Just existing..

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 10, 2014
Hi there - I'm just off loading here because I'm sick of talking and feel like I'm moaning all the time although family will say I don't moan.

I'm just coming through the worst flare I've experienced but this time round I have also experienced perinanal crohns - the pain was unreal and doctors kept treating me with piles. Anyway more steroids and creams and it's getting better. But I'm now feeling so low and just feel that I'm just existing - I wake up in the morning tired and just get through the day desperate for bedtime. I have some nice things coming up and I just can't face them - I will go because I have to. This flare started in February so I'm guessing this is only natural as my body has taken a bit of a battering in the past 4 months. Is this normal - what's other people's experiences - do I just stick it out - can't face another trip to the docs - they are so good but feel it's my second home.

Sorry to sound moody and depressed but I know this is the only place that will fully understand x
Hello Miss Sunshine

Firstly, you are not moaning, you are expressing how you feel and that's nothing to apologise for. This is what my oh tells me when I say sorry and now I'm passing it on to you. This condition affects so many areas of our lives it's only natural to need to vent and let off steam. That's what we are here for and I'm so glad you found us.

Secondly you don't, and never will, sound moody. You sound like someone who needs support and understanding and you are definitely in the right place for that. We all understand how this illness can impact on a person's mood and self esteem etc and we all know the massive ups and downs it produces.

I have been flaring almost constantly for 2 years now. It's grueling and you feel like your always walking uphill. There's no way to know how long these flares will last or what medications will finally work, and thats daunting. I think it's quite normal to feel like you aren't really living because we have this cloud over us all the time, but there is a light at the end and the sun will shine again.

Try to take a little you time each day, a hot bath, reading, watching your favourite film, anything to help you feel better. Personally I use craft, I sketch and have recently discovered art therapy books, I'm also teaching myself to crochet and have been doing cross stitch too. Anything that helps you escape for a little while and relax will be good.

Come here as much as you like, have a look at the support section and vent as much as you need. This will pass, but in the mean time we'll help keep your head above the water.
Hello Miss sunshine, I agree with everything valleysangel said.
Most of us know how you feel,and a lot of the time some of us manage to get through it all, somehow or other.We are all interested in other folks stories about the long road to diagnosis,and hopefully remission.Feel free to have a good moan whenever you feel the need,and I hope you feel better soon.I know it's daunting to have stuff to do,but sometimes it's good to make an effort.Only you know if you can though.
Hey there! No need to apologize for feeling this way! I often feel the same exact way that you do. I would suggest keeping in contact with your physician and stay as positive as possible. I am currently experiencing a flare as well and have been struggling these past couple months. Rest is extremely important in order for the body to heal itself. My disease keeps me up at night with insomnia and frequent trips to the bathroom, so I know the feeling of forcing yourself through the day while being desperate for sleep. Focus on what you put in your body and keeping a positive mind. I find that eating all natural/organic and staying as physically and mentally active as possible helps me through my tough days. It is not easy by any means, but there are people here that understand what you are going through. Try not to get discouraged! Keep your chin up and push through this! Good luck!! :)