Just a bit cross....

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May 23, 2010
Hey, so I got my blood test results back and my CRP and ESR are normal.
Can that absolutely 100% say that I have NO inflammation?

I'm just pissed because now my mom keeps going on about how stressed I am and that i'm fine because the tests say that I am and I know thats not the case.

I mean, if you really want to piss me off, go ahead and tell me that my extreme stomach cramps and lack of appetite and mucousy stools are all in my head.

Sorry for the rant, but I could use some input on this.

Simone I am sorry, and I have to say I know your mom is trying to help as we do worry of our children but she has no clue, NO outsider does. I was told by my surgeon (not in somany words) that is was all in my head! My mom was worried at that time, and took so long for a diagnosis, a year later! I had test after test come back negative and I was so sick,and finally got sent to a teaching doctor. Not sure you have that option, but fresh eyes can help you. Sorry not much help. When was your last colonscopy?
Hey Pen, thanx. My last scope was in July. Was clear of infection. The thing is that I am 3 weeks away from exams and don't have the time to go for a scope, otherwise I would have already gone for one. She kept pushing the GI to prescribe me a medication for stress and he wasnt even keen on that but she kept pushing until he did. This tells me that not even he thought it was stress causing it. He did prescribe me another drug that prevents cramping, but he didn't change my other med's dosages.

And I mean I've been taking 9mg of ento and 1000mg of sulpha for more than 2 weeks now, and there hasn't been any change. I've had exactly the same symptoms now that i've always had in the past, and I had tham the day I was diagnosed. So i'm almost perfectly certain that I am not O.k!
Harder said then done, but TRY not to let this upset you too much. Just for the sake of your crohn's getting worse. When are your exams done? You know from the sounds of it, doesn't sound like the best time for you to be stressing about exams on top of all this. If your symptoms get any worse before your exams are over, I would consider getting a medical withdraw from school, and have yourself checked out properly. It sucks, but I have actually been in your situation TWICE! I had college exams going on, and I flared, causing me to medically withdraw two times. I spoke to the college counsolor, and she withdrew me, at no expense to my GPA (overall average college grade). You would just start again next semester when you have this sorted out. It sucks, but everytime I've put my crohn's on second priority, I've ended up regretting it. I hope that is not the case for you, I would just play it safe and watch your symptoms close.
Thanx Zig,

My exams only end on the 19th of November, but i've spoken to my mom who has convinced me to just try the stress meds and if there's no change in a week i'll make time for a colonoscopy. My exams aren't that hectic, as you can see from the time frame I have a lot of time between tests to study, so i'm not that worried.

Although, if my symptoms get worse in the next week i'm so scheduling a colonoscopy and I dont care what I miss at varsity.
Good for you Simone!! Everyone has to realize your health comes first. Some people do well on the antidepressants btw, but it depends on the age and they type of antidepressants. 1000mg of Sulphasalazine it not alot,most people are on 4000mg a day, because it is a mild drug of choice. What kind of antidepressants are you supposed to take? :hang:
I agree totally with Mr. Ziggy. When I have put my disease in a lower priority I have always paid very very dearly for it. Been learning that lesson for the last 10 years....yeah I am a bit slow...but it is true.
Pen- It's just a calming med called stresam, nothing too strong. I've taken it before when i was flaring, didn't help me much but anyway, i'm taking it now. I'll try to also up my sulpha and see if that helps.

Lynx- I'm still new to this disease and I appreciate any advice, thanx for your input!!
Thanx Rebecca, I thought I might have lost my mind somewhere in the last 3 weeks? I think i'll PM Dusty later. Thanx for the tip!
:lol: @ Rebecca. Well of course I just found this thread and was thinking.............oh yeah, tell me about normal results!

Roo had grossly normal results including blood when she was in a major flare. We didn't know at the time she even had Crohns. From my own personal perspective I don't think I would ever trust a test result again if what I was seeing in front of me didn't match it. If Roo had normal test results now and she told me she had symptoms I would go to town if they ignored her!

Once bitten twice shy I'd say.......;)

Dusty. :)
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For sure. I've watched stress do a lot to my body but stress also allows real conditions bigger opportunities to wreak havoc on a weakened immune system. It could also be upper GI issues, so an endoscopy may be prudent as well.
I know stress has its influences on this disease, thats why i'm giving the stresams a shot. If it doesn't help though i'm going to have to call in the full CD search party. I dont think that it's upper GI probs though becase my pain is in the lower left side and like, underneath my belly button in a straight horisontal line. (I suppose there's an intestine running there)
I get that pain too, as the matter of fact I had it last night but a cup of hot water took the bloat and pain away. Strange but it works.

All my test (while I was in agony) always came back normal, ct scans, smft, scopes, blood work galore... even many years later (last Feb) I had my bm tested and came back nothing???? I just have to laugh because you cant be ill and it be nothing.

Try the stresams a shot and who knows maybe it can buy you some time. Keep us updated ok? Good luck on your upcoming exams, I am sure you will breeze through them and pass with flying colours!!! ((hugs))
Hey Dras, I feel your frustrations!! Dr's always look at blood to determine if your flaring, and thats crap if you ask me. THey have told me for years, all your blood looks fine, its in your head....well many years later, and I finally getting some answers. My new GI and I had this talk about CRP and ESR levels...she said that if you have a history of flaring and those level elevate then thats a reasonable predictor, however, if they dont always elevate when your in pain (and only you know what your pain is like) then thats not a fair predictor or flaring. Finally!! Someone who understands that blood work isnt the tell all sign of illness. Also, on a side note we have a family friend who has colorectal cancer, they got rid of it 5 years ago and she has done all her proper screening to make sure it doesnt come back. They've done 1 colonoscopy yearly and blood work every six months....everything looked fine, no indications thing were going south...well recently she started feeling poorly so they brought her in for blood work...everything looked GREAT!! She was persistant that something wasnt right, so they did a CT scan and found 7 leisions on her liver!! She is in stage 4 and not going to make it!! SO moral of the story, blood work isnt always an indicator of whats going on. I feel you pain and frustration, feel better soon....and like everyone else said, try not to stress....will only make you feel worst!!
BLM great comments. ESR and CRP are not a good predictor for me. They are fairly normal when I am flaring. I have inflammation currently and my blood work is normal. Blood counts may act as an indicator for some but it is not absolute. A colonoscopy has been the only way that I have been accurately DX with biospies taken. Good luck Dras.
Thanx guys, still feeling like crap, still having constant tummy aches, my stomach has become very tender and sore to the touch. The meds are keeping the cramping down except for when I wake up in the mornings as the previous meds have worked out of my system by then. It's starting to get me down. I will have to book myself another c-scope. Thanx for all the advice and support!
Hi Dras: So so so sorry about the constant pain. It's hard to think about anything else when the symptoms get that bad, isn't it. Keep on plugging - it really will get better (you know this), it's just a question of when and how and also how to get through the rough times. Am confident that you'll find a way. Hugs to you.

I wanted to comment on remarks about GIs and over-reliance on blood tests: interestingly, my GI has not sent me for blood work once in the 6+ months that I've been his patient (ps: bloodwork when my GP sent me always showed high levels of inflammation, so I've never experienced the "there's no inflammation, you're fine" comments, thankfully). Anyway, the GI relies on my reports of symptoms as a general rule, and then uses direct visualization (scopes) if the symptoms indicate a possible significant increase in inflammation. At first, I had some concerns about this approach, but I have decided that it's actually quite a good approach for both of us. I'm not going for constant bloodwork and follow-ups anymore (like I was with my GP: it was a full-time job!), and he is going by what he believes to be the most reliable sources -- my reports first, plus scopes as needed. This way, my reports of pain are not being dismissed by "oh, well, the bloodwork says you're fine," or, conversely, I won't be having my meds increased solely because of bloodwork even if I am feeling better. This approach wouldn't work for people on the meds that require frequent surveillance, of course.
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Lol! My GI is scope happy as well, my mom was just trying to solve the problem without it since i'm starting exams soon. Tomorrow I am phoning him and booking me a cscope as there still hasn't been any improvement. Even if he can just up my dosage or give me different meds.

I mean really, i'm 18 not 80, i've got a life to start living already!!

:) much love

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