Hi Donna,
I'm sorry you got hit with a diagnosis so fast and hard. I understand how that can be terrifying. But a diagnosis is a better place to start than not having a diagnosis and having the same symptoms you have.
All of us get plowed under at one time or another by this disease. Each one of us get's caught off guard, and the next thing we know we're in the hospital with some god-awful pain that we've never felt before. Crohn's disease is not a very nice companion, and it will require that you make drastic changes to your lifestyle.
Each one of us faces changes many times in our lives with this disease, and often those changes are difficult and unpleasant. And everyone with a Crohn's diagnosis, and many more without a diagnosis but with symptoms, can totally identify with you about feeling depressed. That is also a symptom of the disease.
The best way we've found to make it better is to pick up our broken arses and follow the simple advice GoJohnnyGo said above. But the first step is you picking up your broken butt, because none of us can do it for you. Each one of is can support each other, but ultimately each one of us will have to pick up "our weight" (some might say "our crosses") and carry it along this path on our own varied journeys through life.
We are here for you. Hang in there and hold out your hand so that the people you need can find you and help you back to your feet. So don't be shy, and learn how to ask and for, and graciously receive help from others. Then when it's your turn, you'll be able to join us and do the same for the next frightened "Donna" (or "Donald") that comes your way.