Just diagnosed

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Jul 3, 2011
just diagnosed

Hi, I have just turned 19 years old and I was diagnosed 4 days ago with having crohns :( I am a still in shock and very scared. It started about 8 months ago with having loose stools and rectal bleeding. Then I started vomiting after certain foods eg fatty or pastry based foods and abdominal pains. After visiting the doctor I was sent for an emergency colonoscopy, which found I had a fissure - classic symptom apparently of crohns. Then I had a barium meal x-ray which confirmed it. I have prescribed asacol 3 times a day but was told it may have severe side effects - has any body else had any ? As I have been having flare ups for the past 2 months and thinking I may just have IBS I have been monitoring what I eat and thought I was on the mend but yesterday I had some cherries and I found my selve throwing up all night and in lots of pain. Do any of you guys find cherries a no go ?

any help and advise would be great as this is so new and frightening for me

Welcome Rubie! When do you see your GI next?? Asacol is a comparably mild drug so there aren't many who have problems with it. Unfortunately, it isn't likely that Asacol will be the only med you will be pxed.

Many chronies have problems with raw fruits and veggies, especially the skins.

I hope you stick around and let us know how you get on. Good luck!!
Hi Rubie,

Welcome! I'm glad you found your way here but I'm sorry you're having to go through all of this :( You poor thing. *hugs*

It's understandable that you're scared but IBD is NOT the end of the world. Is your lifestyle going to change? Yes, but I'm sure you'll adapt just fine and hopefully you can work your way to remission ASAP.

Be sure to check our diet and fitness section for ideas on diet and foods to avoid.

We're here for you any time!
thank you for your kind words. Wonder if you answer me a few questions, what do you call a flare up - is it when you eaten something you shouldn't have and you get stomach pain and cramps? Also can you have vomiting with this too ? Sorry to be asking such basic questions but I have only been diagnosed 5 days ago and I have all sorts of things going through my mind at the moment.

many thanks
Crohn's and throwing up and other stuff

Hi Rubie,
Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. I have had Crohn's for many years and sometime throwing up does happen. If you throw up too much, go to the emergency room or contact your Gi doctor. When I am throwing up and in a flare up ( wait I will back up- A flare up means when your disease seems active. It is usually when your intestines are inflamed. This mean that the colon is sore and red and the part where food gets through is squeezed smaller so if food can't go through you will sometimes throw it up or some will go through and it might or might not hurt, depending on the person or how severe it is. If it can pass through you might have diarrhea instead of regular stools.) If you are throwing up to much, you can get dehydrated because you aren't holding down any liquids. If it isn't too bad, you can try sipping gatoraid to get electrolytes into your body. If your mouth and your lips keeps feeling dry you are becoming dehydrated. Drink if you can. You will get worse fast without hydrating. You might get dizzy and very tired if you are too dehydrated. If you can't drink even sips without throwing up, you might need medicine to help that. They will give it to you intraveneiously in the hospital. (threw your veins) It doesn't hurt. The worse part about the hospital is the wait so go prepared with a book, a blanket,ipod, anything to make the wait seem shorter. Also consider bringing a trash can to throwup in with bags in it to toss occasionally and a small blanket because the waiting room seems extra cold when you are dehydrated and in pain. If you have a friend or better yet a MOM bring her. Also bring your ID and maybe a few bucks but no valuables.
I hope you don't need all this info but hang on to it...you may need it at some point. Good Luck Rubie.
again thank you for all your help and advise. Not sure if it's a good idea but I am off to Turkey today for 2 weeks holiday with my family - it's been booked for 10 months. I am covered on my travel insurance (thank God) just hoping everything will be ok. Will just have to watch what I eat and obviously no alcohol - which is no hard ship cos I have never like it much anyway.

I will keep in touch if I have access to a computer over there if not I will be when I return.

Thanks again guys

Rubie x

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