Just a complaint

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 1, 2012
just a complaint

yesterday i had a flare(iguess) tummy pain, diahreea, nausea,exhausted.....

today i feel SO much better but my butt cheek where my seton is , is just aching like crazy.....from the diahreea i assume. But holy man is it aching!!!! Heat helps so i gotta warm my heat bag up, but it just seems if it isnt one thing it another.

add that to my youngest is home with possible pink eye....and its always soemthing!

ok vent over.
Ha Ha Ha I can relate to that sentiment. It is always something. In this family its been pink eye, rotavirus, earache, food intolerance issues, snot faced kids, I've developed a fistula, rash of some sort and that is just in the last 3 weeks :) That which does not kill us outright, makes us stronger. Hope the heat helps hon. Sitz bath?

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