Just need little help and advice

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 16, 2009
Hi friends,

I have had a hemi-colectomy 18mnths ago, but on and off have had a pain on left side of my abdo, my consultant doesnt think its anything to do with my bowel or he didnt back in Feb. I've lost weight (because I needed to) and go to the gym and eat very healthy to try to help my self to stay well. This pain is more frequent now and I find I have the diohrrea more often and when I go to the loo it really hurts on the left side, it settles down after a while until the next time, I'm trying to carry on as normal thinking now this is normal. Since I came out of Hospital in Feb my GP has had to put me on antibiotics on three occasions thinking I had infection in the bowel. At this moment in time, I feel really well apart from this going on. I see my consultant 6th July, and trying to wait till then thinking if anything is going to happen it will happen. I think though as I've lost weight its more pronounced, (sorry if this sounds odd)

Just wondering what it could be.
