the underline problem to figure out the underline solution. Genetics are so complicated and confusing and with such a confusing disease its natural for people to blame the most complicated source because "if it was that simple my doctor would have told me".

Also if you can blame genetics it takes out the blame from you.

My comment was more about this post, believe me I understand what you are saying and agree that diet plays a big role but I do not believe it is 100% the underlying cause. Crohns is an extremely rare disease and to say that it is 100% due to diet just doesn't add up. If that was the case then Crohns would be more prevalent. Now if you said that you think our mutated genes (That have been proven mind you) thrive off our diet today and that's what causes it to be such a problem more so than the past, I would be right there with you nodding my head. To not recognize genetics in modern diseases is like saying that overweight people just eat too much, and doesn't explain sickle cell anemia, Alzheimer's, down syndrome, and hundreds of thousands if not every single disease on the planet. Excluding opportunist bacterial infections or viruses of course.

The one thing that I explain to everyone when they ask me how I got Crohns is that 50 years ago I would have died when I was 12 years old due to this disease and I would not have passed on my genes to my off spring, due to modern medicines people are living fuller lives and what would kill you in the past doesn't you simply take medicine to keep you alive. Due to this fact the entire world will just continue getting sicker and sicker until we develop cures for these things, and yes diet plays a role in this but when you stop more people from dying the world becomes more populated and mutated genes spread.

As you said on page one:

Oh no, don't apologize, i want people to bring forward their concerns. :)

You put yourself out there on the forums and that is very hard to do, it seems like everyone appreciates your post here about juicing and I myself will read up and try some as I am always up for juicing recommendations, don't take the feedback negatively, we are all taking time out of our life and disease to come together and grow. I look forward to hearing more posts from you in the future.
Crohns is an extremely rare disease and to say that it is 100% due to diet just doesn't add up. If that was the case then Crohns would be more prevalent. Now if you said that you think our mutated genes (That have been proven mind you) thrive off our diet today and that's what causes it to be such a problem more so than the past, I would be right there with you nodding my head.

I in no way think diet plays 100% role in causing this disease. But yes i do believe that diet has caused mutated genes. My thought process is more complicated than that but I do want to stick to juicing in this thread as i will make a thread explaining my theory on genetics shortly.

Due to this fact the entire world will just continue getting sicker and sicker until we develop cures for these things, and yes diet plays a role in this but when you stop more people from dying the world becomes more populated and mutated genes spread.

I don't believe we will ever see an allopathic cure but that's neither here or there.

These mutated genes came from somewhere and while maybe there are more cases of Crohn's disease because of allopathic intervention, the problem still lies that people would have had short lived lives and Crohn's would still very well be a big problem. I believe that if a gene can be damaged/mutated it can be fixed.

You put yourself out there on the forums and that is very hard to do, it seems like everyone appreciates your post here about juicing and I myself will read up and try some as I am always up for juicing recommendations, don't take the feedback negatively, we are all taking time out of our life and disease to come together and grow. I look forward to hearing more posts from you in the future.

Thank you for the kind words. I hope it didn't come off as me attacking you earlier. I simply just didn't understand what you were saying entirely.

Gianni I love all the info on juicing-a very interesting read. I also enjoy juicing but I do not use it as a treatment, more as a way to supplement vitamins esp when I'm flaring.

One concern I have for recommending juicing alone is that if Crohn's is not completely suppressed, the ongoing inflammation can lead to colon cancer-which happened in my case, even though I was feeling well at the time.

So I would encourage everyone to get regular colonoscopies-every two years, just to be on the safe side and catch any changes early no matter which treatment you choose. I was fortunate and caught it in Stage 1 and went through the chemo.

Since I am going for my all clear next month I just thought I'd pass this on. Again thank you for all the information, I really appreciate the work you put in and I'm bookmarking this post for reference. :)
One concern I have for recommending juicing alone is that if Crohn's is not completely suppressed, the ongoing inflammation can lead to colon cancer-which happened in my case, even though I was feeling well at the time.

Well the hope with juicing is that you can strengthen your immune system so it can fight off the infection and with that your body will not need to use inflammation any longer to sanction off the infection. But yes you're right, if the inflammation is to far gone in severe cases, Juicing should not be considered as lone treatment as juicing isn't a rescue treatment.

I'm glad you caught the cancer early, and thank you for the post :)

I've read this whole thread and I just have to say I really appreciate the respectful way you treat those who disagree with you, nice job keeping everything positive!:thumright:
Personally, i don't think of juicing as a treatment for crohn's, A valuable part of a treatment regime - Definitely, but not a treatment on it's own.
I have seen evidence of various autoimmune disease remissions brought about by juicing fasts, but i believe this to be as much a result of not eating the causes (refer later on in this post).
This has been thoroughly researched no need to reinvent the wheel, the genetic link has been well established. But of course it is linked to diet the majority of ailments today are due in some part to what we ingest. However think of it this way, if there was no genetic cause why doesn't everyone have crohns? If only what we ate caused Crohns every single person on this planet would have it and we would all have diabetes and so on. So there is a diet connection but to shun genetics is like saying evolution doesn't exist, it's bad science and it's dangerous.

“The Genetic link has been well established”
– Absolutely,
Genetics will give a predisposition. In this case the potential to develop Crohn's disease.
This potential will not be fulfilled without an interaction with environmental factors, in this case diet (and stress and smoking and antibiotics etc, but particularly diet)

“why doesn't everyone have crohns?”
- or cancer?, or lupus?, or acne?, or any other disease?, or all of them? - different genes AND exposure to triggers

“If only what we ate caused Crohns”
- nobody is suggesting this

“So there is a diet connection but to shun genetics is like saying evolution doesn't exist, it's bad science and it's dangerous”- no one is shunning genetics. You can't change your genes, but you can change the way they interact with the environment.
Nothing dangerous or 'bad sciencey' about that

Think of it like this . If you have blue paint (genes that predispose you to crohn's) and you mix it with yellow paint (environmental factors, in this case diet) then you end up with green paint (crohn's disease).
It doesn't matter how much blue paint you have to start with, You cannot get green paint without adding the yellow.
Other might be starting with red paint, mixing with yellow, and ending up with orange (Lupus, MS, diabetes),
Others might start with blue but are mixing it with red and getting purple.(?parkinsons, cancer,?)

Much recent research has also shown another factor, this is intestinal permeability, -think of it as the jar that you mix the paint in. If you have blue paint in one jar (genes in your body) and yellow paint out of the jar (trigger food in your intestines), you still won't get green paint until you mix them (intestinal permeability).

Wheat and Crohn’s Disease,
Dr. Fasano and colleagues suspected that the bacterial protein’s action must mimic some natural human protein which controls intestinal permeability. In 2000, they discovered this human protein and named it “zonulin.”
They subsequently showed that gliadin stimulates zonulin release. Gliadin binds to a receptor called CXCR3, and activation of this receptor triggers zonulin release and increased intestinal permeability.
Interestingly, zonulin release was much higher and longer-lasting in Crohn’s disease patients than in healthy patients. Restriction of gluten restores intestinal integrity in Crohn’s disease patients.
So Crohn’s disease patients should absolutely not eat wheat!”


Which is good news for us , to quote from:
Tight Junctions, Intestinal Permeability, and Autoimmunity Celiac
Disease and Type 1 Diabetes Paradigms

“This new theory implies that once the
autoimmune process is activated, it is not auto-perpetuating, but rather can be modulated or even reversed by preventing the continuous interplay between genes and environment.”
ie healing the gut, and reversing intestinal permiability, but you can wait for the drug or stop eating the cause of leaky gut – mainly gluten grains but others causes are listed here.....

Love a good debate, but it's all just talk unless you follow it up with action:)
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I feel like you skimmed past the majority of this thread especially the first page, Gianni has since clarified his stance and everyone is in agreement...
I feel like you skimmed past the majority of this thread especially the first page, Gianni has since clarified his stance and everyone is in agreement...

I have followed it from the beginning and have found it interesting, i just felt the need to add my two cents worth on the interaction between genetics and environment.
Diet has a profound effect on gene expression, on so many levels, trying to ignore the connection would be dangerous and 'bad sciency'

If I was feeling really picky I would also take issue with Gianni's comment about meat and metabolic acidosis, but only as so much that a diet balanced in meat and vegetables is unlikely to cause a problem, whereas a diet rich in grains and sugars will have a much more acidifying effect.
Theoretically an 'ultra-low' carb or zero carb diet may lead to metabolic acidosis but this hasn't been proven and is way beyond a normal paleo/SCD diet.
“These bigger fish include processed sugars, carbonated beverages, animal products, soy and sodium rich foods, and calcium supplements. “
So i'd say meat may be a small fish that usually gets lumped with the big fish without good cause, but once again , it's not a big issue to me, i'm happy if people do or don't eat meat. I'd put grains, vegetable (omega-6) oils, and antibiotics in the big fish list.

On diabetes.......
type II diabetes (where not enough insulin is produced) is more common than type I (where the pancreas does not produce insulin) and can in most cases be managed by a healthy diet (if your idea of healthy avoids grains and sugars) . Low carb diets have been demonstrated to improve blood glucose levels and improve insulin sensitivity. Whether they work because they are low carb or because they avoid certain carbs (grain and sugar) is not proven yet.

A low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet to treat type 2 diabetes (one of dozens of similar studies)
"The LCKD improved glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes such that diabetes medications were discontinued or reduced in most participants."

“Now if you said that you think our mutated genes (That have been proven mind you) thrive off our diet today and that's what causes it to be such a problem more so than the past, I would be right there with you nodding my head.”
I think that while there are genetic mutations they are a completely different type and category of diseases.
The amazing rise in the incidence of auto-immune and immune- deficient diseases far outstrips genetic changes, and is far more likely related to environmental (dietary and other) factors caused by a huge rise in intestinal permeability and toxic food than any change in genes! and that's not just my opinion.

“This mismatch between our ancient physiology and the western diet and lifestyle underlies many so-called diseases of civilization, including coronary heart disease, obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, epithelial cell cancers, autoimmune disease, and osteoporosis, which are rare or virtually absent in hunter–gatherers and other non-westernized populations.” Cordain et al.

"Anthropological and epidemiological studies and studies at the molecular level indicate that human beings evolved on a diet with a ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFA) of ~1 whereas in Western diets the ratio is 15/1 to 16.7/1. A high omega-6/omega-3 ratio, as is found in today’s Western diets, promotes the pathogenesis of many diseases, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, osteoporosis, and inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, whereas increased levels of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) (a lower omega-6/omega-3 ratio), exert suppressive effects. A.P. Simopoulos
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If I was feeling really picky I would also take issue with Gianni's comment about meat and metabolic acidosis, but only as so much that a diet balanced in meat and vegetables is unlikely to cause a problem,

Well there lies the problem. Most people don't have a balanced diet in meat and vegetables. People will allude that we are omnivores and we need meat, they are right but today people have a skewed look at the term omnivore. A plate of 70% meat 20% white potato and starches and 5-10% vegetables isn't exactly a balanced diet. Also i was more talking about all animals products including dairy. With such high volume of dairy I think it is a big fish to fry, but yes I agree that grains and sugars are too also big fish.
People will allude that we are omnivores and we need meat, they are right but today people have a skewed look at the term omnivore. A plate of 70% meat 20% white potato and starches and 5-10% vegetables isn't exactly a balanced diet.

I'd still disagree, but you might have worked out that i like disagreeing,
I think the statistics for the SAD (standard american diet) are more like 70% starch, 20% meat and trace elements of vegetable, so from my perspective 70% meat would be a huge improvement.

Having said that if someone is eating CAFO then the meat has a higher omega-6 ratio, and is loaded with antibiotics so less is probably better.

Having said that replacing the meat with any pulses and grains will increase your pesticide intake (did you know that they spray those crops to death just before harvesting to get a more uniform product - it's called desiccation) and also increase intestinal permeability.

I think we agree on the (other) big issues, but we could both argue all day about whether meat is a big issue or not :)
Gianni, you ever seen the video "Fat, sick and nearly dead"? A juice fast video, quite good. The book "Crazy Sexy Diet" is pretty good too, discussing nutrition, juicing for health. Whenever I start to feel rundown, the first thing I do is try to drink fresh vegetable juice, get a wheat grass shot or two, and make sure I'm diligent with my vitamins. You have a lot of good points in your discussion....I need to be more diligent with my juicing. Its always better to drink it fresh rather than keep it for a bit, but thats better than not at all. Our juicer is one of those Norwalk juicers and its a lot of work! I also have been eating more healthy, mostly vegetarian for the last yr and a half, I know that crohns does not have a cure, but I think whatever we can do to enrich the environment in there can't hurt!
The book "Crazy Sexy Diet" is pretty good too, discussing nutrition, juicing for health.

I have seen the documentary Fat sick and nearly dead, it's really good:) I haven't read the book, but I will look into it. Thanks.

Our juicer is one of those Norwalk juicers

!!!! Very nice! I would kill for that juicer:) I think it is the best one out there in quality of juice:) Take advantage of it!

I know that crohns does not have a cure

I guess we will have to disagree on this:)

Thanks for the post,

Yes juicing is good and may help keep you in remission but it will not CURE crohns.

Please stop saying this as it may give people who have just learned they have this disease the wrong idea completly.
I am saying that I BELIEVE nutrition can cure Crohn's. I am stating my opinions and beliefs and I am entitled to those just as you are to yours. I am not stating it as a fact.

Thank you for the post.

I'm with Gainna.
If you can eat organic like we should be, not with all these chemical compounds then yeah of course it's a cure.
You are the one poisoning yourself by eating junk, if crohn don't get you something else will.
It can help if the fruits/veggies you use do not Irritate but currently there is no CURE only possible long term remission. Whether you believe you are cured or not the medical fact is as yet there is no cure only treatment whatever that may be.
You can have the diseased area removed & live Crohns free but it could creep back at any time. I hate saying this because of course we all wish we could get rid of it for good.
I know I had a very healthy diet from a very young age.
My Mum had crohns from being a teenager & had 2 resections. She was so ill at one time she nearly died. So although there was limited information out there many years ago about Crohns she made sure she had the best of what she could tolerate food wise at that time but she really made sure myself & brother had a good diet just in case of a genetic link (there are other relatives on mums side with other IBD).
Maybe that's why my Crohns wasn't found until I was in my late 30's.
It can help if the fruits/veggies you use do not Irritate but currently there is no CURE only possible long term remission. Whether you believe you are cured or not the medical fact is as yet there is no cure only treatment whatever that may be.

The key here is "medical" fact. I do not represent anything medical and I don't trust the medical community as much as the average person. Of course juicing isn't "medical" so yes the "medical" fact is that this disease is incurable. But that doesn't mean everything non medical is automatically discredited. The medical community knows about medicine, that's it.

So when you say the the disease is incurable are you speaking for the medical community or your personal opinion on the nutrition?

I understand your concern about me "claiming" the disease is curable, but I'm not really even claiming it, I am claiming that I believe it is curable. I think this forum needs more progressive thinking and more alternative threads so by trying to have me suppress my opinions the forum becomes more one dimensional.

You may think that I am doing more harm than good as "it may give people who have just learned they have this disease the wrong idea completely." But I believe it gives people the right idea. Is your opinion any greater than mine? People have the power to make their own decisions and by including alternative treatments and out of the box ideas I think it gives people more options and many people are interested in alternative treatments.

I appreciate your desire to impart your knowledge on what you believe is right, but trying to discredit an alternative method by saying the "medical fact is the disease cannot be cured" is quite honestly a paradox. The whole reason why a treatment is alternative is because it doesn't fall in line with the medical community.

I know I had a very healthy diet from a very young age.
You had? Do you still have? What was the extent of your diet? Did you abandon a healthy diet as you grew up (went to college, lived on your own etc etc)?

Gianni there is currently no cure for Crohns disease or is my GI & surgeon wrong & all the Crohns & Colitis organisations wrong too.
You can be in to long term remission & maybe depending on the severity of the disease be able to live quite well without any drugs etc but sadly for everyone that's not always the case.

I still have a healthy diet. We as a family try to eat as healthy as we can but we do have the odd treat like everyone & apart from going out for drink with my friends between 18 & 19 years old (pregnant at 19 so rarely got to go out after that, sad I know lol) I never did anything that could damage my health eg smoking/drugs.

I could do with more exercise than I currently get but then so could a lot of us when real life takes over.

As far as I am concerned there was nothing at all in my diet that would cause any sort of ill health. I still do try to eat healthily now but since I had my resection I do have to limit fruit & vegetables in any form. I have found like Crabby said some salad Items going straight through.

Maybe Its different for people who have not had surgery. I had part of my ileum & caecum removed.

I am very disappointed that I could have developed duodenal Crohns too. I have been told to hold the juice/smoothies due to also having severe gastritis. Maybe after that has settled I can go back to the good stuff.

I have come to the conclusion now that its about making the right choices for yourself by how your body is behaving at the time.

I think my body is really misbehaving at the moment but I am hoping it wont be long before I am back on track again. I hate the low residue diet I have been placed on though & I cant wait till I can change it.

I am really pleased that you & some others on here are having such good results with juicing.

If it can keep some people in remission long term then I am all for it.
Gianni there is currently no cure for Crohns disease or is my GI & surgeon wrong & all the Crohns & Colitis organisations wrong too.
You can be in to long term remission & maybe depending on the severity of the disease be able to live quite well without any drugs etc but sadly for everyone that's not always the case.

All I'm saying is the medical community knows about medicine, so for me I'm not going to ask my medical doctor about nutrition. I will ask a nutritionist when I want to know about nutrition. Medical doctors learn about medicine in med school and learn very little on nutrition.



Last year, a bill was introduced in California to mandate that physicians get continuing medical education in nutrition (see Nutrition Education Mandate Introduced for Doctors). Unbelievably, physician trade groups such as the California Medical Association came out in opposition to the bill, which would only require doctors to get a measly 7 hours of nutrition training anytime before 2017 (see Medical Associations Oppose Bill to Mandate Nutrition Training). Read more: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/how...#ixzz28sHp37yh


There are plenty of other sources. It's a pretty well known fact amongst the medical community and it's critics. Truth is, in undergrad they learn about the body, medical school they learn about medicine. Medicine, medicine and more medicine.


The G.I. surgeon is right in his own regard. He is a surgeon, so naturally he learned about surgery.

All I'm suggesting is boosting health, it's really the only thing that hasn't been tried yet. Other people may be happy with the way this disease is being treated within the medical community, but I am not, in fact I am disturbed by it.

Obviously we can go back and forth all day, so I think we should just agree to disagree on this one.

Gianni, I understand what you are saying....better nutrition made a huge difference for me, I just need to get more serious (drinking a juice from my norwalk as I type...carrots, beet, celery, kale, cucumber and lemon juice)...
Gianni, what is a typical day like for you...breakfast, lunch, dinner, juicing, protein? vitamins? Forgive me if you have already posted this somewhere.
Gianni, what is a typical day like for you...breakfast, lunch, dinner, juicing, protein? vitamins? Forgive me if you have already posted this somewhere.

Breakfast is typically a fresh juice, or If I don't have time, a piece of fruit like a kiwi, pear, or apple. The juice will be have more fruit in it than I would typically do because I feel like fruit in the morning can you get energized for the rest of the day. Maybe a carrot, sweet potato, orange, apple juice.

Lunch is typically a large salad that will almost always include an avocado and balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

Dinner is either another salad, or I will make a soup:) or I will experiment with a new recipe like a collard greens wrap, or spinach tortilla wrap. If I'm feeling real rewarding, I will have some vegan thai food. :)

You can look at my Juicing Recipes thread for more on what I juice.

I rarely take protein powder, although I do when I exercise a lot in a week. When I do it is hemp protein powder. Hemp is a complete protein and isn't dairy based like many of the protein out there. I believe if you are eating enough, you are getting enough protein, much like if you are breathing you are getting enough oxygen. I think society has become quite obsessed with protein.

The only vitamin I supplement is b-12 sublingual liquid vitamin. All the other vitamins I get from my food/juices.

I do take cold pressed flax seed oil supplement capsules as well to get my omega oils.

I have a KitchenAid juicer that is dual function - juice extractor & citrus press. I'm not sure what all it can do. Might have to try it out.

Couple questions. Mainly to do with fruit skins. I've often read that many of the health benefits are derived from the skins of fruits. But in juicing, wouldn't the skins be eliminated by the juicer machine as discarded fiber? I'm trying to understand whether juicing results in the elimination of the benefits from the skins or not.

Next, what benefits does one get from juicing a raw potato?

Shouldn't some veggies be cooked at least a little before putting in the juicer, like broccoli for example? Or is everything supposed to be put in raw, no matter what?
I have a KitchenAid juicer that is dual function - juice extractor & citrus press. I'm not sure what all it can do. Might have to try it out.

Couple questions. Mainly to do with fruit skins. I've often read that many of the health benefits are derived from the skins of fruits. But in juicing, wouldn't the skins be eliminated by the juicer machine as discarded fiber? I'm trying to understand whether juicing results in the elimination of the benefits from the skins or not.

Next, what benefits does one get from juicing a raw potato?

Shouldn't some veggies be cooked at least a little before putting in the juicer, like broccoli for example? Or is everything supposed to be put in raw, no matter what?

Much of the skin would be discarded as fiber but there still is moisture in the skins and the juicer will squeeze that out. So you won't be getting all the benefits from the skin but you will be getting a fair amount. When juicing lemons, oranges and limes, most people will remove the peels. Some juicers can't even handle the peels and may break (like my first one:() Also the skins taste very bitter for me, but some people do enjoy the taste.

Well you are getting all of the enzymes that are included in the potato. When contacted with heat, all the enzymes will die and it will ask on your pancreas to over work to create the enzymes that were lost. Also all vitamin C is destroyed by heat and seeing as many food nutrients haven't been discovered, many more nutrients may be destroyed.

Also by cooking the vegetables, many of the nutrients will actually leach into the water that they are being boiled or cooked in. And I'm not quite sure if a mushy vegetable will actually produce any juice.

You should definitely keep the fruits and vegetables in their raw state, always.

Gianni, thanks for feedback on your diet, sounds similar to what I do, the fruit bothers me sometimes though, and I also love vegan thai food. I use the Warrior food protein powder, hemp/brown rice mixture, don't use it real often either...I eat millet bread and toast it with earth balance butter on it, almond butter sometimes...I like Barleans total omega swirl for omega 3, has flax oil and borage oil and it tastes like an orange cream smoothie. I also do the balsamic and olive oil and I press garlic in mine. I also make a shake in my vitamix with almond milk, cocoa powder, frozen bananas and almond or peanut butter (not suppose to do peanut butter, but I like it!) I use the unsweetened almond milk and use medjool dates to sweeten. I've been trying to add nuts, but I think they are bothering me, my health coach said to soak them first, always forget to do that! Glad to see someone who is eating similar with success!! I am on remicade and would love to someday not be on anything, lot of joint pains going on...dr agreed to cut back dose and extend time to see if I'm still good, thanks for your reply.
Gianni, I presume you don't bother peeling any of the veggies, like the potato, right?

So here's another question. Regarding the salads. It was mentioned that nitrogen fertilizers raise the nitrates, and particularly for lettuce. So, do you assume that if the lettuce is advertised as organic, that it was not grown with nitrogen fertilizer, or does this question of fertilizer concern you? I know that every time I eat salad I flare, and I've been assuming that Adherent Invasive E. Coli have been to blame, but perhaps not; maybe the nitrates are to blame. Anyhow, that's my question, thanks.
Yes I do assume that organic lettuce would not be grown with artificial fertilizers because the lettuce would not be there if it didn't have pesticides and had artificial fertilizer. the bugs would easily get to the lettuce without the organic fertilizer because the plants's defenses would be weakened. So if it is grown organically (with minimal chemicals) and the lettuce appears green and healthy then I have to assume it had healthy soil to stay alive.

Thank you so much for this incredibly informative post. I purchased both a juicer and a dehydrator about one month ago and am trying to adapt to a raw food diet to help my Crohn's disease. I will definitely try the juicing recipes you provided here. Do you have any posts similar to this one about dehydrating foods and the possible benefits associated with that practice as well?
Do you have any posts similar to this one about dehydrating foods and the possible benefits associated with that practice as well?

Unfortunately I do not. I really want to get a dehydrator but they are rather expensive:(. I would love to get one soon and then write about those benefits as well, so maybe in the future sometime. I know there are a few people on this forum who use dehydrators so you might want to reach out to them. Using the search engine by typing in dehydrator should yield some results. Sorry I couldn't be of more help as I'm not entirely comfortable claiming health benefits from dehydrators yet.

I'm glad you enjoyed the post.

Unfortunately I do not. I really want to get a dehydrator but they are rather expensive:(. I would love to get one soon and then write about those benefits as well, so maybe in the future sometime. I know there are a few people on this forum who use dehydrators so you might want to reach out to them. Using the search engine by typing in dehydrator should yield some results. Sorry I couldn't be of more help as I'm not entirely comfortable claiming health benefits from dehydrators yet.

I'm glad you enjoyed the post.



An inexpensive but effective method I use when I dehydrate food is to sandwich the food between two cellulose air filters (made for my house furnace) and bungie them to a box fan. I put the entire contraption it out of the sun in a dry spot and let it run for a day or two. When using this method to preserve the fresh herbs that I have grown in my garden, I also get the added bonus of the pleasant savory aroma filling my house. If you want to try this with fruit, cut up your fruit and let the pieces soak in lemon juice (dilute it with water if you like) for a minute, to prevent browning. You don't want to water log the fruit so don't let the peices sit in the lemon juice too long. After about a minute, drain the fruit well in a colander and then dehydrate.

Use filters that contain a natural media or unbleached cellulose (I assume that you would already be using something similar if you have a forced air system in your house) and avoid fiberglass. You can even make your own washable/reusable filter just make sure you use an eco-friendly, dioxin free, substrate.

If you try it let me know how it works out for you. The weather and the type of food being dried has a lot to do with how long this process takes so you will have gauge that on your own. I like this method, it is inexpensive and works well enough to suit my needs.
Can you Juice with a Stricture? I'm on a low residual diet (which I hate) I love vegetables. I miss broccoli. Would this cause me potential problems. I mean I don't see how since its liquid but I want to give this a try as I totally hate the diet I'm on its makes me feel like crap and gaining weight in all the wrong places.